Hello my followers...it's a hopping Saturday night in the Edgett-Gallant Household. 9:25pm and I'm in my pj's (black and white, old lady like pj's at that), Greta is resting on her knit blanket on the couch beside me, it has become a nightly ritual (it works and will continue), Darren is playing with his iPhone, and we are waiting for the ball game to finish so we can watch COPS. Okay, beat that for a happening Saturday night. Sadly, pre-Greta, it probably would have been the same!
Overall, the week was fairly good, EXCEPT Friday...Holy I experienced a whole new level of CRANKY. Greta was off, and by off, I mean she was quite the little bear. It was the first day since she arrived that I can honestly say she seemed distressed, upset and loud during the day. She has experienced a few evening fussy periods, but I had a friend stop over to visit (thank you Heidi) and Greta just seemed to whimper throughout the visit, then cried, and then...well, she screamed as the afternoon progressed. I called Darren at 3:30 and said, get to the pharmacy, get me the Ovol Drops, and don't stop anywhere on your way home....I actually ended up taking Greta for a drive which did work, so I'm thinking a bit of exhaustion, sore belly and a little tooth bud all lead to a tough day..on both of us. Of course, it's me guessing...what do I know! No fear though, I did go shopping and all was good with the world again, and she actually accompanied to the grocery store (ha, lord, TV night tonight and Grocery store on a Friday night - now that says it all). For the record - we did give her a drop of the Ovol Drops tonight and she is sleeping well and no sore belly, so gassy babies - check it out. She according to the instructions should be 4 months, but I just gave her a 1/4 of what was allowed, it was worth it to not have her in pain.
So, here I am thinking of what to write for my blog and I remembered almost 2 years ago the 25 Random Things note was spreading through Facebook...essentially, you had to give 25 Random Facts about yourself that others may not necessarily know, or to give an idea of who you were...Well, I re-read mine tonight and although many things are true, WOW, have things changed. My Random Things was written when I was still a hold out on getting married, was thrilled how acceptable it was for 30 somethings to not want children, how I loved my pets, etc...Well, I think it's time to update that list of Random thoughts and facts, so here it goes!!!
1. If I had to get married all over again - I would do it exactly the same way - ELOPING was the best decision, and despite lots of disapproval and hurt feelings, I would recommend it to others and I don't feel one bit guilty for getting married how we wanted to. Helped that I married my best friend.
2. I was born in Ontario in 1974, moved to NS in 1980, moved to NB in 1987, moved to PEI in 1992..it is on the Island I have remained and have made my home, but given the chance or opportunity, I would move again.
3. My pets have been my most loyal friends and companions, nothing can compare to the love and affection of an animal. They don't judge, don't complain, they respect you and need you and want to please you...people could learn a lot from them! I love Scarlet more than most people love humans, Casanova has become more and more lovable and affectionate over the years and it broke my heart to lose my beloved Paris this September after 16 loyal years.
4. I love to shop (I know, you can't believe it)...I love buying for others, I love giving the perfect gifts (well, perfect to me), I like planning on what to buy, writing lists of what to buy, online shopping, USA shopping and just browsing and finding that great deal. It just makes me happy and shouldn't we all do what makes us happy...oh yes, and I'm broke because of it, but you can't take the money with you at the end of the day, so I'm going to leave behind a great legacy - a VISA, MC and AMEX balance!!!
5. I am not the healthiest chickadee on the block. I have been poked and prodded and zapped and cut for years and years, many ask how I do it, but I honestly don't know how life would be without it. That isn't necessarily a good thing, but it's my reality so I have to go with the flow. After years of various Dr's and Specialists, I have crohns, liver disease, anemia, vitamin deficiency and I somehow get up every day and put my make up on, cover up the dark black circles that have cursed me my entire life and I live with the pain and annoyance of being "sick"... but it could be worse...and for that, I guess I'm pretty lucky.
6. The liver disease is the worse diagnosis....only because it's the worse treatment. After gaining just 18lbs while pregnant and thankfully losing it (for the most part), being insane about my body image my entire life, I am forced to take treatment that is puffing me up like a damn blow fish...I am neither impressed, nor okay with the treatment, but I also want to live...so, puffy vs. complete liver failure - you will be seeing me with a chubby face! SIGH !
7. I love primitive decor.
8. I love New Hampshire, it's my happy place - no doubt because it's my shopping haven, but I love everything about it, the smell, the mountains, the restaurants, the hotel, the locals, just everything.
9. I really love our home, it has always felt like home, right from the moment we saw it, and I think it was the perfect place for us.
10. I love Halloween.
11. I can't wait to start decorating for Xmas, which I will as soon as I return from New Hampshire in November. I have 4 big trees to put up, 6 little trees, and 9 rooms to decorate - so I'm justified in starting early. You would think it was my favorite holiday, but I actually just like the pre-Xmas stuff - come Xmas Day I enjoy time to myself and could stay in bed all day.
12. Okay, you are all waiting for my Greta comments...Well, on June 24th a Mommy and Daddy were born. And never in a million years would I have thought that would be a title I would have. I know how lucky we are to have had a healthy, beautiful baby girl, who has thankfully moulded in to our lives like she was always part of the grand plan. In 3 months, our lives have changed so drastically and we can't imagine life without her.
13. I actually think Greta is one of the cuter babies out there...and it's not the "all mothers think their kids are the cutest type of feeling", I actually look at pictures and think - UMMM, you are pretty darn cute!
