I have heard of Golf Widows (been there and done that), I have heard of Fishing Widows (it's creeping in to my life as well), but I am the first to declare, I'm a Basement Widow.
You see, Darren has his basement, I have the other 2600 sq feet of the house. I didn't mean for it to happen (well, maybe I did), but when we bought our house two years ago, it needed a "boys room", you know the room where movie posters could go on the wall, sports memorabilia could be scattered around, the black leather lazy boys and gadgets could collect and the TV could be hung on the wall...it just didn't seem appropriate to have it upstairs and Darren wanted his "space"... So, we renovated and made a BOYS Room. Darren however always had his office upstairs - that was until Little Greta Claire threatened it... you see, my niece Haley has a room in our house, as does my mother, but the original master bedroom was Darren's office and "clothing room". Darren didn't want to give up his room, Haley didn't want to give up her room, but one of them had to bend. Darren was pretty head strong and fought a good fight, but after a New Hampshire trip that filled a truck with baby clothes and items, he recognized the fact that the baby needed the two closets that were in his office and the bigger room...So, Haley won, I lost out (as I had to give up half of my armoire and one full closet in the Master Bedroom) and Darren, well, I think he has it pretty good. Darren moved his office to the basement, but that is where I become a widow. I never see him. He walks through the door after work, and walks through the foyer, in to the kitchen and down the stairs...he stays there, sometimes for the night, other times until the bathroom calls and every once in a while, he'll pass by for a snack in the kitchen. Hence, the Basement Widow.
He has the ultimate room, Big Screen TV, Lazy boy couch and chairs, movie collection, wine collection and now his computer...no reason to come upstairs. SO, what would any good basement widow do - Set up a baby corner in the basement of course.
Darren has been given a Diaper Caddy fully stocked with wipes, diapers, creams, good smelling stuff, a friend has lent us a bassinet that will be in the "baby's corner" of his basement and Darren and Greta can be basement dwellers as I enjoy sleep upstairs. Sounds like the perfect option. And since I don't really get to see Darren and have to resort to conversations via Facebook and Email as he doesn't come up stairs and I'm too chubby and uncomfy to waddle downstairs, he'll be reading about this lovely contribution to his room when he reads my blog. Now, I wonder if I can get away with painting one wall pink down there????? A little pink and brown toile in amongst the Boston Bruin and Minnesota Vikings sports decor could spice things up down there. Stay tuned for pictures folks, my mind is on decorating overload!
I can only imagine Darren is searching all the lovely diamond stores on the Internet, trying to find the perfect present for me in recognition of Greta's arrival. So, he may not read this blog until tomorrow at work, so to his co-workers who are reading the blog - please let him know Babies like Basements too!!!
The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth. A Journey to Motherhood and Beyond.
Someday my prince will come, but Daddy will always be King!

Daddy's Girl
Welcome to my Blog.
Life greatly changed as Darren and I welcomed Greta Claire to the family. I started this blog 5 weeks pre-parenthood; I thought I would learn to Blog as a hobby and to occupy my time when I was awaiting baby and tried my best to continue through her first year of life to document some of the ups and downs, funny moments, scary moments, etc. While I greatly enjoy sharing our adventures, it has been hard to stay committed to regular posts, but I certainly will do my best as our little girl is now 6 years old and full of comic relief, bright ideas and the most amazing quotes! So, enjoy the adventures of Gail and Greta, I somehow seem to find the most interesting things each day, so this is the truth blog, how things really are, what I'm really thinking and feeling....it could be interesting!
Life greatly changed as Darren and I welcomed Greta Claire to the family. I started this blog 5 weeks pre-parenthood; I thought I would learn to Blog as a hobby and to occupy my time when I was awaiting baby and tried my best to continue through her first year of life to document some of the ups and downs, funny moments, scary moments, etc. While I greatly enjoy sharing our adventures, it has been hard to stay committed to regular posts, but I certainly will do my best as our little girl is now 6 years old and full of comic relief, bright ideas and the most amazing quotes! So, enjoy the adventures of Gail and Greta, I somehow seem to find the most interesting things each day, so this is the truth blog, how things really are, what I'm really thinking and feeling....it could be interesting!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
The Ultimate Tell All
I'm experiencing a lot of pressure - and not talking about this baby freeing itself from my growing stomach kind of pressure. I feel the pressure to make this blog interesting and funny. I was chatting with a dear friend and former co-worker Jenna via Facebook Chat, she is currently living with her boyfriend in Alberta after his recent graduation from RCMP Training and planning her trip home and she said the ultimate - "My blog makes her day"...so I feel the pressure! I had a few thoughts about today's blog (as my mind continues to be on overdrive), but came across the Prego Persons Survey...So, all you needed to know, didn't need to know, it's all here:
How did you find out you were pregnant?
The ER Doctor confirmed it - I was one of the lucky Islanders to get struck with H1N1, after 4 trips to the QEH over a 2 week period, developing pneumonia, taking every drug known to humans, a positive pregnancy test result was confirmed... in amongst all the other ailments.
What kind of Pregnancy test did you take? ER made me pee in a cup (ha, you asked), then I didn't believe them, and told the Dr and Nurse they didn't know what they were talking about and screwed up, so they did a blood test, still didn't believe it, so they did an ultrasound - Bastard was right!
What were your 1st symptoms? I was sick, drugged and on my death bed, didn't have any prego symptoms.
Who did you tell first? Told Darren he better come to the hospital, but had told him that morning it may be possible.
Who was with you when you found out you were for sure pregnant? I was alone at first with a nurse who use to be a student of mine when I worked at Colonel Gray, then Darren was asked to come to the hospital. I had visions of the men in white jackets coming to tie my arms down or put me in a straight jacket.
My 1st reaction: Not good. Crying, shaking, swearing, calling Dr's very inappropriate names, and questioning their medical knowledge....aka freaking out. And not in a “I’m excited to be pregnant” kind of way either more of a how in the hell could this happen to me, I don't want to get fat, I hate kids and just want a new puppy kind of way!
Was your baby planned? Hell no, go back and read the above response. Biggest surprise of my (our) life.
When was the baby conceived? Not sure, it was immaculate conception.....Not on our honeymoon for those thinking that - somewhere in amongst the death is upon me H1N1 experience and the drug induced mind and body.
How far were you when you found out? 5 weeks, but the first incompetent Dr said the blood work was indicating 8 weeks or twins.....let me tell you, that was language I can't repeat!
How did your parents react? Shocked - My mother I think was silent, in the "who in the hell is calling me type of silence", we had to call her from the hospital as they thought it may be an ectopic pregnancy and they were prepping me for possible surgery...My Father found out quite a few weeks later, and he thought the daughter who was pregnant was my sister (for the record - and no offence to Sharon - she hasn't dated anyone in 10 years!!!), so that sums up the shock that it could be me!
My baby
Due Date: With so many U/S, the dates have been anywhere from June 27th to July 1st, 2010, although the baby will be here on June 24th via C-Section
Do you know the sex? A little girl
Any names? Greta Claire - Claire was always going to be the middle name - and deep down, Greta was always the first, but others on the Maybe list were: Megan, Naomi and Simone
Any Ultrasounds? Tons, 1st one at the ER, then one at 7 weeks, one at 10 weeks, one at 13 weeks (IWK), one at 21 weeks, one at 28 weeks (back in the ER) and two 3D ultrasounds... TOTAL 8... I'm OLD, Unhealthy, tons of health issues and was psycho - add those factors up and 8 U/S seems like nothing..ha!
Have you heard the heart beat? Every appt, although it sounds like water gushing to me, the Dr could just be saying it's a heart beat for all I would know.
Who do you think it will look like? I don't know - I'm afraid, really really afraid. I'm keeping my fingers crossed she will look human and not be so hairy that she resembles an animal over a "real" baby. Not too many newborns are cute in my opinion...so I'm expecting a petite baby, damn well better be a girl like the U/S has indicated - but I'm afraid she will have a mop of black hair that could resemble a toupee, and will look Lebanese! Not that Lebanese is a bad thing - but we are not Lebanese...I do know one thing, the chances of her being green eyed, fair skinned and blonde like I was is slim to none! Bet you are all afraid like I am now!
