Did you ever bite in to a chocolate and say, yuk, then put it back in the box? You are searching for the yummy caramel chocolate, but you bite in to coffee flavour and want to barf, that is my life in a nut shell this week, a whole box full of coffee filled shit chocolates (had to add shit in there somewhere, there has been lots of that this week).
I am ashamed to see my last update to the blog was this past Sunday. I'm slipping, it's somewhat a lack of time and energy I have, but also that I don't really know what to write about. When you have your ass stuck to the couch for a week, there isn't much that comes to mind that would be amusing enough to write about, but here I am, half stoned, lying on the couch with my lap top on my lap (phew, what a concept and well named product) and I'm going to tell you about my week! Oh yes, and I didn't take up drug abuse, I'm stoned because I had my CT Scan today where they injected the dye, of course, in Gail Style I had to make the nursing staff work hard by having an allergic reaction to the damn dye, this lead to a longer stay in observation, then 2 doses of Benadryl (I don't do well with Benadryl), anyway, I felt okay for an hour, but then it hit me, I barely made it to the bed, so I'm just waiting for it to leave my system, I have a wicked headache and just want Calgon to Take Me Away...(can you buy Calgon here).
So, here is a quick review of the week:
Greta and I were very busy with visitors, so I deeply thank each and every one of you who stopped by for a visit, I feel guilty that people have to come to us as I'm not yet able to get out and about, but know that it was greatly appreciated and I loved the company and hearing about "things" in the outside world. I feel like I have non stop cleaned my house, part of my OCD when I have company coming, but I'm bored and boredom lead to cleaning. It has equally been a frustrating week despite the company, may have hit the WHY me stage, I don't make a good house wife / stay at home mother - I actually don't enjoy it one little bit. Maybe if I was feeling better and could jump in the truck and be a tad mobile I would be much happier, but despite all the visitors, I had this heavy hearted lonely feeling mixed with a bit of self pity. I am frustrated that I'm not getting better, I'm frustrated that my Dr (who I still really, really like) messed up my surgery site and pulled the muscle (It is gross, the smaller I got, the more I realized that it wasn't normal, the muscle literally has been pulled and you can see a freakin pucker about 2 inches above my incision, I mean pulled hard. What this has lead to is me being in constant pain and the inability to stretch, walk for more than 20-30 minutes, drive with comfort and in general, feel good about myself. He has seen it and told me that over time it will improve, but its been 5 weeks, what does Over time in Dr lingo really mean...I'm starting to think years. My biggest fear is that I'll need to have it repaired via surgery, but I'm willing to accept that if I will feel better. I feel totally incompetent and yes, vanity play a part, it's just gross!
A few stats for the week:
Greta shits just once a day...This has to stop, despite the disgust of changing diapers every time she ate, it seemed to be much better than waiting for it all day long, and having a full day worth of crap hit her diaper, and the smell, good lord! Built up crap is not good! But, no thrown out outfits, so we have improved, but let me tell you, we are securing those diapers on well. She is still pretty tiny, still wearing her newborn diapers and clothes. Did notice today one outfit no longer fits, so maybe we'll get in to more of her wardrobe.
ME, I feel like a bloated up balloon, weight may be down, but the clothes I got back in to all of a sudden feel snug again, it's been depressing. I think it's my crohns unfortunately, but it must stop, I'm not buying an "in between" wardrobe...just refuse to.
Tired - We are wiped out and Greta is a wonderful baby, most nights, she will do a 4-5 hour stretch, we've never experienced the walking the floors, jump in the car for a 2am drive type of night that I have to admit, I was expecting. If anything, she may stay up a bit longer now, and we wish she would go to sleep, but she still is not crying, just awake!
Baby acne - how awful, I hate it, hate it, hate it. Just all of a sudden, I of course thought she had measles, chicken pox, allergic reaction to milk, they just appeared so quick, how cruel is the world to have a baby with pimples...Everyone keeps saying it will go away quick, I hope so, as I know you can't buy Proactiv Solution for Babies!
Hair Loss - Greta is losing her hair, we have discovered wide headbands cover this up!!!! I hope it grows back soon. As much as I didn't want her to look like a little ape and have lots of hair, a receding hair line is not overly cute!!!
Friends - Some have been great, others suck... A friend recently celebrated her Baby's birth with a baby shower and many friends just didn't show up, two hours out of their life and they just didn't show up. I know people are busy, but come on, there hits a point that you really have to think who is a friend and who isn't and maybe realize who is worth saying goodbye too. Just drop off a little chicken and say hello, it won't kill you. Believe me, I have attended just about every baby shower, birthday party, wedding shower, wedding, you name it - all while not being fond of kids and cake, but I did it. And there is a point of no return....just sayin! It's principle, kind of like when the stores advertise a sale price and you realize at the cash they charged you 25 cents more, it's principle, it's not the money, it's the fact that the store has that little respect for people to do the right thing...principle!
Family - Some have been great, others suck... But special thanks to my Mom this week who spent the full week here helping out when I was still immobile. Dad and Haley came over last night as well so I could get to my medical appt and have a babysitter for Greta.
Well, I'll end it there, that is quite a bit of writing for someone who is stoned.
The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth. A Journey to Motherhood and Beyond.
Someday my prince will come, but Daddy will always be King!

Daddy's Girl
Welcome to my Blog.
Life greatly changed as Darren and I welcomed Greta Claire to the family. I started this blog 5 weeks pre-parenthood; I thought I would learn to Blog as a hobby and to occupy my time when I was awaiting baby and tried my best to continue through her first year of life to document some of the ups and downs, funny moments, scary moments, etc. While I greatly enjoy sharing our adventures, it has been hard to stay committed to regular posts, but I certainly will do my best as our little girl is now 6 years old and full of comic relief, bright ideas and the most amazing quotes! So, enjoy the adventures of Gail and Greta, I somehow seem to find the most interesting things each day, so this is the truth blog, how things really are, what I'm really thinking and feeling....it could be interesting!
Life greatly changed as Darren and I welcomed Greta Claire to the family. I started this blog 5 weeks pre-parenthood; I thought I would learn to Blog as a hobby and to occupy my time when I was awaiting baby and tried my best to continue through her first year of life to document some of the ups and downs, funny moments, scary moments, etc. While I greatly enjoy sharing our adventures, it has been hard to stay committed to regular posts, but I certainly will do my best as our little girl is now 6 years old and full of comic relief, bright ideas and the most amazing quotes! So, enjoy the adventures of Gail and Greta, I somehow seem to find the most interesting things each day, so this is the truth blog, how things really are, what I'm really thinking and feeling....it could be interesting!
Friday, July 30, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Wait for it...Wait for it....
Well folks, we are waiting for Greta to shit...as well as waiting for Big Brother to come on, but sadly, we are anticipating the shit more. Is this what Parenthood is about? Cheering on Shit, as we rub a month old belly and exercising her legs like she is on a bicycle. And if we are not cheering for shit, we are saying Good Job Greta for the manly burps she lets out. SIGH! Yes I can dress her up in her cute outfits (which by the way, is at #5 for today), and she is quite interesting to watch and see the changes that are happening daily, but come on, Shits and Burps are the highlight, I feel like I'm in a frat house back in the University Days and the guys are socially inept and showing off on who can fart and burp the loudest (sadly, I'm not making that up!)
And, the day has come that I have been dreading - Darren returns to work tomorrow. If I felt better, and didn't have so many health issues, I think Darren would be getting my Paternity Leave, but alas, he's heading out the door tomorrow and the real test will be upon me. Can I remain sane at home with a month old baby, when I still cannot get out much, and can still just do limited things? It's quite the annoyance I must say, every day I think "Today I will feel better", but it doesn't happen. Tonight I started to think the Dr must have left a piece of gauze, or maybe a metal object in my stomach, it's the only reason for the pain I have in my side, but then I remind myself, the pain is higher and it's probably my pathetic liver...only 5 more days until they get my liver recovery started, I'm unsure if I can hold off having a drink, but thought it best to hold off until the liver tests are completed, wouldn't look good if I had to answer YES on the questionnaire when they asked if I drank alcohol. With Darren going back to work, I assume that means I'll be getting up to do the night time feeding - also dreading that - should have been practicing!
And, I have to learn how to tie (I mean Buckle) Greta in to her car seat, can get her out, but the thing frustrates me. Even though I can't get far, in case of an emergency, probably a good thing if I don't pull a Brittany Spears and put the baby on my lap as I drive away!
Lets see, what else is happening - I am trying to be organized, I put all of Greta's cards in an album, had some pictures printed, wrote in her baby book...well, that is a start, maybe I'll appear that I was normal and organized when she reads the books in her teenage years. I may refrain from printing my blog stories about her, I think it will prove to be a tad too traumatic! I am also looking for guest bloggers - I have heard the stories, I know they would be good, would love you to vent, we can change your name to something you always wanted to be called, Goddess of the Land, Queen Bee...anything!
Well, that is the day in Gail and Greta's life...nothing major...but I may have to add an update - she should have shit by now, we could be in for a messy night, may have to drape the cradle in plastic, although that would then bounce back at her...ewwww...maybe I'll just let the sheets catch it and throw them out!
