Okay, babies need bottles, they can't chew on chicken legs right away - CHECK!

Good thing my pets don't live in water, I thought I would just set Greta in the middle of the floor and let the animals check her out, I feel confident the first meeting will go well. Scarlet has new toys coming to her from the baby, so she'll be won over quick!

I guess I better put the TV on the wall....sigh, didn't want to put holes in the wall, but I guess it would be safer!

They have a gentle cycle, my goodness, these rules are tough!
If she has a diaper explosion, I really feel a hose would work, but I guess, that isn't what the rules say..
Kids shouldn't be allowed to shop, so this one is a no brainer...
Oh, besides still needing to find a few young gals to babysit during the evenings or for me to go shopping during the day here and there, the full time sitter was found months ago! I guess I passed this test!

Still waddling around folks. I guess Greta decided she was cozy enough to stay put, now if she decides to come Wednesday, I won't be a happy camper at all, may have to give her the silent treatment for a bit, but I think Thursday is going to be the day. Tomorrow is my pre-surgery clinic, so have to get up bright and early (around 10ish) to head to the hospital. Can't wait for needles. I then get a break from the hospital but have to return in the afternoon to meet with the anesthesiologist who will stab me in the spine with a lovely needle on Thursday. I've already met with him to discuss my allergy and complications, but I guess they want to chat again (PEI Medical System - they don't seem to take notes!).
Got a little shopping in today, nothing too extreme, headed to the Book Store for some guides on how in the hell we are suppose to keep a baby alive - surprisingly enough - these books exist. I bought the Survival Guide for Rookie Moms, A Sleep Solution Guide, and some other kind of reference book that is escaping my mind. Now, I'm not a reader, but at least I'll have a reference manual or two around the house when I screw something up. Oh, bought the new Glee CDs too...
Since I had some extra time on my hands, I thought I better refresh my memory on the Instructions to Safely Handle Babies (which are above).... I learned a lot, good thing I reviewed these, I may have embarrassed myself. Enjoy and hope they will help the others who are expecting babies.
My heavens you are so hilarious, I just love reading your blogs!! So much fun!!