Will the baby have siblings? Not of the human variety that is for certain!!!! She’ll have a big sister (named Miss Scarlet O'hara) and two feline brothers, Paris and Casanova.
Have you felt the baby move? If it's not the baby moving, my crohns is acting up way too much...I didn't feel her move for a really love time, almost 28 weeks, but now I do feel and see her kicking and punching a bit more. I don't necessarily enjoy it, but when I'm going mental and think I have eaten too much sugar and put her in to a coma, I appreciate a jab in the side. THEN IT CAN STOP.
Did you have morning sickness? Not once - thank goodness. I don't know how others do it, I hate being sick....
Did you have any cravings? I’ve basically lived on a dreadful (no residue) crohns diet - so I would love to eat a lot of things, but that is just because...I never had a craving, but since I'm not allowed to eat fruits, veggies, seeds, nuts, wheat or dairy...anything with flavour is appreciated. I do drink a lot of Grape Juice and love Motts Freezies...
Did you have any mood swings? I don't think so....I have been mental, but I don't think it was a mood swing....just, sheer mental, I want to go to Unit 9 type of mood.
Are you a high risk pregnancy? That would be a Yes...Crohns, Liver, Nutrition and Age allowed me to have that great title!
Any complications? Well, all under control, I have been watched very closely by a great team of Dr's.
Formula or Breastfeeding? Formula it is...I want to sleep, I have been an incubator for 9 months, Darren can be the night time feeder, and on a medical note - I can't wait for my damn drugs to control my crohns and allow me to eat again...so formula was really the only option.
Have you bought anything for the baby yet? Obvious the writer of this survey didn't have ME in mind...everything is bought...we have bought enough to open a Baby Warehouse....
When did you start to show? I was lucky, not until 6 months or so... I could tell a bit earlier, but a stranger would never have known.
How long could you wear your regular clothes? At 36 weeks, still have a few pants that I wear from my own "old" wardrobe, and most of my tops are all regular sizes...Again, I was lucky!
Will you keep the baby’s clothes? I'm sure I'll keep a few of the "favorite items"...but I will be having one heck of a baby clothing blow out sale....
Home or Hospital? Good lord, I'm not married to a surgeon, Hospital it is, although my faith in the hospital is one that depending on the Dr, home could be safer!
Natural or Medicated birth? Well, who is the hell does natural - crazy people! Sadly, I'm allergic to the drugs - so a C-Section with a spinal block has won as I can't have an epidural or be knocked out during an emergency section...and natural child birth was just not on the wish list...
Who will be in the delivery room with you? If Darren doesn't piss me off in the next 25 days, he will be permitted - however, I am not holding my breath that he will make it through the section, he can't even flip the channel and see a medical show with blood, so I'm not holding out much hope of him maintaining consciousness.
Do you think you will need a C-section? Already booked and confirmed, 9:30am June 24th I'll be on the table.
Will you cry when you hold the baby for the 1st time? I'm not mother material - I will be very, very, very surprised if I cry....I'm not overly sentimental and still can't believe we have a baby coming to live with us....so I'm not expecting tears...go ahead, call me cold hearted, mean...I promise, if I do, I'll let you all know!
What’s the 1st thing you might say to the baby? Holy Shit, you need a hair cut!
Will you let anyone video tape the birth? Oh my lord NO....I barely have allowed a camera in the room for 9 months, are you kidding me, a video....
Are you excited? Not quite there yet...I'm still in denial, superstitious, shocked....excited just isn't part of the vocabulary I use to describe my feelings. Although I'm excited to have my body back in 25 days...but that just makes me sound shallow and mean...but this is the reality blog folks, take it or leave it! I'm starting to wonder why there isn't a question that says, "Are you freaked out of your mind, scared to death, etc, etc"...Stupid Survey!
Who will help you with the baby after the birth? It may be Darren and I...hopefully Mom can visit for a bit, but as Darren said today, we'll wing it...can you believe hospitals let new parents take babies home who say - We'll wing it....Good lord...what in the hell is wrong with society. Darren doesn't do puke, I don't do diapers, neither of us are "baby people"...we are screwed! Thank God the Dog will watch her!
What is your favorite thing about being pregnant? Oh, I don't have an answer - oh, I came up with something - I don't have to change the cat litter!!!! Darren has done an amazing job...I'm pretty sure on that same website I read this great tip - it said it's dangerous to change cat litter for a full year after giving birth!!!
What is the worst thing about being pregnant? Well, getting fat, bladder control, overpriced ugly maternity clothes, people asking you 100 times a day how you are feeling (I'm feeling FAT, that is how I'm feeling, if I was feeling sick, I wouldn't be out in public). I’ll stop there.
What’s one thing you miss doing since being pregnant? Shopping for ME and having an Alabama Slammer - a shot of Jack Daniels would make things much better!
Any days you wish you were not pregnant? Thinking of that Alabama Slammer right now - that would be a YES!
Are you ready for a baby? Hell no! Items, clothes, room, accessories, things we have bought and never will use - YES. However Mentally prepared - not even close, I could use another 9 months.
Do you have insurance? Have it all.... Life Insurance all set - Darren will be in somewhat good shape if something happens to me, although I decided he can't get it all - why should I let him have a fun life with my money and have someone else move in to my house, with my dog and my kid, so he'll have enough to pay off my American Express, Visa and Mastercard and maybe keep Greta in clothes that she will be accustomed to...so he gets one insurance policy and the other is going to my mother...ha! And Health / hospital insurance all sent in to the QEH....
How many kids do you want? Greta will be a one and only!!! Her sibling chances are being removed when she enters the world on surgery day!
Do you talk to the baby? Not really, I suppose that is something good mothers-to-be would do! I poke at her a few times a day though, is that a caring sign? When she moves under my ribs, I punch back, and when I'm going mental and think she has slipped in to a coma, I shake her about....granted, Scarlet is either across my stomach or around my neck, so maybe she thinks I'm talking to her when I'm talking to the Dog...
Do you still feel attractive? I think I look pretty good for 36 weeks, still do my make up and hair everyday, try to dress nice...I have avoided the sweat pant and non make up look thus far.
Have you had your baby shower yet? After much hesitation, had one last weekend. And a surprise shower from my co-workers on my last day of work! Both were very lovely and appreciated.
Do you like kids? NOPE - can you all understand the issue at hand! There are very, very few kids I like...I'm not the girl in the crowd who sees the baby enter the room and runs to it saying, can I hold the baby. I don't like brats, or kids who are not disciplined, well, lets be honest, it's usually the parents who drive me crazy, but it shows up in the kids....We are in trouble....People keep saying you will like your own, even my Dr said that...so I'm holding out some hope.
How far along are you now? Week 36....25 days to go until the section!
DISCLAIMER *** Hope I didn't offend anyone, just my thoughts this evening, and no worries - Greta will be fine, I'm believing my mother and Doctor who say, you will like your own baby! Even if the Doctor told me it could take a few weeks!
How did you find out you were pregnant?
The ER Doctor confirmed it - I was one of the lucky Islanders to get struck with H1N1, after 4 trips to the QEH over a 2 week period, developing pneumonia, taking every drug known to humans, a positive pregnancy test result was confirmed... in amongst all the other ailments.
What kind of Pregnancy test did you take? ER made me pee in a cup (ha, you asked), then I didn't believe them, and told the Dr and Nurse they didn't know what they were talking about and screwed up, so they did a blood test, still didn't believe it, so they did an ultrasound - Bastard was right!
What were your 1st symptoms? I was sick, drugged and on my death bed, didn't have any prego symptoms.
Who did you tell first? Told Darren he better come to the hospital, but had told him that morning it may be possible.
Who was with you when you found out you were for sure pregnant? I was alone at first with a nurse who use to be a student of mine when I worked at Colonel Gray, then Darren was asked to come to the hospital. I had visions of the men in white jackets coming to tie my arms down or put me in a straight jacket.