And, the day has come that I have been dreading - Darren returns to work tomorrow. If I felt better, and didn't have so many health issues, I think Darren would be getting my Paternity Leave, but alas, he's heading out the door tomorrow and the real test will be upon me. Can I remain sane at home with a month old baby, when I still cannot get out much, and can still just do limited things? It's quite the annoyance I must say, every day I think "Today I will feel better", but it doesn't happen. Tonight I started to think the Dr must have left a piece of gauze, or maybe a metal object in my stomach, it's the only reason for the pain I have in my side, but then I remind myself, the pain is higher and it's probably my pathetic liver...only 5 more days until they get my liver recovery started, I'm unsure if I can hold off having a drink, but thought it best to hold off until the liver tests are completed, wouldn't look good if I had to answer YES on the questionnaire when they asked if I drank alcohol. With Darren going back to work, I assume that means I'll be getting up to do the night time feeding - also dreading that - should have been practicing!
And, I have to learn how to tie (I mean Buckle) Greta in to her car seat, can get her out, but the thing frustrates me. Even though I can't get far, in case of an emergency, probably a good thing if I don't pull a Brittany Spears and put the baby on my lap as I drive away!
Lets see, what else is happening - I am trying to be organized, I put all of Greta's cards in an album, had some pictures printed, wrote in her baby book...well, that is a start, maybe I'll appear that I was normal and organized when she reads the books in her teenage years. I may refrain from printing my blog stories about her, I think it will prove to be a tad too traumatic! I am also looking for guest bloggers - I have heard the stories, I know they would be good, would love you to vent, we can change your name to something you always wanted to be called, Goddess of the Land, Queen Bee...anything!
Well, that is the day in Gail and Greta's life...nothing major...but I may have to add an update - she should have shit by now, we could be in for a messy night, may have to drape the cradle in plastic, although that would then bounce back at her...ewwww...maybe I'll just let the sheets catch it and throw them out!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Code Brown....Code Brown....HOLY SHIT!

So, I gave a teaser earlier today about this evenings Blog Post - and I have some impatient followers!!! So here it is, I hope you find some enjoyment in the pain I have experienced. We had a Code Brown Today (Thanks to Nurse Heidi for the title - it was extremely appropriate!)...
CODE Brown = Greta blew the diaper off!
I have commented a few times about Greta blowing her diaper off, ironically, SHIT has been a topic I have blogged about a few times since become a mother...but I take that all back, call me a liar, a newbie, green when it comes to motherhood, but I happily admit that when I said she blew her diaper off in past discussions - she really just had a little puff and the diaper expanded a little. Today was a whole new experience. Let me set the scene, you may appreciate it more.
Lets go back to yesterday, where the poor little thing seemed to power puke at every feeding, I was patting myself on the back for purchasing the leather furniture years ago, otherwise, our furniture would be stained beyond repair. And I don't honestly recall doing so much laundry as I have done in the past 24 hours, but lets just say, she was hitting every nook and cranny of the couch and the clothing she and we had on. In amongst this little upset, we have noticed that our little shit machine, hasn't been shitting...Sorry for the "swear word" POOP just seems weird to say. Anyway, we thought it was a bit odd to go from filling a diaper at every feeding to all of a sudden go 2 feedings, then 3, and holy, we were up to 4 feedings with no shit. And what do I do when there is something odd happening to myself or Greta - I head to the reference books and the Internet medical sites. By the time I had finished reading, I had Greta diagnosed with a gastro issue that needed immediate medical attention and that could only be cured with surgery. I wanted to go to the ER, but Darren thought I was reading too much! So, after a few words, and the decision to try just one type of bottle (the bottles Darren feel are the best ones to make her not get sick), I head to the spare room for a rest and Darren, the expert parent (I'm being sarcastic, he's good, but I was ready to punch him last night) was going to tend to Greta and "Do things his way." I of course take this to mean my way was wrong.
***SIDE NOTE - I was fighting mad, because I felt the bottles that I spent a bloody fortune on were not the culprit, how could they be, they were the most expensive and supposedly reduce colic, spit up and belly pains, his favorite bottle are the cheapest in the collection! ***
As the night goes on, Darren gets a lucky break in his bottle theory, she doesn't puke - however, she doesn't shit either. I do the morning feeding and guess what, no puke (now I'm pissed, do you know how much I have spent on these state of the art bottles!!!), but if the cheap ones don't make her puke, great...but still, nothing coming from the diaper end. By lunch time, we are both getting a bit concerned, I'm now thinking she has inherited my crohns or this terrible gastro issue that means surgery, Darren just thinks it's odd.
So, this brings us to this afternoon...is everyone with me! Imagine the scene, Greta is relaxing in her beautiful pink and brown bouncey seat, wearing a sweet white sleeper my mother bought her, it's so soft and has pink cuffs and says Short and Sweet on it. Darren and I are patiently waiting on either side of the bouncey seat for her to wake up, as I want to feed her, change her in to a "going out outfit" and run some errands...We start to see her moving about, thinking about waking up after a fairly long sleep, I turn on the massager (this bouncey seat is great) and it happens - we hear the rumble, and not a little tummy rumble, no, imagine you are about to watch the Space Shuttle launch and they start the shuttle up and the fire and smoke flow out from the bottom and the ground below you shifts to the side. Darren and I like total losers are almost cheering her on - "YEAH, she shit"....she won't need surgery, she doesn't have crohns, she won't embarrass me while we are out shopping kind of cheers (Pause - is this what is excitement in our new life - lord help me!!!) Well, like inexperienced parents, we leave her in the bouncey seat just in case she has more shit in her. She isn't fussy at all, not crying, just sitting around in and out of a sleepy state...but finally, Darren decides to go change her and I go to prepare a bottle...and then we see it, CODE BROWN, CODE BROWN...the white PJs are a milky brownish color, with a hint of yellow just on one side and Darren announces she blew the diaper, he is brave and decides to still head to the bedroom to change her, and for some odd reason, I follow him.
This follow the leader thing was a good decision in some aspects, completely stupid in others. We start to open up the snaps of the PJs and Darren starts to gag, if the smell wasn't bad enough, we quickly realize that not only is the diaper full, the PJs are full as well, this wasn't a little leakage folks, these pjs were holding shit, thank the lord there were feet in the pjs! I for a brief second remembered the Oxy Baby Clean that was recommended to me by a friend that now sits in the laundry room, but then another glance at the amount of shit sitting not only in the diaper, but in the pjs and not to mention all over Greta, I yell to Darren to fill the bathtub and I pick Greta out of the toxic material and make the decision there isn't a chance in hell I'm going to scrub shit out of these pjs....AND all but Greta went in the Diaper Genie (yes folks, you can stuff pjs in to the Diaper Genie)...it was traumatic. Took 10 wipes at least to get the initial shit off of Greta - enough to wrap her in a blanket and get her to the bathtub. She loved the tub - who wouldn't there was a lovely aroma in the bathwater and it was so warm and cozy, moments before she was curling her little nose up at the toxic cool waste that just came from her little body. It was the longest bath she has had to date.
SO...that was the day. The ironic thing is, just yesterday I was talking about liking Pampers diapers over Huggies, thought they seemed more secure...I am now going to search for steel diapers that lock with keys....that or Greta is going to look a tad plump, she will now be wearing 3 diapers at a time and wrapped in bubble wrap under all her clothes. The next blow out is all Darren's, my nose may never recover. Oh yes, and for a quick shit update - she has had 2 bottles since this blow out and still hasn't shit...I can't handle this - I'll never leave the house, and I may have to find Black Baby clothes, Greta will be sporting the goth look, next thing I'll have her with a nose piercing and tattoos. It was bad enough that I can't get somewhere on time anymore and she controls the schedule based on her feedings, but now the blow out shit is going to keep me in...she is becoming quite the social nuisance....Good thing she is cute and I still feel like crap and unhealthy, otherwise, she may be put in time out!
Sorry to those who are disgusted, those first time mom's to be who are scared (believe me, if I read this prior to her arrival, I would have been worried), the men who will gag like Darren and those who are eating while reading my blog...I swear, it was worse for me than it was for you!
I wish I had more to report - but between the power puke, the rocket launching shit show, and my slow recovery - we don't get out much. Anyway - Happy Friday everyone, little Greta is a month old tomorrow which is so very hard to believe, I am definitely seeing changes in her, filling out a bit more, her hair is getting fluffy and long on the sides and back but receding in the front (gosh, mental picture, just imagine Darren) and she looks cute in headbands which I didn't think I would do, but even Darren smiles when he sees them. Thanks to those who visited this week, chatted via FB or Email, and to the bakers at Maid Marians for the Strawberry Cream pie, although it is affecting the weight, so I will be happy when it's past the strawberry season... We look forward to a full week of company next week and I am starting my round of tests to hopefully get me on the road to recovery and good health (I'll happily settle for mediocre health)...CT Scan is booked for Friday (PEI Medical system can move quick when you have a good specialist, no year wait for me, just 10 days!!) Sadly, I had to postpone my NB trip that was planned for tomorrow, after hitting two stores tonight, I had to admit, I am just not healthy enough to make the trip (OKAY, for those thinking I'm dying, I'm not on my death bed, but if not able to shop is not a sure sign that my health is not good, nothing will convince you...ha!).
Stay tuned for more Gail and Greta Adventures, they can only get better from here!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What does WTF mean, surely it has other meanings...I think Greta says it daily: Where's the Food, Watch the Fart, Wiggle the Foot....but when she frowns and pouts, I really think she is using WTF how it was intended...What the F%ck! So, with that, WTF.
