Can't deny, I've been annoyed with the 100s of people saying, I bet you are getting to the uncomfortable stage, or, just wait, it continues to get worse, I listened, smiled (sometimes) and said, not too bad...well, it has hit. Here are a few things I feel I can no longer do with great ease:
1. Picking up the dog toys - big issue in our house as Scarlet likes to empty her toy box every few hours - so I have a goal in the next 30 days to train Scarlet to pick up her toys and deposit them in her basket when she is finished using them, as I'm just not able to pick them up.
2. Getting off the couch - and I'm not that bad that I'm talking about sitting on the couch, I'm talking about lying on the couch and trying to roll my growing body off...it's not a pretty sight, feet are in the air, I'm grabbing the back of the couch with my arms to pull myself to a sitting position and my stomach which has so kindly split, shows the alien pop out as if I'm doing a crunch (believe me, I'm not trying to do a crunch), I just want to get the hell off the couch! I'm soon going to have to roll off, as getting up from my hands and knees on the floor is easier.
3. Getting in to bed - for those that have been to our home, we have a huge bed, and the sucker is tall, I am refraining from getting a step stool for the bed, but leaping up on the bed with the belly that is sticking out is not an attractive site!
4. Lifting and Carrying - what a pain this is....I'm pretty darn independent, and seem to be twisting and turning in all the wrong ways. I feel like I can't lift cases of water, or heavy loads of wet clothes to the clothes line - WHY, because I can't see the definition of a damn hip to rest the boxes or laundry basket on..SIGH!
5. Bathroom - lets just say, despite having to be in the bathroom every 5 minutes - not easy....peeing in a cup to take to the Dr is not going to be quite as easy either...(ha, bet you all needed to know that!)
6. Finding clothes that don't look like Moo-Moo outfits...After seeing ONE picture of myself from this weekend, in my "own clothes" - still at 34+ weeks I can still wear a few pieces of my own clothing, it looked BIG...oh my dear - this is a warning, no one is to post a picture of me without my written and expressed approval.
7. Sleeping - okay, sleep is needed, really needed, but I'm up about 5-6 times a night, tossing, turning, bathroom runs, having a drink, talking to the dog....it's annoying, very annoying!
I'm sure I'll think of more - but this sums up my day today....so they are all fresh in my mind! Despite my "current state" I had a lovely weekend with family, friends and a house full of food and gifts. My friends and family hosted a lovely shower for baby Greta, after much discussion of how I felt this was very much unnecessary and that I like hosting things for others, but I don't do well when I am the guest of honour. However, that said, I was overwhelmed with generosity and well wishes and send a huge thank you to all who could attend. My only regret is there were so many people, I didn't really have a chance to spend time with everyone and chat, so I greatly apologize. I'm home for 30 more days baby free so please stop in for a "private visit" anytime!!!
And talking about 30 days - HOLY CRAP, the countdown is really beginning, June 24th is the day if I make it that long to the Section Date - although my family (and I must admit myself) don't feel I will. I'm going to predict June 17th....Maybe even June 10th......Well, I'm uncomfy enough now, maybe it will be tonight!!!! Although mentally, still not ready and I need to get one more shopping trip in Moncton....so she better hold off for a bit longer!
1. Picking up the dog toys - big issue in our house as Scarlet likes to empty her toy box every few hours - so I have a goal in the next 30 days to train Scarlet to pick up her toys and deposit them in her basket when she is finished using them, as I'm just not able to pick them up.
2. Getting off the couch - and I'm not that bad that I'm talking about sitting on the couch, I'm talking about lying on the couch and trying to roll my growing body off...it's not a pretty sight, feet are in the air, I'm grabbing the back of the couch with my arms to pull myself to a sitting position and my stomach which has so kindly split, shows the alien pop out as if I'm doing a crunch (believe me, I'm not trying to do a crunch), I just want to get the hell off the couch! I'm soon going to have to roll off, as getting up from my hands and knees on the floor is easier.
3. Getting in to bed - for those that have been to our home, we have a huge bed, and the sucker is tall, I am refraining from getting a step stool for the bed, but leaping up on the bed with the belly that is sticking out is not an attractive site!
4. Lifting and Carrying - what a pain this is....I'm pretty darn independent, and seem to be twisting and turning in all the wrong ways. I feel like I can't lift cases of water, or heavy loads of wet clothes to the clothes line - WHY, because I can't see the definition of a damn hip to rest the boxes or laundry basket on..SIGH!
5. Bathroom - lets just say, despite having to be in the bathroom every 5 minutes - not easy....peeing in a cup to take to the Dr is not going to be quite as easy either...(ha, bet you all needed to know that!)
6. Finding clothes that don't look like Moo-Moo outfits...After seeing ONE picture of myself from this weekend, in my "own clothes" - still at 34+ weeks I can still wear a few pieces of my own clothing, it looked BIG...oh my dear - this is a warning, no one is to post a picture of me without my written and expressed approval.
7. Sleeping - okay, sleep is needed, really needed, but I'm up about 5-6 times a night, tossing, turning, bathroom runs, having a drink, talking to the dog....it's annoying, very annoying!
I'm sure I'll think of more - but this sums up my day today....so they are all fresh in my mind! Despite my "current state" I had a lovely weekend with family, friends and a house full of food and gifts. My friends and family hosted a lovely shower for baby Greta, after much discussion of how I felt this was very much unnecessary and that I like hosting things for others, but I don't do well when I am the guest of honour. However, that said, I was overwhelmed with generosity and well wishes and send a huge thank you to all who could attend. My only regret is there were so many people, I didn't really have a chance to spend time with everyone and chat, so I greatly apologize. I'm home for 30 more days baby free so please stop in for a "private visit" anytime!!!
And talking about 30 days - HOLY CRAP, the countdown is really beginning, June 24th is the day if I make it that long to the Section Date - although my family (and I must admit myself) don't feel I will. I'm going to predict June 17th....Maybe even June 10th......Well, I'm uncomfy enough now, maybe it will be tonight!!!! Although mentally, still not ready and I need to get one more shopping trip in Moncton....so she better hold off for a bit longer!
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