Just a quick hello to my followers (I have a cult forming, of sick minded folks who take pleasure of my shit / puke / exhaustion stories...ha). Update of the night -little Greta has vocal cords, we were worried for a bit, didn't hear her cry much, but the poor little thing has a few belly pains this week and has shown her discomfort through her voice. Still not a shrilling noise, although I did find myself saying shut up a few times, not in a mean way, kind of a Give Me a Break you have been upset for an hour, just move your bowels already kind of way. She may be experiencing a growth spurt as well as she has been a hungry gal.
I find the days long, it has been nice to feel like I can finally drive and get out - but new issue has surfaced - where in the heck do I go. The mall just means I buy things I don't need, most are working or busy, I guess I could just aimlessly drive around town, polluting the earth with my gas guzzling SUV, or stay put and ensure the couch doesn't move while trying to figure out why in the heck Sammy is going to marry EJ on Days of Our Lives. Greta and I did have one fun adventure this week, we went headband shopping. Had a full table of headbands during a private showing at Krista Dykstra's house in Rustico, how much fun. Of course, I thought hard about her wardrobe and picked various headbands to match...I think we left with 7 to add to her collection. Well, you didn't think I could just buy one did you??? They'll now randomly appear in pictures.
We did have a lovely visit last night, one of my oldest and dearest friends Chris, his wife Julie and their little baby Emily were on the Island to visit (well, he was here to work, but we'll just pretend they came for a special visit). So wonderful to finally meet Emily, I had tried a few weeks before Greta arrived, but a solo journey to Moncton at 37 weeks prego was frowned upon and I just didn't make it. It was unreal to see the difference in the two girls, just a 7 week age difference, but quite something to see Emily's personality, strength, size, alertness...Cute as a button. That is obviously who is in the picture with Greta. Amazing that Chris and I, after knowing each other since we were junior high kids at Bessborough School have two babies sitting
in a crib together, life works in mysterious ways and I hope Emily and Greta will have many more visits together, if nothing else, I know they will be great Facebook Buddies (or whatever technology is available for young gals in a few years!)
And, as many know, just as I'm finally getting back on my feet after the c-section and Greta turns 7 weeks, I am heading back in to the hospital. Tomorrow I will have a liver biopsy, I just can't wait...well, I could, but somewhat pleased it will be over with, hoping to have no complications, as the complications range from bruising to internal bleeding to death, ummm, not what you want to read...but we'll see. Surely for once, luck will be on my side and the Dr will hit the liver, not the lung. Hopefully there is no chance for an allergic reaction, or ripping off the toe nail. Surely, I can stay away from people with pink eye and return home to rest. I am spending the day and being optimistic that I will get to go home the same day, although I am prepared for a one night stay, really, how bad can it be I'll be waited on, people will pay attention to me, I'll be fed (mind you it's hospital food, but better than what I have been eating), I won't have to change diapers, do laundry, make formula, it will be some me time...Hard pressed for some me time wouldn't you say! I would have preferred a pedicure, but I'm still missing a toe nail, so that would kind of look silly, Liver Biopsy wins! Thanks to those who sent positive vibes my way, I think all will go fine and tomorrow by 9am I'll be in recovery and it will all be behind me.
I better go get my pre surgery drink in to me (water folks, not liquor) they are taking a piece of the liver, better not have it saturated with vodka or rum. I'll be back soon.
Toodles - GE
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