Gail reporting from the Great room, 6:52am on a Wednesday Morning, I have just watched the sky go from pitch black, to a lovely pink, to a golden amber....sounds majestic doesn't it...well, I'd rather be sleeping! I can see pictures of the sky, I want to have my eyes closed, cozy in my bed and Greta sleeping, but SIGH...not meant to happen today. Lord, I'm being blinded by the sun now!
The little miss, all 10lbs 1oz of her as determined at her latest Dr's appt, was cold and woke up crying around 4am..I wrapped her up, feeling dreadfully bad that her hands were not warm during the night and she heats up as I enjoy a hot chocolate (did I ever want to spruce it up with some Baileys! - for the record, I refrained). I knew she wasn't hungry (bonus point for the Rookie Mom - I can at least figure out the hunger issue), so I thought I would just hold her for a bit, then head back to bed. Well, that lasted for an hour, of course, as I went to put her back down to sleep, she thought she would need food...I have now been up for 3 hours, very much self inflicted and she is now cozy, fed, and zonked out...which means she will most likely now sleep until noon, the responsible person would say, screw a nap, I'm going to get ready for the day, clean up the house, should make some formula, etc...but I think I will just return to bed.
The past week has been one of recovery, sickness and dare I say it, a few accomplishments. Biopsy is now a week behind me, and I feel normal (well, my kind of normal, not a normal persons kind of normal), results will be in on Friday, so we'll see how normal or abnormal I am! If for some reason it appears that down the road I'll need a new liver, I'll be sending out a request for donors, it's just a slice I'll need, and think of it as a weight loss offer...surely the liver weighs something, so instant drop in pounds, not to mention time off work, being waited on by nurses, fed 3 meals a day, and since there is not a hope in hell I would have such a surgery on PEI. well, we could make it a Toronto vacation! Think about it and consider no more liquor for a bit, I want a good piece of liver, not a pickled one.
Sickness - the animals, and not just one pet, all three, because that is the way they roll. And my animals NEVER get sick on a work day, during regular Vet Hours, animals think it's amusing for me to spend extra money on them during weekends, evening appts and my favorite, holidays! Casanova had an emergency visit on Labour Day - ching, ching for the Vet. He is now on the mend after some fluids and antibiotics. Scarlet is being watched for bladder stones yet again - not impressed as they were given a urine sample to test, they did, but forgot to call me, and like a typical Dr, they say if nothing is wrong, well, they just won't I have gone a few weeks assuming all was great...WRONG. As I'm getting the update about Casanova, Scarlet's name comes up - they forgot to call me and her test showed some signs of potential stones...I will not be a happy camper. So, on this sunny morning, I'm out walking in the dew, following Scarlet around with a dish trying to collect pee...not my most glamorous morning (for the record, I give the Vet the dish, we don't ask for it back). And finally the last pet in my furry kid circle is Paris, my 15 year old baby. Paris sadly won't be with me much longer and I know the right thing to do is to humanely let Paris go, but it's very tough, not just an easy call to make, although Darren has been anxiously awaiting this day I think for 8 years now. Isn't it funny how men pretend to like cats at the beginning - but the true colors always shine through...FRAUDS, that is what you men are, FRAUDS! Also tough when I am about to make the call and Paris jumps up alongside me and starts to purr...I think for a moment, he is really not as sick as he looks and the call doesn't get made. We'll see!
And accomplishments, lets see what the Rookie Mom can report...
1) Greta finally passed the 10lb mark, 10lbs 1oz and 22 inches long at the Dr on Sept 7th - passing grade on feeding her enough!
2) We successfully ate at a grown up restaurant with my friend Jenn. And no, it wasn't Maid Marians, we had a lovely lunch at the Maple Grille while Greta quietly slept in her seat the entire time, phew - no embarrassing moments, check mark for Greta!
3) No major diaper blow outs, now the shit still stinks, lord, is it ever gross, but I have not had to consult Google on Baby Poop for an entire week, or throw any outfits in the diaper genie!
4) I only check her temperature 3 times a day, not the 10+ times that I have been use to - less psycho check!
