Forgive me followers for I have sinned, it's been 6 days since my last post and I have been hoping for funny things to happen, shit to fly, embarrassing moments to occur to make the blog extra amusing, but's been a pretty boring week!!!!
So, here we are, almost a week after my last post, 1 week past the 3 month mark when everything is to fit in to place, when all will be well with routine, sleep, adjustment to parenthood and I can't say we are totally there, but at least on the right track. This past week had a few firsts.
Darren and I struck out for dinner with Greta, we had a great supper of Lebanese food and I have to say, we barely spoke, we just watched Greta in her seat, waiting for the moment she decided to wake up and scream, reminding me why I don't like kids in restaurants! It was as if we both were just starring at her, she may be cute, but we were watching the eyes and the mouth, waiting for any sign to change our dining in supper to a take out meal. But it didn't happen. I thought for sure when the waitress said how quiet she was being that it was all over, it was as if Greta could hear the words and her eyes started to open, but she was great..A little rock of her car seat and out she went.
Every night hasn't been quite so pleasant. Greta is a pretty good baby, but oh my, when she wants to cry, she'll tell us. This is the moment I must pause and tell all those with a colicky baby that I feel for you, and don't know how you do it, you definitely have more super power than I. Greta has been experiencing a "fussy period" which seems to occur around supper time, well, our supper time which can be as late as 7...she can go from calm to crank in 0.5 seconds. We have resorted to some well timed car drives, but that is no guarantee. I think it's soon time to bring out the rum, a little on the gums for her and little in my evening beverage. She can then calm down as quick as the episode started. I do hope it ends soon, its very hard on the nerves!
Greta had her first babysitters...can I tell you what a sense of freedom it is to have responsible babysitters around. We had a lovely evening out to the theatre with my Mom, niece Haley and old neighbour Janet, while Greta enjoyed a night with not one, but two great sitters. She did cry - remember that fussy period I just mentioned, sadly, it was at that time, she cried like I didn't hear before...but I think it was a bit overwhelming of a night for her. She had 5 people come to the house within a matter of an hour, was over tired...and well, just cranky...but a little drive around the block and sitters who knew what they were doing and presto, we came home to a sleeping baby. Can't wait to do it again, get out that is and hire a sitter - not drive around the block to put her to sleep! I felt like I should call when we were out, but didn't feel that I needed to...also a good feeling, but alas, I thought that is what a good mother was suppose to do, you know, the obligatory call to check in...
On Sunday, I had a surprise for Haley. Haley turns 11 next week, seems like yesterday I was working in Montague and found out my sister was at the hospital, so I rushed to NB to be there..I made it, with just an hour to spare, and here we are ready to see her turn 11 years old. Time really does fly. Well...what do you buy an 11 year old today. I have no doubt I still was getting Barbies and Dolls...well, not the case in, they want iPhones, iPads, gift cards, cash...well, I wasn't in to that wish list, so I thought of something she has really, really wanted...Highlights! Yup, for her hair. My hairdresser so kindly agreed to come to the house on a Sunday to do Haley's hair. She had been begging her mother for quite some time, and her mother said when she was a teenager...but I did ask if I could do this and the answer was yes...I had written a note to Haley to say what her gift was and her eyes went as big as saucers...and her hair looks amazing. Virgin Hair as the professionals would say...which I have thought about tons since deciding on this gift. I remember going to the hair dresser (much, much older than Haley) and being a tad green to lingo, the hairdresser said as she was mixing my first ever hair dye, "I just love virgin hair"...well, imagine the color of my face...I didn't know what in the hell she was talking about..I mean, did your hair really indicate if you were a virgin or not. Oh my lord, I went home and was just this day I remember that terribly uncomfortable feeling of did she know, the hairdresser was a damn psychic.
Sleep - I'm not getting much, and it's not because of Greta - as I type this line, it's 1:30 am, and I can't sleep. Greta ate around 8, possibly she'll get up still, could sleep through - but I doubt it...but I can't go to bed early, and when I do finally hit bed, I watch TV or look on the computer. I'm not sure if I've become a zombie who is being kept up because of the liver treatments, the worry that is still present over Greta's breathing, or just total insomnia. Can I tell you how annoying this is!!!!! IT is VERY annoying. The other thing keeping me up is the ridiculous radio station's contest to find the 5.5's...Darren and I have been CONVINCED so many times that we knew for sure the riddles and were going to be $10,000 richer...but no luck yet. It is consuming our thoughts, Darren searches at lunch instead of eating, he has even left for work early so he can stop to check out a clue on his way to work...and after work - well, he is gone until dark...I'm no better, this afternoon, I packed Greta up and off we went for a drive to check in on our best guesses...I hope someone finds the clues soon, it's taking up too much of my head...
Shopping - it has to stop!!! Well, until New Hampshire...I am bargain hunting and won two Ebay auctions tonight - yippee!! And I hit up the Children's Exchange today and found some excellent buys on Carters and Ralph Lauren items, some with the tags still on...but Greta needs nothing. I picked up the Sears Wish Book - and refrained from ordering anything...but I have decided we will be setting limits on things for her...and this message will be sent to everyone who may buy for her...she needs nothing.
Okay, I'm getting sleepy, must sign off, but I have a request. I have found out that I can publish my blog in to a book - just for me - it's not hitting the book shelf stands or anything but thought I could combine my blog and adventures along with an annual gift I make. For years, I have made a cookbook for friends / family / co-workers...I did skip a few years, but have made quite a few books over the years that include fun quotes, stories, tips and ideas and of course, a cookbook needs favorite recipes...Well, this year, I would love to hear your favorite recipes, I will combine them in with some of my blog entries and will make it available to anyone who would like a, you can laugh along with some of Gail and Greta's adventures, and have a collection of great recipes...But this idea will only work if you NEED everyone who is reading this to think of your favorite (and shall I add easy to make) recipe and email it to me... . And I know many read the blog who I have yet to meet face to face...I want to hear from you too...the more recipes the better! Hope you can help me out with this project, I'll thank you in advance for taking the time to send me a recipe.
So, another day has ended, I'm off to dream land for a little bit, thank you for checking in, until next time..TOODLES.
The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth. A Journey to Motherhood and Beyond.
Someday my prince will come, but Daddy will always be King!

Daddy's Girl
Welcome to my Blog.
Life greatly changed as Darren and I welcomed Greta Claire to the family. I started this blog 5 weeks pre-parenthood; I thought I would learn to Blog as a hobby and to occupy my time when I was awaiting baby and tried my best to continue through her first year of life to document some of the ups and downs, funny moments, scary moments, etc. While I greatly enjoy sharing our adventures, it has been hard to stay committed to regular posts, but I certainly will do my best as our little girl is now 6 years old and full of comic relief, bright ideas and the most amazing quotes! So, enjoy the adventures of Gail and Greta, I somehow seem to find the most interesting things each day, so this is the truth blog, how things really are, what I'm really thinking and could be interesting!
Life greatly changed as Darren and I welcomed Greta Claire to the family. I started this blog 5 weeks pre-parenthood; I thought I would learn to Blog as a hobby and to occupy my time when I was awaiting baby and tried my best to continue through her first year of life to document some of the ups and downs, funny moments, scary moments, etc. While I greatly enjoy sharing our adventures, it has been hard to stay committed to regular posts, but I certainly will do my best as our little girl is now 6 years old and full of comic relief, bright ideas and the most amazing quotes! So, enjoy the adventures of Gail and Greta, I somehow seem to find the most interesting things each day, so this is the truth blog, how things really are, what I'm really thinking and could be interesting!
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