My 1st reaction: Not good. Crying, shaking, swearing, calling Dr's very inappropriate names, and questioning their medical knowledge....aka freaking out. And not in a “I’m excited to be pregnant” kind of way either more of a how in the hell could this happen to me, I don't want to get fat, I hate kids and just want a new puppy kind of way!
Was your baby planned? Hell no, go back and read the above response. Biggest surprise of my (our) life.
When was the baby conceived? Not sure, it was immaculate conception.....Not on our honeymoon for those thinking that - somewhere in amongst the death is upon me H1N1 experience and the drug induced mind and body.
How far were you when you found out? 5 weeks, but the first incompetent Dr said the blood work was indicating 8 weeks or twins.....let me tell you, that was language I can't repeat!
How did your parents react? Shocked - My mother I think was silent, in the "who in the hell is calling me type of silence", we had to call her from the hospital as they thought it may be an ectopic pregnancy and they were prepping me for possible surgery...My Father found out quite a few weeks later, and he thought the daughter who was pregnant was my sister (for the record - and no offence to Sharon - she hasn't dated anyone in 10 years!!!), so that sums up the shock that it could be me!
My baby
Due Date: With so many U/S, the dates have been anywhere from June 27th to July 1st, 2010, although the baby will be here on June 24th via C-Section
Do you know the sex? A little girl
Any names? Greta Claire - Claire was always going to be the middle name - and deep down, Greta was always the first, but others on the Maybe list were: Megan, Naomi and Simone
Any Ultrasounds? Tons, 1st one at the ER, then one at 7 weeks, one at 10 weeks, one at 13 weeks (IWK), one at 21 weeks, one at 28 weeks (back in the ER) and two 3D ultrasounds... TOTAL 8... I'm OLD, Unhealthy, tons of health issues and was psycho - add those factors up and 8 U/S seems like nothing..ha!
Have you heard the heart beat? Every appt, although it sounds like water gushing to me, the Dr could just be saying it's a heart beat for all I would know.
Who do you think it will look like? I don't know - I'm afraid, really really afraid. I'm keeping my fingers crossed she will look human and not be so hairy that she resembles an animal over a "real" baby. Not too many newborns are cute in my opinion...so I'm expecting a petite baby, damn well better be a girl like the U/S has indicated - but I'm afraid she will have a mop of black hair that could resemble a toupee, and will look Lebanese! Not that Lebanese is a bad thing - but we are not Lebanese...I do know one thing, the chances of her being green eyed, fair skinned and blonde like I was is slim to none! Bet you are all afraid like I am now!
Will the baby have siblings? Not of the human variety that is for certain!!!! She’ll have a big sister (named Miss Scarlet O'hara) and two feline brothers, Paris and Casanova.
Have you felt the baby move? If it's not the baby moving, my crohns is acting up way too much...I didn't feel her move for a really love time, almost 28 weeks, but now I do feel and see her kicking and punching a bit more. I don't necessarily enjoy it, but when I'm going mental and think I have eaten too much sugar and put her in to a coma, I appreciate a jab in the side. THEN IT CAN STOP.
Did you have morning sickness? Not once - thank goodness. I don't know how others do it, I hate being sick....
Did you have any cravings? I’ve basically lived on a dreadful (no residue) crohns diet - so I would love to eat a lot of things, but that is just because...I never had a craving, but since I'm not allowed to eat fruits, veggies, seeds, nuts, wheat or dairy...anything with flavour is appreciated. I do drink a lot of Grape Juice and love Motts Freezies...
Did you have any mood swings? I don't think so....I have been mental, but I don't think it was a mood swing....just, sheer mental, I want to go to Unit 9 type of mood.
Are you a high risk pregnancy? That would be a Yes...Crohns, Liver, Nutrition and Age allowed me to have that great title!
Any complications? Well, all under control, I have been watched very closely by a great team of Dr's.
Formula or Breastfeeding? Formula it is...I want to sleep, I have been an incubator for 9 months, Darren can be the night time feeder, and on a medical note - I can't wait for my damn drugs to control my crohns and allow me to eat again...so formula was really the only option.
Have you bought anything for the baby yet? Obvious the writer of this survey didn't have ME in mind...everything is bought...we have bought enough to open a Baby Warehouse....
When did you start to show? I was lucky, not until 6 months or so... I could tell a bit earlier, but a stranger would never have known.
How long could you wear your regular clothes? At 36 weeks, still have a few pants that I wear from my own "old" wardrobe, and most of my tops are all regular sizes...Again, I was lucky!
Will you keep the baby’s clothes? I'm sure I'll keep a few of the "favorite items"...but I will be having one heck of a baby clothing blow out sale....
Home or Hospital? Good lord, I'm not married to a surgeon, Hospital it is, although my faith in the hospital is one that depending on the Dr, home could be safer!
Natural or Medicated birth? Well, who is the hell does natural - crazy people! Sadly, I'm allergic to the drugs - so a C-Section with a spinal block has won as I can't have an epidural or be knocked out during an emergency section...and natural child birth was just not on the wish list...
Who will be in the delivery room with you? If Darren doesn't piss me off in the next 25 days, he will be permitted - however, I am not holding my breath that he will make it through the section, he can't even flip the channel and see a medical show with blood, so I'm not holding out much hope of him maintaining consciousness.
Do you think you will need a C-section? Already booked and confirmed, 9:30am June 24th I'll be on the table.
Will you cry when you hold the baby for the 1st time? I'm not mother material - I will be very, very, very surprised if I cry....I'm not overly sentimental and still can't believe we have a baby coming to live with us....so I'm not expecting tears...go ahead, call me cold hearted, mean...I promise, if I do, I'll let you all know!
What’s the 1st thing you might say to the baby? Holy Shit, you need a hair cut!
Will you let anyone video tape the birth? Oh my lord NO....I barely have allowed a camera in the room for 9 months, are you kidding me, a video....
Are you excited? Not quite there yet...I'm still in denial, superstitious, shocked....excited just isn't part of the vocabulary I use to describe my feelings. Although I'm excited to have my body back in 25 days...but that just makes me sound shallow and mean...but this is the reality blog folks, take it or leave it! I'm starting to wonder why there isn't a question that says, "Are you freaked out of your mind, scared to death, etc, etc"...Stupid Survey!
Who will help you with the baby after the birth? It may be Darren and I...hopefully Mom can visit for a bit, but as Darren said today, we'll wing it...can you believe hospitals let new parents take babies home who say - We'll wing it....Good lord...what in the hell is wrong with society. Darren doesn't do puke, I don't do diapers, neither of us are "baby people"...we are screwed! Thank God the Dog will watch her!
What is your favorite thing about being pregnant? Oh, I don't have an answer - oh, I came up with something - I don't have to change the cat litter!!!! Darren has done an amazing job...I'm pretty sure on that same website I read this great tip - it said it's dangerous to change cat litter for a full year after giving birth!!!
What is the worst thing about being pregnant? Well, getting fat, bladder control, overpriced ugly maternity clothes, people asking you 100 times a day how you are feeling (I'm feeling FAT, that is how I'm feeling, if I was feeling sick, I wouldn't be out in public). I’ll stop there.
What’s one thing you miss doing since being pregnant? Shopping for ME and having an Alabama Slammer - a shot of Jack Daniels would make things much better!
Any days you wish you were not pregnant? Thinking of that Alabama Slammer right now - that would be a YES!
Are you ready for a baby? Hell no! Items, clothes, room, accessories, things we have bought and never will use - YES. However Mentally prepared - not even close, I could use another 9 months.
Do you have insurance? Have it all.... Life Insurance all set - Darren will be in somewhat good shape if something happens to me, although I decided he can't get it all - why should I let him have a fun life with my money and have someone else move in to my house, with my dog and my kid, so he'll have enough to pay off my American Express, Visa and Mastercard and maybe keep Greta in clothes that she will be accustomed to...so he gets one insurance policy and the other is going to my mother...ha! And Health / hospital insurance all sent in to the QEH....
