Someday my prince will come, but Daddy will always be King!

Someday my prince will come, but Daddy will always be King!
Daddy's Girl


Welcome to my Blog.

Life greatly changed as Darren and I welcomed Greta Claire to the family. I started this blog 5 weeks pre-parenthood; I thought I would learn to Blog as a hobby and to occupy my time when I was awaiting baby and tried my best to continue through her first year of life to document some of the ups and downs, funny moments, scary moments, etc. While I greatly enjoy sharing our adventures, it has been hard to stay committed to regular posts, but I certainly will do my best as our little girl is now 6 years old and full of comic relief, bright ideas and the most amazing quotes! So, enjoy the adventures of Gail and Greta, I somehow seem to find the most interesting things each day, so this is the truth blog, how things really are, what I'm really thinking and could be interesting!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Forgive Me

Forgive me followers for I have sinned, it's been 6 days since my last post and I have been hoping for funny things to happen, shit to fly, embarrassing moments to occur to make the blog extra amusing, but's been a pretty boring week!!!!

So, here we are, almost a week after my last post, 1 week past the 3 month mark when everything is to fit in to place, when all will be well with routine, sleep, adjustment to parenthood and I can't say we are totally there, but at least on the right track. This past week had a few firsts.

Darren and I struck out for dinner with Greta, we had a great supper of Lebanese food and I have to say, we barely spoke, we just watched Greta in her seat, waiting for the moment she decided to wake up and scream, reminding me why I don't like kids in restaurants! It was as if we both were just starring at her, she may be cute, but we were watching the eyes and the mouth, waiting for any sign to change our dining in supper to a take out meal. But it didn't happen. I thought for sure when the waitress said how quiet she was being that it was all over, it was as if Greta could hear the words and her eyes started to open, but she was great..A little rock of her car seat and out she went.

Every night hasn't been quite so pleasant. Greta is a pretty good baby, but oh my, when she wants to cry, she'll tell us. This is the moment I must pause and tell all those with a colicky baby that I feel for you, and don't know how you do it, you definitely have more super power than I. Greta has been experiencing a "fussy period" which seems to occur around supper time, well, our supper time which can be as late as 7...she can go from calm to crank in 0.5 seconds. We have resorted to some well timed car drives, but that is no guarantee. I think it's soon time to bring out the rum, a little on the gums for her and little in my evening beverage. She can then calm down as quick as the episode started. I do hope it ends soon, its very hard on the nerves!

Greta had her first babysitters...can I tell you what a sense of freedom it is to have responsible babysitters around. We had a lovely evening out to the theatre with my Mom, niece Haley and old neighbour Janet, while Greta enjoyed a night with not one, but two great sitters. She did cry - remember that fussy period I just mentioned, sadly, it was at that time, she cried like I didn't hear before...but I think it was a bit overwhelming of a night for her. She had 5 people come to the house within a matter of an hour, was over tired...and well, just cranky...but a little drive around the block and sitters who knew what they were doing and presto, we came home to a sleeping baby. Can't wait to do it again, get out that is and hire a sitter - not drive around the block to put her to sleep! I felt like I should call when we were out, but didn't feel that I needed to...also a good feeling, but alas, I thought that is what a good mother was suppose to do, you know, the obligatory call to check in...

On Sunday, I had a surprise for Haley. Haley turns 11 next week, seems like yesterday I was working in Montague and found out my sister was at the hospital, so I rushed to NB to be there..I made it, with just an hour to spare, and here we are ready to see her turn 11 years old. Time really does fly. Well...what do you buy an 11 year old today. I have no doubt I still was getting Barbies and Dolls...well, not the case in, they want iPhones, iPads, gift cards, cash...well, I wasn't in to that wish list, so I thought of something she has really, really wanted...Highlights! Yup, for her hair. My hairdresser so kindly agreed to come to the house on a Sunday to do Haley's hair. She had been begging her mother for quite some time, and her mother said when she was a teenager...but I did ask if I could do this and the answer was yes...I had written a note to Haley to say what her gift was and her eyes went as big as saucers...and her hair looks amazing. Virgin Hair as the professionals would say...which I have thought about tons since deciding on this gift. I remember going to the hair dresser (much, much older than Haley) and being a tad green to lingo, the hairdresser said as she was mixing my first ever hair dye, "I just love virgin hair"...well, imagine the color of my face...I didn't know what in the hell she was talking about..I mean, did your hair really indicate if you were a virgin or not. Oh my lord, I went home and was just this day I remember that terribly uncomfortable feeling of did she know, the hairdresser was a damn psychic.