14. For those who have wondered where Greta Claire's name came from, well, here it goes: I was looking for a Scandinavian Name that started with a G (that cuts down on the choices), and I needed something to match with Scarlet O'Hara, so Greta Garbo was the natural choice (okay and the extra detail, I liked the combo of Scarlet and Greta - for puppy's...)but in my defence, Scarlet is like a real human to me, so it's not like I just gave the future puppy name to my daughter...it was more like I was giving human names to my pets because I loved the names. Clair was my grandfathers name, although he went by Eldon, so Claire was always going to be the middle name we just added the E to make it more feminine! Greta has both of our last names - because ... well, just because! And I love her name, I know many didn't, but she makes a cute Greta!
15. Having a baby has made me realize who our friends are and who they are not. We were warned it would happen, and I was in denial, but to those who told us the real friends will surface and the others would disappear, my goodness you were friggin right! And the interesting thing, I'm perfectly fine with it, understand it, and don't really let is consume any time or energy.
16. My niece Haley is still one of my favorite kids around, she turns 11 on Monday, I just can't believe it, but so proud of what a great girl she has become and how great her self image and attitude is.
17. I'm still not a kid person - just because I now have a Mommy title, didn't change my views on all kids...I am still not the baby lover who will rush in the crowd and say, stand back, give me that baby to cuddle...nah...I tolerate Greta's puke and crappy diapers - I don't want to smell others...ha!
18. I think Greta is one very lucky little girl to have such a wonderful Daddy. Darren has done nothing short of EVERYTHING, and then some. He has put up with me being sick and in and out of the hospital, learned very quickly how to diaper, feed, comfort, bath and love a little one, not to mention continues to change the cat litter...he deserves a medal!
19. Everything I am or hope to be, I owe to my mother. I hope Greta can some day say the same.
20. I'm terrified that I won't be around to watch Greta grow up, I know my reality will some day mean I will need a new liver, and will be much sicker than I am right now...so we'll make the best of the years we have and hope it is for a very, very long time. And...pump your charity money in to Liver Research - I may be needed a slice of yours!
21. I feel like shopping on Ebay, so I have to come up with 4 quick things...
22. I'm not really missing work like I was at the beginning of Maternity Leave. I feel a year is too long to be off, only because I found it hard to return after a week holiday, so a full year off - YIKES... but I've found myself a little bit more of a routine and socialize through email and Facebook, so I don't feel quite as lonely as I did when I first left work. I do miss my work friends though, and happy I'm still in the loop!
23. I hold grudges...bad trait for sure, but can't help it...life is too short to be bothered with people who disrespect you or hurt you...
24. I am happy this list is almost over, as I can't think of anything except the fact that Greta hasn't crapped in her diaper all day and how messy it will be when she does...
25. I hope Darren is on diaper duty when #24 happens...
That is it, the newly updated 25 Random Things - October 2, 2010. Amazing how 18 months can change your life! All for now, TOODLES...And for the record, it's now 10:48, Greta is whimpering a tad, and pouting in her sleep, America's Most Wanted is on and I missed it all, and Darren has slid away to the basement, no doubt to sleep. Happening Saturday night continues!
The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth. A Journey to Motherhood and Beyond.
Someday my prince will come, but Daddy will always be King!

Daddy's Girl
Welcome to my Blog.
Life greatly changed as Darren and I welcomed Greta Claire to the family. I started this blog 5 weeks pre-parenthood; I thought I would learn to Blog as a hobby and to occupy my time when I was awaiting baby and tried my best to continue through her first year of life to document some of the ups and downs, funny moments, scary moments, etc. While I greatly enjoy sharing our adventures, it has been hard to stay committed to regular posts, but I certainly will do my best as our little girl is now 6 years old and full of comic relief, bright ideas and the most amazing quotes! So, enjoy the adventures of Gail and Greta, I somehow seem to find the most interesting things each day, so this is the truth blog, how things really are, what I'm really thinking and feeling....it could be interesting!
Life greatly changed as Darren and I welcomed Greta Claire to the family. I started this blog 5 weeks pre-parenthood; I thought I would learn to Blog as a hobby and to occupy my time when I was awaiting baby and tried my best to continue through her first year of life to document some of the ups and downs, funny moments, scary moments, etc. While I greatly enjoy sharing our adventures, it has been hard to stay committed to regular posts, but I certainly will do my best as our little girl is now 6 years old and full of comic relief, bright ideas and the most amazing quotes! So, enjoy the adventures of Gail and Greta, I somehow seem to find the most interesting things each day, so this is the truth blog, how things really are, what I'm really thinking and feeling....it could be interesting!
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ReplyDeleteHi Gail, you and I have never met but I work with Darren. The other day he showed up with cupcakes with peanut butter icing. The sounds I made when I tasted them were not appropriate for the office!!! Everyone in the office now knows peanut butter is my favourite food :)
ReplyDeleteI have read your blog for a while now and geez woman - you're crazy - but then as you can probably figure out - so am I. We have lots in common - I wasn't planning on a kid in my life either but it happened and she is my greatest love!!!
Greta is so beautiful. I think Darren had her in one day but I wasn't there - I hope I get to see her soon.
Hi Gail, me again. You were asking for ideas for blogs. Could you blog on your past trips to NH.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter and I (she is 17) did our first Maine trip in June - we wanted to see what all the fuss was about - wow!!! - we were blown away by the stores and the deals. However we are only bronze medal shoppers not gold like yourself :)
So on the 14 and 15th of October we are heading to North Conway on the advice of friends and family. We will head to Portland on our way back to take in Forever 21 (best teen store in the world) and I have to hit Kohl's so we will stay overnight in Bangor on the way home.
I already checked out where your stay - Golden Gable - looks really neat.
Can you blog about your favourite stores and how you pace yourself out, etc.
I blog when I travel so I will send you a link.
Someday you and Greta will do mother-daughter trips to NH - it is so much fun.
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