How many kids do you want? Greta will be a one and only!!! Her sibling chances are being removed when she enters the world on surgery day!
Do you talk to the baby? Not really, I suppose that is something good mothers-to-be would do! I poke at her a few times a day though, is that a caring sign? When she moves under my ribs, I punch back, and when I'm going mental and think she has slipped in to a coma, I shake her about....granted, Scarlet is either across my stomach or around my neck, so maybe she thinks I'm talking to her when I'm talking to the Dog...
Do you still feel attractive? I think I look pretty good for 36 weeks, still do my make up and hair everyday, try to dress nice...I have avoided the sweat pant and non make up look thus far.
Have you had your baby shower yet? After much hesitation, had one last weekend. And a surprise shower from my co-workers on my last day of work! Both were very lovely and appreciated.
Do you like kids? NOPE - can you all understand the issue at hand! There are very, very few kids I like...I'm not the girl in the crowd who sees the baby enter the room and runs to it saying, can I hold the baby. I don't like brats, or kids who are not disciplined, well, lets be honest, it's usually the parents who drive me crazy, but it shows up in the kids....We are in trouble....People keep saying you will like your own, even my Dr said that...so I'm holding out some hope.
How far along are you now? Week 36....25 days to go until the section!
DISCLAIMER *** Hope I didn't offend anyone, just my thoughts this evening, and no worries - Greta will be fine, I'm believing my mother and Doctor who say, you will like your own baby! Even if the Doctor told me it could take a few weeks!
Saturday, May 29, 2010
The LAST....

I'm thinking about the end - not death (although I hate to admit, I'm quite morbid at times and think the worse), but thinking about the END of a lot of things:
1) This is the last weekend of May, never again will we have a MAY that we don't have another person to care for
2) Today marked the end of adult laundry as I just put out the first baby clothes on the line
3) Our life of just pick up and go is coming to an END, don't get me wrong, I still plan on picking up and going - it will just cost me dearly in sitters!
4) Our last few weeks of trivia are upon us - again, without having to pay for a sitter
5) The end of my sanity perhaps....
6) And since Darren reads the blog but I rarely see him in person since he moved his computer to the basement - the end is drawing near for HIS fishing and golfing outings (I figure I acted as an incubator for 9 months - he can act as care taker!)
Yes, there are beginnings coming, but the END is so much more at the top of my mind. As I looked at Greta's closet today, picking out some of the 0-3 outfits, then sitting down and taking all the tags off them in preparation for them to be washed, I thought, HOLY CRAP, life is so different than what I would have imagined a year ago.
One year ago (this weekend exactly), Darren and I were secretly putting final touches on our elopement plans (well, lets be realistic, I was making the plans and dealing with the State of New Hampshire and the Inn Keeper who would marry us, and I was trying to get Darren's opinion). We had actually started the planning or discussion a few times before, but we finally decided, IF we were to get married, there was only one way we would do it, and that would be OUR WAY, and New Hampshire was the perfect place: away from opinions, other people's expectations, and although we love PEI, it was the perfect spot for us to tie the knot. At no time did Darren and I ever think we would be parents, it wasn't on the wish list, desire list, or even the worse case scenario list, we were going to have fur children, have the life of being somewhat selfish (okay, very selfish), travel, spend money on our home and ourselves...it just wasn't in the cards. New Hampshire trips meant I shopped for ME, ME, ME...and when I went to kids stores, it was for presents. I now find myself pulling Carters Tags off baby clothes for a little baby who is moving in with us. Who would have thought!
So as I reflect on a year, and think about this day, one year ago when I put the deposit down on our New Hampshire Wedding, in a billion, trillion years, I NEVER would have thought I'd be typing on my lap top, trying to see the keys over my growing (alien moving) stomach about hanging baby clothes on my clothes line. I wonder what the next year will bring - I can say, it will NEVER bring a sibling for little Greta - get that out of your minds now...that possibility will be taken care of on surgery day!
And just a side note, Happy 2 year anniversary to our house! When we purchased a 5 bedroom house, and people kept saying, lots of room for kids, I said - it was a kid free zone, I'm going to learn to shut my damn mouth!
Thursday, May 27, 2010

I have heard the term Pregnancy Brain for years, an old co-worker actually use to say it a lot (secretly, it drove me nuts)...and I have to admit, I actually don't believe in it at all....the way I see it, my memory has gone down hill year after year, it's called getting old. I just don't believe a little alien growing inside me has the power or ability to suck brain power out of me, age deterioration on the other hand, makes sense.
My poor memory was noticed many years ago when I started to experience neurological problems (not psychological - that will be another post)...I'm talking limbs and body parts going numb and affecting my brain and ability to walk. It was a very scary time and as many know I was tested for everything from brain and spinal tumours to MS and various other neurological issues...but this isn't a downer blog, all this to say - my memory was one of the key signs of something being affected, so I KNOW it's not this baby brain crap people talk about...
But whatever is causing the dreadful memory, I found myself at the hospital today - a day early for an appt. I reluctantly set my alarm last night because I had a nutritionist appt TODAY! Yesterday I stuffed tons of food in to me, ate lots of freezies, candy, even broke out the Boost shakes, so A) I could tell my nutritionist I did everything she told me (minus the disgusting protein powder) and B) Thought it would be a good effort to put on a pound so she wouldn't threaten the nutritional supplements via IV... I did draw the line at putting rocks in my pockets. I got up, had a hot shower, make up done, put on my "getting weighed" outfit (essentially the lightest clothes I have - never wear jeans on weigh in day!) and off I go. I arrive late as usual and check in with admitting, and the lady at the desk says, we don't have you listed for an appt today. I said you must, it's in my phone calendar! So, she admits, very possible the schedule in the computer is wrong and she would call down to nutrition services and verify - well, it was 5 minutes of being put on hold, and the poor lady in admitting trying to explain to the receptionist in nutrition that she was just confirming if I had an appt today or tomorrow, it was painful and really was one of the scenario's that felt like 20 minutes not 5. At one point the lady helping me actually started to raise her voice, I kept trying to interrupt and say, no worries, it must be my mistake! Well, low and behold, it was finally discovered, I was wrong - I know, shocking, it doesn't happen often....But here I am, in my light clothes, looking pretty darn good for 35 weeks, sitting in admitting and no damn appt. First thing that crosses my mind, holy Frig (well, I'll keep this clean, I had another F word in mind), I have to get up early again tomorrow and wash my light clothes tonight! So, I had to repeat the efforts, another boost shake, ate two meals today, and a snack of Salt and Vinegar chips...And off I'll go in the AM to the nutritionist.
Other news today, supper with the gals, received an absolutely adorable homemade gift from Vanessa, picture is attached...a truly darling knitted dress, shoes and even a matching soother holder, and then I had to do it....my #1 baby Scarlet REALLY needed a Rubber Ducky....so, I hit the mall and found one for her, she was so excited, she really is an appreciative child...and of course, had to snap a picture of that too.
All in all, a pretty good day, can't believe another week is finished, the time is flying by so quickly. 28 days to go, I was admiring my still tiny ankles and bony feet this evening, I'm not religious at all, but I prayed to the puffiness angels tonight in an attempt to keep the cankles away, I hope they heard me! Night all...
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
One of us was not like the other.....
Have you ever listened in to someone in a store asking questions - and wonder, "is that what I was suppose to ask?"
As my discomfort level increases, and the thought of striking out to Moncton on a solo journey 29 days before I will head to the hospital to have a baby isn't too appealing, I decided to do a little Charlottetown shopping for the remaining items on the "To BUY List", or at least make an effort to find the items I had wanted from NB. Today was the search for Bottles. The helpful staff at Snugglebugs told me a while back that they would recommend Dr. Brown's Bottles, of course, they are the most expensive (surprise, surprise), but since I know absolutely nothing and the bottle issue has been overly confusing to me, I trusted their judgement. So, today, I go to buy them!
