I am wiped...exhausted...close to a coma...freakin tired...zombie...and yet, my followers - I faithfully am keeping up with my blog.
Can I say one thing about my blog - I have no idea who reads it, I wish I could, as I know there are many of you reading tonight that I have never met face to face - you must think I'm half loon...(I admit, some days I am), but I wanted to thank you very much. I have had friends tell me they are sharing it with friends or family members, with mothers to be, new mom's, their parents, many love it and I love to hear that. Sure I exaggerate a tad - but not much, I mean, when I talk about Code Brown - it's a little Code Green, but that just makes Greta seem like a monster, so I fib and say Code Brown...but it's just a little of what we have been experiencing. And I want to thank those individuals that I don't know who have actually contacted me to say you enjoyed something I wrote about, asked questions and most recently who so kindly wrote about my health situation with advice and guidance as their family member had experienced the same illness. I had written in my blog that I didn't know anyone with Autoimmune hepatitis and I woke to a lovely message the next morning with encouraging words and a sounding board that I could talk to and ask questions. So, to each and everyone of you who are following on my journey, a genuine thank you, I'm glad you are on the journey with me, it makes it a tad less lonely, a tad less confusing and if others survived - SO CAN I. If anyone would like to do a guest blog or send in a story, please do...I would love to hear it.
So, here is a little update and why I'm so exhausted.
Greta slept fairly well Thursday night in to the wee hours of Friday morning, rising about 6:15, all cute and full of smiles, she finishes her bottle with ease, I know you are not SUPPOSE to prop the bottles up when feeding them, but at 6:15am, I can check my email, see what is on TV (usually the Boston news) and Greta somewhat feeds herself with the careful placement of a receiving blanket under the bottle - multi-tasking at it's best. I waited for her to get sleepy so I could maybe catch another hour sleep - I waited all damn day! The child did not sleep, 2 fifteen minute power naps, 14 hours in total - UP!!! It has made for an extremely long day. It was almost like she thought she would miss something if she shut her eyes. Or maybe if you read my previous blog she didn't trust me enough to go to sleep, as if I fell asleep I may not hear her. UMMM, Maybe, just maybe, Baby Einstein is making her in to a genius and she had the sense to realize that she could scream and I wouldn't wake up - Okay, I'm talking myself in to the fact she may have been a smart little cookie!
Darren was suppose to be in a ball tourney, but due to the rain, tonights game was cancelled, so two nights in a row, I have walked out the door, and had a little de-stress - YES, that means I went shopping. I have no where else to go, can't go for a drink (the liver won't allow it), don't have many here in town to visit and I really just enjoy shopping on my own. Well, tonight however wasn't quite shopping, no, it was survival challenge, obstacle course, lets guess how many things are advertised and not in the store night at WALMART. Okay, I wasn't going to go, but all the Mommy's out there in Facebook land were talking about the amazing deal on Diapers, sure enough, they were on pretty cheap, so at 7:00 I decide to go find some toxic waste holders. I arrive and the store is a mad house, it's Anniversary Week and they have limits on what you can buy. There are pallets everywhere, you can barely get the carts down the aisle. I arrive in the baby section first to over hear a woman asking a sales clerk if the Pampers are in a different area, I hear the clerk say, no, they are all gone, were gone by 9am...(so you are shocked - 1st -yes there was a sales lady in the baby section...and 2nd - that within an hour, all these mothers were able to get to the store to buy their limit of 4 boxes of diapers). Folks, I didn't get out of my pjs until noon today, the thought of getting up, showered, teeth brushed, dressed, puked on, dressed again, Greta ready all by 8am to get in line for 4 boxes of diapers would require time to stand still, my magic genie in the bottle and another person, as you cannot fit a baby seat and 4 boxes of diapers in one cart at that store. Now, I'm not denying they had some good deals, but you have to really think what your patience and time is worth. I did manage to get 2 boxes...of Huggies. For the new followers with new babies - Huggies won a lot of bonus points today...the Little Snugglers claim they hold in runny mess...and they did...I thought Greta was going to rocket out of the bouncy seat this morning, I carefully lifted her up and turned her around in the air to see if I was going to have to sacrifice the cute pjs she had one...but NO...it was all contained. I'm sure I'll switch again but she'll have 2 packs of Snugglers to get through first. The other items I had on my Walmart list however were gone. Got excited that I may be able to pick up a few more Xmas gifts, but no luck, sold out.