My life now revolves around Greta's eating and sleeping schedule. I like quiet, sleeping babies out visiting, not that she is bad, but how embarrassing would it be to have her power puke her lunch over someones desk, files, or clothes. Only bad thing, she eats at very inappropriate times, you would think she would try harder to work in to our schedule, I mean, we have been around longer, she is just 26 days old, surely she would be appreciative and respectful of our schedules and try to oblige. We have come to realize, we are all not morning people (granted, I have known this for some time), so we will never get out of the house prior to the noon hour. There is just no need, she eats around 7am, then goes back to 11 or 12...why would I get up and disturb that great sleep opportunity, granted, in theory this sounds good, but I find the phone either rings, or I get on the computer and then realize if Greta is going to eat for the day, bottles have to be prepared and then low and behold, she is up again. Best time to catch us out, after her lunch, she sleeps like a rock (do rocks really sleep, UMMM, I'll figure this out when I'm bored at home next week!), but it's great, she can be passed around, doesn't embarrass us while we are out and we can successfully move her in and out of the car and get some things done.
Today I was able to get out with some friends from work, baby free. Darren had to act as my chauffeur and lunch time didn't agree with Greta time, so I had an adult lunch...not bad. Afterwards, got a few things in the mail, window shopped a bit and got ready for Darren to pick me back up downtown. As it was in front of his work building, we made a quick round to visit a few work friends. So nice to see people and have an opportunity to bring Greta to her followers - Yes, Greta and I have Blog Followers and I just wanted to send a shout out to those we saw today who have been following along on our journey!!! We are surviving, you saw us in the flesh, I didn't hold the baby up by the toes, I can get her out of the seat (I have yet to master getting her in though), she looked well fed, well dressed (did you have any doubt!) and I thank you all for not saying, look at all the hair! It's amazing walking around with a baby, people out of the blue stop you - well, they are stopping the baby, but kind of hard for the baby to talk, so they have no choice but to stop the adult holding them. People who would pass you by any other day, all of a sudden go mushy, and AHHHH, the baby...and my favorite - "She is new"....well, if I had an old man sitting in the seat you would be frightened, of course she is new!!! Even the guys shocked me today, they thought she was pretty darn cute, men don't notice stuff like that, now, if they commented on her sweet hair accessory and outfit, then I would have been really impressed.
Anyway, very happy to get out of the house. Unfortunately it takes a lot out of me, I know a C-Section is surgery, but why am I not recouping like others (yes, I have a liver that is shot, yes I have crohns, yes I'm malnourished, but surely the universe could give me a damn break!) Just find the walking and standing quite tough, and I need to get better, Price Club needs me to shop, their stocks are going down and I can't have that happen to them.
And WTF...having a baby is a very frustrating time for life....anyone who knows me, knows I hold grudges - and I mean, I REALLY hold a grudge. I know it's not a good trait, I pray Greta does not inherit it from me and instead gets Darren's attitude about life and the good and bad in people (Darren expects nothing from friends and family - therefore can't be disappointed)...I however, right or wrong feel life is too short to be held up with people who hurt or disappoint you. But lord, some people just piss me off...I have wanted to do a blog about this subject for quite some time, but refrained, as some will read in to the subject and assume it's about them, and those who I really would like to know how hurt and disappointed we are won't actually get it (nor do they read the blog!!), but having a baby has been a great eye opener on who really matters and who doesn't. I guess I had higher expectations on what bringing a baby to the world would be like and who would be around to be supportive and a friend (or relative), but silly me. As my father said last week, I am my mothers daughter, I give and give to people and do things for people all the time, never expecting anything, but we over do it, and when it may be "our turn" and the tables are turned, we are left alone! WTF! Okay, I guess that is all on the subject, read in to it as you may, I've just found the past month to be very lonely and upsetting and it is my own fault, I expected more than what people can give or are capable of, and sadly, I will continue to hold my grudges and not forget. If anything, it makes my Christmas list so much smaller - so that can't be a bad thing.
Oh, and WTF on the Stats - I WAS down to 1lb, now it's 2.5lb to lose...obviously, not impressed but I shall blame it on the potato chips and toast that make up 99% of my meals.
Driving - I drove to the gas station - for gas (not a major accomplishment, it was less than a kilometer, but made me feel better in my head), better than saying my first trip in the car was to the liquor store...no worries, I have a very well stocked liquor cabinet.
Sleep - not bad, she is on a pretty good schedule
Darren is down to just 3 working days off - it's going to be sad: my nanny, chauffeur, maid, gardener, cook is just walking out the door at 8am and won't be back to his duties until 4pm...that will be a lot of work to do in a short evening when he gets back home...ha!
All for now folks, send me a note, I need to get some Blog Ideas, my life is rather boring. Greta is not really full of fun, she does do some ugly "special" looking faces, and her toes are awkwardly long, and she has a pimple on her cheek that is driving me insane, and I'm doing the "Mom thing" and licking my finger and pushing down the stray hairs that stand up on her head, but I so need some topics - to recap - I already blogged about the Shit, the Puke, the Good Daddy, and now, the WTF moments...so send them on in....
Sunday, July 18, 2010
The Intoxicating Baby Smell
Why do people think Babies smell - SOOOO GOOOOD!!!
Really I need to know, so many people pick up Greta and smell her little head (the head that I'm starting to have nightmares won't pass by the 10th percentile and her body will continue to grow and she'll be nick named pea head!!!)...anyway, back to her "scent". Everyone says, she smells so good, she smells like a newborn!...Is this like saying I like puppy breath...It's almost as if she is intoxicating, or maybe she is like an aprhadisiac and the smell of a baby brings out hormones in people. I for the record, never had this issue, when I look at other babies, I think, please don't puke on me, why didn't your mother shop in the USA for your waredrobe, but I don't think, UMMMM, you smell yummy. Even my own little Greta, sure I like the smell of Aveno Lavender and Vanilla Body wash, but I don't go nuts over it I can use the soap in my own bath water. We only bath her every few days, she really smells like a bit between faint soap smell, Ivory Baby Soap we wash her clothes in (which I now do my clothes in, because that is a good smell), and an odour, ummm, let me see how I can describe it, oh, lets say sour milk that has been sitting in a bottle in the hot sun for days...you people need to get out more if that combo of smells is intoxicating to you. And let me tell you, the diapers when filled just provide an aroma, when mixed with the above listed scents would make a wild beast stop in his tracks.
And what is with this heat, thank the lord baby sweat doesn't smell too, poor little Greta is just in a little top and diaper and sweat is in ever little crease of her arms and legs...it's an oven in this house. We are about to head out for a drive in the air conditioned truck, just for a little break. And lets forget about her for a moment, this is my blog too, 30 degrees and hormones that were already making me sweat buckets of water daily, is not a joy for me at all. I may like lying around the Dominican and working on a tan, but this heat is just ridiculous and I'm not enjoying it one little bit.
The week ahead - well, it's Darren's last week home, which means, able to or not, I'm going to make a few attempts to drive, the thought of being house bound and unable to escape when he goes back to work is dreadful in my mind...Granted - where in the heck will I go. I'm quite concerned about being home alone - all day with Greta, and I'm not holding out much hope for visitors during the day since we still haven't had much company since her arrival...so it's going to be interesting. I'm hoping to get to NB this week, need to do a Price Club Run, and Tommy Hillfiger is calling my name (really, it's saying, Gail, we missed you, get your ass to Moncton to tie you over until your New Hampshire trip). That will be the big outting for this week.
Anyway, all for now, must depart and sit in the truck for some cool air.
Really I need to know, so many people pick up Greta and smell her little head (the head that I'm starting to have nightmares won't pass by the 10th percentile and her body will continue to grow and she'll be nick named pea head!!!)...anyway, back to her "scent". Everyone says, she smells so good, she smells like a newborn!...Is this like saying I like puppy breath...It's almost as if she is intoxicating, or maybe she is like an aprhadisiac and the smell of a baby brings out hormones in people. I for the record, never had this issue, when I look at other babies, I think, please don't puke on me, why didn't your mother shop in the USA for your waredrobe, but I don't think, UMMMM, you smell yummy. Even my own little Greta, sure I like the smell of Aveno Lavender and Vanilla Body wash, but I don't go nuts over it I can use the soap in my own bath water. We only bath her every few days, she really smells like a bit between faint soap smell, Ivory Baby Soap we wash her clothes in (which I now do my clothes in, because that is a good smell), and an odour, ummm, let me see how I can describe it, oh, lets say sour milk that has been sitting in a bottle in the hot sun for days...you people need to get out more if that combo of smells is intoxicating to you. And let me tell you, the diapers when filled just provide an aroma, when mixed with the above listed scents would make a wild beast stop in his tracks.
And what is with this heat, thank the lord baby sweat doesn't smell too, poor little Greta is just in a little top and diaper and sweat is in ever little crease of her arms and legs...it's an oven in this house. We are about to head out for a drive in the air conditioned truck, just for a little break. And lets forget about her for a moment, this is my blog too, 30 degrees and hormones that were already making me sweat buckets of water daily, is not a joy for me at all. I may like lying around the Dominican and working on a tan, but this heat is just ridiculous and I'm not enjoying it one little bit.