The lady who is always working asked if I needed help and I told her I would look around first, but I was in to buy bottles and accessories. When the time came to actually go look at the shelf of bottles, another lady was asking questions about the bottles, I caught from the conversation that she had a 4 week old baby at home that she was formula feeding and she was asking a lot of questions and hoping to get new bottles as the baby spit up a lot - the type of questions she was asking I have to admit never in a million years would have crossed my mind, things about flow of the milk, sterilizing, colic, gas...Good lord, I wanted a damn bottle to put formula in, I was thinking a funnel would have been sufficient as it would teach the baby to chug her drinks early and prepare her for university...so I kind of stood back and listened to this lady's questions, took in the answers, and felt inadequate as ever as I was really just going to ask, "Which bottles do you recommend or would you use, and do you sell them in the color pink"...I didn't have any other questions prepared, but this lady, lord, she had the top 20 questions of Baby Bottles!
So, it's finally my turn, and my conversation to the clerk was - Can you pick out bottles for me....is the microwave sterilizer a good purchase (I'm looking for easy) - and well, there is no and, that was it for questions... My favorite part of the conversation was about the sterilizer, the clerk said, will you be someone who will want to sterilize everything like crazy and be overly cautious - I said, "after hearing that lady - that would be a NO"...she laughed, said, good that you are honest, and said, I wouldn't worry about the sterilizer! Oh dear, I'm a bad mother to be already. I can tell you, I won't be that mother running soothers under hot water every time they drop...cat and dog hair must be good for growing babies, don't get me wrong, I'll TRY to take the clumps of hair off the bottles and soothers...but some people are just a little insane!!!
I'll stick more to ensuring the baby is well dressed and clean - my pet peeve (one of many) is kids who stink like baby puke, just gross, Greta has enough clothes that spit up means a new outfit!!! So, she may meow or bark, but she'll be well dressed!!!!
And that folks was today's journey of Gail and Greta! $82 in bottles and accessories, a prepared mother with lots of questions, and then MOI, who knows absolutely nothing!
As my discomfort level increases, and the thought of striking out to Moncton on a solo journey 29 days before I will head to the hospital to have a baby isn't too appealing, I decided to do a little Charlottetown shopping for the remaining items on the "To BUY List", or at least make an effort to find the items I had wanted from NB. Today was the search for Bottles. The helpful staff at Snugglebugs told me a while back that they would recommend Dr. Brown's Bottles, of course, they are the most expensive (surprise, surprise), but since I know absolutely nothing and the bottle issue has been overly confusing to me, I trusted their judgement. So, today, I go to buy them!
The lady who is always working asked if I needed help and I told her I would look around first, but I was in to buy bottles and accessories. When the time came to actually go look at the shelf of bottles, another lady was asking questions about the bottles, I caught from the conversation that she had a 4 week old baby at home that she was formula feeding and she was asking a lot of questions and hoping to get new bottles as the baby spit up a lot - the type of questions she was asking I have to admit never in a million years would have crossed my mind, things about flow of the milk, sterilizing, colic, gas...Good lord, I wanted a damn bottle to put formula in, I was thinking a funnel would have been sufficient as it would teach the baby to chug her drinks early and prepare her for university...so I kind of stood back and listened to this lady's questions, took in the answers, and felt inadequate as ever as I was really just going to ask, "Which bottles do you recommend or would you use, and do you sell them in the color pink"...I didn't have any other questions prepared, but this lady, lord, she had the top 20 questions of Baby Bottles!
So, it's finally my turn, and my conversation to the clerk was - Can you pick out bottles for me....is the microwave sterilizer a good purchase (I'm looking for easy) - and well, there is no and, that was it for questions... My favorite part of the conversation was about the sterilizer, the clerk said, will you be someone who will want to sterilize everything like crazy and be overly cautious - I said, "after hearing that lady - that would be a NO"...she laughed, said, good that you are honest, and said, I wouldn't worry about the sterilizer! Oh dear, I'm a bad mother to be already. I can tell you, I won't be that mother running soothers under hot water every time they drop...cat and dog hair must be good for growing babies, don't get me wrong, I'll TRY to take the clumps of hair off the bottles and soothers...but some people are just a little insane!!!
I'll stick more to ensuring the baby is well dressed and clean - my pet peeve (one of many) is kids who stink like baby puke, just gross, Greta has enough clothes that spit up means a new outfit!!! So, she may meow or bark, but she'll be well dressed!!!!
And that folks was today's journey of Gail and Greta! $82 in bottles and accessories, a prepared mother with lots of questions, and then MOI, who knows absolutely nothing!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Puppy Rivalry
Wikipedia says: Sibling rivalry is a type of competition or animosity among brothers and sisters, blood-related or not. I then learned that depending on the species, it is very common, Eagle siblings often fight it out, the 1st born pecks the 2nd born to death, YIKES, as do hyena's (YIKES)....but what about a sweet, darling 10 lb Shih Tzu lovingly named Scarlet O'Hara. Scarlet loves babies, loves to play, give kisses, lie along side of them...she is gentle, caring, protective - BUT, I'm afraid I'm seeing a jealous streak.
My darling girl who is spoiled beyond imagination is not use to "items" coming to the house that are not for her. Toys do not come through the door that do not belong to her, little clothes - also usually for her, lord, the dog even has shoes! So, with each new blanket, toy, ball and most recently a Rubber Ducky, Scarlet thinks she is hitting the jackpot and increasing her stash of toys...
I'm starting to realize the credit card limit may need to be increased, so I can buy my kids the same items so there is no jealousy issues - one outfit for Scarlet - one for Greta/ one toy for Scarlet - one for Greta!
Enjoy the video, buying a rubber ducky for Scarlet is on the To Do List for tomorrow!
My darling girl who is spoiled beyond imagination is not use to "items" coming to the house that are not for her. Toys do not come through the door that do not belong to her, little clothes - also usually for her, lord, the dog even has shoes! So, with each new blanket, toy, ball and most recently a Rubber Ducky, Scarlet thinks she is hitting the jackpot and increasing her stash of toys...
I'm starting to realize the credit card limit may need to be increased, so I can buy my kids the same items so there is no jealousy issues - one outfit for Scarlet - one for Greta/ one toy for Scarlet - one for Greta!
Enjoy the video, buying a rubber ducky for Scarlet is on the To Do List for tomorrow!
Time off means I think too much, worry too much, come up with strange scenario's in my head...and online shop (but this note isn't about shopping for once!!! - Well, I mean it's not about me buying something TODAY)
I'm starting to wonder about life post baby - which no worries folks, I'm no fool, I'm anticipating changes beyond recognition. One good thing, Darren and I don't have that much of a life, since year 2000 my friends have been having kids, with each kid born, our social life deteriorated, we just didn't have anyone left to play with. So, we would make new friends, they too would then have kids, and the cycle continued. Now we find ourselves with friends who have children old enough to babysit and they are ready to have a life again as ours is changing...granted, I have vowed to hire babysitters, I have no problems with teenagers watching babies and paying for a night out....so I won't be house bound if it kills me. June to Sept is booked with activities - so Greta cannot make an early appearance until after June 19th as I have opening night tickets to the theatre production of Buddy Holly, and then August (when I'm back to my old size - don't laugh it will happen, I'm not against anorexia) I'll be heading to my beloved New Hampshire baby free (there is a huge sign at the NH border that says, NO KIDS ALLOWED!!) and then back to the theatre for Hairspray in early Sept. Better get Darren to start that babysitter fund!
But I'm wondering beyond this, surely it will be inevitable that Greta will like to shop - but I have a secret to tell - I despise children out shopping (this is one occasion that babysitters will come in handy). Unless this child is golden and mute, the thought of taking a little one to Costco on a Moncton shopping trip is equivalent to hell in my mind. I have watched for years and years people lugging bags of items for their baby's, and I hear them, crying, screaming - what child wants to shop, it's punishment for them. I have often thought it was the daily dose of birth control - listening to a screaming child in the grocery store or the mall. And believe me, I would be that mother who would not leave the shopping cart full of items to take her screaming kid to the car - no, I would be the one to go through the checkout and purchase my items that I so carefully picked out, and leave the kid screaming in the aisle, hoping people didn't realize she was mine! Okay, that may be severe (only because they could take me to jail)...but since Darren really doesn't like to shop, I have a funny feeling we won't run in to this issue often. He and Greta can watch sports!
