Someday my prince will come, but Daddy will always be King!

Someday my prince will come, but Daddy will always be King!
Daddy's Girl


Welcome to my Blog.

Life greatly changed as Darren and I welcomed Greta Claire to the family. I started this blog 5 weeks pre-parenthood; I thought I would learn to Blog as a hobby and to occupy my time when I was awaiting baby and tried my best to continue through her first year of life to document some of the ups and downs, funny moments, scary moments, etc. While I greatly enjoy sharing our adventures, it has been hard to stay committed to regular posts, but I certainly will do my best as our little girl is now 6 years old and full of comic relief, bright ideas and the most amazing quotes! So, enjoy the adventures of Gail and Greta, I somehow seem to find the most interesting things each day, so this is the truth blog, how things really are, what I'm really thinking and could be interesting!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

I hope....

I forewarn, this could get fingers are going to start typing and I am not going back to fix typo's or grammar (heck, I never fix grammar - I was no English Major!!)

Each time my health takes a dip / turn I start to worry, while some are kind and say I am positive or brave and have a good outlook, that is bull...I am a pessimistic worry wart and wonder if I will awake the next morning.  I am scared to death of dying, of leaving Greta, of leaving Darren with a 3 year old to raise on his own, I am scared she won't remember me and if she will someday call someone else Mom.  I worry about who will make sure she has a good wardrobe and if losing a mother at such a young age will mean she will become a drug addict by 10.  See, my mind is full of it ... I just worry, all the time, if my blood pressure was not so drastically low to start with, I would be concerned my heart and head could explode, as I can sometimes feel the pressure rising...this has been one of those weeks.  While I hardly needed another medical hurdle on my medical chart, an unexpected annoyance has popped up and I found myself in dreadful pain ... have I experienced worse pain - definitely, but that involved an inexperienced Dr putting an extremely large biopsy needle through my stomach, in to my liver, only to miss and me screaming in pain because I could feel it - then had him inject more lidocaine in to me causing an almost deadly allergic reaction - so, yes, I have had more pain, but this week has sucked!  But, alas, when I worry lots, I wonder, is this the time I need to start writing letters to Greta for each of her birthdays and tucking them away, should I go buy her birthday presents and milestone occasion gifts for her graduation day, her wedding day, the birth of her first child...I will want to do this, but if I do this, does this mean I give up and I think I won't survive much much stress!  I have decided to start buying her jewellery, if I am around to give it to her, wonderful, if not, Daddy can give it to her when she is old enough to take care of it and appreciate it.  I guess I will hand over my carat to her as well ...certainly won't get buried with diamonds..ha!

I did have a purpose to my blog tonight, I thought since it was such a long time since I wrote out my wishes for Greta (a few days before she was born I do believe) I thought it was time to pass along a few life lessons / wishes (I really do hope I'm here to tell her each of these as she gets older, at the appropriate time, but if not, I hope she will live life to the fullest and will enjoy the blog posts as she gets older)  Now, please, do not get offended, just because I don't want Greta to be a tattooed freak, does not mean I think all those with tattoo's are freaks or bad people - perhaps I just think you have bad taste and forget someday you will be 80...but seriously (okay, that was serious) but really seriously, these are not meant to offend people and I'm certainly not talking about people...these are my wishes and life lesson's, some I have fortunately / unfortunately experienced, others I wish I had!  To my niece Haley, these are for you too....although some you may have already by-passed.

1.  Find a few good friends and stick with them through thick and thin.  There will be a lot of people who pretend they are your friend, or will be your friend when they need something, but if you are lucky enough to just have one or two that you can trust, be thankful.

2.  Tell the truth

3.  Learn a second language

4.  Go to school dances and dance.... (I never did, and I think I missed out)

5.  The geeks really are the nice guys, who will be by your side when you need someone the most. 

6.  You usually will get back together with an many cases you will also quickly realize why they were an ex.  If this happens - escape - quickly!  If you are fortunate however, you will realize you were just better friends, maintain this friendship, he knows too much about you and you need a friend to get you through the next relationship!

7.  When a Dr says it won't hurt - it will....but only for a short while.

8.  If you believe strongly in something or someone - fight for it/them. 

9.  You may fail, that is will go on and the world will not end.  It is only a test, only an exam, only a job interview, only a is all part of the grand plan.