The week ahead - well, it's Darren's last week home, which means, able to or not, I'm going to make a few attempts to drive, the thought of being house bound and unable to escape when he goes back to work is dreadful in my mind...Granted - where in the heck will I go. I'm quite concerned about being home alone - all day with Greta, and I'm not holding out much hope for visitors during the day since we still haven't had much company since her arrival...so it's going to be interesting. I'm hoping to get to NB this week, need to do a Price Club Run, and Tommy Hillfiger is calling my name (really, it's saying, Gail, we missed you, get your ass to Moncton to tie you over until your New Hampshire trip). That will be the big outting for this week.
Anyway, all for now, must depart and sit in the truck for some cool air.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
I was never on time, was overdue as a baby, never can get to an appt on time, meetings I fly in at the last minute, supper dates I'm fashionably late, but I am fearful I will never again be able to get out of the house again without a 20-30 minute delay - maybe an hour delay - oh hell, I'm just not telling people when we'll arrive.
As I write, we are suppose to be in the car, trying to make it out of the house and to a commitment, but we are obviously not in the car, the little Miss despite being cozy in the car seat, took a freak attack and said "I'm hungry"...so, out of the seat she comes, thankfully in to Darren's arms, I rush to warm up a bottle (which by the way, if you are in a hurry, takes forever), and we are now officially late. Of course, Darren doesn't want Greta to puke in the car, so we'll be extra late and make sure she burps lots and HOLY Shit, the child just about blew off her diaper which we are now realizing may have been the issue more than hunger. But, our perfect little angel baby who rarely cries - showed us she has a good set of lungs finally.
Anyway, enough of this moment - week 3 of Parenthood - and we all survived. I find she is up a little bit more, and I am already thinking - why can't you just keep sleeping! I shall not be one of those people who hope they crawl and walk early, nope, sit on your little behind in the middle of the floor and not have the ability to get anywhere works for me!
I have big news for the "Stats Followers" - one pound to go, and back in my clothes - well, most of them, seems the Banana Republic items shrunk a tad - as I know it's not possibly the fact that my hips have an extra inch on them, but welcome back to Gap and Tommy Hillfiger (so I'm a brand name snob - remember I buy everything in the States). Many told me they ended up smaller than before they were prego and I'm sure that will be my fate, unfortunately mine is because I'm eating crackers and white starches only - oh and Diet Pepsi and Water. The crohns came back with a vengence, and although we have a sweet little gal in the house that doesn't look like she would hurt a flee, having her was not easy on my system. Sadly, a trickle effect of crohns is liver disease, which the specialist has been watching all along, well, it arrived and I'm back to my "normal" life of being a guinea pig (if being prego and poked and proded was not enough), I now have tons of tests coming up and a liver biopsy to look forward to (okay, I'm pretending the person doing the test is some hot Doctor!). Guess the biopsy hurts, why wouldn't it, they are sticking a huge needle through my body and taking out a piece of liver tissue. It will have me in my favorite hospital for another day, happy I didn't tell too many people off during my hospital stay considering I'll be returning so soon. Anyway, not much I can do, can't spend time worrying about it - I'll just silently make myself mental and read the stupid Internet Medical Sites, it strangely helps, I read the worse case scenario stuff and when it's not that bad, it's a great relief..ha!
I wish there was more excitement happening, Darren just has a week left until he has to return to work, although I'm happy he saved some of his personal family days, as I'll be back to no activity and no lifting after my biopsy, not to mention, I'm not willing to take Greta to the hospital with me. We had a few visitors this week - so thanks to those who were able to come over and visit, chat and meet Greta and for the lovely gifts you brought. Our big outtings - surprise surprise, the Dr and the pharmacy - woo hoo, and made it to Walmart. Next week, we are tackling NB hopefully, health permitting for moi, and energy for Darren, it's pay week, have to get back in the swing of things and spend some money, the bank will think I died, don't want them to think about that. Oh, and one funny thing happened this week - I got a call from my Investment Rep, wondering if I wanted Darren as a beneficiary on my life insurance...ummm, no, he already will get my work one, no need to make him extra comfy, but I did realize, may be good to do a will and make sure Greta has some money. We started her RESP paper work, hopefully she'll not become a deliquent and waste it all away her first year of university - can't imagine who would do stuff like that..ha.
As I write, we are suppose to be in the car, trying to make it out of the house and to a commitment, but we are obviously not in the car, the little Miss despite being cozy in the car seat, took a freak attack and said "I'm hungry"...so, out of the seat she comes, thankfully in to Darren's arms, I rush to warm up a bottle (which by the way, if you are in a hurry, takes forever), and we are now officially late. Of course, Darren doesn't want Greta to puke in the car, so we'll be extra late and make sure she burps lots and HOLY Shit, the child just about blew off her diaper which we are now realizing may have been the issue more than hunger. But, our perfect little angel baby who rarely cries - showed us she has a good set of lungs finally.
Anyway, enough of this moment - week 3 of Parenthood - and we all survived. I find she is up a little bit more, and I am already thinking - why can't you just keep sleeping! I shall not be one of those people who hope they crawl and walk early, nope, sit on your little behind in the middle of the floor and not have the ability to get anywhere works for me!
I have big news for the "Stats Followers" - one pound to go, and back in my clothes - well, most of them, seems the Banana Republic items shrunk a tad - as I know it's not possibly the fact that my hips have an extra inch on them, but welcome back to Gap and Tommy Hillfiger (so I'm a brand name snob - remember I buy everything in the States). Many told me they ended up smaller than before they were prego and I'm sure that will be my fate, unfortunately mine is because I'm eating crackers and white starches only - oh and Diet Pepsi and Water. The crohns came back with a vengence, and although we have a sweet little gal in the house that doesn't look like she would hurt a flee, having her was not easy on my system. Sadly, a trickle effect of crohns is liver disease, which the specialist has been watching all along, well, it arrived and I'm back to my "normal" life of being a guinea pig (if being prego and poked and proded was not enough), I now have tons of tests coming up and a liver biopsy to look forward to (okay, I'm pretending the person doing the test is some hot Doctor!). Guess the biopsy hurts, why wouldn't it, they are sticking a huge needle through my body and taking out a piece of liver tissue. It will have me in my favorite hospital for another day, happy I didn't tell too many people off during my hospital stay considering I'll be returning so soon. Anyway, not much I can do, can't spend time worrying about it - I'll just silently make myself mental and read the stupid Internet Medical Sites, it strangely helps, I read the worse case scenario stuff and when it's not that bad, it's a great relief..ha!
I wish there was more excitement happening, Darren just has a week left until he has to return to work, although I'm happy he saved some of his personal family days, as I'll be back to no activity and no lifting after my biopsy, not to mention, I'm not willing to take Greta to the hospital with me. We had a few visitors this week - so thanks to those who were able to come over and visit, chat and meet Greta and for the lovely gifts you brought. Our big outtings - surprise surprise, the Dr and the pharmacy - woo hoo, and made it to Walmart. Next week, we are tackling NB hopefully, health permitting for moi, and energy for Darren, it's pay week, have to get back in the swing of things and spend some money, the bank will think I died, don't want them to think about that. Oh, and one funny thing happened this week - I got a call from my Investment Rep, wondering if I wanted Darren as a beneficiary on my life insurance...ummm, no, he already will get my work one, no need to make him extra comfy, but I did realize, may be good to do a will and make sure Greta has some money. We started her RESP paper work, hopefully she'll not become a deliquent and waste it all away her first year of university - can't imagine who would do stuff like that..ha.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Enough PINK already....
Well, so many things to discuss today, I barely know where to start!!!
Tuesday, July Something, 2010 - I have lost track of what day it is, not a flippin clue, when it's time to start Xmas shopping, I'll catch on perhaps, worry if I have the tree up in September though. The days are rolling all as one. But I know it's Tuesday because Greta had her first Dr's appt.
STATS for Greta:
Slow growing: 6lbs 15oz, 20.25 inches (she is getting taller!), small head, only 10th percentile.
STATS for Mommy:
3lbs to go to the pre-prego weight, I feel confident a bit extra is going to come off, considering I have done nothing but sit on my ass for the past 19 days (lied around perhaps for 8 of them), and maybe walked a few times from the car to the Dr or Pharmacy and it still came off, there is hope of more floating away. For those who have yet to have a kid, and to those that did and didn't bother to warn me, I have had hot flashes like a very cranky woman in menopause, I sweat a few lbs every night, and I'm not joking, literally, buckets of water!!!. I may actually have a hope of getting a bit lower on the scale. Other stats - ummm, still 5 feet 6 1/2 (that 1/2 is important you know), chest - same - only grew for 2 days, phew, that would have been a pricey trip to La Senza, feet - same size (some gals told me their feet grew, that would have sucked, do you know how many pairs of shoes I own!)
So, of course, I can't go to a Doctor for Greta without stealing the damn show...ready for it...I have flippin PINK EYE, you know the infection that kids in day cares get...not adults. No doubt someone touched something in BC and the damn wind blew it my way, in to the house that I have lived in, pretty much like house arrest for 19 days....I mean, we have had very, very few visitors (and none to my knowledge had pink pus filled eyes), I have only gone to the hospital or OBs office and I end up with F'n Pink Eye!!! Just in one eye. I have been OCD with washing my hands, I was bad before, but now I wash my hands, then sanitize them with alcohol, about 100 times a day, and still, I have Fn Pink Eye (doesn't the F'n heighten my disgust!!). And the best line out of the Dr's mouth was said to Darren, "Until this clears up, you will have to handle the baby more". I could read Darren's mind very, very well, I'll interpret - If I hold the baby any more, I may as well be a single father". He just nodded! If that wasn't enough to break a man down who is exhausted for doing 90% of the work while I try to get my shitty health back to at least my shitty normal, it is confirmed that sneezing is just something babies do - it's not an allergy to the cats - Darren was hoping!!!
