I need an agenda book to keep my appointments straight. If nothing else, the next 9 days should fly by as I seem to have booked myself solid. Reality has finally sunk in...mental preparation will continue for the remaining days, but at least I have moved past the denial stage of being pregnant (so it took 9 and a half months - at least it happened before I actually had to deliver a baby and get really freaked out when a baby arrives and it's not a puppy). The baby has moved a bit more today, so one improvement to the mental state, I think it was the delicious and overly garlic filled Chicken Shawarma I enjoyed today for lunch.
The coming days are packed with interesting activities, well, interesting to some. Tomorrow AM, off to see the nutritionist, it should wrap up the 6 months of appointments I have greatly enjoyed as I'll no doubt get to chat about the lack of weight gain (in her opinion), get instructions on the amount of sugar I need to eat in the coming week and SIGH, discuss what she is recommending I eat in the hospital. I'm having nightmares that my Hospital Food will be a downgrade from most bad hospital food: white bread, with a Boost Pudding and a Boost Shake - and I suspect unchilled. If I don't lose the baby weight from the kid and fluid, I'll lose the remaining by starving over the 4 days. Then, off to Motor Vehicle in the afternoon to have the car seats installed...had another nightmare about this, I leave motor vehicle and have a baby seat in the back, nosey people at the mall where I'm shopping at see the seat and assume there is a baby left in the hot truck, so they call the cops and they are either going to smash the window to save the baby (that is obviously not in there) or try to arrest me.
Are you seeing how my nights are going - I'm dreaming / having nightmares non stop. I woke up at one point last night panicked and sweaty because IN MY NIGHTMARE, I return to my hospital room after recovery and hear It's a Boy. At this point, this has been a recurrent thought, what if the ultrasounds have been wrong - I don't even have a yellow or green outfit, this child will be wearing pink for years. So, Darren and I have decided if such a thing has occurred, we will just pretend HE is a she and not let on, he may be an ugly girl but bows are going in the hair and pink clothes are going on.
And I have 2 milestones to hit, I must make it past Wed, as I have an appt to have my hair done - I'm not having grey hair and a baby....so if labour starts, I'll be suffering through contractions and/or delivering with foils in my hair! And off to the theatre on Saturday night. After that, I'm good to go...A few more Dr's appts, pre-surgery clinic, meet again with the anesthesiologist to discuss my allergy to anesthetic and review the "Don't kill me plan" and then holy liftin, off to have a baby next Thursday. Tick Tock.
The coming days are packed with interesting activities, well, interesting to some. Tomorrow AM, off to see the nutritionist, it should wrap up the 6 months of appointments I have greatly enjoyed as I'll no doubt get to chat about the lack of weight gain (in her opinion), get instructions on the amount of sugar I need to eat in the coming week and SIGH, discuss what she is recommending I eat in the hospital. I'm having nightmares that my Hospital Food will be a downgrade from most bad hospital food: white bread, with a Boost Pudding and a Boost Shake - and I suspect unchilled. If I don't lose the baby weight from the kid and fluid, I'll lose the remaining by starving over the 4 days. Then, off to Motor Vehicle in the afternoon to have the car seats installed...had another nightmare about this, I leave motor vehicle and have a baby seat in the back, nosey people at the mall where I'm shopping at see the seat and assume there is a baby left in the hot truck, so they call the cops and they are either going to smash the window to save the baby (that is obviously not in there) or try to arrest me.
Are you seeing how my nights are going - I'm dreaming / having nightmares non stop. I woke up at one point last night panicked and sweaty because IN MY NIGHTMARE, I return to my hospital room after recovery and hear It's a Boy. At this point, this has been a recurrent thought, what if the ultrasounds have been wrong - I don't even have a yellow or green outfit, this child will be wearing pink for years. So, Darren and I have decided if such a thing has occurred, we will just pretend HE is a she and not let on, he may be an ugly girl but bows are going in the hair and pink clothes are going on.
And I have 2 milestones to hit, I must make it past Wed, as I have an appt to have my hair done - I'm not having grey hair and a baby....so if labour starts, I'll be suffering through contractions and/or delivering with foils in my hair! And off to the theatre on Saturday night. After that, I'm good to go...A few more Dr's appts, pre-surgery clinic, meet again with the anesthesiologist to discuss my allergy to anesthetic and review the "Don't kill me plan" and then holy liftin, off to have a baby next Thursday. Tick Tock.
We (well, Darren) with my input that didn't seem to be appreciated - got the swing together. I can say without a doubt, Darren and Fisher Price are not seeing eye to eye. Operation "Put the baby products together" ended with the swing, the other items shall wait, or I'll do them on my own. I have visions of Christmas Eve putting toys together solo - what am I saying, I'll pay the extra $50 and get it assembled at the store..ha! I enjoy my hot chocolate and bailey's on Xmas Eve! Wow, I just realized Greta's b-day is exactly 6 months before Xmas, guess I'll get to start shopping for that as soon as I can get to a mall. And she'll need her own Xmas tree, oh dear, I better hit Ebay now!
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