Sleep - I'm not getting much, and it's not because of Greta - as I type this line, it's 1:30 am, and I can't sleep. Greta ate around 8, possibly she'll get up still, could sleep through - but I doubt it...but I can't go to bed early, and when I do finally hit bed, I watch TV or look on the computer. I'm not sure if I've become a zombie who is being kept up because of the liver treatments, the worry that is still present over Greta's breathing, or just total insomnia. Can I tell you how annoying this is!!!!! IT is VERY annoying. The other thing keeping me up is the ridiculous radio station's contest to find the 5.5's...Darren and I have been CONVINCED so many times that we knew for sure the riddles and were going to be $10,000 richer...but no luck yet. It is consuming our thoughts, Darren searches at lunch instead of eating, he has even left for work early so he can stop to check out a clue on his way to work...and after work - well, he is gone until dark...I'm no better, this afternoon, I packed Greta up and off we went for a drive to check in on our best guesses...I hope someone finds the clues soon, it's taking up too much of my head...

Shopping - it has to stop!!! Well, until New Hampshire...I am bargain hunting and won two Ebay auctions tonight - yippee!! And I hit up the Children's Exchange today and found some excellent buys on Carters and Ralph Lauren items, some with the tags still on...but Greta needs nothing. I picked up the Sears Wish Book - and refrained from ordering anything...but I have decided we will be setting limits on things for her...and this message will be sent to everyone who may buy for her...she needs nothing.

Okay, I'm getting sleepy, must sign off, but I have a request. I have found out that I can publish my blog in to a book - just for me - it's not hitting the book shelf stands or anything but thought I could combine my blog and adventures along with an annual gift I make. For years, I have made a cookbook for friends / family / co-workers...I did skip a few years, but have made quite a few books over the years that include fun quotes, stories, tips and ideas and of course, a cookbook needs favorite recipes...Well, this year, I would love to hear your favorite recipes, I will combine them in with some of my blog entries and will make it available to anyone who would like a, you can laugh along with some of Gail and Greta's adventures, and have a collection of great recipes...But this idea will only work if you NEED everyone who is reading this to think of your favorite (and shall I add easy to make) recipe and email it to me... . And I know many read the blog who I have yet to meet face to face...I want to hear from you too...the more recipes the better! Hope you can help me out with this project, I'll thank you in advance for taking the time to send me a recipe.

So, another day has ended, I'm off to dream land for a little bit, thank you for checking in, until next time..TOODLES.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

3 Months - We survived

Well, it's been a week since my last those who have been waiting and hitting refresh for the new one...I shall deliver!

I am pleased to say, Greta, Darren and I have survived 3 months - by all means, pause and clap, really, I mean it, send out a cheer, hallelujah, something, as I know you didn't have much faith, or at times were quite worried, but we have all arrived at the three month mark relatively sane and in one piece. The myth out there about making it to the three month mark and seeing a change for the better is true. I'm talking in regards to life getting easier, more of a routine, not being so OCD. For those reading tonight and rocking a newborn, it really does get better...Look at me, giving parenting reassurance (okay, I'm just confirming what others told me at week 1 or 2, annoying me quite a bit I must add with the "don't worry, it will get better we've all been there" comments) and here I am, able to say it myself. Not that I didn't appreciate the reassurance, but when you have crap flowing out of diapers, power puke nearly missing the dog, disappointments with people and life, you don't really listen to the Don't worry comments, you actually glaze over the comments and think, if they think it's so easy, why don't they offer to babysit. really is getting better. Not that it was ever bad, I really had myself worked up for the worse case scenario and in chatting with others and checking in on some of the online forums I stalk, I know Greta was a very good baby and made things as easy as she could for us. I am happy I imagined the worse case scenario, it makes things so much easier and better. I do that with a lot of aspects of my life, it helps with the disappointment and you can only go up. As

Greta turned 3 months today, I actually am writing in total shock...3 months...already. The time flew by, another cliche comment, but so true. I think of how long 3 months in the pregnancy took...It was more like 12 months, but 3 months home with Greta really did feel quick. She has changed so much, she is still quite mellow, but her looks have changed, her personality is starting to shine through and she is a great old lady magnet...I mean, you take this baby out in public, the old ladies come out of nowhere...thankfully the most recent ladies haven't been color blind like the lady a few weeks ago who said What a cute BOY...A boy, the child was dressed head to toe in pink, a BOW in her hair, and a pink blanket covering her legs and she called her a he...I wasn't nice...Do you know how long I plan her outfits?