So, next topic!!!! Food...No wonder I'm losing weight, I don't eat. It's now 10:25 pm, I have eaten 2 cookies, 3 Diet Pepsi, 1 Lemonade, 2 bottles of water, 4 soda crackers (they came in a package of 4, otherwise, I would have eaten more!) and split an order of PEI fries down at Peakes this afternoon...Oh, and a kit kat bar. I am hungry, but is it worth making something this late, I'm not starving, and my crohns is bad enough that I'll probably just get to have white bread...But here is my theory, new mothers can lose all their weight, BUT, if they eat like this, the pounds will come back - duh, not much thought put in to this theory...but I see it happen all the time, there is no time for food prep! I think there should be a network of new mothers out there, and when a new mom is born, the old mom's take the new one food, it will be like a pay it forward plan...Not sure how I can start this up, but there is a lot to be said about people bringing you food. We were fortunate and our old neighbour came over with lots of food on our first day home, it was greatly appreciated!
Lullaby's - yikes - bad mother fact #____ (I've lost count of the numbers)..Darren took a little break tonight and went fishing, which meant I (me, the supposed Mommy) had to babysit Greta! And the little bugger was up the entire time, typical of when Darren walks out the door, she doesn't like me babysitting, I'm a stranger! She wouldn't settle at all, fed her, changed her, played with her, put her in the swing, held her until the heat was too much to bare, and finally, I started the music...But no, I don't find Mr. Sandman, or Rock a Bye Baby, I have Bohemian Rhapsody and Hallelujah playing...it worked, seems she likes songs about death...SIGH! And do you know how tough it is to constantly be applying sanitizer to your hands while holding a baby and trying not to touch her face (which is always where you want to touch babies).
Grocery Store Visits - Lets just say, $65 on the order - easily!!!
SPANX - No, I didn't say SPANK (although I'm all for spanking children - having one didn't change my mind)...SPANX is God's gift to woman (one way you should all have confirmation that God is a Woman!!) For those who don't know what Spanx are - let me tell you, they are like an old fashion girdle that can cover most of your body in tight elastic - it essentially sucks and pulls your body in to a tight cocoon, limiting your ability to breath but making your ass and hips look like you have exercised non stop for months! Well, I happen to own such lovely garments (for those special outfits that need to make you look exceptionally toned. Anyway, I thought in an effort to look like I was back in shape without exercising I would bring them out...
HOLY frig, during my pregnancy the suckers shrunk significantly in my drawer. Imagine a Gal (lets say it's me) with c-section scar, barely able to bend over, trying to get elastic type garments on her body - which as stated above - is sweaty from hormones and the damn humidity...it was not a pretty sight to see. So, I finally get them on, and bring out the Gap Blue dress pants that are fitting so nicely and have been waiting patiently for me to fit back in to, and presto, wow, they work, only issue is, I'm wrapped in elastic and the heat is too much. So I give in to the heat despite the impressive loss of 2 inches on my waist and hips and decide to forgo the Spanx today, and just wiggle in to the Gap Pants...Well, do you think I can get these suckers off...the sweat is like a damn adhesive for Spanx, I thought I was glued in to the Spanx because I can't get them off my legs, I'm in pain, thinking I'm destined to look smaller but unable to move because I have glued on elastic all over my legs. I'm too vain or embarrassed to tell Darren my struggles, so I finally pry myself out of them, and wishing baby powder was close by to sooth the skin....NOTE to self and others, don't wear Spanx when it's humid out and you are having hot flashes!
So, another day in the life of Gail and Greta. The child is doomed. A mommy who she thinks is the fill in babysitter, who chose "death" related songs to sooth her to sleep, who has a bandaged toe from tripping up the stairs and ripping off a perfectly good toe nail, and now a bloody pink eye...Do I need a vacation or what?? I think it's time I write to Oprah and get on one of her "You need a Break" shows. Or maybe I'm better suited for Ripleys Believe it or Not!
PS. Saw Gelman from the Regis and Kelly show, missed the photo op though. Plus I didn't want to disturb his shopping.
Tuesday, July Something, 2010 - I have lost track of what day it is, not a flippin clue, when it's time to start Xmas shopping, I'll catch on perhaps, worry if I have the tree up in September though. The days are rolling all as one. But I know it's Tuesday because Greta had her first Dr's appt.
STATS for Greta:
Slow growing: 6lbs 15oz, 20.25 inches (she is getting taller!), small head, only 10th percentile.
STATS for Mommy:
3lbs to go to the pre-prego weight, I feel confident a bit extra is going to come off, considering I have done nothing but sit on my ass for the past 19 days (lied around perhaps for 8 of them), and maybe walked a few times from the car to the Dr or Pharmacy and it still came off, there is hope of more floating away. For those who have yet to have a kid, and to those that did and didn't bother to warn me, I have had hot flashes like a very cranky woman in menopause, I sweat a few lbs every night, and I'm not joking, literally, buckets of water!!!. I may actually have a hope of getting a bit lower on the scale. Other stats - ummm, still 5 feet 6 1/2 (that 1/2 is important you know), chest - same - only grew for 2 days, phew, that would have been a pricey trip to La Senza, feet - same size (some gals told me their feet grew, that would have sucked, do you know how many pairs of shoes I own!)
So, of course, I can't go to a Doctor for Greta without stealing the damn show...ready for it...I have flippin PINK EYE, you know the infection that kids in day cares get...not adults. No doubt someone touched something in BC and the damn wind blew it my way, in to the house that I have lived in, pretty much like house arrest for 19 days....I mean, we have had very, very few visitors (and none to my knowledge had pink pus filled eyes), I have only gone to the hospital or OBs office and I end up with F'n Pink Eye!!! Just in one eye. I have been OCD with washing my hands, I was bad before, but now I wash my hands, then sanitize them with alcohol, about 100 times a day, and still, I have Fn Pink Eye (doesn't the F'n heighten my disgust!!). And the best line out of the Dr's mouth was said to Darren, "Until this clears up, you will have to handle the baby more". I could read Darren's mind very, very well, I'll interpret - If I hold the baby any more, I may as well be a single father". He just nodded! If that wasn't enough to break a man down who is exhausted for doing 90% of the work while I try to get my shitty health back to at least my shitty normal, it is confirmed that sneezing is just something babies do - it's not an allergy to the cats - Darren was hoping!!!
So, next topic!!!! Food...No wonder I'm losing weight, I don't eat. It's now 10:25 pm, I have eaten 2 cookies, 3 Diet Pepsi, 1 Lemonade, 2 bottles of water, 4 soda crackers (they came in a package of 4, otherwise, I would have eaten more!) and split an order of PEI fries down at Peakes this afternoon...Oh, and a kit kat bar. I am hungry, but is it worth making something this late, I'm not starving, and my crohns is bad enough that I'll probably just get to have white bread...But here is my theory, new mothers can lose all their weight, BUT, if they eat like this, the pounds will come back - duh, not much thought put in to this theory...but I see it happen all the time, there is no time for food prep! I think there should be a network of new mothers out there, and when a new mom is born, the old mom's take the new one food, it will be like a pay it forward plan...Not sure how I can start this up, but there is a lot to be said about people bringing you food. We were fortunate and our old neighbour came over with lots of food on our first day home, it was greatly appreciated!
Lullaby's - yikes - bad mother fact #____ (I've lost count of the numbers)..Darren took a little break tonight and went fishing, which meant I (me, the supposed Mommy) had to babysit Greta! And the little bugger was up the entire time, typical of when Darren walks out the door, she doesn't like me babysitting, I'm a stranger! She wouldn't settle at all, fed her, changed her, played with her, put her in the swing, held her until the heat was too much to bare, and finally, I started the music...But no, I don't find Mr. Sandman, or Rock a Bye Baby, I have Bohemian Rhapsody and Hallelujah playing...it worked, seems she likes songs about death...SIGH! And do you know how tough it is to constantly be applying sanitizer to your hands while holding a baby and trying not to touch her face (which is always where you want to touch babies).
Grocery Store Visits - Lets just say, $65 on the order - easily!!!
SPANX - No, I didn't say SPANK (although I'm all for spanking children - having one didn't change my mind)...SPANX is God's gift to woman (one way you should all have confirmation that God is a Woman!!) For those who don't know what Spanx are - let me tell you, they are like an old fashion girdle that can cover most of your body in tight elastic - it essentially sucks and pulls your body in to a tight cocoon, limiting your ability to breath but making your ass and hips look like you have exercised non stop for months! Well, I happen to own such lovely garments (for those special outfits that need to make you look exceptionally toned. Anyway, I thought in an effort to look like I was back in shape without exercising I would bring them out...
HOLY frig, during my pregnancy the suckers shrunk significantly in my drawer. Imagine a Gal (lets say it's me) with c-section scar, barely able to bend over, trying to get elastic type garments on her body - which as stated above - is sweaty from hormones and the damn humidity...it was not a pretty sight to see. So, I finally get them on, and bring out the Gap Blue dress pants that are fitting so nicely and have been waiting patiently for me to fit back in to, and presto, wow, they work, only issue is, I'm wrapped in elastic and the heat is too much. So I give in to the heat despite the impressive loss of 2 inches on my waist and hips and decide to forgo the Spanx today, and just wiggle in to the Gap Pants...Well, do you think I can get these suckers off...the sweat is like a damn adhesive for Spanx, I thought I was glued in to the Spanx because I can't get them off my legs, I'm in pain, thinking I'm destined to look smaller but unable to move because I have glued on elastic all over my legs. I'm too vain or embarrassed to tell Darren my struggles, so I finally pry myself out of them, and wishing baby powder was close by to sooth the skin....NOTE to self and others, don't wear Spanx when it's humid out and you are having hot flashes!
