Overhead shot of Port Elgin...

Greta approving the Christmas Tree...
Happy Girl...

Greta's Bedroom Tree, pink and brown of course!

Greta's Bedroom Tree, pink and brown of course!

First of all, I need to tell you all that I didn't think a Blog would happen again, I have just spent (or shall I say wasted)...TWO hours trying to reset my password through Google to access my blog, it was always within the "system" so I never had to type it since the day I entered the details and obviously I didn't have a clue what it was...Patience is not a virtue I have, especially when it comes to technology, I am proud of myself for not throwing the computer threw the window, believe me, the lap top was over the shoulder a few times ready to be whipped across the room. I think I only refrained because the smashing computer pieces and thud would wake the baby!
So...with that frustration, I'm not sure I should be writing, I am in a very, very sour mood. So, I could complain, lets see - I'm still puffy, it drives me insane and is very, very depressing. I see people out and they look at me as if I've eaten way too many french fries and they don't know what to say, this I hate as I read minds and I know they are thinking, holy sh%t, you have a triple chin and your look like you are squeezing your ass in to those pants. I was greatly looking forward to going out to supper tonight, a friend and I headed to one of my favorite spots, Mavors, and as I'm driving I know exactly what I'm going to order - couldn't wait - but, they changed their menu...and it's awful...they went all fine dining crazy prices, limited choices fancy...so, be forewarned, if you were going for a favorite, they are no longer there, you will however get veggies that are now displayed lovely, and full tomatoes still on the vine as pasta sauce and well, a much steeper bill...sadly, it will be my last visit. Lets see what else is going on...I am in pain again...which means my drugs probably need to be increased, but I'll live with the pain versus an increase in meds. ... gosh, I'm on a roll...lets see Greta is going to be 5 months and some friends and family have yet to lay eyes on her, that isn't so much of a frustration just an eye opener and a what can you do scenario...and I spent WAY, WAY too much in the USA and have banned myself from shopping (well, I set pay day as my release date). Oh yes, and our microwave blew up yesterday and needed to be replaced pronto and tonight it has been discovered the TV in our bedroom is dead....Okay, that little vent was fun, I should do that more often!
Now, on to life in the Edgett-Gallant Household...We had a successful trip to my second home, beautiful New Hampshire. As we crossed the state line, I said, as I do every time...why don't we just move to NH...I would be so happy, it's beautiful, people are nice, I could shop and shop and shop, we would probably see people more often then we do here because everyone seems to visit North Conway now, and well, it just makes me smile when I'm there. We have talked about a time share or a condo, but we do love where we stay each trip, so maybe we'll think more about a more permanent option, but for now, our visit to the Golden Gables a few times a year is just perfect. It was also our first trip as parents and leaving Greta behind - that too was a great success. Now, I know I'm going to sound mean (shocker I know)...but Darren had a much tougher time than I leaving her. I checked in daily and looked forward to seeing Facebook pics each night of her stay in Moncton with my sister, niece and parents, but I thought it was GREAT...for all of us. I highly recommend it actually. I know many haven't left there kids ever, and I hand it to you, but I just need that time, and feel deep down it will be good for Greta too. I don't want to sound overly pessimistic, but I'm a realist and know with my health and just life in general, we don't know what tomorrow will bring, I want Greta to know she can go to other people, and be well cared for and have fun and not miss us to the point that she is a wreck. The funny thing was, when we returned home, we were excited to see her and I went in to my sisters house to find her playing in an exercauser - I called her name and nothing, clapped my hands and nothing - I asked my sister if she lost her hearing over the weekend, and then literally moved Greta to make eye contact and nothing, the toys were more interesting. SIGH. It was rather funny, she had no interest in me nor Darren, but that borrowed exercauser was the cats meow! She eventually came around and shot off a smile, but I knew she was not too traumatized over her little sleep over. Scarlet did great too at the sitters...so all around...it was a relief, and makes me more eager to do it again. Now, my sister may not feel the same - Greta was very good, but the child doesn't nap and gets bored easy and with Haley now 11 years old, I think everyone in Moncton forgot how busy a little 4.5 month old can be. It was beyond appreciated that she could stay in Moncton, although next time, maybe I can offer a PEI vacation and the sitters can come to Greta, I had a truck filled for her - not to mention, we took 2 vehicles to NB so Greta could have her own limo...ha!
So, on to NH and Maine...this is simple - I spent WAY too much, have enough clothes for Greta that I could open a boutique (but they are all cute and I will wear them all even if I have to change her 5 times a day). The Christmas Tree Shop had so many goodies, and lets just say the puffy body didn't cooperate so I bought little as far as clothing for me, but did manage to give Coach a nice chunk of change and a few new pair of shoes have been added to the collection. We also had a great time with friends, our trivia partners, Garry and Gwen travelled to Maine and NH and we met each night for supper. We enjoyed lovely meals (all be it way too much food - the USA portions are nothing short of disgusting), but so nice to have friends to meet up with and talk about the days purchases, travels, weather, life, etc)...they had a bit more time and were off to Boston when we departed for home, believe me, if we had even a small amount of room left