Well, it's been a week since my last post...to those who have been waiting and hitting refresh for the new one...I shall deliver!
I am pleased to say, Greta, Darren and I have survived 3 months - by all means, pause and clap, really, I mean it, send out a cheer, hallelujah, something, as I know you didn't have much faith, or at times were quite worried, but we have all arrived at the three month mark relatively sane and in one piece. The myth out there about making it to the three month mark and seeing a change for the better is true. I'm talking in regards to life getting easier, more of a routine, not being so OCD. For those reading tonight and rocking a newborn, it really does get better...Look at me, giving parenting reassurance (okay, I'm just confirming what others told me at week 1 or 2, annoying me quite a bit I must add with the "don't worry, it will get better we've all been there" comments) and here I am, able to say it myself. Not that I didn't appreciate the reassurance, but when you have crap flowing out of diapers, power puke nearly missing the dog, disappointments with people and life, you don't really listen to the Don't worry comments, you actually glaze over the comments and think, if they think it's so easy, why don't they offer to babysit. BUT...it really is getting better. Not that it was ever bad, I really had myself worked up for the worse case scenario and in chatting with others and checking in on some of the online forums I stalk, I know Greta was a very good baby and made things as easy as she could for us. I am happy I imagined the worse case scenario, it makes things so much easier and better. I do that with a lot of aspects of my life, it helps with the disappointment and you can only go up. As
Greta turned 3 months today, I actually am writing in total shock...3 months...already. The time flew by, another cliche comment, but so true. I think of how long 3 months in the pregnancy took...It was more like 12 months, but 3 months home with Greta really did feel quick. She has changed so much, she is still quite mellow, but her looks have changed, her personality is starting to shine through and she is a great old lady magnet...I mean, you take this baby out in public, the old ladies come out of nowhere...thankfully the most recent ladies haven't been color blind like the lady a few weeks ago who said What a cute BOY...A boy, the child was dressed head to toe in pink, a BOW in her hair, and a pink blanket covering her legs and she called her a he...I wasn't nice...Do you know how long I plan her outfits?
Talking about outfits - I have issues...no need to get in to all of them, but today I realized Greta's outfit was significantly more impressive than mine in so many ways. As I was slumming it with my Costco Clothing, she was sporting a lovely Ralph Lauren sweater, rockin out her new denims, boots to die for, adorable croheted hat and $7 socks. I came home and threw my socks in the garbage because there was a hole in them. Now, I do want her to look good, but the shopping has to stop (or at least slow down- who am I kidding, I can't stop). Shoppers should have girls / and shouldn't. They should because they will always take great pride in the cutest outfits, find the best bargains, have a baby model to dress up...but shouldn't because OUCH on the pocket book. I seem to glance at my bank account just once a week now, and yikes. Now, it's not just buying stuff for Greta. For a few weeks now, I have finally recovered from the c-section, two biopsies and able to drive with greater ease and more importantly, have the stamina to shop, but I have been treating the evenings as me time. I greatly anticipate Darren getting home at 4:20ish and I do the hand over and say, see ya later. It's not even because Greta and I have had a bad day, I just want to go out, and since I really have no where to go - I go shopping. I have enough groceries in the house to survive a natural disaster most likely for a year, there is enough diapers in Greta's room to change octuplets for months and do you know how many Halloween crafts I have bought in the past few weeks - lets just say, I can make homemade goodies for everyone I know (and I know a lot of people).
As YOU are reading this now, you won't realize I just am getting up, it's 9am, I started the blog last night at 1:30am...but was starting to see triple on the screen. As a highlight to start the day - Greta slept through the night from 10:30ish to 7ish (I obviously pretended to not hear her this morning and Darren got up). Two nights in a row...still won't hold my breath, but maybe just maybe a full nights sleep is on the way. Maybe it's my fault she hadn't been sleeping through, she was close, she has been sleeping for about 10 hours a night - with a 30-40 minute wake up, but I was still OCD about her breathing. I would "sneak" in to her room, well, that is more like a bull moose in a china shop kind of sneaking, I hit the same damn creeking floor board, touch her chest just a little too hard, fit her hat or blanket...an she stirs. I am getting better though, last night I think I only checked her breathing 3 or 4 times, and watched the tick on the Angel Care Monitor for a few minutes. Some nights I would just stare at it. Lord, what was I thinking! As three months has arrived, there are a few other things that have changed:
1) Still boiling water for bottles - but soap and water is cleaning them just fine, not sterilizing everything like I had been...it was a lot of extra work, a good extra 30 minutes via the microwave.
2) I try to make a day and a half or two days worth of bottles. So much easier!
3) She watches cartoons - a lot. Now, I have some issues with some of them. What is with all the British accents (don't get me wrong, it's an amazing accent), but when the birds and cats are talking with British accents and I find it hard to understand, what is a 3 month old to think. It's like Coronation Street for Babies. Yes you are thinking the first issue is the 3 month old in front of the TV, but I have been up, showered, hair done and make up on every single day for the past three months in large part because of the TV, so I LOVE IT. And Caillou, what a whiny brat, we don't watch that one...he lied the other day...the little brat lied, no wonder kids are bad today, they watch whiny little cartoon brats who LIE. Now, I did like Little Bear, he was kind of cute and I can draw him, just in case down the road she wants a Little Bear party, I'm good to go for the decorations! And Mama Bear was pretty sweet, she even let a snake in to the house the other day (I would draw the line there, but nice of her to teach everyone is an equal). Baby Einstein is still the hit, I have been patiently waiting for the collection I had ordered online to arrive (they lost my shipping info). If they knew how tired I was with Baby Beethoven, they would have ensured my shipping info was not lost, I found myself at the grocery store humming the stupid opening song yesterday, and had a few choice words for the ebay seller who messed up my order.