So, another day in the life of Gail and Greta. The child is doomed. A mommy who she thinks is the fill in babysitter, who chose "death" related songs to sooth her to sleep, who has a bandaged toe from tripping up the stairs and ripping off a perfectly good toe nail, and now a bloody pink eye...Do I need a vacation or what?? I think it's time I write to Oprah and get on one of her "You need a Break" shows. Or maybe I'm better suited for Ripleys Believe it or Not!
PS. Saw Gelman from the Regis and Kelly show, missed the photo op though. Plus I didn't want to disturb his shopping.
Monday, July 12, 2010
We will survive....
Well, the little Miss is now 18 days old, extremely hard to believe. It feels like it's been less as I was doped up so much for the first week of her life that I wasn't sure if she was an imaginary doll that happened to cry and poop (I really think you can buy those dolls - but why would you want to!) or if Darren just adopted a baby and decided to become a Mommy and Daddy. Darren is still the main caregiver, thank goodness he was able to take the time off, I know we are extremely fortunate to have our salaries paid pretty much in full to stay at home with Greta, but there is no dollar value I could place on the assistance.
It would be unlike me to have no complications - I think you would all be asking where my funeral was taking place if you didn't hear about some silly incident, it could only mean I died if all was perfect (as strange and opposite as that sounds), but I have struggled to rebound from the anesthetic, the actual surgery, the drug use (that the hospital gave me), and to top things off, as I was warned, my crohns came back with a vengeance. Now, my crohns never was in remission during my pregnancy, but it certainly sucks now. Thankfully, on the 23rd I'm back to my Gastro Specialist to see what we can do.
*** UMMM, crying Greta, I'll be back!!! Glad there is no time showing when I started this blog and when I'm coming back to it, Got Greta up, gave her a bath to make her smell all pretty and hoping to convince Darren to yet again feed the little hungry monster so I can relax in a hot bath myself.
SO...back to what I was going to blog about..LIFE. In 18 days, things are changing:
1) The sweet baby girl who slept 5-6 hour stretches now seems to like our faces a bit more and when she is up, doesn't automatically fall back to sleep, seems this now occurs a bit more in the wee hours of the morning. Sweet at 4pm that she wants to coo and look around, but at 4am, it would be so nice for her to just eat and snooze again! Doesn't help that I'm still paranoid and check her breathing 50 times a night, which no doubt is affecting her getting in to a deep sleep and making sleep deprivation a self inflicted issue for myself.
2) The Shit - HOLY Shit...it stinks more every day and thankfully we are putting the diapers on tight, as I'm sure she could blow one off her little body. How can someone so tiny create such a mess? And I'm talking 10 wipes, 2 diapers before we get out of the room and need to lysol the room afterwards kind of shit. Darren who has been happily changing diapers - yes, happily, like a proud Daddy and helper, almost gagged last night....I'm afraid his googly eyes for his little girl may have a few moments where he hands her off.
*** BREAK number two, Wayne made his way over to meet the latest member of the family, after his visit, a very bad episode of power puking as I started to change her, not a pleasant or stress free event...So much for smelling good!
3) Dressing - she is going through the outfits, a bit because of temperature changes throughout the day, other times because we just have her dressed "casually", but when we know company is coming we'll dress her up a bit more (this is the hint to call before dropping by!). Unfortunately, she also spits up at times - okay, it's not graceful, it's a power puke, poor little thing, it's our fault for either over feeding her, or just not getting a burp out, but she is certainly going through the clothes.
4) Where is everyone? A few "Mom's" told me you will be shocked to see who your friends are (and family for that matter). I guess I can leave it at that!! But a genuine thanks to all those who commented on photos, sent us emails, notes, words of encouragement, gave a gift to Greta, or picked up the phone or made the effort to come and visit, it was greatly appreciated. I am hoping to get Greta to NB in the coming week, too bad she can't take a dip in my parents pool. But hopefully she'll have a chance to meet some of her cousins and Great-Great Aunts.
5) My Dog - She doesn't like me anymore. I'm so sad, she looks at me with disgust in her eyes, I have bought her presents, taken her for walks, try to get her to cuddle, and she looks at me like I'm the devil, and the baby is the devil's child. I can tell she is depressed, but we are doing our best to make sure she knows she is still #1!!! And I'm sure it will get better. She does watch Greta in her swing and follows me to her room every single time, maybe it will be better when Greta can actually interact with her. I hope!
6) Shopping - Woo Hoo, I'm back!! Visa and Mastercard are singing my praises yet again. 30 minutes at Winners, 5 bags, $200+ of Size Small...yippee. Now, I still have some pudgy stuff to get rid of, but I got my ass back in to my pre-prego jeans. Now, unfortunately the incision is painful, so I may have to hold off wearing them just a bit longer, but I try them on everyday...ha! I have 4 lbs to go to the pre-prego weight, not a massive accomplishment considering I only gained 17, but things were looking grim when I gained in the hospital, so I feel a bit better.
7) For those who read my posts about my clumsy - ripped the toe nail off incident - it still hurts and I have realized all my adorable and beautiful high heel sandals may be tough to wear this summer. I WILL NEVER again say, I would rather have my toe nails ripped off in lieu of doing something (come on, you have all used this saying) - come up with a new line, nothing (not even a C-section or needle in the spine) can be as bad as ripping off a perfectly good (and quite cute I must add) toenail.
8) Sleep - We are getting a fair amount of sleep I think considering we are now living with an 18 day old baby, and if you can imagine, Scarlet as a puppy was up every 2 hours for months, tiny little bladder and no diapers! But we are pretty darn tired and it's so great to have Darren home and sharing the work (or doing the majority), will be quite the difference when he has to go back to work - I might have to give him weeks from my paternity leave.
9) She is pretty - I must admit, I think Greta is pretty cute. I wasn't holding out an unrealistic expectation, and wasn't going to say she was cute just because she was mine, if she was not cute, I would admit it (even if it was just to myself)...but I really think she is a very good looking newborn baby! She has lovely skin, a perfect amount of hair, and tiny little feminine features...
10) My house - we are doing a great job of keeping the house clean - it was a goal of mine and Darren's to ensure the house didn't look like a daycare centre, so yes, we have a bassinet in front of the fireplace and a swing in the corner, but thankfully, the house is big enough to have a home for the baby items. Now, in my temporarily disabled state, I have been thinking more and more about the housekeeper I hired then didn't go through with last year. I may just send her a quick note and see if she needs another job...Would be nice to have someone do the floors and bathrooms...SHHH, Darren doesn't have time to read my blog anymore, so it will be our secret!
So, that sums up 18 days...tomorrow we are off to Greta's first Dr's appt and hopefully I can steal some of her time and ask about my own health. So the big question - What will she wear to her first appt!?
It would be unlike me to have no complications - I think you would all be asking where my funeral was taking place if you didn't hear about some silly incident, it could only mean I died if all was perfect (as strange and opposite as that sounds), but I have struggled to rebound from the anesthetic, the actual surgery, the drug use (that the hospital gave me), and to top things off, as I was warned, my crohns came back with a vengeance. Now, my crohns never was in remission during my pregnancy, but it certainly sucks now. Thankfully, on the 23rd I'm back to my Gastro Specialist to see what we can do.
*** UMMM, crying Greta, I'll be back!!! Glad there is no time showing when I started this blog and when I'm coming back to it, Got Greta up, gave her a bath to make her smell all pretty and hoping to convince Darren to yet again feed the little hungry monster so I can relax in a hot bath myself.
SO...back to what I was going to blog about..LIFE. In 18 days, things are changing:
1) The sweet baby girl who slept 5-6 hour stretches now seems to like our faces a bit more and when she is up, doesn't automatically fall back to sleep, seems this now occurs a bit more in the wee hours of the morning. Sweet at 4pm that she wants to coo and look around, but at 4am, it would be so nice for her to just eat and snooze again! Doesn't help that I'm still paranoid and check her breathing 50 times a night, which no doubt is affecting her getting in to a deep sleep and making sleep deprivation a self inflicted issue for myself.
2) The Shit - HOLY Shit...it stinks more every day and thankfully we are putting the diapers on tight, as I'm sure she could blow one off her little body. How can someone so tiny create such a mess? And I'm talking 10 wipes, 2 diapers before we get out of the room and need to lysol the room afterwards kind of shit. Darren who has been happily changing diapers - yes, happily, like a proud Daddy and helper, almost gagged last night....I'm afraid his googly eyes for his little girl may have a few moments where he hands her off.
*** BREAK number two, Wayne made his way over to meet the latest member of the family, after his visit, a very bad episode of power puking as I started to change her, not a pleasant or stress free event...So much for smelling good!
3) Dressing - she is going through the outfits, a bit because of temperature changes throughout the day, other times because we just have her dressed "casually", but when we know company is coming we'll dress her up a bit more (this is the hint to call before dropping by!). Unfortunately, she also spits up at times - okay, it's not graceful, it's a power puke, poor little thing, it's our fault for either over feeding her, or just not getting a burp out, but she is certainly going through the clothes.
