Again...a bit of a delay in writing my Blog, I am sad to say I haven't had much excitement in the way of adventures, but as I sit on my butt, appropriately in the exact same location I have sat for months, the lap top is on my lap (what a concept) and the TV is on (Glee Re-Runs) I am thinking about things I think about.
1) How is it possible that I look up baby bowel movements on the Internet more than I online shop?
A/ Because Greta shits green, then yellow, then takes a 24 hour break, then it's green again, then it's watery and landing on my lap (yes, it happened to me folks, it was so traumatic that I couldn't even devote a full blog to it, it was much, much funnier when it happened to Darren).
2) Why did my super duper metobolism choose to not fight off the cookies and kit kat bars (which I never liked before, but now seem to have for breakfast, lunch and supper)?
A/ Because metobolism thrives on chocolate, it craves the chocolate then says, sucker, I'm going to put those calories on your ass and make you pay for putting that crap in your body.
3) Why is it that I feel more connected to strangers and new friends than some friends that I have known for years?
A/ Because the strangers and the new friends have been there, emailed, visited or stretched out their hand, their ear and acted like friends.
4) Why can't I stop shopping for Greta?
A/ Because I am an addict...a shopping addict, drugs would be cheaper I'm sure. And, I was born with the shopping trait, it was the only gene I received from my mother since I don't look like anyone in my family, I was given the special skill of spending money. Really, how many knit outfits does one child need - I'll answer my question - 6, but if another cute one appears, maybe 7. And Headbands...oh my, thank you Krista D. for making such lovely headbands that I just have to have, I mean Greta has to have!!! Now, considering I have a collection of 20 headbands in the house and Greta is only 8 weeks old, I consider myself a great customer. Just think, I'm yet again helping the local economy! I seem to do that in NB and the USA as well.
5) How is it possible that one wedding on Days of Our Lives can take 5 days?
A/ While sitting on my butt, I have found myself eagerly (okay, that may be a tad much of an expression), but I will definitely turn the channel to watch Days of Our Lives. Now, University was 18 years ago, the same characters are on, same issues, for lord sake, they even look like they did 18 years ago, and time stands still. Sammy and EJ have been trying to get married for 5 friggin days, of course it gets stopped just as they were going to be announced as Husband and Wife, and what do you know, it's 2:59, the scene continues to the next day, again, 2:59, still waiting to deal with the problem. This is a justice of the peace wedding, believe me, I know for a fact and by experience the ceremony takes 5 minutes, not even a bilingual Catholic wedding with 10 objections would take as long as the Soap Opera Wedding.
6) How did the past year go by so quickly?
A/ This past weekend marked the one year anniversary for the most scandalous event that rocked Rustico - Darren and I eloped. Now, I'm sure my picture is still hanging in shop windows in the little village, "keep the sinner away" is the tag line, but wow, one year already. HOLY F... ONE YEAR and we have a baby...what the hell!!! One of the many reasons I was not marrying in the Catholic Church (besides the biggie that I'm not Catholic) was that I refused to say that the kids we were NOT going to have would be raised Catholic. HA. Let me tell you, one year ago, I never in a million, trillion years would have thought we would require a babysitter (thank you Mom) to watch a baby so we could go out and recognize our Anniversary. The only thing I can guarantee, there will not be TWO kids to babysit on our Second Anniversary!
7) Why is it frowned upon if I take a baby to a bar?
A/ I'm just thinking trivia, I would hide her under the table, people don't smoke anymore so she won't inhale second hand smoke she will just smell peoples feet!! It's so loud that I'm sure no one would hear her if she cried!
8) How is it possible that when we finally have an opportunity to go out (because my mother so kindly came over for our anniversary weekend)...did we just want to sleep? I don't think we spoke 5 minutes at supper we were just both in a trance thinking about sleep, I didn't even want to eat, I just wanted to sleep - and WHY, did we go out and find kids at the restaurant, including an 8 week old baby!!!
