4 Month Old Greta Claire

Smiling girl tonight - November 9, 2010

How will you Remember?

Less than 48 hours...yes folks, the time has finally arrived, the long awaited moment when I'll be relaxing in my hotel room after helping the USA economy rebound and President Obama signing my name and Hallelujah that I arrived to boost the Maine and New Hampshire retail sectors. Can't friggin wait. Darren and I are heading on our first baby free vacation...So, she is only 4 months old and I know many out there reading have teenagers you have never left, but I can't follow in your footsteps. I know for me, it is a healthy move and Greta will be much better off having a Mommy who can shop stress free and have a little me time, us time, sleep time, etc, etc! She may be cute, but no one is cute enough to take shopping - I marathon shop - this means I don't stop to eat, maybe a bathroom break if I really, really have to, but when you don't eat and barely drink, this is even a rare occurence! Eating is for he weak, and can be done when the stores close! Greta instead is off for a little vacation of her own, lord knows she is travelling as if she is going on a month long excursion to Europe. Good grief, the child is requiring her own vehicle to lug her stuff. Yes, you read correctly, her own truck is going to NB. Greta and I are leaving for New Brunswick tomorrow to get her settled, along with her STUFF, and the stuff is just regular stuff, thanks to a friend of my sisters, all the toys, swing, chairs, strollers, gadgets have been provided, so I just have to bring Greta and clothes / diapers / daily essentials. Well, these daily essentials are taking up my entire trunk and back seat, (15 bibs and receiving blankets (which may not be enough) take up a lot of room). And people question why she isn't coming to New Hampshire...There isn't room and I'm pretty sure it would be frowned upon to have a baby sit on my lap in the front seat or tied to the roof rack. I am starting to question why I didn't offer a lovely Island vacation to the NB babysitters, it may have been easier, but alas, Greta I know will do splendid and we will have a much needed and relaxing holiday filled with shop til you drop evenings, grossly large USA portioned size meals at yummy restaurants and I am hoping some amazing deals. And the animals seem healthy (knock on wood) so our pet sitter will give them lots of extra love and attention and hopefully not have to make a visit to the vet!
So, that is what is coming up...the past week has been rather uneventful. It has rained for 5 days now, quite depressing, grey and gloomy. It is the type of weather where you realize you wasted a days worth of make up because you are not going to bother leaving the house. We didn't have any visitors, or any wild get togethers to go to and even the Dr's appointments were at a minimum. I sadly returned to my specialist and it was confirmed that the old liver is fighting a good fight but not quite there...my numbers went up instead of down, so disappointing as they were going down so steadily...but alas, it could be worse so I guess I should be thankful there are pills I can take. Sometimes hard to think that when I look in the mirror and push around the water that has taken up residence in my face and neck, and now shoulders I get so frustrated I could scream, I hope my December appt proves to be a bit more successful and the steroid meds will be replaced with another treatment option. I need this water to leave my body - pronto! I told the Dr that it's a cruel med to give a woman immediately after losing all the baby weight, he agreed and said the goal is to have me off the predisone as soon as possible. I wonder if that means he is afraid for my mental health...just a guess, I go in with a list of "things" of how this drug is affecting me, and I think he looks scared. He is also teaching me how to give my own needles, I am suppose to have B12 shots every 3 weeks, but since my family Dr no longer has a nurse, this requires I go to the walk in clinic to have the nurse give them...well, sitting for an hour to get a needle - with a baby - not my cup of tea. I'm not sure if I am going to like giving my own needles, but at least they will be on time.
And, amazingly...it's Remembrance Day Week again. I cannot believe how quickly the time flies. This time last year I was sick wit H1N1, had just found out I was expecting a baby and was being tested as discussions began on how all the drugs I had taken could affect a baby. I was MENTAL ...and I mean that with every serious bone in my body. I had to cancel my trip to New Hampshire that had been planned on Dr's advice, I just wasn't physically able to do the trip. I now find myself packing a year later to do the friends and family weekend again, this time healthy (well, my form of healthy) and will be missing out on the Remembrance Day services in Canada but will be in the USA for Veterans Day. I do think we will hit St. Stephen during their service however...one great thing about being an employee of Veterans Affairs Canada is every day is Veterans Day...but this year the Department is asking ... How will you Remember?
Veterans’ Week 2010, November 5 to 11. This year’s poster, which is above, uses a modern tag cloud or word cloud to show what remembrance words come to mind when we remember. The “How will you Remember?” image reflects this year’s call to action to all Canadians which asks you to think about your participation in remembrance activities. Take the remembrance challenge.Your challenge is to make remembrance more than something you feel. Make it something you do. There are many ways you can show that you remember and honour our Veterans.Pin a poppy above your heart. Attend a local Remembrance Day ceremony. Visit a friend or relative who just returned home from Afghanistan or who served elsewhere in the world. Listen to Veterans talk about their experiences. Create a mashup and share it on the YouTube channel. Visit the Veterans Affairs Canada fan page on Facebook, write on our wall and share how you remember. Change your Facebook profile picture to a poppy, write on your wall about how you remember or create your own remembrance fan page. However you choose to remember, don’t forget to tag it, link it, share it.Tag it. Once you have made a remembrance creation, don’t forget to tag it. This will also help friends and others find what you have made.Link It, Link your creation to vac.gc.ca. Share it. Be sure you share with a friend.Visit http://www.vac-acc.gc.ca/ to learn more, to get interactive and share your thoughts or to find remembrance events in your community.
So, thank you - to all those serving our country (Hello my friends serving right now and to their wives who are home waiting for their safe return), to those Veterans who will walk in the Remembrance Day celebrations and to those who have served and sacrificed.
Have a great week, Toodles!
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