Talking about outfits - I have need to get in to all of them, but today I realized Greta's outfit was significantly more impressive than mine in so many ways. As I was slumming it with my Costco Clothing, she was sporting a lovely Ralph Lauren sweater, rockin out her new denims, boots to die for, adorable croheted hat and $7 socks. I came home and threw my socks in the garbage because there was a hole in them. Now, I do want her to look good, but the shopping has to stop (or at least slow down- who am I kidding, I can't stop). Shoppers should have girls / and shouldn't. They should because they will always take great pride in the cutest outfits, find the best bargains, have a baby model to dress up...but shouldn't because OUCH on the pocket book. I seem to glance at my bank account just once a week now, and yikes. Now, it's not just buying stuff for Greta. For a few weeks now, I have finally recovered from the c-section, two biopsies and able to drive with greater ease and more importantly, have the stamina to shop, but I have been treating the evenings as me time. I greatly anticipate Darren getting home at 4:20ish and I do the hand over and say, see ya later. It's not even because Greta and I have had a bad day, I just want to go out, and since I really have no where to go - I go shopping. I have enough groceries in the house to survive a natural disaster most likely for a year, there is enough diapers in Greta's room to change octuplets for months and do you know how many Halloween crafts I have bought in the past few weeks - lets just say, I can make homemade goodies for everyone I know (and I know a lot of people).

As YOU are reading this now, you won't realize I just am getting up, it's 9am, I started the blog last night at 1:30am...but was starting to see triple on the screen. As a highlight to start the day - Greta slept through the night from 10:30ish to 7ish (I obviously pretended to not hear her this morning and Darren got up). Two nights in a row...still won't hold my breath, but maybe just maybe a full nights sleep is on the way. Maybe it's my fault she hadn't been sleeping through, she was close, she has been sleeping for about 10 hours a night - with a 30-40 minute wake up, but I was still OCD about her breathing. I would "sneak" in to her room, well, that is more like a bull moose in a china shop kind of sneaking, I hit the same damn creeking floor board, touch her chest just a little too hard, fit her hat or she stirs. I am getting better though, last night I think I only checked her breathing 3 or 4 times, and watched the tick on the Angel Care Monitor for a few minutes. Some nights I would just stare at it. Lord, what was I thinking! As three months has arrived, there are a few other things that have changed:

1) Still boiling water for bottles - but soap and water is cleaning them just fine, not sterilizing everything like I had was a lot of extra work, a good extra 30 minutes via the microwave.

2) I try to make a day and a half or two days worth of bottles. So much easier!

3) She watches cartoons - a lot. Now, I have some issues with some of them. What is with all the British accents (don't get me wrong, it's an amazing accent), but when the birds and cats are talking with British accents and I find it hard to understand, what is a 3 month old to think. It's like Coronation Street for Babies. Yes you are thinking the first issue is the 3 month old in front of the TV, but I have been up, showered, hair done and make up on every single day for the past three months in large part because of the TV, so I LOVE IT. And Caillou, what a whiny brat, we don't watch that one...he lied the other day...the little brat lied, no wonder kids are bad today, they watch whiny little cartoon brats who LIE. Now, I did like Little Bear, he was kind of cute and I can draw him, just in case down the road she wants a Little Bear party, I'm good to go for the decorations! And Mama Bear was pretty sweet, she even let a snake in to the house the other day (I would draw the line there, but nice of her to teach everyone is an equal). Baby Einstein is still the hit, I have been patiently waiting for the collection I had ordered online to arrive (they lost my shipping info). If they knew how tired I was with Baby Beethoven, they would have ensured my shipping info was not lost, I found myself at the grocery store humming the stupid opening song yesterday, and had a few choice words for the ebay seller who messed up my order.

