HELLO 2011! What a year it has been, this very day, one year ago, I sat at my computer writing an announcement I never dreamt would be told....We were expecting a baby! The shock of friends and family closely equaled ours, some were speechless, some laughed, some said OMG you are screwed....and here we are, one year later, with a cute as a button little girl (what a silly analogy - what button is cute) who has stolen the life we once had...for the better! It certainly has been a year of ups and downs, Greta being the UP part, everything else being the DOWN....so thank goodness we had a healthy beautiful little girl, otherwise, 2010 would be in the history books of being one hell of a shitty year. It was a year of renewed friendships, new friendships and the ending of others, nothing like sickness and having a baby to realize who your real friends are, I was told it would be an eye opener, but I was in denial and never really believed it, but wow, "they" were right. But I start 2011 believing those we have in our lives as the New Year starts are the ones who are suppose to be there, the others were part of our past journey...and that is a good thing. So, lets see what we can put in the 2010 vault...
6) June: A Mommy and Daddy are born on June 24th, 9:46am - Greta Claire Edgett-Gallant entered the world - with just a little bit of hair and amazingly cute, her alien looking beginnings were gone and she had all the right digits, her eyes were in the right spot, she has my niece Haley's nose and my complexion and green eyes and phew, it was a girl!
7) July: The baby weight is gone but my health takes a turn. After two biopsies and CT Scan it is confirmed my liver is failing and I have been diagnosed with AutoImmune Hepatitis, a chronic liver disease with no cure other than transplant that is going to be controlled with Predinsone and other immune suppressants in hopes of putting it in to remission. My body is attacking the liver, I didn't "catch" this awful disease from someone, my own stupid body is turning on me. The drugs are making me MORE MENTAL.
8) August: Summer - it's come and gone and I missed it. Anniversary comes and we get out alone thanks to my Mother. Treatment sucks, I'm starting to puff up, my skinny post baby body is starting to balloon - MENTAL
9) September: I lost one of the most loyal companions of my adult life, my beloved cat Paris went to the Rainbow Bridge after having a wonderful life but struggling for a few months. It was the most difficult thing I have experienced to make the decision and then to take Paris to have him put down is something I hope I never have to do again. I always thought my pets would live forever, but now I hope the other furry family members just fall asleep when their time on this earth is done. I am so happy Paris lived long enough to be a pet to Greta, even if it was just for a few months. Greta is doing well, we are surviving as parents much to everyones surprise. 1st Babysitter for Greta so we can enjoy a night out to the theatre, making plans for the winter ahead....TV, online shopping, ummm, that about sums it up.
10) October: Tons of birthdays, Darren is 37, Haley is 11, and many others celebrate this month. Our little Greta is a cute kitty kat for Halloween.
11) November: Thank the lord, I get to return to New Hampshire...Baby free, thanks to Mom, Sharon and Haley who babysit Greta for us so we can take a much needed vacation. Sadly, nothing fits as the damn prednisone has me in a ballooned puffy state, so Greta is the winner of my shopping experience. Xmas Decorating starts upon our return home.
12) December: Just like that, 12 months have passed us by, we have a darling, pleasant personality, adorable 6 month old who sleeps through the night, loves her new foods, has a shoe and clothing wardrobe that I'm green with envy about but she sadly has a very sick Mommy who has found herself in and out of the hospital for most of December. We celebrated our first family Christmas, tons of presents, tons of decorations and tons of Doctors, but thankfully she is too young to remember all the hospital stays (although all the nurses loved her). Our home was put on display for over 350 "strangers" during a Christmas House Tour which was a wonderful experience and at least my hard work of decorating was seen by someone. We have a quiet holiday, few visitors, but tons of pictures taken.
Wow, 12 little sentences and the year has come and gone. I will be off work with Greta for 5 more months, here is hoping the next 5 will feel more like a maternity leave and not a sick leave. I hope to return to work in May when she is 11 months old, health permitting of course, not too fond of being on Long Term Disability at 37. Lord, that sounds so old, 37! My hope for the new year, despite it maybe being wishful thinking, is that I'll return to my post baby body (how many can say that!!! HA). I am carrying around a significant fat chubby face and body full of water from the drug treatment that makes me cry every time I look in the mirror, it must leave soon. I am tired of it and it's not wanted. I'm not one for resolutions, so I'll aim for a few things that I might have a hope of seeing happen in 2011, lets call them, things I will attempt to obtain/try/ pretend to accomplish:
1) I'll grow my hair - and get it cut.
Happy New Year to all my Followers, may your New Year be prosperous - I may need a loan!
1) January: Prego - mental - scared - mental - skinny(even if I was 4 months along)!!!!
2) February: My Darling Scarlet is sick, but thankfully survived. We are officially in the poor house after thousands of dollars worth of Vet Bills but it was worth it because she is alive. Really MENTAL and we are having a girl! The 3-D ultrasound although confirming the sex, also confirmed the child looked closer to an alien than a baby, oh dear, what in the heck have we created, when the technician said look at that little alien I was scared, really really scared....I couldn't deny, if there was a baby joining us, I really wanted a girl, I think a shopper needs a girl I can't help it.
