Not so fond of the icing, but this waxed candle is delicious.
New Chair from Mommy.
Party Decorations, pink and brown owl theme. All hand made!
Beautiful cupcakes made by Fiona T.

New Chair from Mommy.

Princess Greta - almost all the kids had their pictures taken - in the princess or pirate cutouts...
Getting steady on the feet, party Dress # 1. Thanks Nana.
Again - this candle is great.
Lawn sign and chinese lanterns welcomed our guests.
Party Dress #2.
Daddy helping Greta open presents.
In her castle.
Saying goodbye to my friends...
Monthly pics with her bear - Happy First Birthday Greta Claire
A little imagination and a massage box became a castle...

Hello my friends, my readers, those who don't have a clue who I am but happened upon my blog...
- I have so much to catch up on, and so little energy to actually recall and write all the details, but lets start with a quick recap...I am ashamed it has been a month since I last posted...Shame, Shame, Shame. So, get ready for the Gail / Greta update - here it goes. Greta said a sentence - sounded like it, we are shocked and in disbelief, and if it was true we are in trouble - her first phrase - I don't want to!!! Lord help us now!
- She is getting so close to walking, just this week she has stood on her own - no hands touching anything and walking much better just holding on to one hand of ours.
- She is growing like a little weed - a well fertilized weed at that. I know she is eating well at the sitting (probably better than home with us) but on her 1 year birthday she weighed in at 19lbs 1oz. Hard to believe she was born at 6lbs 9oz and seemed to fit in the palms of our hands. So, lets start the real recap -
- May 30th - Greta and I officially parted ways after 11 months at home together, I was off to work and she was off to the babysitters, overall...a relatively easy transition.
- Greta has adjusted amazingly well to the sitter, we are getting good reports, no tears in the morning, only a wave goodbye to Darren and a kiss for her caregiver, phew - I was really nervous, I had visions to her going from happy go lucky baby to devil child and getting kicked out of daycare - and how then do I find another spot when she had been banned from one house - so a huge relief.
- Day 2 at the sitter, Greta comes home, seems great, plays, eats, drinks off to bed and WHAM - she started puking. Oh my goodness...we didn't know what to do, I had no idea what was happening and how one little girl could get so violently ill...our first hospital visit happened about 3 hours after it started, as we couldn't get it to stop, poor little thing did quite well at the hospital, charmed all the nurses and brought home the Rotovirus. Thankfully my Dr. Google persona was not right - she didn't have stomach cancer or ate a rare bug, or had a penny lodged in her airway - it was just the flu - although I did think the ER Dr's could have been a tad more thorough and at least sent her for a CT Scan or something...ha!!!
- Day 4 in the back to work world and Darren gets the Rotovirus...bad enough to have a baby with it, but now he is sick too...and bad - this is one violent flu. I continued to work throughout the week and was rather proud of escaping it..(well, I thought I was)
- Day 5 in the back to work world and I have to ask for a day off to go see my NB specialist...yippee, they have tested me to death, scanned every bone in my body, cancer is ruled out yet again and I am told I have Fibromyalgia (in other words, they can't really explain my pain, and to top it off I can't pronounce the damn syndrome!) Oh, and like every other Dr they tell me to eliminate stress, I try to explain that all this testing is what stresses me out, being tested for cancer on a monthly basis does not do well for the blood pressure.
- Day 7 in the back to work world and guess what - I got the damn flu. The first time in my entire life to be sick with the stomach flu and despite being sick for years now and being subjected to very painful tests, I truly can say I have never been so ill. No wonder the poor baby was screaming and crying, I was too. It was a violent flu, and kept me in bed for 4 days, well, it actually kept me in the bathroom for 4 days, but if I wasn't lying on the bathroom floor, I was curled up in bed...yes, this was my 2nd week back to work. Not off to a good start.
- I will spare you the full month calendar, but once the flu passed I had a few good days, but come week three at work, I was struck down again with a sinus and bronchial infection - this real world germ infested atmosphere is not my friend. I am currently on Day 11 of being sick, I did go to the Dr, unfortunately the antibiotics caused an allergic reaction so I am left to suffer it out. Gosh, how is this for a depressing update...ha!
- On to some fun things - We have a one year old. We survived the first year of parenthood, in some aspects I feel the year flew by as if it was a matter of a few weeks, but then I sit and think it feels like 10 years. We definitely can't recall our lives before Greta, I asked Darren just a week ago - "What did we do in the evenings before Greta"...I do think much of the same - just now we have someone to entertain us, and we are now at her beckon call to feed, change and rock her to sleep! Considering we are "older" first time parents - her time will come that she has to feed and change us... All this to say, we really didn't have much of a life before Greta arrived, so Greta's needs have definitely provided us with a much more active schedule!
- Greta has had an amazing birthday weekend, three parties, two photoshoots, two beautiful party dresses, way too many cupcakes, tons of presents, lovely guests, I will do my best to record all her guests and all her gifts so she can look back someday and realize just how many people came to wish her well. I almost started to think people just wanted to come see if we actually had a baby who was doing well, that we managed to feed and grow and teach during the past year. She is one very, very spoiled little girl - I have visions of me hiding some presents and bringing them out gradually as she can't possibly play with everything at once - for a second I even thought - ummm, looks like my Xmas shopping is done!!!
- The great thing about having three parties for her 1 year is that it should give us a pass on a few years of b-days...It was lovely, and we so greatly appreciated everyone coming, but wow, we are exhausted and it was over the top. I figure if we set up a Disney account with the money we would have spent on parties we should all get there in a few years. Darren said today that her 2nd birthday will be in New Hampshire - so if you want to come - by all means, but it will take you 12 hours to get there - oh and we'll just provide dinner...ha! We were never kid birthday party fans, and now having one ourselves - ummm, well, still not a fan, but I think Greta had fun so I guess that is what counts.
- So, that concludes a year...Greta arrived at 9:46am on June 24th, 2010 and we have moulded in to a family - somewhat dysfunctional at times, not the healthiest bunch at times, but we are very proud that Greta has become a sweet, beautiful, pleasant, happy and smart little girl. She amazes us each day with the things she has learned, how appreciative she is for her belongings ( she actually kissed almost every present she received - of course - she picked a special favorite - are you ready for this - a toothbrush and box of toothpaste), I truly believe if she could talk a full sentence she would say - THANK YOU - I LOVE ALL MY PRESENTS. She was the little miracle baby we never planned for, but I guess the universe thought we would do OKAY and we are so happy she chose to let us join her on her journey.
Now the updates will be of life with a one year old. Wow, hope we are ready for this next stage!!!
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