The last three months in review:
Since I haven't written since Mid January, I will spare you the full social calendar of the past few months...ha, that is almost funny...the reason I can spare you is - there is no social calendar. My big outings are usually to the grocery store, I even dress up, fix up the make up, pretend I'm actually going somewhere exciting! But here is a few highlights of the past three months:
- My last blog post was to share the good news that I was cancer free after a very, very scary experience with Dr's and the mammogram machine, just a little scare, but one that is now behind me. I still had to meet with the surgeon, which I did two weeks ago, and all was confirmed as fine, so hopefully I won't have to face the machine again until the regular scheduled time that comes with age...which, low and behold is just 2 years away. It was quite funny however, as the surgeon asked, "despite this scare", would I consider myself otherwise healthy. I said NO. He then asked me to explain. So, I do what all people with multiple illness should do - I pulled out my full paged typed list and handed it to him. He was a bit taken aback, as I said in a smart ass way, "do you need anything further". He chuckled! I can never tell from Dr's when they see my list if they are thinking, poor you because I have so much to deal with, or poor you because I have something they know nothing about and don't know what to say to me. To add to the irony, I met the surgeon at the hospital in the outpatient clinic which is the old ER and ironically, I was brought to the exact same room I was in when I found out I was pregnant. I promise, I was much more well behaved at this appt than I was 2 years ago when I told the ER Dr he didn't know how to read a pregnancy test and he was incompetent. I felt an overwhelming need to go find the ER Dr's and apologize and tell them that I am a good mother and that my child survived, as I am sure that day the ER Dr confirmed I was pregnant he had his doubts... All this to say, it was kind of strange lying in the bed, in that room, and thinking back to the day my life changed forever and being there again, realizing that my life could have changed yet again if that mammogram wasn't positive.
- At the beginning of the month I said goodbye to another year as I continue my climb to 40...
- I also managed to spend a small little fortune in my favorite place, the great USA and specifically Maine and New Hampshire. I must say, this was not a planned trip, I actually told many it was an impossible trip as I owe lots if taxes (thanks to the maternity leave top up from last year), but, within a matter of 20 minutes, someone twisted my rubber arm and a trip was booked. Thanks Lisa! The great news, I had a few nights of amazing sleep, had others wait on me, did what I do best - shop and find bargains, and was able to buy lots of fun things for my favorite holiday - Easter!
- What a great holiday (and when I say holiday, I'm meaning more the Easter Bunny and candy, compared to the religious holiday). I have always loved Easter, maybe because my birthday was always around the holiday, but I really do love spring, I love the flowers, the baby animals and birds, the colors, especially the day when you finally notice the first buds on the trees and I really do like Easter decorations. So, what does someone do who loves Easter...they shop like it's Christmas. I may have gone a tad overboard, I never had to buy for a kid at Easter and there were so many nice and fun things to buy and with my eye for a bargain and a great USA deal, I just kept buying and buying and buying. Greta I think really enjoyed my efforts and at the end of the day, that is the fun part, she loved searching for eggs that the Easter Bunny left, and every morning leading up to Easter she would look at the Easter Tree (yes, I had an Easter Tree) and all the bunnies that were on display in the house and said, "there are the eggs and there are the bunnies" as she pointed / and or patted the items. Sadly, now that they are back in storage, she asks daily "where did they go", but soon enough, another holiday will be upon us to decorate for. Mom and Haley joined us for Easter, and she had a great time playing with her big cousin and thankfully cooperated so well during a photo session.
- And, finally, to top off this update on the past 3 months, can't go without saying something about work. The 2012 Budget, which was read while I was in the USA had a few eye openers, my personal favorite, was the increase to $800 that Canadians can bring back after shopping in the USA, just wish it had started April 1st and not June 1st. Unfortunately however the budget brought about confirmation that the public service will become smaller. While I don't think I have ever once blogged about where I work, I am a public servant, and worked hard to become one. When I worked for the provincial government, my goal was to move to the Federal System, it took attempts at applying online, and never even getting screened in, then numerous exams, and then interviews but my goal became a reality and once in to the system, I often joked that I was going to be a full time job applicant until I found the job that suited me best...and that also became reality. I dare say I studied more for internal job competitions than I did in 6 years of post secondary education. I have been fortunate to represent young public servants both on the provincial stage and the national stage and have always taken great offense to the public perception that government workers and lazy, under-skilled and under-worked, I will have to dedicate a blog just to this topic, but for now, I can say I appreciate those who support public servants and the difficult months and years ahead. While I was not directly affected and for now my position is safe, I know that is not the case for many of my peers who I have had the opportunity to work with, both on committees, or who I met at conferences or within my own Department, it is definitely a sad time ahead.
