Howdy my fellow readers....Hope this note finds you doing well. 12:13 in the Edgett-Gallant Household, the Gallant part of the house is sleeping, the Edgett-Gallant part is sleeping and low and behold, that leave the Edgett gal on FB, Email and now my blog. Tired, actually quite exhausted, but I can't seem to sleep and thought I better get a note out in case I don't have a chance on the weekend.
So, lets see what has happened since I last posted...Oh yes, I had my first ride in an ambulance! Fun times. After writing my blog Tuesday night, I had actually commented how I was going to bed early, little did I know it would be a long night. I had chills / then my lovely hot flashes / then chills again - I had fleece pjs on, a down comforter, fleece sheets and a hot magic bag, 5 minutes later I'd be the opposite (well, still kept clothes on, can't get crazy you know!) That went on for a few hours, as I tried to get sleep and continuously woke up, the dizzy spells I had experienced earlier in the week seemed to intensify, finally I hit the point that my vision was affected and I couldn't stand, was blacking out. I called down to Darren who was having a comfy rest in the man cave, that I needed to go to the hospital - but what do I do first...Have a bath!!! Ha, if I'm going to the hospital, I thought it would be good to at least shave my legs! Well, I then have a freak attack as I'm feeling quite bad, and said maybe we needed to call 911...Darren dialed away and explained what was happening and we were really asking for advice but they said they were sending someone to assess me...They arrived - which I must admit felt like a long time to get here, but the attendants were wonderful. I'm feeling part embarrassed, somewhat relieved, as I knew how I was feeling was not normal. I was well enough however to gather all of my drugs in to a ziploc, my allergy bracelet, my medic alert, my hospital card, and the instructions for each of my drugs - how organized of me don't you think!!! I even wrote notes for the attendants and Dr's just in case I passed out, just so they knew all my medical condition, how many pills I had taken, who my Dr's were...I think I was a pretty impressive patient. As I sat at our counter stools and they started to hook machines up to me, I started to realize I may not be imagining feeling sick...my heart rate was bad, my blood pressure in the normal range (which is bad for me, as it's usually low), and blood sugars were off...so, they announce they are getting the stretcher and taking me in. Poor Scarlet looked more scared than anyone, Darren was holding her and she looked so sad, kind of "where are you taking my mommy look"...I assured her I would be back and off I went. Have you ever been taken down front steps in to the night air on a stretcher...I am sure they knew what they were doing and I know I'm a bit heavier with this water weight, but I thought they were going to drop me. My head was pounding and the little bump at the end of the stairs almost had me jumping to the sky. I get in the ambulance and it wasn't what I expected...tons of lights, which were really bothering my eyes, they hooked me to a heart monitor and call the ER and about 5 times explain that I'm 36 year old female with elevated heart rhythm...UMMM, I didn't call them about my heart, but it seemed to be what they were focusing on...They put an IV in (ouch, right in my damn hand, the worse spot but they couldn't get a vein in my arm) and then off we go. It was a long ride, we only leave 3 minutes from the hospital, it felt more like 20 and I have realized, I'm a pathetic back seat driver, I need to know where I'm going, so to be backwards in the ambulance, and lying on my back, just sucked...didn't like it at all. I arrive and guess what - the cute Dr's were not on..SIGH. Just make my life worse! Oh, it was...it was the ER Doc that can't speak English and was rude. Oh well. The nurses were excellent and again, in with the heart monitors, blood tests, booked for Xrays. I'm quickly realizing, if you are sick, just call an ambulance. I received excellent care and I'm sure it's not just because I looked like death and my heart was funky for some strange reason. But are you ready for the verdict...keep in mind, I'm assuming I'm going to hear news that it was my medications that were messing with me, well, it kind of was, it stripped my immune system and despite living in a bubble and to my knowledge, not being exposed to anyone with an infection, I have a sinus and inner ear infection, which was taking me off balance and making me have the black out episodes..SIGH, I took an ambulance, called 911 and I have a damn infection! WTF. Anyway, it was a fun experience, and yeah, something to blog about...See, there is a silver lining!
Of course, what does spending the night in the ER mean, well, other than I'm exhausted because you don't sleep while there, it means I was told to "stay off work"... humm, guess the Dr doesn't know about maternity leave as he was told a few times I had a 4 month old. But seems I wasn't allowed to move my head in any quick motion, lift, pretty much just needed to rest...so poor Darren had to stay home and do Daddy Duty and Babysitter to me for the full day. For his co-workers reading this - I really am this sick, no one can make up this crap! HA. I think spouses of sick people should get another week off in their leave, call is "holy shit she is sick again and I have to stay home leave". Believe me, it's no vacation, I can be quite demanding!!!
