Can you believe it, 11 days and Christmas 2010 will be here. Amazing how a year can pass by so quickly and bring so many changes. This week coming, one year ago, Darren and I missed out on our Christmas luncheons to drive to the IWK for an assessment on little Allie Ann (the Alien that had invaded our lives who eventually turned in to sweet little Greta). It was a very scary time, one that we obviously did mostly on our own as we hadn't shared baby news with anyone but my immediate family. As I had been so very sick with H1N1 and pneumonia and took every drug known to man not realizing I was pregnant, I, as well as my family Doctor was quite concerned about the well being of the baby. So, an assessment was booked and tough decisions had to be made. Of course, when the assessment arrived the top of the page said, Advanced Maternal Age, how lovely, I was emotional enough and now you have to rub in that I'm old and pregnant. We however were informed that the alien looked fine - well, as far as alien's looks could be. I remember the technician printing me a picture and I looked at it with disbelief and said, that is scary!!! She looked at it and said, I'll print another - you are right!!! When the technicians start saying the baby looks like an alien, you really start to worry what the child will look like - believe me, that started months of me having panic attacks of the child looking like a martian (with lots of Gallant hair). I looked at the picture a few weeks ago, and I stand by my first assessment, oh my word, Greta who is beautiful as anything now, started off as one scary little creature.
The first person we shared baby news with was my life long friend Chris, who was expecting his first baby...I still remember Mom, Darren and I in Chris' kitchen in Halifax, along with his sister Gill, as he read our Xmas Card that announced a baby was on the way...there was a silent moment - okay, a long silent moment...then laughs, then HOLY SHIT ARE YOU KIDDING ME...Then we all went to supper and I am sure said, OH MY GOD 1000 times. Today, I received a Christmas Card from Chris' Mom, who obviously sent the card on Friday, as on Sunday she found herself in the hospital...I'm sending tons of good vibes your way Mary Jean - I know you will have some blog posts to catch up on, but from your card, I know you are always following and as requested, Greta will make an appearance in NB for a visit when you are feeling better!!! How wonderful after 22 years I can have such wonderful memories of such wonderful people.
So, a little look back to a year ago this week, and here I am, obviously with a healthy Greta, who thankfully was not affected by the meds I took, box of neocitran I drank, antibiotics I took and lets just throw in the boxes of sinu tab, tylenol, etc, etc...I wonder if it will make her smarter (I really do think she is quite brilliant, maybe there is something to all these meds). One thing that hasn't changed, I'm still seeing the Dr's and still popping pills (don't I sound like a druggie), or at least that is what I hear on Intervention. I actually was in to see my OWN Doctor today, you know a family physician, not a specialist for once. Reason being, the specialist just deal with the organ of the day, any other issues, you are sent back to the regular Doc. It's quite frustrating really, can't we have a one stop fits all scenarios. I had spoken to my specialist last week about pain, I have what I would consider an extremely high pain threshold, but lately, I can't bare it, I assumed it was my liver and having no desire to hear my steroids had to be increased, I didn't bother calling and just mentioned it at my appt, but he put his finger where my liver is (supposedly) and said, doesn't feel swollen and that was the end of the conversation. So, today. I visit my Dr, Greta in tow as I don't have a day time sitter to help out (lord, I really, really wish I did) and we are discussing the predinsone that is ruining my body, emotions, motivation, self esteem, and she is quite comforting, saying the weight will soon go, as it's mostly fluid, that it's a great drug but the list of side effects is pages long, and then it happens....she tells me I "LOOK CUTE WITH CHIPMUNK CHEEKS"... I started to cry! I actually thought my cheeks were starting to come down, but she has confirmed, I look like a damn chipmunk, no doubt with acorns in my cheeks for added bulk. She did feel bad as I wiped the tears from my fat chubby cheeks though!
Anyway, the result from today's appt, a trip to the hospital for Xrays, so another wait and see what is there or not there, all I know is because it's me we are talking about, something will come up that needs further investigation, I'll continue to look at the stupid online medical sites and freak myself even more and start pre-planning my NB themed, PEI funeral (aka. a meet and greet funeral where you send me lots of flowers, you are allowed to all wear cologne and perfume because if someone is bothered by it, oh well, play no church music, and there is no line up with name tags, you just mingle and see the people you want to say hi to - and I may request a bouncer at the door for the people who are two faced and were not nice to me alive but want to see me at my funeral)...okay, I guess I do have this planned out...ha! See, I'm planning my funeral because I googled rib pain and abdominal fluid - the diagnosis is not good, it will probably come back that I have gas.
Besides medical fun that never ends, my shopping has (for Xmas, don't you all start thinking I am a reformed shopaholic), I have everyone bought for, the gifts have all been wrapped in lovely paper and wired bows, the mess of wrapping has been put away for another year and I get to sit back and just look at all the gifts and wonder what is in them. I truly can't believe we are a week before Christmas, a week before Greta turns 6 months old and another year will soon be here. Our little gal has learned to laugh, wore her first hair bow in her hair, had her first tooth pop through the gums and her first pair of Baby Uggs look beyond adorable...so enjoy those pics and I thought you would all enjoy a little smile, so below is the Mom's version of Twas the Night before Christmas.
Twas the night before Christmas
When all thru the abode
Only one creature was stirring
And she was cleaning the commode.
The children were finally sleeping
All snug in their beds,
While visions of Nintendo 64 and Barbie flipped through their heads.
The dad was snoring in front of the TV
with a half-constructed bicycle on his knee.
So only the mom heard the reindeer hooves clatter
Which made her sigh, "Now what's the matter?"
With toilet bowl brush Still clutched in her hand
She descended the stairs and saw the old man.
He was covered with ashes and soot,
which fell with a shrug."Oh great," muttered the mom,
"Now I have to clean the rug."
"Ho-ho-ho!" cried Santa, "I'm glad you're awake."
"Your gift was especially difficult to make."
"Thanks, Santa, but all I want is some time alone."
"Exactly!" he chuckled, "I've made you a clone."
"A clone?" she asked, "What good is that? Run along, Santa, I've no time for chit-chat."
The mother's twin, Same hair, same eyes, Same double chin.
"She'll cook, she'll dust," she'll mop every mess.
You'll relax, take it easy, Watch The Young & the Restless."
"Fantastic!" the mom cheered."My dream come true! "
I'll shop. I'll read. I'll sleep a whole night through!"
From the room above the youngest began to fret.
"Mommy?! I scared... and I wet."
The clone replied,"I'm coming, sweetheart."
"Hey," the mom smiled,"She knows her part."
The clone changed the small one and hummed a tune
As she bundled the child in a blanket cocoon.
"You the best mommy ever. I really love you."
The clone smiled and sighed,"I love you, too."
The mom frowned and said,"Sorry, Santa, no deal. "
That's my child's love she's trying to steal."
Smiling wisely Santa said, "To me it is clear,"Only one loving mother is needed here."
The mom kissed her child and tucked her into bed.
"Thank you, Santa," for clearing my head.
I sometimes forget it won't be very long when they'll be too old for my cradle-song.
"The clock on the mantle began to chime.
Santa whispered to the clone, "It works every time."
With the clone by his side Santa said,
"Goodnight."Merry Christmas Mom. You'll be Alright!"
Toodles everyone, and to all a good night!
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