Okay, that is the last 3 months in, lets see about Miss Greta and life as we now know it. Greta doesn't shut up...the child talks non stop, in the car, at a store. The only time she is quiet is when others come to the house, granted, once she gets over the shyness, look out. Her day is filled with, what's that, where did they go, who is that, where, what, when, why....this world of discovery is so interesting, yet so very, very exhausting. I was trying to visit a friend 2 weeks ago, and I couldn't get a word in, "Mommy, where did the kitty go", over and over and over. We play teacher / student quite a bit, she is a smart little gal and I am shocked at how many things she knows. I thank Barney (yes the purple dinosaur) and Sesame Street for a great deal of her learning, but she loves queue cards and picture books and is a quick study. While her "animal sounds" have been perfected for quite some time, her latest responses include music. We seem to look at animal pics quite often and lately, instead of saying an animal sound, she'll break out in to the song...looking at a mouse - she sings Hickory Dickory Dock, the mouse went up the clock (okay, not that clear, but I know what she is singing), Ducks - instead of quack, quack, is, Do what the Duckies do, and my all time favorite...if you ask her what a monkey says, she starts up with a Wiggles Song, Ya, ya, ya, Monkey Man. She is quite amusing and a great entertainer.
Which brings me, finally, to a few thoughts. Seeing an old friend this evening, we were talking about change, and friends and life, and how things and people change over time. She is soon going to start planning for a wedding, and believe me, I was in no position to give advice on weddings, as many know I skipped out on that phase of life and planning and eloped, but I did so to avoid the expectations and opinions of how a wedding should be, who should be invited, who shouldn't be invited, who to please, who would feel left out, etc, etc, only advice was, think of who you really want to be there, then think - do you think those people truly will be around in 2 years time, 5 years time, etc. That is hard to imagine, as lord knows, I never could have envisioned this past 2 years of my life, and that social calendar being so very, very empty from adult activities and now replaced with spending time with a here is my take on the THEN AND NOW:
Then: I really loved Jello shots and would have them stuck to the floor after a party (even the walls).
Now: I have bought animal molds to make Jello shapes for Greta and pray she doesn't throw them on the floor.
Then: 12:30, awesome, the late night shows are about to start, wonder who is on Leno?
Now: OMG! It is 9:00, I don't think I can stay up much longer. I'll PVR the shows and watch them in my spare time (aka, I'll delete them when the PVR is filled to the max without watching them)
Then: Weekends were full of fun, friends, dorm parties and drinks, followed by sleeping in until noon.
Now: Saturday means I sleep in, hopefully until 9:30, no parties, no drinks, just exhaustion.
Then: I enjoyed daytime TV soaps - Days of Our Lives was a must - mindless TV with love triangles, affairs and rivals.
Now: I enjoy daytime TV dramas like Wonder Pets, what a great trio, "What's going to work, Team Work". " Wonder Pets, Wonder Pets, We are on our way, to help a baby animal and save the day".... Song and drama - and suspense, it's perfect.
Then: A spontaneous trip to the mall involved getting dressed, looking presentable and grab the purse.
Now: A spontaneous trip to the mall now involves a two hour prep, get ready, get Greta ready, pack snacks, drinks, Barney, the Doll, books to keep her entertained, diaper bag for the car - just in case, head to the truck only to realize I forgot my own purse... the malls really should get online and deliver to my door...
Then: Friends called to chat and asked about life, work, love. Would chat for hours.
Now: On a rare occasion may get an email and not sure why we all have phones as no one uses them anymore. And of course, if someone ever did think about calling, better be before 8:30, as I will likely not answer after this time due to being in bed.
Then: Enjoyed a good movie.
Now: Good video is one of 20 Barney video's that make Greta happy.
Then: Facial every month.
Now: Needed the uplift and old age facial because my skin was old and dull.
Then: Looked forward to having a night at home on a weekend as the social calendar was so full it was rare to just sit and relax.
Now: Social calendar - ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...oh yes, and Babysitters cost a lot, can't afford much of a social calendar even if there were options.
So, that is life, then and now. And I must say, the now is pretty Super-dee-duper!
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