So, that is what is on my mind this lovely rainy day! Gosh, it became a shopping blog again - I have problems - better go work them out on Ebay!
I'm starting to wonder about life post baby - which no worries folks, I'm no fool, I'm anticipating changes beyond recognition. One good thing, Darren and I don't have that much of a life, since year 2000 my friends have been having kids, with each kid born, our social life deteriorated, we just didn't have anyone left to play with. So, we would make new friends, they too would then have kids, and the cycle continued. Now we find ourselves with friends who have children old enough to babysit and they are ready to have a life again as ours is changing...granted, I have vowed to hire babysitters, I have no problems with teenagers watching babies and paying for a night out....so I won't be house bound if it kills me. June to Sept is booked with activities - so Greta cannot make an early appearance until after June 19th as I have opening night tickets to the theatre production of Buddy Holly, and then August (when I'm back to my old size - don't laugh it will happen, I'm not against anorexia) I'll be heading to my beloved New Hampshire baby free (there is a huge sign at the NH border that says, NO KIDS ALLOWED!!) and then back to the theatre for Hairspray in early Sept. Better get Darren to start that babysitter fund!
But I'm wondering beyond this, surely it will be inevitable that Greta will like to shop - but I have a secret to tell - I despise children out shopping (this is one occasion that babysitters will come in handy). Unless this child is golden and mute, the thought of taking a little one to Costco on a Moncton shopping trip is equivalent to hell in my mind. I have watched for years and years people lugging bags of items for their baby's, and I hear them, crying, screaming - what child wants to shop, it's punishment for them. I have often thought it was the daily dose of birth control - listening to a screaming child in the grocery store or the mall. And believe me, I would be that mother who would not leave the shopping cart full of items to take her screaming kid to the car - no, I would be the one to go through the checkout and purchase my items that I so carefully picked out, and leave the kid screaming in the aisle, hoping people didn't realize she was mine! Okay, that may be severe (only because they could take me to jail)...but since Darren really doesn't like to shop, I have a funny feeling we won't run in to this issue often. He and Greta can watch sports!
So, that is what is on my mind this lovely rainy day! Gosh, it became a shopping blog again - I have problems - better go work them out on Ebay!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Lazy and Uncomfy - A perfect combo

Can't deny, I've been annoyed with the 100s of people saying, I bet you are getting to the uncomfortable stage, or, just wait, it continues to get worse, I listened, smiled (sometimes) and said, not too bad...well, it has hit. Here are a few things I feel I can no longer do with great ease:
1. Picking up the dog toys - big issue in our house as Scarlet likes to empty her toy box every few hours - so I have a goal in the next 30 days to train Scarlet to pick up her toys and deposit them in her basket when she is finished using them, as I'm just not able to pick them up.
2. Getting off the couch - and I'm not that bad that I'm talking about sitting on the couch, I'm talking about lying on the couch and trying to roll my growing body off...it's not a pretty sight, feet are in the air, I'm grabbing the back of the couch with my arms to pull myself to a sitting position and my stomach which has so kindly split, shows the alien pop out as if I'm doing a crunch (believe me, I'm not trying to do a crunch), I just want to get the hell off the couch! I'm soon going to have to roll off, as getting up from my hands and knees on the floor is easier.
3. Getting in to bed - for those that have been to our home, we have a huge bed, and the sucker is tall, I am refraining from getting a step stool for the bed, but leaping up on the bed with the belly that is sticking out is not an attractive site!
4. Lifting and Carrying - what a pain this is....I'm pretty darn independent, and seem to be twisting and turning in all the wrong ways. I feel like I can't lift cases of water, or heavy loads of wet clothes to the clothes line - WHY, because I can't see the definition of a damn hip to rest the boxes or laundry basket on..SIGH!
5. Bathroom - lets just say, despite having to be in the bathroom every 5 minutes - not easy....peeing in a cup to take to the Dr is not going to be quite as easy either...(ha, bet you all needed to know that!)
6. Finding clothes that don't look like Moo-Moo outfits...After seeing ONE picture of myself from this weekend, in my "own clothes" - still at 34+ weeks I can still wear a few pieces of my own clothing, it looked BIG...oh my dear - this is a warning, no one is to post a picture of me without my written and expressed approval.
7. Sleeping - okay, sleep is needed, really needed, but I'm up about 5-6 times a night, tossing, turning, bathroom runs, having a drink, talking to the dog....it's annoying, very annoying!
I'm sure I'll think of more - but this sums up my day today....so they are all fresh in my mind! Despite my "current state" I had a lovely weekend with family, friends and a house full of food and gifts. My friends and family hosted a lovely shower for baby Greta, after much discussion of how I felt this was very much unnecessary and that I like hosting things for others, but I don't do well when I am the guest of honour. However, that said, I was overwhelmed with generosity and well wishes and send a huge thank you to all who could attend. My only regret is there were so many people, I didn't really have a chance to spend time with everyone and chat, so I greatly apologize. I'm home for 30 more days baby free so please stop in for a "private visit" anytime!!!
And talking about 30 days - HOLY CRAP, the countdown is really beginning, June 24th is the day if I make it that long to the Section Date - although my family (and I must admit myself) don't feel I will. I'm going to predict June 17th....Maybe even June 10th......Well, I'm uncomfy enough now, maybe it will be tonight!!!! Although mentally, still not ready and I need to get one more shopping trip in Moncton....so she better hold off for a bit longer!
1. Picking up the dog toys - big issue in our house as Scarlet likes to empty her toy box every few hours - so I have a goal in the next 30 days to train Scarlet to pick up her toys and deposit them in her basket when she is finished using them, as I'm just not able to pick them up.
2. Getting off the couch - and I'm not that bad that I'm talking about sitting on the couch, I'm talking about lying on the couch and trying to roll my growing body off...it's not a pretty sight, feet are in the air, I'm grabbing the back of the couch with my arms to pull myself to a sitting position and my stomach which has so kindly split, shows the alien pop out as if I'm doing a crunch (believe me, I'm not trying to do a crunch), I just want to get the hell off the couch! I'm soon going to have to roll off, as getting up from my hands and knees on the floor is easier.
3. Getting in to bed - for those that have been to our home, we have a huge bed, and the sucker is tall, I am refraining from getting a step stool for the bed, but leaping up on the bed with the belly that is sticking out is not an attractive site!
4. Lifting and Carrying - what a pain this is....I'm pretty darn independent, and seem to be twisting and turning in all the wrong ways. I feel like I can't lift cases of water, or heavy loads of wet clothes to the clothes line - WHY, because I can't see the definition of a damn hip to rest the boxes or laundry basket on..SIGH!
5. Bathroom - lets just say, despite having to be in the bathroom every 5 minutes - not easy....peeing in a cup to take to the Dr is not going to be quite as easy either...(ha, bet you all needed to know that!)
6. Finding clothes that don't look like Moo-Moo outfits...After seeing ONE picture of myself from this weekend, in my "own clothes" - still at 34+ weeks I can still wear a few pieces of my own clothing, it looked BIG...oh my dear - this is a warning, no one is to post a picture of me without my written and expressed approval.
7. Sleeping - okay, sleep is needed, really needed, but I'm up about 5-6 times a night, tossing, turning, bathroom runs, having a drink, talking to the dog....it's annoying, very annoying!
I'm sure I'll think of more - but this sums up my day today....so they are all fresh in my mind! Despite my "current state" I had a lovely weekend with family, friends and a house full of food and gifts. My friends and family hosted a lovely shower for baby Greta, after much discussion of how I felt this was very much unnecessary and that I like hosting things for others, but I don't do well when I am the guest of honour. However, that said, I was overwhelmed with generosity and well wishes and send a huge thank you to all who could attend. My only regret is there were so many people, I didn't really have a chance to spend time with everyone and chat, so I greatly apologize. I'm home for 30 more days baby free so please stop in for a "private visit" anytime!!!