10.  Believe in something - Santa, angels, life after death, something...

11.  Be smart with your money, but if you really want something, buy is too short.

12.  Send Christmas Cards - not Email Cards, real Christmas Cards where you have to actually write your name.  I pray that there will be such a thing as snail mail and stamps when you get older....but until they disappear, make this a tradition!

13,  Don't rely on the computer to communicate - talk to people, write notes, use a phone book and call friends.  Technology is going to ruin human interaction, make an effort to make real connections!

14.  Don't underestimate the power of a kind gesture, send flowers, write notes, make a call, it could brighten the darkest day.

15.  Smile at strangers, you never know, it may be the kindest thing that happened to them all day.

16.  There is an appropriate time to dance on tables - do it, as long as you won't get arrested!

17.  Don't do drugs - ever!  There is no need for it, you are smart, beautiful, independent, you don't need it!!!!

18.  Don't smoke cigarette's - I mean it.

19.  Enjoy an Alabama slammer (when you are of age)...nothing like a bit of Jack Daniels and Brandy to make you happy...but at 19...not before!  Lord, could I ever use one!!!

20.  Never drink and drive - there is always someone to call, even if you get in trouble, it is better then you dying or hurting someone else.

21.  Always wear a seat belt

22.  There is really no reason for body piercings and tattoo' will be old and wrinkled someday, just remember that!

23.  Stop caring what others think of you and be proud of the person you are (wish I practiced this)

24.  Self Confidence is the most admirable trait, know you are fortunate and smart and beautiful and the world is yours to explore.

25.  Don't ever bully, a bully will always be just that...a bully!  Do you really want such a label.  The nice kids, they will be sitting across a table interviewing that bully someday, and guess what, karma is a bitch.

26.  Holding a grudge isn't always a bad is too short to accept people being rude, hurtful and deceitful towards you.  It may be hard, but walking away from friendships or acquaintances can be good for all parties.

27.  Rubbing alcohol helps with blemishes / pimples.

28.  Learn to cook and bake...find a few recipes that everyone will always want you to bring to the party.

29.  Go big at Christmas.  Decorate, bake, wrap gifts until the wee hours, sometimes giving and finding that perfect gift is just as exciting as unwrapping the presents - actually, in my case, it is the best!

30.  Education is important, but having common sense is even better!  Ideally, I hope you have both!

31.  Recognize that those who consistently brag or make you feel less of a person are doing so because something sucks in their life.  You are just as smart, just as educated, just as experienced as they are - everyone just has different circumstances.

32.  Some people are just assholes or jerks - that is there problem not yours.  You don't have to like them!

33.  You have to work hard for what you will not hand you stuff, you need to put the effort in to achieve great things.

34.  Always be kind to pets, the reward will be a companionship that will put a smile on your face each day.

35.  Go on trips, it may be an hour away, 10 hours or via a plane, if you want to see the world, start saving and make it happen.

36.  Always be honest at the International Borders....paying a little duty is so much better than having your car searched!

37.  Try different foods, you may surprise yourself, you may actually like something you said you hated.

38.  Make memories and capture them.  Take as many pictures and video's as you can, and if you print pictures, always write the date and who is in the pic on the back - you will appreciate this when you are older!

39.  Find a job you love and it won't feel like work.  (ahh, those were the days)

40.  Let those around you know how much they mean, before it is too late.

41.  Don't live with regrets....if you can change something, do it.

42.  You will get a pimple when you least want one, you will have a bad hair day, and your clothes won't fit right - it all sucks, but you will survive.

43.  There is nothing like a country tune to lift your spirits.

44.  Grease and Dirty Dancing are two of the best movies them, over and over and over!

45.  Find a hobby, play an instrument, participate in a sport - do something that makes you happy outside of school or work.

46.  Start getting facials in your 20s, your skin will thank you when you are older!

47.  Be grateful for the kindness people show you, for gifts, for assistance ... and send thank you notes!

48.  Remember the good times, they will get your through the bad times.

49.  Have a child of your own - even if you think you hate kids - you will love your own!

50.  Remember me when I am gone, and know that I will live someday amongst the stars and will always be so proud to be your aunt / mother.


Update required....I shouldn't have stopped at 50 - thought of a few more, so we are now at November 8, 2013 and here are a few additional tidbits for "my list"....

