Well, the end is here! My last paid day of Maternity Leave is today, where has the year gone? Why is the nice weather finally here? What a tease to have to go back to work as we finally get nice weather and a little Vitamin D from the sun!! I am greatly enjoying my last day, it's certainly not over yet, as I sit in the comfy corner of my couch (well worn in from my butt being placed there each day for the past 365 days) I am listening to the traffic...you may not think that is very exciting, but it's lovely because that means for the first day in recent memory, I have all the windows open and the fresh air is circulating. I had my nails done this morning, found a few great deals out shopping and soon will be off again for a pedicure followed by munchies with friends and a movie. I don't think I have had such a full day for me in the past year. Actually, there is no thinking - I haven't!!! Of course, it is a bit easier to relax and enjoy my day knowing Greta had a successful first day at the sitter yesterday, today is Day 2, and no phone calls (yet) so I am hoping that means she is doing well and enjoying her play time and hopefully today maybe even a little sunshine at the park. My house is clean, the laundry is pretty much done...I tried on approximately 50 pairs of jeans / pants from my closet and they all fit - but I am starting to purge, I mean 50 pairs of pants is just one closet - my love of trying to find the perfect jeans has accumulated a lot of varieties but I must part with some...(so, Size 6 gals, if you need jeans - let me know, they are all in excellent condition).
All in all, I feel rather good, and to top it all off, I am not in too much pain today. The Dr's have asked me to reduce stress - UMMMM - easier said than done, but a me day does feel pretty good. Since it was the Dr's request to eliminate stress, I did combine a little retail therapy with stress reduction and have purchased a massage chair. It was a huge splurge and one I have wanted to do for years, I thought I deserved it...it should be here next week, can't wait to program in the relaxation treatment!
I do need some sun on my very, very pale skin, but I do want to summarize my year at home -
As much as I still cannot believe that we have a Daughter, she has been the blessing we never dreamt of becoming a reality. I don't regret one moment of calling her our little Alien, the story of my fears and shock of becoming a mother has found a home in her Baby Book and I stand behind every concern, terrifying thought, comment and mental psychotic break before she arrived...it was shocking and SOOO scary to think we, at 37 years old, were going to become 1st time parents to a creature with 2 legs...not 4. Scarlet was the love of my life and I even forgot to put food in her dish, so I couldn't imagine how I would care for a little baby with my lack of kid skills, zero baby experience and I can't deny not many motherly instincts or love of children. The first few months were a blur, I'll either blame it on the medications I had to take, or the fact that my memory is poor, or maybe it was that she didn't really cause us any grief or sleepless nights so she somehow just melted in to our lives and hearts like she was always part of the plan. Maybe that makes her even more special, despite not being planned we made it work and upon reflection of the past 11 months, we did an exceptional job. She is happy, healthy, cute, smart, playful, gentle, charming to all who meet her and despite the toxic diapers - she is always pleasant to be around.
The transition from stay-at-home Mom to back to work Mommy is going to be fine - I work so I can shop... so it isn't really an option to stay home but I also don't want to. Sure I would like to stay home and get paid - but since that isn't reality I am happy I have a good job to return to and I hope Greta will succeed and continue to flourish at the sitters. My biggest transition will be to get ourselves out of the house on time, dressed in something other than a yoga outfit or pjs and ensure I don't have baby food splattered on my outfit! I really am concerned, but we just have one baby, many families are doing it on their own or with multiple kids so surely if I survived a year of motherhood I can survive getting ready and be on time for work! Unfortunately I finally got use to my current gig and am in a groove at last (just took 11 months), so change at this moment isn't quite welcome, but we'll do it!!! I will LOVE getting up at 5:30am. HA! What I am looking forward to is dress up clothes, high heel shoes, dangling earrings, adult conversations, listening to something other than Treehouse cartoons in the background, Greta's dirty diapers being changed my someone else, but also will look forward to pick up time and making the best of the time we have before bedtime. I'll look forward to my back to work present from Darren and already counting down the days to my first compressed Friday off.
So, stay tuned the adventures of Gail and Greta may take on a whole new meaning as we have a soon to be one year old in the house and a back to work Mommy. I can't end my year at home without thanking those who made efforts to support us, lend a hand, listen, chat and be a friend. Never underestimate the power of a phone call, a visit, a text message, an email or a Facebook comment, those who were there this year and who Greta has gotten to know made our year at home that much better. Greta will miss seeing her little friends, but don't fret - the weekends and every 2nd Friday off will be made to count, she can still do some play dates and her birthday is coming...will have to have her buddies over for some cupcakes!