And talking about 30 days - HOLY CRAP, the countdown is really beginning, June 24th is the day if I make it that long to the Section Date - although my family (and I must admit myself) don't feel I will. I'm going to predict June 17th....Maybe even June 10th......Well, I'm uncomfy enough now, maybe it will be tonight!!!! Although mentally, still not ready and I need to get one more shopping trip in Moncton....so she better hold off for a bit longer!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Busy, busy day
What a full day!
My house has been a revolving door, it's been very nice to see so many people through the house.
Jennifer was in after her weekend kick your butt work out (that is called motivation, I'd like to say I'm green with envy, but hate to admit, even if I wasn't chubby and expecting, going to a Saturday morning work out class would not be high on my desire list)...We made sandwiches and decorated my house for a little party being held tomorrow...
Then my Mom and Niece Haley arrived for the long weekend, with enough presents for baby Greta to open a store. I am still unsure how they all fit in to the SUV, literally, it was like the car with all the clowns in it, one after another kept coming out. As I scolded my mother for the amount of things she was bringing, she said, well, I haven't really bought anything....Now, you all know how much I love to shop...well, I learned from the Master, and for the record, she has been buying for months and months, including purchasing the crib and one of the dressers for the baby's room, she must have forgotten that expense. It's always appreciated, but just a tad insane!!!
And still more company, one of my oldest and dearest friends from Moncton, Duane and his wife Alison arrived with their sweet little baby Benjamin. Sadly, it was my first meeting with Benjamin even though he has hit the 9 month mark, I'll post some pics soon as he was not shy of the camera, and had the best "naturally spiked" blonde hair. He was definitely a charmer and we had a great visit. Just as they were departing, my oldest PEI friend Newf arrived with Kim, Sarah, Samantha and Newf's parents visiting from NFLD...so, a jam packed day! In all the hustle and bustle, done of us really had a meal...so where do we go...Good old Maid Marian's! For those off Island, Maid's is that local diner that is a must - cheap menu, yummy chubby food and a must visit! A year ago Maids burnt in a dreadful fire, but they have rebuilt and it was just as delicious!
Well, not much funny stuff in this post, I'm wiped out, still looking at "stuff" sitting around the house, but no more energy to tidy up, so it will be an early morning tomorrow. I'd love to say, I LOVE long weekends, but considering I'm on home confinement (I mean Mat leave), I guess I'm in for one very LONNNNGGGGG weekend.
My house has been a revolving door, it's been very nice to see so many people through the house.
Jennifer was in after her weekend kick your butt work out (that is called motivation, I'd like to say I'm green with envy, but hate to admit, even if I wasn't chubby and expecting, going to a Saturday morning work out class would not be high on my desire list)...We made sandwiches and decorated my house for a little party being held tomorrow...
Then my Mom and Niece Haley arrived for the long weekend, with enough presents for baby Greta to open a store. I am still unsure how they all fit in to the SUV, literally, it was like the car with all the clowns in it, one after another kept coming out. As I scolded my mother for the amount of things she was bringing, she said, well, I haven't really bought anything....Now, you all know how much I love to shop...well, I learned from the Master, and for the record, she has been buying for months and months, including purchasing the crib and one of the dressers for the baby's room, she must have forgotten that expense. It's always appreciated, but just a tad insane!!!
And still more company, one of my oldest and dearest friends from Moncton, Duane and his wife Alison arrived with their sweet little baby Benjamin. Sadly, it was my first meeting with Benjamin even though he has hit the 9 month mark, I'll post some pics soon as he was not shy of the camera, and had the best "naturally spiked" blonde hair. He was definitely a charmer and we had a great visit. Just as they were departing, my oldest PEI friend Newf arrived with Kim, Sarah, Samantha and Newf's parents visiting from NFLD...so, a jam packed day! In all the hustle and bustle, done of us really had a meal...so where do we go...Good old Maid Marian's! For those off Island, Maid's is that local diner that is a must - cheap menu, yummy chubby food and a must visit! A year ago Maids burnt in a dreadful fire, but they have rebuilt and it was just as delicious!
Well, not much funny stuff in this post, I'm wiped out, still looking at "stuff" sitting around the house, but no more energy to tidy up, so it will be an early morning tomorrow. I'd love to say, I LOVE long weekends, but considering I'm on home confinement (I mean Mat leave), I guess I'm in for one very LONNNNGGGGG weekend.
Friday, May 21, 2010
The countdown is on....To my June Hair appointments!
I just had my hair straightened, giving me a few days of well kept, manageable, shiny looking hair, not the frizz ball of curls that find themselves in a ponytail 9 times out of 10...And it dawned on me, I will need to have this manageable hair for my hospital stay, so, 7 days before Greta's scheduled arrival I booked my color and the day before I head to the hospital, I will have it straightened again...Priorities you know! I will let Greta have the unmanageable, spooky looking hair. Granted, the universe could surprise me and she will be born with just a little fuzz or bald, highly unlikely, if she does, Darren may start to question if the child is actually his..ha!
And I'm starting to wonder what she may look like. Considering I don't find babies overly cute, actually I can only think of a few babies who I actually "honestly" said, WOW, that is a really pretty baby (for all those mom's out there, you can start guessing if that was your baby I said that about....if I say, oh my God, look at all that hair - well, hate to say, he/she may not have hit the cute meter)...but now that is my fear...friends and family have known I am not overly warm and fuzzy about babies, I've never been the one in the crowd to see a baby enter the room and go running and say, out of my way, let me hold that baby. I look from a distance, maybe check out the outfit and check out the hair! That is what all of you will be doing - AND I WILL KNOW YOU ARE JUDGING...So, if Greta has lots of hair, it's being cut..pronto!
I really don't believe that all mothers find their babies cute, many of you are saying that, but if Greta is animal looking, I'm going to say, AHHHH, what in the hell is that!!! Only relief, sometimes the ugliest looking babies, become the most beautiful kids...so I'll hold out some hope...so the question, do I want an ugly baby or a cute baby - it could really affect her entire life!
And for all those who think I'm just mean - admit it, you all agree - you just were not stupid like me who will tell it as it is...ha!
Enjoy your long weekend.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
"Life is tough enough without having someone kick you from the inside."
I realized this evening that we are only 35 days away from Greta joining the world....lord, I counted down vacations longer than this, Christmas I start counting down around 90 days, 35 days is nothing.....HOLY Sh*t. I have a long way to go before I am mentally prepared, the nurse and Dr keep asking if I'm getting there, and I think I'm still in denial - nice of them to keep asking, although I'm starting to now wonder if they are considering having a shrink on hand for me, today they asked about Darren too - maybe they just want one of us to accept that fact that it's a REAL baby coming to live with us, not one of those practice dolls that cry (by the way, does anyone know where I can get one of those - maybe that will help)
My bi-weekly Dr's appt was to date the quickest appt, I was parked, in the building, had my weigh in, blood pressure taken, Dr Visit and back to the car in 22 minutes. Weigh In was shockingly good - I didn't gain anything (of course, this is good or bad depending who you are - I think it's great, the Dr said, less to lose - no worries, BUT, I am back to my nutritionist next week, and she will not be impressed, so I'll have to eat a Poutine before my next visit with her). I have a theory though, I know why I'm not gaining...this kid kicks my bladder every friggin second of the day, therefore I'm having to walk to the bathroom every few minutes....I honestly am not drinking that much to justify the number of bathroom visits. So, I'm probably walking a few miles in bathroom visits! Great exercise!
Well, have to cut this short - take a guess where I'm off too - and the stores are closed, so it's not to shop! Lord, I hope bladder control returns, I can't imagine wearing Depends is overly flattering or comfy!