I did take advantage of my freedom and went to a few more stores. I was so tired, my body aches, my back feels like it's broken and my liver is throbbing with the inflammation, but I didn't want to come home (not because of Greta and Darren), I just wanted to be out, see people, see what they were wearing, what they were talking about, what they were buying - I wanted to be nosey and view something other than my TV. It's now 10:44pm, and I'm actually going to go close my eyes, Darren has four games of ball tomorrow, I'm going to get a few ZZZZZ's before a repeat day like today, I figure if I can in to a really deep sleep, I won't hear Greta and Darren will be on Daddy Duty for the night. He'll rebound, tons of fresh air coming his way tomorrow!
Sleep is definitely what I need, my stomach is ballooning, I'm mortified, tried to get back to my Dr today, but see above, would need that magic genie and the medical angels to shine on me. One week of meds is now in me for my liver and I feel all puffy, Darren claims it's in my head, but I can tell... And by head, he means I'm imagining it, he didn't tell me my head was puffy - although I want him to tell me the truth, I'd be pretty ticked for him to tell me I have a fat puffy head, it's a no win for him.
And few little tidbits from today:
Sweet 1st Halloween Card for Greta from Christine and Emily arrived in the mail - thank you, very thoughtful, as was the card in regards to Paris!
Favorite Quote of the Day (Thanks J.S. for posting it) - Never explain yourself to any one. Because the person who likes you doesn’t need it, and the person who dislikes you won’t believe it.
Called the G.Gables in New Hampshire to confirm room reservations for our fall trip and a quick chat with my friend Jan (the owner)...can't wait to return to my home away from home. Eat at Friendly's and Delaney's, visit the Christmas Tree Shop and all the outlets - I wish I was leaving tomorrow!
Happy Birthday to my Father in NB from all of us!
Good luck to all those raising money for the Run for the Cure and all the other charities!!! Go Donate everyone!
Scarlet had a cute day, Casanova is missing Paris and I think we are all looking for Paris around the house, or at least expecting to hear him cry with a toy or sadly throw up his food. The house really doesn't seem the same.
I think that is the excitement around here - I know, you are all jealous of the full life I am leading. I'm hoping the little miss has a good day tomorrow and we'll get out of the house and head out to the country for a little visit with friends.
Toodles for now.
The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth. A Journey to Motherhood and Beyond.
Someday my prince will come, but Daddy will always be King!

Daddy's Girl
Welcome to my Blog.
Life greatly changed as Darren and I welcomed Greta Claire to the family. I started this blog 5 weeks pre-parenthood; I thought I would learn to Blog as a hobby and to occupy my time when I was awaiting baby and tried my best to continue through her first year of life to document some of the ups and downs, funny moments, scary moments, etc. While I greatly enjoy sharing our adventures, it has been hard to stay committed to regular posts, but I certainly will do my best as our little girl is now 6 years old and full of comic relief, bright ideas and the most amazing quotes! So, enjoy the adventures of Gail and Greta, I somehow seem to find the most interesting things each day, so this is the truth blog, how things really are, what I'm really thinking and feeling....it could be interesting!
Life greatly changed as Darren and I welcomed Greta Claire to the family. I started this blog 5 weeks pre-parenthood; I thought I would learn to Blog as a hobby and to occupy my time when I was awaiting baby and tried my best to continue through her first year of life to document some of the ups and downs, funny moments, scary moments, etc. While I greatly enjoy sharing our adventures, it has been hard to stay committed to regular posts, but I certainly will do my best as our little girl is now 6 years old and full of comic relief, bright ideas and the most amazing quotes! So, enjoy the adventures of Gail and Greta, I somehow seem to find the most interesting things each day, so this is the truth blog, how things really are, what I'm really thinking and feeling....it could be interesting!
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