What does WTF mean, surely it has other meanings...I think Greta says it daily: Where's the Food, Watch the Fart, Wiggle the Foot....but when she frowns and pouts, I really think she is using WTF how it was intended...What the F%ck! So, with that, WTF.
My life now revolves around Greta's eating and sleeping schedule. I like quiet, sleeping babies out visiting, not that she is bad, but how embarrassing would it be to have her power puke her lunch over someones desk, files, or clothes. Only bad thing, she eats at very inappropriate times, you would think she would try harder to work in to our schedule, I mean, we have been around longer, she is just 26 days old, surely she would be appreciative and respectful of our schedules and try to oblige. We have come to realize, we are all not morning people (granted, I have known this for some time), so we will never get out of the house prior to the noon hour. There is just no need, she eats around 7am, then goes back to 11 or 12...why would I get up and disturb that great sleep opportunity, granted, in theory this sounds good, but I find the phone either rings, or I get on the computer and then realize if Greta is going to eat for the day, bottles have to be prepared and then low and behold, she is up again. Best time to catch us out, after her lunch, she sleeps like a rock (do rocks really sleep, UMMM, I'll figure this out when I'm bored at home next week!), but it's great, she can be passed around, doesn't embarrass us while we are out and we can successfully move her in and out of the car and get some things done.
Today I was able to get out with some friends from work, baby free. Darren had to act as my chauffeur and lunch time didn't agree with Greta time, so I had an adult lunch...not bad. Afterwards, got a few things in the mail, window shopped a bit and got ready for Darren to pick me back up downtown. As it was in front of his work building, we made a quick round to visit a few work friends. So nice to see people and have an opportunity to bring Greta to her followers - Yes, Greta and I have Blog Followers and I just wanted to send a shout out to those we saw today who have been following along on our journey!!! We are surviving, you saw us in the flesh, I didn't hold the baby up by the toes, I can get her out of the seat (I have yet to master getting her in though), she looked well fed, well dressed (did you have any doubt!) and I thank you all for not saying, look at all the hair! It's amazing walking around with a baby, people out of the blue stop you - well, they are stopping the baby, but kind of hard for the baby to talk, so they have no choice but to stop the adult holding them. People who would pass you by any other day, all of a sudden go mushy, and AHHHH, the baby...and my favorite - "She is new"....well, if I had an old man sitting in the seat you would be frightened, of course she is new!!! Even the guys shocked me today, they thought she was pretty darn cute, men don't notice stuff like that, now, if they commented on her sweet hair accessory and outfit, then I would have been really impressed.
Anyway, very happy to get out of the house. Unfortunately it takes a lot out of me, I know a C-Section is surgery, but why am I not recouping like others (yes, I have a liver that is shot, yes I have crohns, yes I'm malnourished, but surely the universe could give me a damn break!) Just find the walking and standing quite tough, and I need to get better, Price Club needs me to shop, their stocks are going down and I can't have that happen to them.
And WTF...having a baby is a very frustrating time for life....anyone who knows me, knows I hold grudges - and I mean, I REALLY hold a grudge. I know it's not a good trait, I pray Greta does not inherit it from me and instead gets Darren's attitude about life and the good and bad in people (Darren expects nothing from friends and family - therefore can't be disappointed)...I however, right or wrong feel life is too short to be held up with people who hurt or disappoint you. But lord, some people just piss me off...I have wanted to do a blog about this subject for quite some time, but refrained, as some will read in to the subject and assume it's about them, and those who I really would like to know how hurt and disappointed we are won't actually get it (nor do they read the blog!!), but having a baby has been a great eye opener on who really matters and who doesn't. I guess I had higher expectations on what bringing a baby to the world would be like and who would be around to be supportive and a friend (or relative), but silly me. As my father said last week, I am my mothers daughter, I give and give to people and do things for people all the time, never expecting anything, but we over do it, and when it may be "our turn" and the tables are turned, we are left alone! WTF! Okay, I guess that is all on the subject, read in to it as you may, I've just found the past month to be very lonely and upsetting and it is my own fault, I expected more than what people can give or are capable of, and sadly, I will continue to hold my grudges and not forget. If anything, it makes my Christmas list so much smaller - so that can't be a bad thing.
Oh, and WTF on the Stats - I WAS down to 1lb, now it's 2.5lb to lose...obviously, not impressed but I shall blame it on the potato chips and toast that make up 99% of my meals.
Driving - I drove to the gas station - for gas (not a major accomplishment, it was less than a kilometer, but made me feel better in my head), better than saying my first trip in the car was to the liquor store...no worries, I have a very well stocked liquor cabinet.
Sleep - not bad, she is on a pretty good schedule
Darren is down to just 3 working days off - it's going to be sad: my nanny, chauffeur, maid, gardener, cook is just walking out the door at 8am and won't be back to his duties until 4pm...that will be a lot of work to do in a short evening when he gets back home...ha!
All for now folks, send me a note, I need to get some Blog Ideas, my life is rather boring. Greta is not really full of fun, she does do some ugly "special" looking faces, and her toes are awkwardly long, and she has a pimple on her cheek that is driving me insane, and I'm doing the "Mom thing" and licking my finger and pushing down the stray hairs that stand up on her head, but I so need some topics - to recap - I already blogged about the Shit, the Puke, the Good Daddy, and now, the WTF moments...so send them on in....
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