3) March: A few trips - My last flight to a conference in Montreal, lots of fun and a great experience, followed by a trip to New Hampshire - yikes, can you say baby shopping!
4) April: I'm 36 - Advanced Maternal Age according to the Baby Dr's (I swear, it was on the referral sheet to the IWK), pretty low key b-day, starting to plump up, not enjoying one minute of being pregnant despite not having one day of morning sickness, puffiness...just mental.
5) May: Oh my goodness, we are really having a baby, the countdown is on. I started my blog, finished work (which ended my already bland social life), confirmed the baby would be born via C-section, MENTAL.
6) June: A Mommy and Daddy are born on June 24th, 9:46am - Greta Claire Edgett-Gallant entered the world - with just a little bit of hair and amazingly cute, her alien looking beginnings were gone and she had all the right digits, her eyes were in the right spot, she has my niece Haley's nose and my complexion and green eyes and phew, it was a girl!
7) July: The baby weight is gone but my health takes a turn. After two biopsies and CT Scan it is confirmed my liver is failing and I have been diagnosed with AutoImmune Hepatitis, a chronic liver disease with no cure other than transplant that is going to be controlled with Predinsone and other immune suppressants in hopes of putting it in to remission. My body is attacking the liver, I didn't "catch" this awful disease from someone, my own stupid body is turning on me. The drugs are making me MORE MENTAL.
8) August: Summer - it's come and gone and I missed it. Anniversary comes and we get out alone thanks to my Mother. Treatment sucks, I'm starting to puff up, my skinny post baby body is starting to balloon - MENTAL
9) September: I lost one of the most loyal companions of my adult life, my beloved cat Paris went to the Rainbow Bridge after having a wonderful life but struggling for a few months. It was the most difficult thing I have experienced to make the decision and then to take Paris to have him put down is something I hope I never have to do again. I always thought my pets would live forever, but now I hope the other furry family members just fall asleep when their time on this earth is done. I am so happy Paris lived long enough to be a pet to Greta, even if it was just for a few months. Greta is doing well, we are surviving as parents much to everyones surprise. 1st Babysitter for Greta so we can enjoy a night out to the theatre, making plans for the winter ahead....TV, online shopping, ummm, that about sums it up.
10) October: Tons of birthdays, Darren is 37, Haley is 11, and many others celebrate this month. Our little Greta is a cute kitty kat for Halloween.
11) November: Thank the lord, I get to return to New Hampshire...Baby free, thanks to Mom, Sharon and Haley who babysit Greta for us so we can take a much needed vacation. Sadly, nothing fits as the damn prednisone has me in a ballooned puffy state, so Greta is the winner of my shopping experience. Xmas Decorating starts upon our return home.
12) December: Just like that, 12 months have passed us by, we have a darling, pleasant personality, adorable 6 month old who sleeps through the night, loves her new foods, has a shoe and clothing wardrobe that I'm green with envy about but she sadly has a very sick Mommy who has found herself in and out of the hospital for most of December. We celebrated our first family Christmas, tons of presents, tons of decorations and tons of Doctors, but thankfully she is too young to remember all the hospital stays (although all the nurses loved her). Our home was put on display for over 350 "strangers" during a Christmas House Tour which was a wonderful experience and at least my hard work of decorating was seen by someone. We have a quiet holiday, few visitors, but tons of pictures taken.
Wow, 12 little sentences and the year has come and gone. I will be off work with Greta for 5 more months, here is hoping the next 5 will feel more like a maternity leave and not a sick leave. I hope to return to work in May when she is 11 months old, health permitting of course, not too fond of being on Long Term Disability at 37. Lord, that sounds so old, 37! My hope for the new year, despite it maybe being wishful thinking, is that I'll return to my post baby body (how many can say that!!! HA). I am carrying around a significant fat chubby face and body full of water from the drug treatment that makes me cry every time I look in the mirror, it must leave soon. I am tired of it and it's not wanted. I'm not one for resolutions, so I'll aim for a few things that I might have a hope of seeing happen in 2011, lets call them, things I will attempt to obtain/try/ pretend to accomplish:
1) I'll grow my hair - and get it cut.
2) When someone says something funny to me, I promise not to say LOL, instead, I will really laugh.
3) I vow to shop more for things I really want, not just buy for the sake of buying.
4) I will continue to support Ebay and various online shopping stores!
5) I will try not to google Health Related Symptoms on a daily basis, every second day will suffice.
6) I will try to balance my checkbook - on my nose!
7) I will stop worrying about the stuff in the past, instead I'll focus on worrying about the future.
8) I will stop considering other people's feelings who obviously never consider mine.
9) I'll try to refrain from mentioning the words divorce, dying and moving on an on going basis, I'll wait for a really big fight and appropriate time!
10) I will get my affairs in order and my will written, so you better be nice or you won't make the cut!
Happy New Year to all my Followers, may your New Year be prosperous - I may need a loan!
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