A/ First, for the record, we were not at McD's, which is why I am confused that there were children at the restaurant...McD's has a play room, therefore, children are acceptable to be there, the restaurant we were at DID NOT have a play room, therefore not acceptable for children to be there!!! Get with the program people! And sleep, we both like sleep, we get a fair amount of sleep, but it's a tad broken for our liking, sleep would have been better than supper!
9) Why is it that Darren offering to change a crappy, stinking, knock your socks off toxic waste diaper comes with a plan?
A/ Funny isn't it, but 2 dirty diapers yesterday meant Darren went fishing for the evening! Then I'm told I should do supper with the gals...ummm, a scam I tell you.
10) What do dogs and babies dream about?
A/ As I sit finishing my list of things I think about...Scarlet and Greta are both dreaming. Scarlet is wimpering, Greta grins here and there and sighs, I wonder what they are thinking about? I think Greta is dreaming about Daddy changing her and feeding her (I better go wake Darren to fill him in on this ability I have to read in to her dreams, who is he to deny her wishes) and I bet Scarlet is dreaming about chasing her ball followed by a lovely sleep in the spare room with Mommy (that is me).
So, a little insight, nothing too exciting. I do have to send out a huge thank you to my mother, she was over this weekend so we could get out to trivia and supper Friday night, followed by an evening out for our anniversary on Saturday. Not to mention the non stop flow of gifts that enter this house that I declare in this blog - has to stop. Darren is already trying to deal with my clothes, when I inform him that Greta's closet and two dressers are full with clothes and I have bags sitting in the 2nd closet, he may get a tad annoyed (whoops, he reads this blog!). And a huge thank you to Darren for putting up with a very tough first year of marriage, that sickness and health line in the vows - well, lets just say, he got the shit end of that deal. We got married at the end of August, arrived home to a luke warm reception that has affected us to this day immensely, and I have been sick since October. H1N1, Pneumonia (x2), Pregnant, C-Section, Liver failure...ummmm, I better find him a mistress soon, I'm all for polygamy, lord, I could use a wife (I hope she cleans and cooks and does diapers). I must share quickly one of my gifts for our anniversary. He is always very thoughtful with gifts, but recognized Paper as the Traditional first gift (now as my mother says, that means CASH), but he actually contacted the Publisher in North Conway, New Hampshire and had the paper printed from our wedding day in to a binder. Very thoughtful...I just gave him a gift card and a bottle of wine...ummm, next year watch out! Hope he sticks with this traditional gift scheme, I see some jewels coming my way!
Toodles for now, have a great week. PS. I have to go feed Greta, so I'm skipping spell check tonight so I can get this published...
The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth. A Journey to Motherhood and Beyond.
Someday my prince will come, but Daddy will always be King!

Daddy's Girl
Welcome to my Blog.
Life greatly changed as Darren and I welcomed Greta Claire to the family. I started this blog 5 weeks pre-parenthood; I thought I would learn to Blog as a hobby and to occupy my time when I was awaiting baby and tried my best to continue through her first year of life to document some of the ups and downs, funny moments, scary moments, etc. While I greatly enjoy sharing our adventures, it has been hard to stay committed to regular posts, but I certainly will do my best as our little girl is now 6 years old and full of comic relief, bright ideas and the most amazing quotes! So, enjoy the adventures of Gail and Greta, I somehow seem to find the most interesting things each day, so this is the truth blog, how things really are, what I'm really thinking and could be interesting!
Life greatly changed as Darren and I welcomed Greta Claire to the family. I started this blog 5 weeks pre-parenthood; I thought I would learn to Blog as a hobby and to occupy my time when I was awaiting baby and tried my best to continue through her first year of life to document some of the ups and downs, funny moments, scary moments, etc. While I greatly enjoy sharing our adventures, it has been hard to stay committed to regular posts, but I certainly will do my best as our little girl is now 6 years old and full of comic relief, bright ideas and the most amazing quotes! So, enjoy the adventures of Gail and Greta, I somehow seem to find the most interesting things each day, so this is the truth blog, how things really are, what I'm really thinking and could be interesting!
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