I spent the day doing very little, but rebounded a bit today, I feel a bit better and no dizzy spells (should back up, have 2 more prescriptions to add to my pill box) and desperately needed my hair done, so thankfully managed to get an appt. I had to take Greta - now, she was an angel, otherwise this blog would have been called My Nightmare at the Hair Shop - but she really was perfect, for 2 full hours, she entertained the gals at the shop, had a little snooze, starred like crazy at people and didn't say boo. What a relief! I then had to rush home, give her some food, and rush back out as it was needle day. Poor little thing. Second time we saw real tears flow from her eyes, the first was at her first set of needles. Three needles in the legs, I would have cried if it was me too, she screamed and the little tears filled in her eyes, quite sad, but she rebounded quick and within a few minutes was all better. She has been sleeping since 7:30pm tonight (which is her normal bedtime), so here is hoping she does okay and there are no major issues that will follow her tragic little experience. Knock on wood, so far so good! And since she didn't receive a live virus in the vaccine, I can be around her...Good thing, as Darren may have been ticked!
That is the day thus far. Made it to the big shop of Walmart tonight as well, needed more Halloween treats and had to buy a few little things for our extra special trick or treaters who make a special trip to the house each year, can't just give them regular old candy, I save that for the strangers. Of course, me going to a store - on pay day to boot - means my candy order somehow became $85 worth of items. One more Xmas gift for Greta - NOW I'm really DONE!!! This time I mean it, I'm running out of room and I'm going against everything I believe in toys (in that I don't want my house to look like a day care - so that really is it, but she needed a stroller for her dolls and it's a walker)... Good news is, I'm being quite specific on the items I've bought...and we have my old office as her toy room. Where we can shut the door. Thus far, I have to admit, I'm quite pleased that the house still resembles my house, have to love having an office off our main room that I spend most of my time, one push of the baby stuff in to the side room and a closing of the door and presto - Adult house again! I ended the night making a batch of cookies for a friend and to share with company this weekend, the house smells lovely, who needs air fresheners when I bake cookies every few nights - I am vowing not to eat any, well, maybe one or two just to ensure they are edible, but I'm packing these ones up and sending them out of the house. I had hoped to take my little Halloween Kitty Kat around to a few places tomorrow, but we'll see what the day brings, if not, and for those reading who are not here on the Island or I won't have a chance to see, I added a pic of her first Halloween Costume and a few pics of her best buddy Erik at the pumpkin patch last weekend. I hope she will learn to love Halloween Season as much I do. Kind of sad that I don't do my halloween party like I did years ago, but times change I guess, now I will just have a little one to live vicariously through!
So, another October has come and almost gone. As I was looking at my emails tonight and seeing my year in review and the emails automatically deleting I realized this exact day last year, I was in the hospital (what a shocker)...some may remember, others are new to my life via the blog, but I was one of the few early sufferers of H1N1 last year, I spent a week in and out of the ER, and last year on this exact same day I was there...and I was there on the 29th and the 30th. On the 30th, the Doctors informed me that I was pregnant. I will refrain from all the choice words I said on the 30th of October, 2009, but it had a few things to do with you incompetent idiot Doctors on PEI know NOTHING, do the test again! Well, I guess they were right...although that first day they said I was having twins...Anyway, that day was Darren's birthday...and rest assured, there is no hope I will be in the hospital on his 37th birthday finding out there is a baby on the way - I won't rule out I won't be in the hospital though...so fingers crossed we can have a regular birthday celebration, Dr and shocking news free! All for now, have a great and Spooktacular Halloween! Thanks for the continuous support and comments about the blog, I have a lot of fun writing it and it's fun to see how many are reading it and enjoying it, I get a few notes every day, some from people I've never met, others who I know through friends of friends (and sometimes of friends of their friends). Never take anything personal from my comments, just my view on a few things and the daily happenings in my mind and life, with a few exaggerated comments here and there - well, just a tad exaggerated! I have never claimed to know squat about parenting, but Greta is doing very well, so our wing it attitude and go with the flow has worked. Or for once in my life, a little luck has decided to shine on me. We have a baby who is growing, all be it slow but soon she'll be 13lbs I'm sure, she is pretty darn cute, is always well dressed, has a sweet personality and thankfully is a great sleeper, so we must be doing something right...oh, and she loves the hair dresser and shopping! But again, this blog is about us, we are just sharing our thoughts and our days with you and if you like it great, if not...why keep reading!!! HA! Better go test those cookies! Signing off, 1:09am!
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