4) We are out on the town...Greta and I have been fairly busy, I have gone 2 full weeks with no medical appts, so our outings were actually fun ones. Two trips to work events (both going away parties) in which she was very, very good, nothing to blog about other than she was cute and stylish and people think she is an angel baby, way too many trips to the stores, a few visits to see my old neighbour, a visit with a new little friend Ryder and his Mommy, visits with her BFF Erik and his landlords, a road trip to visit some family and other little ones, we are doing good...nice to be busy, I always needed to have plans in the daytimer, so kind of nice to feel somewhat normal again.
5) I'm not TOO PUFFY - 2 weeks in to my liver meds and I'm not a fly away balloon I think I look a bit puffy, but others say no, of course, they are probably being nice and just saying that as they know it will bother me more (but I really do want to know the truth). Knock on wood, but no side effects, makes me wonder if it's just a sugar pill and a trick to see if it's mind over matter with me...I don't take drugs without side effects happening, so something is up I just know it. I head back to the Dr's appts this coming week for re-checks and to see if I'm responding to treatment, fingers crossed. I don't quite feel up to getting a liver transplant this year, I figure I'll wait hopefully the 10 years and take a little piece of Greta's, surely she will stay away from liquor until then so it will be nice and crisp. As someone pointed out the other day, I'll have to groom her liver, make sure she eats lots of healthy food, no liquor as I may need her help some day.
6) BIBS - we go through about 5 bibs a day..I hate drool, moreso, I hate the shirts that have drool stains down to the belly, so she wears bibs over everything, today, I may just have to do laundry consisting of receiving blankets and bibs...drool stinks, just as much as throw up! YUK.
7) Daddy - Darren is still doing such an amazing job and a huge help. I'm very thankful as I know many are not as lucky, not that he was given much option, I mean, he was going to be doing diapers if he had to wear a gas mask, and protective gear, but he doesn't seem to mind, that is good, very, very good. He also was doing the night feeding as he has the ability to go to sleep around 9 or 10, so again, huge help. Guess I'll have to find a better Xmas present, do you think diapers and wipes is appropriate..ha!
8) Babysitters - tonight is an exciting night. We have left Greta before, but with my health, it has always been family who has been around, but tonight, we have Greta's first babysitter coming...Can I tell you how exciting this is??? IT's just such a sense of freedom to know that we have someone available that can watch her so we can escape for a little bit. I pray she is good for her, she usually is good at night and hopefully will just relax and sleep. I have tickets for my family to see Hairspray, I have already enjoyed the show once so can't wait to share the audience with them and see if they enjoy it as much as I did.
9) New Hampshire - the countdown is on...little Greta is taking an SUV with all her goodies to NB and we are taking the second SUV to NH. Sad, but there is just not room for all her stuff, herself and my luggage and purchases to all do one vehicle, so while she enjoys a long weekend in NB, Darren and I are going to head to Friends and Family weekend in North Conway to shop, shop, shop. I can't wait to go, much delayed and much needed. Oh, the restaurants I can't wait for, the Christmas Tree Shop....AHHH, I feel such peace!
10) New obsession - okay, this has nothing to do with babies. Last night, for the first time in I honestly can't recall, I made dinner and had friends in for supper. I enjoyed the running around, putting things together, etc.. However, prior to Amber and Isaac and baby Erik arriving, Darren is waiting for the radio stations clue to a $10,000 contest...I for the first time, read all of them and KNOW FOR SURE where to find the "treasure"...I mean, I was convinced. It was so obvious...so I tell Darren I'll do everything for supper, he has to go check it out. He arrives home after 45 minutes with nothing, I'm mad...he obviously didn't look good enough, so I ask about another clue and he confirms that there was a landmark - what do I do...15 minutes before our guests are to arrive - I send him back out, convinced him that I was right...oh dear lord, he was walking through water, under buildings...and guess what, we are not $10,000 richer. SIGH! I still know I'm right, I may have to do it myself...you know, if you want something done right, do it yourself!
Well, I have to rush, I have a much needed hair appointment in one hour and I'm sitting around in my pjs, watching cartoons and writing this blog. Thanks for joining me on the 3 month journey, more to come, the child has a lot more crap, tears, puke, cute clothes, smiles, shoes, and fun times ahead, there shouldn't be a lack of topics.
The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth. A Journey to Motherhood and Beyond.
Someday my prince will come, but Daddy will always be King!

Daddy's Girl
Welcome to my Blog.
Life greatly changed as Darren and I welcomed Greta Claire to the family. I started this blog 5 weeks pre-parenthood; I thought I would learn to Blog as a hobby and to occupy my time when I was awaiting baby and tried my best to continue through her first year of life to document some of the ups and downs, funny moments, scary moments, etc. While I greatly enjoy sharing our adventures, it has been hard to stay committed to regular posts, but I certainly will do my best as our little girl is now 6 years old and full of comic relief, bright ideas and the most amazing quotes! So, enjoy the adventures of Gail and Greta, I somehow seem to find the most interesting things each day, so this is the truth blog, how things really are, what I'm really thinking and feeling....it could be interesting!
Life greatly changed as Darren and I welcomed Greta Claire to the family. I started this blog 5 weeks pre-parenthood; I thought I would learn to Blog as a hobby and to occupy my time when I was awaiting baby and tried my best to continue through her first year of life to document some of the ups and downs, funny moments, scary moments, etc. While I greatly enjoy sharing our adventures, it has been hard to stay committed to regular posts, but I certainly will do my best as our little girl is now 6 years old and full of comic relief, bright ideas and the most amazing quotes! So, enjoy the adventures of Gail and Greta, I somehow seem to find the most interesting things each day, so this is the truth blog, how things really are, what I'm really thinking and feeling....it could be interesting!
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