4) Where is everyone? A few "Mom's" told me you will be shocked to see who your friends are (and family for that matter). I guess I can leave it at that!! But a genuine thanks to all those who commented on photos, sent us emails, notes, words of encouragement, gave a gift to Greta, or picked up the phone or made the effort to come and visit, it was greatly appreciated. I am hoping to get Greta to NB in the coming week, too bad she can't take a dip in my parents pool. But hopefully she'll have a chance to meet some of her cousins and Great-Great Aunts.
5) My Dog - She doesn't like me anymore. I'm so sad, she looks at me with disgust in her eyes, I have bought her presents, taken her for walks, try to get her to cuddle, and she looks at me like I'm the devil, and the baby is the devil's child. I can tell she is depressed, but we are doing our best to make sure she knows she is still #1!!! And I'm sure it will get better. She does watch Greta in her swing and follows me to her room every single time, maybe it will be better when Greta can actually interact with her. I hope!
6) Shopping - Woo Hoo, I'm back!! Visa and Mastercard are singing my praises yet again. 30 minutes at Winners, 5 bags, $200+ of Size Small...yippee. Now, I still have some pudgy stuff to get rid of, but I got my ass back in to my pre-prego jeans. Now, unfortunately the incision is painful, so I may have to hold off wearing them just a bit longer, but I try them on everyday...ha! I have 4 lbs to go to the pre-prego weight, not a massive accomplishment considering I only gained 17, but things were looking grim when I gained in the hospital, so I feel a bit better.
7) For those who read my posts about my clumsy - ripped the toe nail off incident - it still hurts and I have realized all my adorable and beautiful high heel sandals may be tough to wear this summer. I WILL NEVER again say, I would rather have my toe nails ripped off in lieu of doing something (come on, you have all used this saying) - come up with a new line, nothing (not even a C-section or needle in the spine) can be as bad as ripping off a perfectly good (and quite cute I must add) toenail.
8) Sleep - We are getting a fair amount of sleep I think considering we are now living with an 18 day old baby, and if you can imagine, Scarlet as a puppy was up every 2 hours for months, tiny little bladder and no diapers! But we are pretty darn tired and it's so great to have Darren home and sharing the work (or doing the majority), will be quite the difference when he has to go back to work - I might have to give him weeks from my paternity leave.
9) She is pretty - I must admit, I think Greta is pretty cute. I wasn't holding out an unrealistic expectation, and wasn't going to say she was cute just because she was mine, if she was not cute, I would admit it (even if it was just to myself)...but I really think she is a very good looking newborn baby! She has lovely skin, a perfect amount of hair, and tiny little feminine features...
10) My house - we are doing a great job of keeping the house clean - it was a goal of mine and Darren's to ensure the house didn't look like a daycare centre, so yes, we have a bassinet in front of the fireplace and a swing in the corner, but thankfully, the house is big enough to have a home for the baby items. Now, in my temporarily disabled state, I have been thinking more and more about the housekeeper I hired then didn't go through with last year. I may just send her a quick note and see if she needs another job...Would be nice to have someone do the floors and bathrooms...SHHH, Darren doesn't have time to read my blog anymore, so it will be our secret!
So, that sums up 18 days...tomorrow we are off to Greta's first Dr's appt and hopefully I can steal some of her time and ask about my own health. So the big question - What will she wear to her first appt!?
Friday, July 9, 2010
I hope it's not in the genes
Well, we have completed 2 weeks of parenthood, and we have all survived. Check mark in the "potentially competent parent box". I say potentially, as surely we'll screw up with something.
Now, I'm still checking her breathing non stop and I can't sleep in the daytime, despite all the advice of "sleep when the baby sleeps"...I can't, I have to make sure Greta is still breathing by touching her and interrupting what looks to be a peaceful sleep, so I'm a bit tired, but it's my own fault, not Greta's. We are doing quite well, I think we are pretty comfortable, we carry her around like a little football and I think are not doing the traditional first time parent things...you know, dropping the soother and running to sterilize it - nope, we just ensure there isn't a full ball of fur on it and back to her mouth it goes. No doubt we missed some cat hair along the way, at least twice a day, I'm pulling white fur out of her mouth - I think it builds up immunity! If someone wants to hold her - GREAT, we are not being over protective. Bottles - I'm doing my best, but sterilizing them in the microwave, boiling bottles and accessories just seems so long. Anyway, all to say, we are winging it like I said we would.
Now, the week home hasn't been without complications. I've had to make three visits for medical reasons...once to the new Emergency Room (I unlike most Islanders was not going just to check out the new facility), I really did have a medical emergency. And twice to the Dr about C-Section complications. I had been experiencing dreadful headaches since Greta arrived, they were knock you down, make you feel drunk type of headaches, so bad that I couldn't hold the baby at times...not good. And my incision wasn't looking so great...so First visit, I'm given new drugs...2nd day of taking them, I have a damn allergic reaction to them, break out in hives, my entire chest, neck, down my arms...let me tell you, 13 days after a c-section, and I look like a spotted freak, gets you through the emergency room quick, I was marked urgent and by-passed most in the waiting room (granted, see above - most were just there to be nosey and check the place out). So, another drug to add to the list of things I can't take. My medic alert braclet is not big enough for all the drugs I react to. Anyway, back to the Dr again today, little bit of a follow up, moreso because the pain just won't go away. But, are you ready for an "only Gail would have this story moment"...on my way in, I'm walking up the stairs to the Dr's office, big cement stairs, and I'm not use to doing stairs, so I'm being extra careful. In my clever, lets be careful moment, I trip, hit my toe on the cement and rip my toe nail off...Blood everywhere, pain ripping through my body, so I arrive in the OB's office, and need to get my toe fixed up...imagine the shocked look on people's faces when I come out from meeting with the OB with a bandaged toe and Darren asks if my toe is okay...ha! Anyway, it quite simply is 100 times more painful than the spinal block going in to my spine on Surgery Day...it's throbing, and my nice pedicure that I worked so hard to keep, is now greatly disrupted, I won't have a damn toe nail for the rest of the summer..I mean. I bent it back and it's gone!!!
So, I'm not allowed drugs, I am in tons of pain, holding my stomach and now hobbling alone, and Darren is just shaking his head and explains to Greta that he hopes she gets his health genes...believe me, so do I.
End result of all my complications, the OB said I will most likely have a bit longer of a recovery because of my compromised immune system due to the crohns, and the lack of drugs I can take...so, sadly, not able to jump in the car quite yet and drive myself. It's definitely the worse part of a section, I feel I have zero independence, I despise having to ask Darren to drive me places, or run errands for me, not to mention, we are now always late - holy, it's friggin hard getting out the door with a baby.
Other mention for the week in review - DIAPERS. How can one little baby shit so much...I mean, this is just ridiculous. We are not quick either, so sadly, each diaper change means a minimum of 2, sometimes up to 4 diapers before we leave the bedroom with her. We had to buy 3 extra packs of Newborn diapers and I think we may still need more...It's an issue. I was starting to worry she inherited my crohns.
We are starting to have a few more visitors, so thank you to those who have stopped by, it means a lot, we have been a little shack wacky and since I have basically been immobile, nice to see a few come by.
Now, I'm still checking her breathing non stop and I can't sleep in the daytime, despite all the advice of "sleep when the baby sleeps"...I can't, I have to make sure Greta is still breathing by touching her and interrupting what looks to be a peaceful sleep, so I'm a bit tired, but it's my own fault, not Greta's. We are doing quite well, I think we are pretty comfortable, we carry her around like a little football and I think are not doing the traditional first time parent things...you know, dropping the soother and running to sterilize it - nope, we just ensure there isn't a full ball of fur on it and back to her mouth it goes. No doubt we missed some cat hair along the way, at least twice a day, I'm pulling white fur out of her mouth - I think it builds up immunity! If someone wants to hold her - GREAT, we are not being over protective. Bottles - I'm doing my best, but sterilizing them in the microwave, boiling bottles and accessories just seems so long. Anyway, all to say, we are winging it like I said we would.
Now, the week home hasn't been without complications. I've had to make three visits for medical reasons...once to the new Emergency Room (I unlike most Islanders was not going just to check out the new facility), I really did have a medical emergency. And twice to the Dr about C-Section complications. I had been experiencing dreadful headaches since Greta arrived, they were knock you down, make you feel drunk type of headaches, so bad that I couldn't hold the baby at times...not good. And my incision wasn't looking so great...so First visit, I'm given new drugs...2nd day of taking them, I have a damn allergic reaction to them, break out in hives, my entire chest, neck, down my arms...let me tell you, 13 days after a c-section, and I look like a spotted freak, gets you through the emergency room quick, I was marked urgent and by-passed most in the waiting room (granted, see above - most were just there to be nosey and check the place out). So, another drug to add to the list of things I can't take. My medic alert braclet is not big enough for all the drugs I react to. Anyway, back to the Dr again today, little bit of a follow up, moreso because the pain just won't go away. But, are you ready for an "only Gail would have this story moment"...on my way in, I'm walking up the stairs to the Dr's office, big cement stairs, and I'm not use to doing stairs, so I'm being extra careful. In my clever, lets be careful moment, I trip, hit my toe on the cement and rip my toe nail off...Blood everywhere, pain ripping through my body, so I arrive in the OB's office, and need to get my toe fixed up...imagine the shocked look on people's faces when I come out from meeting with the OB with a bandaged toe and Darren asks if my toe is okay...ha! Anyway, it quite simply is 100 times more painful than the spinal block going in to my spine on Surgery Day...it's throbing, and my nice pedicure that I worked so hard to keep, is now greatly disrupted, I won't have a damn toe nail for the rest of the summer..I mean. I bent it back and it's gone!!!
