I can't even recall the last time I wrote something to the blog, it's not for the lack of activity or subject matter to write about, perhaps I could blame no time, or no energy, but the truth, I just didn't get around to it and don't really have a good excuse. Nonetheless, here I am, in bed at 10:10pm on a Friday night, the day before New Years Eve 2011. It has been a whirlwind year in many regards, I hardly remember the past year, I once again (just this evening) said goodbye to all the Xmas decor and the 4 large trees that were still on display in the house. So, the usual post Christmas blahs has set in when the house looks so bare, yet messy at the same time as I work to put things and furniture back to their proper location. Of course, in my pathetic attempt at "changing things up", I did switch a few pictures around, and may even push the envelope and move a chair to a new location, but for the most part - it looks the same.
I can't possibly give a full year recap, but here is a quick attempt:
January 2011 - On prednisone, puffy, bitter about being puffy, medical appts all the time, 7 month old who is cute as a button, yet we don't get out much - because I'm puffy. Big event however to talk about - Kitchen Reno was completed...thanks to a hospital stay and a little scare - I had a weak moment and Darren did as well and said that if I survived my December medical mishaps, that I was getting my new kitchen counters. Of course, I'm a sucker and was talked in to getting all new hardware, knobs, counter and special additions to those counters...and when I said talked in to - I really mean, they mentioned it and I said - that sounds great. This was also the month that I started to get deeper and deeper in to debt, that "talking in to scenario" was unfortunately a costly discussion!
February 2011 - My cute as a button little gal won a photo contest, to date, still one of my favorite pics. She won a $250 gift card for Toys R Us, that was gradually used to buy lots of fun goodies (and a few practical things too)
March 2011 - I honestly can't think of one thing for March, honestly - zip! Oh, it just came to me - after dreadful months of being drugged to control my liver disease, I am finally off prednisone - and tried out my first water pills (God bless water pills)
April 2011 - I'm getting old, I'm getting closer and closer to 40 and see why people have kids at a much younger age than we did - Greta is playing more, active and getting up and down from the floor is not as easy as it would have been when I was 20.
May 2011 - My last month of Mat leave, reality is sinking in that all the great plans I had for my year off - were not accomplished - You know, clean out the closets, clean out the bathroom cupboards, the junk drawer. Come to think of it (in hindsight), how did I not find time to do all that stuff - I mean, Greta did sleep, and I didn't take naps when she did, surely I could have been more organized.
June 2011 - I'm back to work at the end of May / first week of June, and it's strange, very, very strange. My work place is not as I had left it, nor are the people, the friends, the atmosphere, it seems like a foreign place, and although I'm "ready" to return to work and leave Greta (sadly, shall I admit, I didn't shed a tear nor call the sitter to check in, which I'm sure the good mothers have done), I am not really liking the return to work. Unfortunately, I can't figure out a way to get paid my full salary and stay home, while still sending Greta to the sitter - so I must work. Only takes a few days in to our new schedule for all of us to get sick - Greta had her first ER visit after getting sick non stop for half a night, the joy continued when Darren got sick and just as I was starting to chuckle at my good luck (which is rare, hence the reason it was worth the chuckle), I get the flu. The first time ever to have the stomach flu and I pray the last. It was awful. So, back to work a week, then have to take sick leave for half a week as I literally cannot get out of bed. Finally at the end of the month, Greta celebrates her first year on earth with a weekend of parties...a "little friends" party, a friends and Edgett Family party and then a Gallant family party. She was one spoiled little girl.
July 2011 - UMMM, can't think of anything for July - really, not a thing, couldn't have been too exciting!
August 2011 - Our first family vacation to New Hampshire, ahhhh, it didn't go as I had hoped, Greta does not prove to be a willing shopper, Darren had low expectations, but I was thinking she could keep up...so, a lot of driving, a lot of eating in the hotel rooms, and not so much shopping. Unfortunately, probably one of the most significant occurrences of 2011 we received a call when we were in North Conway, NH from home to inform us Mom had a heart attack and was in ICU. It was a very long drive home, but we made it to Moncton late in the evening. Thankfully, after surgery and a trip to the Saint John Heart Centre, she survived the ordeal, but an ordeal it certainly was.
September 2011 - It has been exhausting time, Mom, after getting home for a matter of days returns to the hospital via ambulance and I once again return to NB, again, good care is provided and she survives yet another ordeal. I literally leave the recovery room at the Moncton Hospital after seeing her "come to" and drive home to go to the Elton John concert - can you believe it - Elton John in Summerside, PEI. I did see him a few years ago, but it was a nice break from the hectic few weeks we all had. Darren was doing Daddy duty while I spent time in NB.
October 2011 - Great is a pink poodle and a yellow chick for Halloween, just too many cute costumes out there to just choose one! She made it to a few houses, but I realize the holiday was more of a photo op for me - next year I'm sure she'll be more in to it!
November 2011 - I returned for my annual Remembrance Weekend trip - this time - Greta free...spent way too much - the debt continues!
December 2011 - And here we are - a full year has come and gone, it was a rather quiet month and holiday. The house of course was decorated, 5 big trees, enough decorations inside the house to open a store with, but alas, not many around to see it, I was even finding it to be overwhelming this year and started to take things down prior to Xmas. Tonight however was the night that it was all packed away...and in 11 short months - I shall do it all again! Greta had a fairly good Xmas, a little freak attack at her Santa visit, but still got the pic. I'm realizing I probably could have bought every gift at the Dollar store for all she cared about presents. With video rolling, I waited with anticipation for her to round the corner to the great room to eye all her presents Santa left, which included a desk and chair, filled with coloring books, crayons, markers, paint, a few wrapped gifts as well, right beside a new play kitchen for Nana and Grampy Edgett...as I kept the camera focused on her reaction I see her look to the cat - what is this - she is going to the cat - HI Kitty she says - then, she bypasses all the new items on display, quickly glancing at a Fur Real puppy by the new desk, then goes straight to.....her old toys! SIGH. Epic Christmas fail. HA. Funny when I think about it. She didn't touch the trees, the ornies, nor the gifts, we almost had to force her to open gifts. Lesson learned for next year - Less is more!
So, I guess that is the update and my closing for 2011. I shall see you all in 2012, and despite the fact that I don't make New Years Resolutions, I do vow to write more on my blog in 2012. May you all have a safe and enjoyable NYE, my goal this year - try to stay up until midnight, it will be touch, but surely I can do it!!!