I greatly apologize to those paying attention at my lapse of writing on my blog, I don't have a great excuse, would be nice to tell you I have been sun tanning on a beach in the Dominican, or shopping my heart out in New Hampshire, instead, I've been on this side of hell - Teething Hell! This little place, we'll just say T.H for short, has been quite the journey. It started a few weeks before Xmas, and seemed like such a special little place, one where the cute baby gained two sweet little pearly whites on her bottom gum line, no fuss, no tears, just magically appeared one day. You know someone like me should never comment (I was far from bragging) but I was pretty impressed that teething seemed to not phase Greta, and was telling people "they just appeared, you would never know she was getting teeth other than the drool." Well, strike me down stupid Karma, I will never comment on something being easy again, because the punishment for being so overly optimistic has been sweet little baby needs an exorcism.
Her little mouth is raw, and not one more stupid tooth has popped through, if her cheeks get any redder people are going to start asking if I have rouge make up on her face, the drooling has stopped, but in its place is a cranky, fussy little gal who has given up her 12 hour sleeping pattern at night for a nightly wake up, a wake up that causes her to whine and whine and whine in great discomfort. I feel awful for her, I feel awful for all of us. She isn't 24/7 grumpy, she is still a charmer when we are out, loves to shop and look around (are you shocked), but she saves up her teething hell persona for when we are alone. So, to combat this fussy stage her teeth have caused, we have a few options, I can shop morning, noon and night to keep her entertained, ensure we either have more visitors or get out more often to visit others, or continue to use every teething remedy out there. We really have the full list on the go, frozen wash cloths, frozen bananas, frozen teething rings, pretty much anything from her fist to her toys have acted as items to crunch on, and lets see for meds, I've tried the Naturopathic Dr's solution (didn't think it did much), Tylenol, Little Teethers Gel, Orajel and Baby Tylenol. I have refrained from Rum, only because the only Rum in the house if 150 proof Rum from the Dominican, thought it may burn her mouth a tad too much!!! Some days, we do all of the above (minus the Rum). The Orajel does provide some instant relief, I know how awful it is to have a toothache and sore mouth, so I can't imagine a little one trying to produce a mouthful of teeth, but a little frozen gum line causes instant grape smelling drool. I think it's fair to say teething has been the hardest challenge to date, it's just so exhausting. We just want her to go to sleep tonight so we can catch some ZZZZZZ's.
Besides the invasion of the little pearly whites, not tons happening in our household. Scarlet had a much needed hair cut this week, Darren has been laid up with a bad back and hip(disc and bursitis if you can imagine), I'm down to 1 dose of prednisone daily and finally some water pills to see if I can rid my body of some fluid. When you cry to the Dr. that you are finally going off the deep end because the drugs that are saving your life are making you wish you could just bury yourself in the sand until you look normal again - they finally break down and give you water pills. I would have pleaded my case ages ago if all I had to do was sound like I fully lost my mind. So what if I had to tell them jumping off a bridge was a better option than another day of prednisone, they got the message that I had enough. It's bitter sweet, I know the drug saves lives, and quite possibly saved my liver from total failure, but the side effects are pure hell. Thankfully though, with the help of the water pills, in one week I shed 7lbs of fluid, I feel a bit better, but as it was pointed out to me this week, I still look puffy and not like myself...but at least the pressure in my face and body isn't causing such discomfort.
I am really hoping by the time I return to work I at least look like I did post pregnancy / pre drugs...surely a few more months will do it. As shocking as it is, my return to work is just a few short months away, I will be back in my seat (I really hope my new ergonomic chair was marked with my name, it was set perfectly for me) at the end of May, just a bit past Greta's 11th month birthday. I hope she will do well at the sitters and I will be able to get my butt out of bed, dressed, hair and make up done and to work by 7am...I was thinking of this task as I was heading out of the house for a 10am play date, in which I was late for...I mean, it's not easy to get two of us ready, one of us who has to look cute (I'm obviously not talking about me).
So, that is the life, see you really haven't missed much by my lack of writing. How boring is this blog, I mean, teeth, drugs, whine, whine, whine (would be more fun if I was looped on wine, wine, wine), but that is the life we are living. We don't have much planned for the weekend, Darren suggested going to supper for Valentines Day, he suggested taking Greta as we don't have a sitter to watch her, but after a brief shake of the head when I thought maybe, I opted not to, do you know how annoyed people would get if they get out for an adult dinner, especially for a holiday, and have some kid cry from the next table - well, I would be annoyed, so I'm not going to do it...So for all those heading out to enjoy a romantic dinner for V-day, the kid crying behind you - is not mine!!! Oh, and just because V-day is my LEAST favorite holiday (and for those that know me well, yes we got engaged on V-Day) I still think it's a silly holiday of over priced flowers and over priced mushy cards so it's my obligation to let all you lovebirds out there know....Saint Valentine was eventually imprisoned, beaten, stoned, and beheaded. They don't tell you that on the cards. Happy Valentine's Day...