in the truck, I would have followed them. If you can imagine, I still have Christmas shopping to do, I just don't know what to buy people, it's not even the money, it's truly people need nothing. Today we all just seem to buy things for ourselves, if I need or want something, off I go to the store, and it seems all those on my Xmas list do the same, so it makes it very difficult to finish my Xmas shopping! Our house has exploded with festive decor over the past week I have a few rooms finished and a mess everywhere else, but I have to admit there is a peace about sitting in a lit room under a Christmas tree and a hot chocolate (that would be SOOO much better with Baileys but I can't) that is comforting. I enjoy this part of Christmas, I think that is one reason I decorate so early - that and the fact it takes me weeks to do all the rooms and I want time to enjoy it - but come Christmas Day - I'm ready for it to be over...I actually dislike Christmas a great deal and become quite the humbug. I love buying and wrapping and preparing, even baking and cooking - but I find it a let down of a holiday, perfect time for family arguments and fights, so I actually happily spend the day alone and celebrate Christmas on Boxing Day - although this year we will open some presents Xmas morning and little Greta will join me for the day as Darren heads to his family's place to open some gifts with them. Greta will have new toys to play with so I suspect and look forward to a new Christmas outlook, at least I hope.
As we were driving to NH, all along the way I had thoughts, memories about my life, it was strange, almost as if I was having flashbacks and they were memories brought about by signs, or songs, or comments...I wish I had written them all down as I thought at the time I should do a full blog about them, but I'll end with just a few that happened just 75 minutes from our house....
As Greta and I headed to Moncton last Wednesday, I was driving towards Port Elgin and saw the "Circle Sign"...that sign may not mean much to many of you, but that sign meant everything to me...my family is from Port Elgin - yes, that little traffic circle is actually more than a round about, there is a Village where my relatives are from (I never lived there, but Mom grew up in Port E)...I'm sure most know about Port Elgin because it was the closest spot to get canned beer before the can ban was lifted, and many years ago, many probably stopped at my Great Grandparents store Allens, it was located in the Village where the gas station now is, but there were a lot of great times at that traffic circle. My grandparents lived in the white house on the traffic circle, you will all head to Moncton now and be able to look over and say - hey, that was the house Gail spoke about...if you look up the road, it is my Aunt Peg's house and the next house was my Great Grandmothers...yes, the family road....Port Elgin is small, lets say 500 and that includes the graveyard residents, and no doubt, I'm related to a large majority. Our family sadly has gotten much smaller over the years, but as I was driving with Greta in the back seat (asleep I may add) I looked down at the clock and remembered a trip that Wayne and I took with our Aunt Mona to Moncton...We would always guess the time we would drive in my Grandparents drive way, I don't recall what we got, if anything, as a prize for being the closest but I found myself guessing what time I would roll in the driveway and telling Greta to make a guess. I also remembered as much as I couldn't wait to get to my Nana and Grampie's house, we would say a quick hello and run through the path between their house and my Aunt and Uncles and go see them and enjoy a cookie that was freshly waiting for us. I was also reminded how kind and thoughtful and giving my grandparents were, to us but also to strangers. I remembered the numerous people who pulled in their driveway and walked in to the porch to ask for directions and then the next thing I know my Nana was serving them food and drinks and offering them a place to stay for the night. I remember my grandfather picking up hitch hikers and giving them money to make sure they had a good meal and extra cash in their pocket even though they never asked for a dime - just a drive. I remember my grandfather buying a bottle for the town drunk (well, maybe there were a few of them) on more occasions than I can count. I recalled a couple asking if they could pitch a tent on the lawn because they were backpacking and just couldn't go any further -they ended up in the house for most of the night playing cards and probably having the best meal of their life. There was always a game of Scat on the go, and we learned to be good gamblers at a very young age, but we had to really play, none of this sitting at the table and being annoying kids, we had money to play with and we played with no assistance nor sympathy. If we lost our quarters, we were out, although Nana always compensated us for our losses after the games!!!
Anyway a few nice memories all from that traffic circle sign. I have been called materialistic, I have been called an over spender...but I am also a giver...I enjoy giving and buying for people, and believe me, it's not because I have extra cash, but I enjoy it and when I am out I think of other people and what they may like or what I can do for others...and I think I was reminded who I learned this from by seeing that sign.
That's all for tonight - only took 4 full hours to get to the end of this blog...a special hello to my university roomie Andrea who I saw this evening at the grocery store ( I swear, I was picking up essentials - it didn't count against the no shopping ban)...and thanks to Krista Dykstra who was at the Colonel Gray Craft Fair selling the sweet head bands that Greta has a dazzling collection of - if you are in Ch'town, the craft fair runs all day tomorrow and the bands are perfect for all little girls - get shopping gals - little girls need pretty flowers in their hair and if there are some left that means I will need to get more - and we can't have that...so go buy some itty bitty bands!!!
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