So, I'm not allowed drugs, I am in tons of pain, holding my stomach and now hobbling alone, and Darren is just shaking his head and explains to Greta that he hopes she gets his health genes...believe me, so do I.
End result of all my complications, the OB said I will most likely have a bit longer of a recovery because of my compromised immune system due to the crohns, and the lack of drugs I can take...so, sadly, not able to jump in the car quite yet and drive myself. It's definitely the worse part of a section, I feel I have zero independence, I despise having to ask Darren to drive me places, or run errands for me, not to mention, we are now always late - holy, it's friggin hard getting out the door with a baby.
Other mention for the week in review - DIAPERS. How can one little baby shit so much...I mean, this is just ridiculous. We are not quick either, so sadly, each diaper change means a minimum of 2, sometimes up to 4 diapers before we leave the bedroom with her. We had to buy 3 extra packs of Newborn diapers and I think we may still need more...It's an issue. I was starting to worry she inherited my crohns.
We are starting to have a few more visitors, so thank you to those who have stopped by, it means a lot, we have been a little shack wacky and since I have basically been immobile, nice to see a few come by.
Friday, July 2, 2010
A Mommy and Daddy are Born...

Sorry for the delay, had a little surgery, welcomed a little girl, and had a few days recouping both in the hospital then at home...BUT I'm back, and have 8 days worth of thoughts and energy for maybe a few highlights.
First, we welcomed Greta Claire Edgett-Gallant to the world at 9:46am, June 24th, 2010 via C-Section. She weighed in at 6lbs 9oz, and only 18 inches. And much to my surprise and delight, she is pretty darn cute. I wasn't quite expecting it, of course, I can't deny, after confirming she was a girl, the next words out of my mouth were, "Does she have a lot of hair"...phew, what a relief, she didn't look like a monkey! I think I then asked if she was okay, but I maybe just assumed that she was, otherwise, they wouldn't have handed her to Darren.
I was relatively calm on surgery day, I think my breakdown happened a few days prior, so it was just a procedure in my mind and then presto, we became parents. Literally in a matter of 16 minutes from the moment I was brought in to the OR until her arrival, parents were born along with little Greta. Despite being awake, I remember absolutely nothing, don't remember Darren coming in the room, don't recall the nurses or Dr's talking, absolutely zip during the surgery. The first realization that I delivered a baby was the look in Darren's eyes when he brought her over to show me, his eyes were full of tears and he told me how beautiful she was, I could tell from the look on his face that his life had been filled with more love than he was prepared for, a truly remarkable thing...But back to me for a second...HA!
Here are a few highlights, as I can't possibly write everything, but I promised to tell it like it was, so here it goes:
1) Recovery sucked - the recovery room was filled with people, I could see other patients being rolled in, being worked on, and all I kept thinking was, please tell me you have me covered up, even though I can see partially naked bodies all around me...
2) Being moved via a board from the recovery room bed to my hospital bed when I couldn't feel my limbs - also sucked.
3) Realizing the nurses were dressing me, and pretty much putting diapers on me - sucked
4) The hospital food - sucked
5) The nurses - were excellent (ha, caught you off guard didn't I). My biggest upset was the lack of consistency. I am a rookie, even lower than a rookie mom, I'm the one who goes to try out, gets picked last, and then never really gets to play type of rookie! So, everything the nurses told me, I was soaking up, but shift to shift I was hearing different things. I was going insane and had a few breakdowns. I thought I was doing things wrong, felt totally incompetent and despite being well educated and having been proud of my common sense, I was very unsure of everything and still am.
6) Sleep - the hospital is a place where you get zero sleep, between the nurses checking me constantly, or the babies across the hall from me crying all friggin night, I didn't sleep for 3 days straight. 3 DAYS!! I was so drugged that I was hallucinating, if I could have managed to get out of bed, I would have walked across the hall and told the poor mother who was crying, because her baby cried for 24 hours straight to give up on breast feeding and try a bottle - I needed sleep, and she was affecting that a great deal for me!
7) Dignity - I always knew having a baby was an occasion where you left the dignity at the door, well, I'm not sure what door, but holy moly...there is no shame after having a baby. Besides the above noted board incident, and the nurses dressing me, I was not prepared to require someone carrying me to the bathroom and YIKES, staying in the bathroom with me, holding me upright so I wouldn't fall, or having dressings changed on my incision, or being changed when I still couldn't feel my legs. Thankfully the nurse thought I was capable to shower on my own, but she was just outside the door and had to open the door a few times to check on me...again, dignity, GONE!!!
8) The weight - okay, I don't think it's a secret, my weight gain was very reasonably 17 lbs...so I assumed...it would all disappear on Greta's Birthday - the first chance I could successfully stand, I asked for a scale - Darren said NO, the nurse said NO, and I insisted...I now know why they said no...I gained weight!!! I delivered a 6lb 9oz baby, plus all the other crap they took out of me, and I was down 4 friggin pounds...4 pounds. Breakdown #2 in the hospital!!!! To date, I'm only down 7...yes, 7...No one bothered to tell me that after a baby, some woman retain water from all the IV they pumped in to me....I even had swollen legs and feet for the first time...I went an entire pregnancy without being sick, never once did I have a swollen limb and afterwards, all hell breaks lose. I have had a breakdown pretty much every day because of the weight...it's extremely depressing and I know vain, but it wasn't part of the plan AT ALL. I am not going to buy maternity clothes for the summer after this baby has arrived, so I may wrap myself in plastic garbage bags and see if I can sweat out the water! I'll keep you updated!
9) Lonely - Having a baby is a lonely experience, even though everyone I know has children, I have felt very alone. I have people around me, lots of lovely notes, but it's rather lonely. I think it's a bit of my independence escaping and the fact that I can't drive (even though I feel quite sick still and barely can walk room to room) I feel shack wacky and we really haven't had many visitors, so it's lonely!
10) Formula - okay, this has been the most stressful event - are you ready for it, couldn't figure out how to make formula...need a degree for that I guess. All the instructions said make as needed - but everyone I can think of always had prepared bottles, but there were no instructions for that...Just a slight mental moment, but I felt very, very stupid! We have been giving Greta the Ready to Feed Bottles, but $20 for 8 bottles, which is a days worth, yikes, we would be in the poor house pretty darn quick!
11) I'm insane - so, I keep thinking Greta isn't breathing - so in the 3 days that we have been home, I have probably checked to see if she was breathing about 500 times, stupidly by touching her lips that at times wakes her up, and I keep thinking she has a fever - so, the old thermometer is getting a work out, may have checked her temperature 50 times...I wish I was exaggerating.
12) ME - I have been relatively emotionally stable - I think my true post partum depression was the full 10 months I was pregnant, but since being home, I have experienced all the side effects I should have experienced when expecting. I have been so nauseous that at times I feel I couldn't possibly carry Greta out of fear of dropping her, I have had a migraine headache since she arrived, also very sickening, my chrons has been awful, and as mentioned above, retaining water - it better leave soon, I'm getting really tired of it, as is Darren.
So, there is the top twelve experiences in our first 8 days. We are definitely winging it and running to the internet for things we don't know. I bought a few books, Rookie Moms, my own mother bought us Parenthood for Dummies, but who has time to read!
I have to end with where I began, and to make this update about one amazing Daddy. It brings tears to my eyes (and for those who know me, you all know I can be less than emotional and fuzzy wuzzy)...but Darren has done nothing short of everything. I feel incapable in many ways, and he has taken over. Diapers, Feedings, Burping, Dressing, Bathing, Cuddling you name it - he is one remarkable Mommy and Daddy. It is so true that a little girl can have her Daddy wrapped around her little finger, I just never realized it would happen when she was seconds old. He has non stop smiled and Greta and I are very, very lucky to have someone who wants to help out so much. I know he is exhausted, but he has yet to complain (hopefully he'll read this blog update and keeps up the good work with no complaints!!) I'm not sure what signifies a wonderful Daddy, but the nurses gave Darren an A+ in the hospital and every day, he has earned the Amazing Daddy title. Greta is one very, very lucky little girl. I just hope I can be as good as a Mommy as Darren is!
Oh yes, I got my push present, a lovely diamond necklace, and the Big Girl Panties - a crock of shit (now I just have a drawer full of ugly underwear...ha). Well folks, not sure if this is what you were expecting for my first post baby blog, but this is the world I have experienced for the last 8 days, I truly cannot believe we have a healthy baby girl living in the house, she has been a wonderful sleeper, eater, and cute as a button. I sometimes look at her and can't believe it, I know she is mine because I would never babysit someone's child, but I cannot begin to explain how we never in a billion years thought we would be watching a little baby sleep that belonged to us.
The pictures I have attached are a few of our first moments together (and yes, I wore make up during the surgery!) and thanks to our friend Rachel Peters, a wonderful gift of memories - a photo shoot of Greta at 6 days old. You can check out more of Rachel's Work at: Rachel Peters Photography. Thank you for the present Rachel, it was greatly appreciated.
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