This past week at work a few of us were chatting about a few of my earlier blogs - you know, the ones when I was entering the scary world of parenthood and Code Brown and Poop were the topics of the day, followed by my obsession with Spanx and new adventures. We found ourselves laughing to the point of tears coming down our cheeks as we recounted some of my experiences and when we tried to read them, well, it just lead to more laughter - a lovely break from the work day and a few funny memories for sure. I highly recommend all my new mom friends (or those expecting) to take a peak, I certainly didn't hold anything back!
Greta is now a month in to her 3rd year and what a ride we are on. I certainly can say she was an excellent 2 year old, I waited each day for the "terrible two's to hit", but they really didn't. No embarrassing breakdowns at a public event or grocery store, no dreadful behavior issues at home or the sitter, she really was quite remarkable..but then 3 hit...and she has shown us that she was just storing up her little attitude and defiance. While I am told quite often what I am experiencing is nothing, it has been quite the surprise for me. She has a few little quirks, but an opinion comes along with these quirks. She is in a dress phase, all outfits worn are dresses or long enough shirts that I can pull off as dresses, she is very particular on her hair style - pony tail, braid, pretty bow, etc, she has a few favorite shoes and all the others are pushed to the side, while I am loving the dress phase and my girly-girl, it is getting pricey trying to keep up (only because I have a shopping habit and want to ensure she doesn't have to repeat an outfit in the same 2 week cycle)... of course, the fact that she wants to wear a dress every day is not an issue, the fact that she refuses to wear particular ones when we are already running late to get to work is. Despite picking out outfits the night before, she has had a few mornings where nothing would do, 5 outfits later, I was exhausted and she was in tears! Then comes the mornings when she wants pancakes, then stares at them, refuses to eat and then says she wants a bagel or toast.
She is quite comical and her quote jar is filling up with lots of comments she makes each day. One that inspired todays Blog Title is the issue of "Big Lumps". Greta has become obsessed with boobs! While I am not particularly "small" in the chest area, I am a far way from Dolly Parton and my little gal is wishfully hoping for "big lumps like Mommy". While it is somewhat funny to hear this at home, imagine my horror when it happened in public.
While at the Superstore (grocery store for those away), we were walking down the baking food aisle to get a few ingredients I needed to make jam. She leaned out to hug me in this crowded aisle and instead of wrapping her arms around my waist, she grabbed my chest. I looked both ways in horror thinking of my lord, who in this busy aisle just saw my almost 3 year old grab my chest, I gently (with a tad bit of force) put her arms together as I told her not to do that, I did say Please, but she was not fond of my stern voice. She then said (to the delight of many around us), "Mommy, I have small lumps, I wish I had big lumps like you". Let me die, right here by the sugar! I am sure I turned beat red, my reaction started to upset her, but as I looked around, there was no denying that everyone in the aisle just heard my child wish for "big lumps like Mommy". The sweet lady beside me looked sympathetic and tried her best to hold in laughter, but did not succeed, I think she actually spit when she started to laugh, however it was the middle aged man next to me who was having the most uncomfortable experience, I swear he was trying to look at my eyes, but it didn't work, he was definitely checking out my chest! Alas, I quickly left the aisle and sadly, forgot the only ingredient I really needed - the damn sugar for my jam. SIGH. Of course, when I ask where she heard such a thing as big lumps, she blames her father, he denies it!
So, I cannot deny, the child is full of comic relief. She has been having a tough time with my illness and the amount of Dr appts and hospital visits I have, it is hard to shelter a little one when much of my life revolves around the medical community. She made the trek to Halifax with us and my Mother when I went to meet with the liver transplant team in Halifax. We try to make the best of the time and try our best to make any appts she is aware of more fun, but there are times that Mommy is just not feeling well and can't always be around. Sadly, I think our poor little girl started to worry alot, worried I would be going away and not coming back, or worried that I was too sick and wouldn't get better, I have been extremely cautious lately to not talk about medicines or Drs, etc. This said, she did attend my specialist appt with me today and my Dr was so sweet to her, they are always asking about her so I was happy I could take her with me, she knew he was trying to get Mommy better and he actually focussed on her the entire visit, she thought it was a great place, which I am happy about.
Now of course, the above is just one thing I may not have approached in the best manner, this parenting thing really doesn't come with an instruction book, and it is rather exhausting at times. I have done many, many things I really didn't think I would, not because I thought I could be Super Mom and follow some perfect parent rule book, but I thought at least I would be somewhere in the middle of the pack of Mom's, you know, feed them, keep them alive, make sure they look presentable in public...but alas being a Super Mom is tough (hell, who am I kidding, I really never tried to be a Super Mom, I think they are freaks - if you are a Super Mom, take a break, your kid and my kid will be in the same school, learn from the same teachers and who knows mine may go to the head of the class and not revolt when they are older, yours may!!!)
Anyway, here are my confessions of the failed Super Mom persona:
- I am no Super Mom
- The TV is on all the time - while she does stop here and there to watch it, she isn't in front of it all the time, but she could be
- My 3 year old plays on the iPad every night before bed, sometimes a virtual book, other times a game and many nights about 15 minutes of a Disney movie before she falls asleep
- She drinks juice - almost every day
- While she is a great eater and loves broccoli and eats a fruit plate each day, she equally loves Chicken Nugget Happy Meals, Cheese Whiz Sandwiches, Bologna, cheese and crackers, KD and a lot of other crappy food that we give in to
- She is spoiled - completely, utterly, spoiled...and sadly, it is not because she has ever asked for a thing - rather, I am the culprit and love to buy things I think she will like - I have a problem. If I think she is sad, I go to the closet where I store gifts and give her is a problem!
- I don't care that she is spoiled because she is thoughtful and thankful and polite and sweet, and I may not be around to see her grow up so I am going to spoil her all I want !
- The child has more clothes than I do - and that is saying a lot.
- I have to admit that I have informed her that Santa has been on vacation on PEI and is watching - it has helped on a few occasions!
- I love Elf on the Shelf and I may become one of those freaks who do all the crazy things! I think it is a great concept - time consuming for sure, but I think I will get great enjoyment out of him this year
- I do think she is one of the cutest kids out there !
- Having a kid of my own didn't make me love other kids, some are cute, but within reason, Reason being cute with there own mama's, I'm not ready for drop your kids off for a day/night...granted, if someone wants mine, wow, I would love it, but I can't do the same! Total one sided favour!
- I am ending this blog to ruin my brain cells to watch the Finale of the Bachelorette! Not even going to spell check as it is coming on in one minute and I need to get a drink and some ketchup chips!
- Toodles! Hope I will be back soon!
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