The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth. A Journey to Motherhood and Beyond.
Someday my prince will come, but Daddy will always be King!

Daddy's Girl
Life greatly changed as Darren and I welcomed Greta Claire to the family. I started this blog 5 weeks pre-parenthood; I thought I would learn to Blog as a hobby and to occupy my time when I was awaiting baby and tried my best to continue through her first year of life to document some of the ups and downs, funny moments, scary moments, etc. While I greatly enjoy sharing our adventures, it has been hard to stay committed to regular posts, but I certainly will do my best as our little girl is now 6 years old and full of comic relief, bright ideas and the most amazing quotes! So, enjoy the adventures of Gail and Greta, I somehow seem to find the most interesting things each day, so this is the truth blog, how things really are, what I'm really thinking and feeling....it could be interesting!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Christmas Eve

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Christmas is Coming.

Friday, December 10, 2010
Laughter is the best medicine
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Are you kidding me????
Well, just a quick check in, we survied the trip to Moncton, Darren played stay at home Daddy for the day and went to have a nap when I got home...also admitted to lying down in the afternoon when Greta had a nap. I do think he enjoyed his day with Greta tough.
I must sign off, I'm seeing double on the computer, very exhausted. Hopefully going to reach my family Dr tomorrow, my back is killing me, I've had a cyst for years and I'm afraid it's time that it is taken care of...Liver update - reducing the steroids slowly, very, very slowly.
Will write more another day....for now, have a great Thursday...Toodles.
PS> Sorry if this makes no sense, I'm so wiped out I can't even re-read.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Pictures and Videos
Monday, December 6, 2010
Hair - Scream - Sweets - Success - Tour - DUST

Quick Stat update:
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Friday, November 19, 2010
PAINFUL and Good Memories!

Greta's Bedroom Tree, pink and brown of course!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010
The time has come...
4 Month Old Greta Claire

Monday, November 1, 2010
Is that a trick mirror....
So, you know the little line on the car mirror - Objects may be closer than they appear, well, I need one in every mirror in the house, Objects in mirror may be bigger than they appear. Holy my face...I'm down to 3 steroids and the puffy face is still with me. Depending on the time of day it goes from pudgy to down right inflated. It must stop, it's driving me insane, I sometimes catch myself in front of the mirror pushing my double and triple chin out of the way and thinking what type of complications someone like me would have from plastic surgery (no need for responses to that - I can really imagine the complications), but I would still risk it. I think my skin has stretched enough that even when the water leaves my body, I'm going to be left with saggy skin. I went 9 months without a damn stretch mark and now my face is going to droop...AHHH... Well, if plastic surgery is required, I'm getting it all done, my slightly crooked nose, my thighs, ugly knees, can they build in abs...I'm doing it up.. All this beauty in the eye of the beholder - bull...find me a good plastic surgeon, make sure I get it paid for because of mental distress and I'm there..ha!
I'm still suffering from hot flashes, I convince myself there is some other disease within me, thankfully I'm off to the specialist again this week and going to ask for the full meal deal blood special. I want ever little box checked off on that requisition...and I mean everything. It just can't be normal at 36 (fine, 36.5) to have hot flashes 20 times a day. I feel for those in menopause, I'm with you...it sucks. At least if it was menopause and I was in my 50's or 60's when it was happening I wouldn't be changing smelly, stinky, knock your socks off diapers...because let me tell you, when you feel weak and sweaty from a hot flash, a toxic hot diaper is the last thing you want to add to the mix! I'm starting to wonder if my weak spell last week was more this combo then my meds and inner ear infection!
I have to admit, I'm finding things with Greta a bit easier. I know everyone said the 6 week mark was when they noticed things getting easier...well, it took me a bit longer, lets say 12 weeks, but now at 4 months, she is a little bit more fun and entertaining - which includes entertaining us and able to entertain herself and seems to have gained a little bit of independence, so we are all happier. She was never extremely needy or anything but she is just very content to play now on her own while I manage to cook or clean or shop on ebay...She does love cartoons (right or wrong)...it works and it's quite cute for her to watch and listen to the songs and characters dancing on the screen. She sleeps quite good too, she went to bed at 7:30 tonight, as of midnight, still sound asleep, I suspect she'll get up sometime for a bottle, but we have discussed this routine and are happy with it....it's nice for her to go to bed so early, as we'll either rest and relax or sleep ourselves, or just do things we want to around the house. She does sleep in late if she does get up during the night, today was 9:30...and what do I do...I sleep in too! I really should try to get up earlier, but she is my alarm clock and who am I to fight it. I do have a Dr's appt at 10 later this week, so I'll have to ensure I set the real alarm, as I did find myself late last week for an appt, as getting up at 9, and trying to get both of us ready to face the public, and get her fed all within an hour takes one big miracle!
And can you believe it's November...unbelievable to me! The months are flying by, this time last year I was still in complete shock that I was pregnant and calling Dr's, being put off work - a mix between H1N1 and psycho tendencies, and my guess (although I can't quite remember) not speaking to Darren..ha! This year on November 1st, I am thinking...I have a lot of Halloween and Fall decor to pack away for another year and the Christmas planning must get started. I always decorate early, I'm a perfectionist when it comes to my Xmas tree's and I put up a lot of tree's in the house and each tree can take a full day if not two...I am not measuring the ornaments distance from each other ... BUT... it does appear that I did. If I don't like the tree - I start over! It's painful. Darren's contribution is bringing up all the decorations from the basement and not touching any of the trees. He did try once, I sat in agony watching the few ornaments he placed on the tree go in to a spot I wouldn't have chosen, tried to bite my tongue and finally agreed - there will be no sitting around the fire and trimming the tree as a couple...nope, it's my job! As kids, we always had our own tree in our rooms, I think because my mother always had taken the time to place ornies in a pattern as well...Greta will have her own tree each year...not that she will decorate it this year, but down the road, she can decorate her tree ( I may have to bite my tongue better than I did with Darren) - but it will hopefully mean hands off the others in the house. This always worked for us as kids, we never touched the "adult trees", no need for us to have a Xmas tree where the bottom 3 feet had no ornies...I'm looking forward to decorating Greta's tree - pink and brown of course, with white teddy bears! Hope it will look as cute as what is in my head! I also always decorated early because I always hosted a sweet exchange as a first celebration to the holiday season although I have after a lot of thought and consideration decided not to go forward with it this year. I will miss doing it, but for quite a few reasons won't be hosting one this year. Will have to come up with another way to see a few friends over the holiday season and get them over to the house this year. One good thing this decision has on my planning, I won't need to have everything done for the end of November. Of course, there will hopefully be great deals in Maine and New Hampshire and I'll add to my Xmas collection! Can I say HOW MUCH I'M LOOKING FORWARD TO GOING AWAY...My travel curse better not surface, I am leaving this province and this country one way or another....lord help the person to mess with that!!! Well, a bunch of nothing in tonights blog, and I must depart, the hot flashes are returning and the hot lap top isn't helping, I must go find a freezie to cool me off.