Her little mouth is raw, and not one more stupid tooth has popped through, if her cheeks get any redder people are going to start asking if I have rouge make up on her face, the drooling has stopped, but in its place is a cranky, fussy little gal who has given up her 12 hour sleeping pattern at night for a nightly wake up, a wake up that causes her to whine and whine and whine in great discomfort. I feel awful for her, I feel awful for all of us. She isn't 24/7 grumpy, she is still a charmer when we are out, loves to shop and look around (are you shocked), but she saves up her teething hell persona for when we are alone. So, to combat this fussy stage her teeth have caused, we have a few options, I can shop morning, noon and night to keep her entertained, ensure we either have more visitors or get out more often to visit others, or continue to use every teething remedy out there. We really have the full list on the go, frozen wash cloths, frozen bananas, frozen teething rings, pretty much anything from her fist to her toys have acted as items to crunch on, and lets see for meds, I've tried the Naturopathic Dr's solution (didn't think it did much), Tylenol, Little Teethers Gel, Orajel and Baby Tylenol. I have refrained from Rum, only because the only Rum in the house if 150 proof Rum from the Dominican, thought it may burn her mouth a tad too much!!! Some days, we do all of the above (minus the Rum). The Orajel does provide some instant relief, I know how awful it is to have a toothache and sore mouth, so I can't imagine a little one trying to produce a mouthful of teeth, but a little frozen gum line causes instant grape smelling drool. I think it's fair to say teething has been the hardest challenge to date, it's just so exhausting. We just want her to go to sleep tonight so we can catch some ZZZZZZ's.
Besides the invasion of the little pearly whites, not tons happening in our household. Scarlet had a much needed hair cut this week, Darren has been laid up with a bad back and hip(disc and bursitis if you can imagine), I'm down to 1 dose of prednisone daily and finally some water pills to see if I can rid my body of some fluid. When you cry to the Dr. that you are finally going off the deep end because the drugs that are saving your life are making you wish you could just bury yourself in the sand until you look normal again - they finally break down and give you water pills. I would have pleaded my case ages ago if all I had to do was sound like I fully lost my mind. So what if I had to tell them jumping off a bridge was a better option than another day of prednisone, they got the message that I had enough. It's bitter sweet, I know the drug saves lives, and quite possibly saved my liver from total failure, but the side effects are pure hell. Thankfully though, with the help of the water pills, in one week I shed 7lbs of fluid, I feel a bit better, but as it was pointed out to me this week, I still look puffy and not like myself...but at least the pressure in my face and body isn't causing such discomfort.
I am really hoping by the time I return to work I at least look like I did post pregnancy / pre drugs...surely a few more months will do it. As shocking as it is, my return to work is just a few short months away, I will be back in my seat (I really hope my new ergonomic chair was marked with my name, it was set perfectly for me) at the end of May, just a bit past Greta's 11th month birthday. I hope she will do well at the sitters and I will be able to get my butt out of bed, dressed, hair and make up done and to work by 7am...I was thinking of this task as I was heading out of the house for a 10am play date, in which I was late for...I mean, it's not easy to get two of us ready, one of us who has to look cute (I'm obviously not talking about me).
So, that is the life, see you really haven't missed much by my lack of writing. How boring is this blog, I mean, teeth, drugs, whine, whine, whine (would be more fun if I was looped on wine, wine, wine), but that is the life we are living. We don't have much planned for the weekend, Darren suggested going to supper for Valentines Day, he suggested taking Greta as we don't have a sitter to watch her, but after a brief shake of the head when I thought maybe, I opted not to, do you know how annoyed people would get if they get out for an adult dinner, especially for a holiday, and have some kid cry from the next table - well, I would be annoyed, so I'm not going to do it...So for all those heading out to enjoy a romantic dinner for V-day, the kid crying behind you - is not mine!!! Oh, and just because V-day is my LEAST favorite holiday (and for those that know me well, yes we got engaged on V-Day) I still think it's a silly holiday of over priced flowers and over priced mushy cards so it's my obligation to let all you lovebirds out there know....Saint Valentine was eventually imprisoned, beaten, stoned, and beheaded. They don't tell you that on the cards. Happy Valentine's Day...
Toodles - and don't forget, February 17th my article on Push Presents hits G! Magazine. Get a copy for everyone you know expecting a baby - and give it to their significant others!!! And if you didn't get a push present from your significant other, it's not to late - they owe you!!! Let me tell you, Greta's baby book has tons of fun things in it, the story of her alien like beginnings to a Push Present article!
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