My bi-weekly Dr's appt was to date the quickest appt, I was parked, in the building, had my weigh in, blood pressure taken, Dr Visit and back to the car in 22 minutes. Weigh In was shockingly good - I didn't gain anything (of course, this is good or bad depending who you are - I think it's great, the Dr said, less to lose - no worries, BUT, I am back to my nutritionist next week, and she will not be impressed, so I'll have to eat a Poutine before my next visit with her). I have a theory though, I know why I'm not gaining...this kid kicks my bladder every friggin second of the day, therefore I'm having to walk to the bathroom every few minutes....I honestly am not drinking that much to justify the number of bathroom visits. So, I'm probably walking a few miles in bathroom visits! Great exercise!
Well, have to cut this short - take a guess where I'm off too - and the stores are closed, so it's not to shop! Lord, I hope bladder control returns, I can't imagine wearing Depends is overly flattering or comfy!
Please Don't Feed the Dust Bunnies.....
Day #3 of Home Confinement (I mean, Awaiting the Baby - Maternity Leave)
Do you know how much hair 2 cats and one (non shedding) dog create - oh my word!?? I have broken down and hired a House Cleaner to do my spring cleaning, as I sit at the computer feeling somewhat guilty that she is cleaning up the dust bunnies and washing my windows, I am also realizing that the size of my stomach is such that lying on the floor with the vacuum to get under the Kitchen Island and Couches isn't top on the I can't wait to do list, so I'm sure by the time she finishes room one, I'll feel better and the guilt will have surpassed.
Of course, I had to pre-clean a few areas of the house, and I did walk around and pick up the clumps of visible cat hair floating around, oh, and I scrubbed the tub and shower...and I guess I tidied the kitchen, well, lets just say, the house looked pretty good before she arrived, but I know it will look even better in a few hours.
So, that is the start to the day, I know, the excitement is overwhelming.
I'm off to sit on the deck and sort through the basket of "junk" I collected prior to the cleaner coming. As I'm a dreadful pack rat, I have a funny feeling it will all find a new home, and that won't include the garbage. This afternoon - big weigh in, you would think I'm trying to bulk up for a fighting match, but alas, just a Dr's appt.
And I was thinking....
Do they invite you back week after week and put you on the scale to see the numbers go down after the baby arrives? I think I will suggest that at my appointment today - at least it would be something to look forward to, they torture you by weighing you in an open hall way for 9 months announcing your weight gain for all the other prego's to hear, the least they can do is celebrate you losing the weight after! All I can hope for is the girl next to me on the scale weighs more than I...ha! (It makes me feel good)
Do you know how much hair 2 cats and one (non shedding) dog create - oh my word!?? I have broken down and hired a House Cleaner to do my spring cleaning, as I sit at the computer feeling somewhat guilty that she is cleaning up the dust bunnies and washing my windows, I am also realizing that the size of my stomach is such that lying on the floor with the vacuum to get under the Kitchen Island and Couches isn't top on the I can't wait to do list, so I'm sure by the time she finishes room one, I'll feel better and the guilt will have surpassed.
Of course, I had to pre-clean a few areas of the house, and I did walk around and pick up the clumps of visible cat hair floating around, oh, and I scrubbed the tub and shower...and I guess I tidied the kitchen, well, lets just say, the house looked pretty good before she arrived, but I know it will look even better in a few hours.
So, that is the start to the day, I know, the excitement is overwhelming.
I'm off to sit on the deck and sort through the basket of "junk" I collected prior to the cleaner coming. As I'm a dreadful pack rat, I have a funny feeling it will all find a new home, and that won't include the garbage. This afternoon - big weigh in, you would think I'm trying to bulk up for a fighting match, but alas, just a Dr's appt.
And I was thinking....
Do they invite you back week after week and put you on the scale to see the numbers go down after the baby arrives? I think I will suggest that at my appointment today - at least it would be something to look forward to, they torture you by weighing you in an open hall way for 9 months announcing your weight gain for all the other prego's to hear, the least they can do is celebrate you losing the weight after! All I can hope for is the girl next to me on the scale weighs more than I...ha! (It makes me feel good)
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Our Announcement in January

We've waited for a while
To share our shocking news,
It looks like we'll be shopping
For some tiny, little shoes.....
I found myself at the hospital as many of you know,
however H1N1 was not all that was found.
After multiple tests at my request,
the Dr's returned with a positive pregnancy test!
I couldn't believe it,
I am still in shock the Dr's heard language that can't be repeated,
but low and behold, I had been defeated.
I told the Dr's they didn't know what they were doing,
there was an obvious mistake that must be found immediately.
Alas, a small little alien now grows in my belly,
and thankfully for me, it's not twins as they first claimed,
just one little one will be joining our family.
And what do you know!
We have kept our news hidden,
but as month 5 approaches,
the clothes will soon make this task difficult.
NOW, we had agreed that we wouldn't have kids;
Why, our pill bottles don't even have childproof lids!
We don't like bad kids, or good ones sometimes,
we like trips and sleep and our Friday trivia nights.
The Dr's looked concerned when we both turned ghost white
they obviously knew this news was an absolute fright.
I cried that I wanted a puppy and the cute Dr said
"not this time around, it's something much better
and you'll get use to it with time!"
I thought and I thought Till my face turned to blue
I really did not know Just what I should do!
I begged for a bed in Unit 9,
but somehow they thought I would be just fine.
As 36 approaches, I'm old in prego circles,
not to mention the slew of my medical issues.
So testing and testing Darren and I both had to go.
Charlottetown and Halifax we were sent and after four ultrasounds
we can now explain there is a strange looking creature growing just fine.
It looks more like PAC MAN, then a small little baby,
but we have passed all the tests and it's definitely not a puppy.
There are still more tests to come, but we think all will be well,
enough to share the news that our
lives will be changing by Summer 2010.
Now we know all will be shocked,
you may be rolling on the floor With OMG, OH DEAR,
and You are Royally Screwed!
We have tested this news on our Family and Best Friends,
and besides grasping their hearts they have
all survived and have been supportive.
We know our lives will totally change, but fear not for the child,
a Nanny is part of the game plan!!!
Although I have gained not yet one ounce,
and thankfully not one day of morning sickness to discuss,
the stress and insanity has taken first place,
but I have realized one bonus, think of all the New Hampshire
shopping I can do, it will be first rate!
So that is our news, I somehow think this beats last year,
An Elopement is nothing, this year we'll become parents!
Some may call it boredom, others may THINK I am an overly cautious mother to be, and then reality is - it's a mix between not knowing what to do with myself on my 2nd Day of leave and I just happened to flip the package of barrettes over and read the warning that was highlighted!
Here is the story - I bought Greta a few packages of BABY hair barrettes, as I am not overly optimistic she will have a controllable amount of hair - I'm more afraid she will look like a shaggy baby gorilla with black hair - if she gets a mix of mine and Darren's, it will be black and a friz ball of curls - You are all picturing this, so laugh it out.
So, back to what I'm writing about - I bought her hair clips. And by accident, as I would never think something made for babies would have a warning, I flip the package over to see the following:
WARNING - This is not a toy, Not intended for Children, Adult Only..
WHAT, this is ridiculous, Sweet Baby Hair Clips are not intended for children - who in the heck are they made for, Dolls! Ironically there is a 1-800 # on the package for comments and questions, I may just have to give them a call, that is where the boredom part comes in to play!
So, that was the big news from Day #2 of being off work. Can't wait to see what excitement tomorrow will bring.
Here is the story - I bought Greta a few packages of BABY hair barrettes, as I am not overly optimistic she will have a controllable amount of hair - I'm more afraid she will look like a shaggy baby gorilla with black hair - if she gets a mix of mine and Darren's, it will be black and a friz ball of curls - You are all picturing this, so laugh it out.
So, back to what I'm writing about - I bought her hair clips. And by accident, as I would never think something made for babies would have a warning, I flip the package over to see the following:
WARNING - This is not a toy, Not intended for Children, Adult Only..
WHAT, this is ridiculous, Sweet Baby Hair Clips are not intended for children - who in the heck are they made for, Dolls! Ironically there is a 1-800 # on the package for comments and questions, I may just have to give them a call, that is where the boredom part comes in to play!
So, that was the big news from Day #2 of being off work. Can't wait to see what excitement tomorrow will bring.
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