5) I have finally moved Greta to her big crib - she still does not like it, but Darren does! No, he is not sleeping in it, he likes that she is in her room! It has only taken 2 months (2 months I must add that I had absolutely no desire for her to be in a bassinet in our room, it was the thing I was most opposed to prior to her arrival, but I also had no idea how difficult my recovery would be and how crappy my health would be...our bed is 4 feet high, getting in and out was not easy, so to walk to the other end of the house was too painful, not to mention it allowed me to check her breathing 50 times a night (holy frig, I'm glad that has subsided some), what is the real accomplishment-I just have 2 monitors in the room. I have the Angel Monitor set up, you know the one that beeps if she stops moving / breathing (can I tell you how opposed to this I was too, I'm a freak), and a regular monitor is also in the room, you would think I was an operator, listening to all these monitors, but you know, just in case one fails, the other will still what if they cost $250...SIGH. So what if I watch the ticking pendulum symbol on the angel monitor that indicates it can detect movement in lieu of watching her breath, so what if I have all this technology and still can sleep through the sounds...
6) I haven't told anyone off all week, thought about it, but didn't.
7) I have not bought tons of stuff for Greta this past week, I'd be lying if I said I bought nothing, I mean, there was a sale on Robeez shoes and a girl can't have too many shoes you know. However I have a job ahead of me, I need a baby shoe rack, well, I need a huge shoe rack for her 20 pairs of shoes she has accumulated thus far, but the big shoe racks are a tad too wide, why don't they make shoe racks for kids!!!
8) The toenail is making an appearance - remember a month ago, when I tripped up the stairs on my way to the Dr's appt and in classy fashion, ripped off my toenail...well, my nail is growing back. It's not pedicure worthy, but soon, I don't care if it will be snowing out, I'm going for a pedicure as soon as I have 10 toenails to paint! On a side note to my tripping incident, a friend posted this week that she tripped going up the stairs to the Dr's appt...I know it's tragic, but it was the best laugh I had all week....I declare it's the stairs, not clumsy people...really, the stairs are not positioned right, they are too high or something...I may start a petition to get them replaced, it will save a few other mothers an embarrassing fall and arriving in the OBs office to get a band aid.
And talking about inventions, I will end with what I think is missing in the world -
Ride on Vacuum Cleaners - Why hasn't this been invented???
Sleep Time Spray - I mean, a little squirt on the kid and presto, baby will fall asleep
Make Up Cloth - I'm not talking to take the make up away, wouldn't it be nice to have press on make up, just press the sheet up against your face, and presto - you are made up for the day. Granted my luck, I'd have it upside down, so my lips would be on the forehead and the eye liner would look like I have chin hair or a moustache.
Well, this blog post is now finished, at 7:58...Greta is up, the zonked out look was a can this child not want to sleep...I mean she has been up for hours. I may just put her on the floor with Scarlet and let Scarlet play with her for a bit...isn't that what puppy siblings are for!!! Better run, my water is boiling for the 2nd hot chocolate of the morning - this one will have a splash of happy juice in it...
The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth. A Journey to Motherhood and Beyond.
Someday my prince will come, but Daddy will always be King!

Daddy's Girl
Welcome to my Blog.
Life greatly changed as Darren and I welcomed Greta Claire to the family. I started this blog 5 weeks pre-parenthood; I thought I would learn to Blog as a hobby and to occupy my time when I was awaiting baby and tried my best to continue through her first year of life to document some of the ups and downs, funny moments, scary moments, etc. While I greatly enjoy sharing our adventures, it has been hard to stay committed to regular posts, but I certainly will do my best as our little girl is now 6 years old and full of comic relief, bright ideas and the most amazing quotes! So, enjoy the adventures of Gail and Greta, I somehow seem to find the most interesting things each day, so this is the truth blog, how things really are, what I'm really thinking and could be interesting!
Life greatly changed as Darren and I welcomed Greta Claire to the family. I started this blog 5 weeks pre-parenthood; I thought I would learn to Blog as a hobby and to occupy my time when I was awaiting baby and tried my best to continue through her first year of life to document some of the ups and downs, funny moments, scary moments, etc. While I greatly enjoy sharing our adventures, it has been hard to stay committed to regular posts, but I certainly will do my best as our little girl is now 6 years old and full of comic relief, bright ideas and the most amazing quotes! So, enjoy the adventures of Gail and Greta, I somehow seem to find the most interesting things each day, so this is the truth blog, how things really are, what I'm really thinking and could be interesting!
If you could please make the Ride on Vacuum Cleaner that would be awesome :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Meredith
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