Don't fall off your chairs, I am posting another blog a day after my last post, actually, 24 hours has yet to pass. It is a multi-tasking evening: I'm typing obviously, watching re-runs of the Big Bang Theory (what a hilarious show), thinking about the cleaning I should be doing and watching Greta drift off to sleep in Darren's arms as she loudly chomps on her soother and rubs her blanket between her hands. How can such a little gal be so noisy chomping, I have never done well with noisy eaters or drinkers, and I am afraid we may have created one.
It was brought to my attention this morning that my blog site has somehow made its way to the PEI INFO website, someone has obviously submitted my blog and there it was this morning, right alongside the blog updates from the Guardian, Eastern Graphic and the Charlottetown Police Reports. So, I felt it was my obligation to welcome any new readers and to confirm, I'm not quite as messed up as the blogs may make you believe...really, I mean it, okay, most of it is true, but I have normal moments of motherhood too! I also must apologize in advance, I can't possibly review every post to edit out bad language, poor grammar and my take on Motherhood could very well offend you. So...be warned, if you are overly religious, don't like swearing, or think baby snot, crappy diapers and peas sneezed out of a baby's nose are the best things about motherhood, you better find another blog to read. But, if you are looking for a little big of reality and want to read what I have no doubt many new mothers think but don't dare admit it, well, you may just have a fun time reading so I suggest starting at the beginning of my journey! (Pre Baby blogs I have to admit, were much more exciting).
We had a pretty full day, Darren's sister came by for lunch...thanks to leftovers, we had quite the spread at lunch and of course, Greta was the main attraction. We put a lot clicks on the stroller, two walks today, little Scarlet's legs could hardly keep up, my idea years ago to get a dog that would be a good walking partner were not well thought out...walking and Shih Tzu means short little trips, at least I didn't have to carry the dog home this time. Naps, house cleaning, eBay surfing and presto, another day is done. One tragic thing for the evening...I realized I will be in the USA shopping for William and Kate's wedding...oh my. I had a moment - shopping just isn't worth missing it!!! Darren bowed his head in shame, but a royal freak like me, really needs to see the full Royal Wedding. I remember watching Charles and Diana's wedding as a young girl, I had all the Royal books, even had a pop up book when William was born, you pulled the tab and William crawled on the blanket that was spread out in front of Windsor Castle. So, to miss it for my other passion, shopping, well, it's a sacrifice. The deals better be amazing, and I mean, really amazing! I was in NYC when Diana's funeral was on, I chose to stay in and watch the procession ... how is that for a Royal Watcher!
Tomorrow marks Greta's 9th Month, will pick out a fun outfit for her Monthly Birthday Photo Shoot, 9 months just sounds so old. Above pics are Greta and big cousin Haley during Haley's spring break vacation a few weeks ago.
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