What a long time between blog posts, guess you can say I've been having a month that resembles toilet paper stuck to the bottom of your shoe, bird crapping on your head just as you leave the hairdresser...okay, so those things didn't really happen to me, but should sum up the month! There were a few good times too...
Lets see, not a hope I will remember a full month of activities, but Greta of course is a growing little weed, she celebrated her 8th month with quite a few "firsts"...she said her first word, a shout out to her favorite person...no, not Mommy or Daddy...not even Scarlet (although I would be pretty impressed if an 8 month old said the word Scarlet)...but her favorite is Casanova, and we hear "Kitty, Kitty" quite a bit in this house. It is pretty cute I must say, a little dig at us perhaps, I mean, if she likes the cat so much, maybe we could take a break and let the cat take care of her! Also fair to share the news that Mom was her second word...Well, more like Mum, Mum, Mum, Mum... we are claiming it as MOM and not the yucky rice biscuit that kids choke on. She is quite observant and seems to know everything we are talking about, well, maybe not everything, but when we are discussing objects, toys, animals, she will look for the item.
Another milestone - her first REAL cold, I have discussed snot in the past, well, that was from the teeth...this month, she was hit with a real cold and cough that made us all miserable, and not just from her suffering. She actually spread her germs and there were days that Darren had to stay home from work and all three of us were ill. Worse, Darren had to stay home because I was so sick I couldn't get out of bed and look after Greta. I have almost been proud of my little bubble world, for the first time in years, I had not been sick with a cold, I was warned during my liver treatments to avoid sick people as they were stripping my immune system, not the easiest thing to do, but I really did well. I banned those with sniffles from our house, I only go out with healthy non sniffling people and I even wear gloves at stores...but germs got in our bubble and wow, having no immune system and not being allowed to take anything out of fear it could harm my liver more...well, lets just say, I've had better 3 week stretches in my life. Thankfully Greta is feeling better, she just had to let it take care of it herself, no meds were required other than Baby Tylenol, but I think I've had enough of the runny nose for a bit. I don't know how we are going to make it through germs at the sitters. I so wish we could afford a nanny or sitter to come to the house, protect my little bubble world for a little longer!
Not only is Greta healthy she is SOLID. Holy heavy to carry now, she is a whopping 17lbs and a friend pointed out this evening, it looks like she is taller, this is a new development, must be the yogurt she has been eating, as her little legs always were so short, but I must admit, she actually looks longer just in the past few weeks. And the hair - well, it is growing and filling in fast. Definitely changing in her looks.
Daddy had a break, a real break. Darren and cousins Richie and Colin cashed in on their Xmas / Birthday gifts from the significant others and headed to Boston for a hockey game, drinking nights, and whatever else they did that I didn't bother asking about. I think they had a fun time. It was my first solo 4 day stretch, day and night with Greta, although as it happened, Mom was in town for a few nights, so a little help along the way. I even got out to trivia with friends.
Probably the most significant thing that has happened to change life in the Edgett-Gallant household is I am officially Prednisone Free. I know many have followed my journey and I can confirm, for me, prednisone was the hardest thing I have done, having a baby is nothing compared to the anguish, disguist, self esteem harming, self confidence slashing this drug caused. Mood swings is on the list of side effects for a reason, holy lord, I was a royal bitch most of the time (and not my regular bitch switch), I'm talking a whole new level of I hate your guts and this is why type of bitch. Emotions were a roller coaster, every time I passed a mirror I cried, even when I was out in public, I have left stores because I would see myself. Prednisone completely changed how my face looked, how my clothes fit, a total of 15 lbs of fluid found it's way to my post baby body, which I had proudly shed all the weight I had gained in 6 weeks after Greta's arrival. Oh my, hard, hard, hard. Since March 1st I haven't had these dreadful pills and in 21 days, I'm thrilled to say, I almost look like myself again, I happily wore my Size 6 pants again, and have about 5 lbs to go. I still can't figure out if the rest is still fluid, or a result of the other side effect - increased appetite (when the dose was high) - I fully admit, I ate my fair share of cookies! Hopefully my next blog post won't be a full month away and I'll be able to report the prednisone was just a bad experience that has left no evidence.
It definitely has been an interesting month, I'm glad it will soon come to an end! Real friends once again emerged to help out when help was needed, kind gestures were provided when they definitely were not expected, and some friends...well, lets just say I have learned a lot and as someone told me a few weeks ago, I need to find just a small group who I can really trust and let others go. Which I have!
So, lying in bed, typing up this blog, I think that is all I can recall from the past month. Greta will be 9 months on Thursday, very hard to believe in some aspects, but then again, it feels like it was ages ago since I was nervously preparing for my C-section and heading to the hospital. I return to work in 2 months time, as much as I didn't enjoy being home the first few months, I have ZERO desire to return, and don't mind saying that...Not that I want to stay home, but a year off work is a very long time, out of a routine, out of dress up clothes, currently I can stay in my pjs until noon, then switch to a yoga outfit. Kind of thinking that won't go over so well at the office. And how in the hell am I going to get up, ready and out the door for work at 7am...Oh my word, it all seems impossible in my brain. Others do it, so surely I won't fail at this great task, but YIKES.
Next thing I'll have to start thinking about is her birthday - don't worry, I am not sending invites out to attend a 1 year olds birthday...but I will have cupcakes and a pretty dress for her to wear for my own enjoyment.
Special thanks to our friend and AWARD Winning Photographer Rachel Peters who took the lovely photos of Greta at the beginning of the blog. She caught a steady on her feet little gal, who actually stood up on her own, without me holding on to her, just for a few seconds during the shoot. Check out a few more pics on her blog:
Toodles and my apologies for the grammar and spelling errors, much to tired to read it over again and spell check isn't working.
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