51.  Vanilla is an amazing staple that should always be in your cupboard, Watkins is my favorite - add an extra splash to cookies, cakes, pancakes - just about anything!  And it will make your house smell devine.

52.  Want your house to smell wonderful for guests who announce they are 10 minutes away - boil a pot of water and cinnamon on the stove, will make it seem like you based all morning

53. Try to eat healthy - but don't deny yourself treats!   Life is definitely too short, just think of all those ladies who passed on the sweet table while on the Titanic - you will enjoy that piece of cake!!

54. Always recognize birthdays - and for lord sake, if Facebook is still around I don't mean say Happy Birthday on a Wall to your best friend - pick up the phone, send a card, a gift, acknowledge it - it will mean a lot to people that you remembered.  To remember - make a list, mark it on a calendar, we have become a society who relies on Facebook to tell us when a special occasion is upon us!  And don't post your birthday on such a site - your real friends will remember!

55. Always vote - if you don't, you have no right to complain!  And don't vote for a party - vote for a person!  Well, or in some cases - vote against a person! 

56.  You will no doubt understand through your first job and perhaps many jobs after that what it is like to work for minimum wage - who knows what that will be when you grow up - my first hourly wage for $4.25/hour.... lesson here - treat those who make minimum wage with the utmost respect - I tell you from experience (not my proudest moment I shall admit), but tick them off, expect bugs in your soup, donuts that were on the floor or food that is ready to expire on your plate or in your take out bag!!!  And that girl/guy working at Tim's or McD's, could someday be your boss!!!  Everyone has to start somewhere, just make sure you are nice along the way.  It doesn't matter what the salary is, what the level is...everyone has something to bring to the table and should be treated with respect! 

57. And if Government ever becomes an employer of choice again, and you chose such a career - I will haunt you forever if you become a "level person"...I mean it.  EVERYONE has to start somewhere, when you start to "climb the infamous ladder", don't forget you were once in the entry role!  And if you don't want to climb the "ladder", good for you!

58. Wear sunscreen!

59. There are a few things I am so thankful I have experienced - I have traveled to England and Europe as a teenager, I have been to Disney, I have been laid off a job - I got pissed and found a better job, I have had to make tough career decisions and had to test out "if the other side was greener" (just a heads up, it isn't always greener on the other side - just appears to be better mowed), I have had great relationships with amazing individuals, I moved away from home at 18 years of age and made my home in a different province and absolutely had the time of my life in University - even managed to get an education in amongst the fun, I have and feel confident I can survive just about anything that comes my way (while some things may be taken out of my hands to fight) - most hurdles, you can get through with a little determination and confidence...and definitely, who would have thought, I had the opportunity to experience Parenthood (and I think I did pretty damn good).

60. Take every piece of advice you are offered, or just told, with a grain of salt...

61.  Never cheat - not on tests, exams, scrabble or on a boyfriend.

62. Give....generously, charitably and anonymously.  Give because you want to give and make a difference, not to be recognized.

63. PJ bottoms are for bedtime - it is not a fashion trend - do NOT WEAR PJ BOTTOMS OUT IN PUBLIC.  While we are at it...spandex isn't for everyone, nor are skinny jeans and belly tops...chose wisely, I would like you not to end up on the "Friends of Walmart Site"

64.  For lord sake, order French Fries - frig the salad!

65.  When you are posing for photos, or "posting" photos - keep in mind who will see them...your parents, grandparents, potential boss, chair of the scholarship smart. 

66. You may think you are having a bad day, but remember, there is always someone worse off then will make your troubles seem like nothing at all. 

67.  Watch the fashion trends and don't fall for them all....use common sense - leggings are not pants, this fad better go soon, spanx on the other hand - love them!!! 

68.  Start a memory box...if technology disappears and your first love notes are once again on paper, rather than a text - you will love to read them as an adult.  There is a fine line between being a hoarder and just keeping some sentimental items (or all of them in my case)

69.  There are a few things you shouldn't go cheap on - Ketchup is the first that comes to mind, but spend money on nice purses, quality shoes and good make up...oh and real spanx.

70. Follow your gut - I fully admit, I haven't always....but I hope you will.  Even if you think the world will end if you do follow it - it will all work out in the end.

Now, signing off for the 2nd time...


  1. You are all that is good Gail... These girls are a piece of you and radiate as you do. Hugs. Please sleep well tonight.
