My Blog is almost 1 year old, which means, it has been almost one year since I started maternity leave, which means my time at home with Greta is quickly...and I mean quickly drawing to a close. I never dreamt the months would have passed by so quickly, I know so many have said it before me, but never has a year passed by so fast. The first few months are a blur. Those "please let these days end" mangled weeks of trials and errors, throw up and full diapers, Dr's appts, googling everything and anything that I worried about, and now we are here - wanting time to turn back just a little. I'm not wanting to stay home...I haven't changed that much, well, let me rephrase, I'd love to stay home but I still want to be paid, and since that won't happen, I must return to work to support my shopping habit and pay for the things I want. Time is ticking....
I do have one great worry - well, a few. I am still not the healthiest chick on the block, I'm heading back to the OR on Monday for a little exploration - the Dr's version of we don't have a damn clue what is wrong with you, but we are going to put you through three dreadful procedures to see if we can rule out a few more things. I am convinced there is just going to be one disease or organ left and they'll say - that is it. I am just hoping it's not during an autoposy. Not to sound morbid, but I'm rolling in to 6 years of the Specialists trying to determine why I have auto immune diseases and how many organs it has affected. I found a new medical site (against Dr's orders to stay off of them) and it asked for my symptoms - I was to click on the body parts, well, it wouldn't allow me to choose anymore after 6, lets just say, not the best site I have found!
A few fun things to report, I made it back to New Hampshire. Darren and Greta had a Daddy Daughter long weekend and I shopped til I dropped - literally. On a whim, the day before the trip I bought a new SUV, quickest decision I ever made - it will hit me once the payments start to roll out of my account that it may have been a crazy one, but thus far, I'm really liking the truck. And it allowed me to fill it with lots of USA buys. The weather was amazing, truly summer like, the deals were great as always and the retail therapy actually made me feel pretty good health wise. Since returning home I found the week just few by. Greta had her first hair cut, a little bob! She was such a good client, phew, didn't need her banned after her first appt.
So a hodge podge of info tonight, no real topic, will write more when I can think of something worth chatting about. Must run, despite it being 11pm, I hear a little gal crying..SIGH. Does she not realize I'm wiped...our little gal who slept 12 hours through the night has resorted to have an evening wake up between 11 and 12 each night...only for 10 minutes or so, but holy...I hope it ends soon.
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