4) We are out on the town...Greta and I have been fairly busy, I have gone 2 full weeks with no medical appts, so our outings were actually fun ones. Two trips to work events (both going away parties) in which she was very, very good, nothing to blog about other than she was cute and stylish and people think she is an angel baby, way too many trips to the stores, a few visits to see my old neighbour, a visit with a new little friend Ryder and his Mommy, visits with her BFF Erik and his landlords, a road trip to visit some family and other little ones, we are doing good...nice to be busy, I always needed to have plans in the daytimer, so kind of nice to feel somewhat normal again.

5) I'm not TOO PUFFY - 2 weeks in to my liver meds and I'm not a fly away balloon I think I look a bit puffy, but others say no, of course, they are probably being nice and just saying that as they know it will bother me more (but I really do want to know the truth). Knock on wood, but no side effects, makes me wonder if it's just a sugar pill and a trick to see if it's mind over matter with me...I don't take drugs without side effects happening, so something is up I just know it. I head back to the Dr's appts this coming week for re-checks and to see if I'm responding to treatment, fingers crossed. I don't quite feel up to getting a liver transplant this year, I figure I'll wait hopefully the 10 years and take a little piece of Greta's, surely she will stay away from liquor until then so it will be nice and crisp. As someone pointed out the other day, I'll have to groom her liver, make sure she eats lots of healthy food, no liquor as I may need her help some day.

6) BIBS - we go through about 5 bibs a day..I hate drool, moreso, I hate the shirts that have drool stains down to the belly, so she wears bibs over everything, today, I may just have to do laundry consisting of receiving blankets and bibs...drool stinks, just as much as throw up! YUK.

7) Daddy - Darren is still doing such an amazing job and a huge help. I'm very thankful as I know many are not as lucky, not that he was given much option, I mean, he was going to be doing diapers if he had to wear a gas mask, and protective gear, but he doesn't seem to mind, that is good, very, very good. He also was doing the night feeding as he has the ability to go to sleep around 9 or 10, so again, huge help. Guess I'll have to find a better Xmas present, do you think diapers and wipes is appropriate..ha!

8) Babysitters - tonight is an exciting night. We have left Greta before, but with my health, it has always been family who has been around, but tonight, we have Greta's first babysitter coming...Can I tell you how exciting this is??? IT's just such a sense of freedom to know that we have someone available that can watch her so we can escape for a little bit. I pray she is good for her, she usually is good at night and hopefully will just relax and sleep. I have tickets for my family to see Hairspray, I have already enjoyed the show once so can't wait to share the audience with them and see if they enjoy it as much as I did.

9) New Hampshire - the countdown is on...little Greta is taking an SUV with all her goodies to NB and we are taking the second SUV to NH. Sad, but there is just not room for all her stuff, herself and my luggage and purchases to all do one vehicle, so while she enjoys a long weekend in NB, Darren and I are going to head to Friends and Family weekend in North Conway to shop, shop, shop. I can't wait to go, much delayed and much needed. Oh, the restaurants I can't wait for, the Christmas Tree Shop....AHHH, I feel such peace!

10) New obsession - okay, this has nothing to do with babies. Last night, for the first time in I honestly can't recall, I made dinner and had friends in for supper. I enjoyed the running around, putting things together, etc.. However, prior to Amber and Isaac and baby Erik arriving, Darren is waiting for the radio stations clue to a $10,000 contest...I for the first time, read all of them and KNOW FOR SURE where to find the "treasure"...I mean, I was convinced. It was so I tell Darren I'll do everything for supper, he has to go check it out. He arrives home after 45 minutes with nothing, I'm mad...he obviously didn't look good enough, so I ask about another clue and he confirms that there was a landmark - what do I do...15 minutes before our guests are to arrive - I send him back out, convinced him that I was right...oh dear lord, he was walking through water, under buildings...and guess what, we are not $10,000 richer. SIGH! I still know I'm right, I may have to do it know, if you want something done right, do it yourself!

Well, I have to rush, I have a much needed hair appointment in one hour and I'm sitting around in my pjs, watching cartoons and writing this blog. Thanks for joining me on the 3 month journey, more to come, the child has a lot more crap, tears, puke, cute clothes, smiles, shoes, and fun times ahead, there shouldn't be a lack of topics.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Tired and an Excursion = Not a Good Mix

I am wiped...exhausted...close to a coma...freakin tired...zombie...and yet, my followers - I faithfully am keeping up with my blog.

Can I say one thing about my blog - I have no idea who reads it, I wish I could, as I know there are many of you reading tonight that I have never met face to face - you must think I'm half loon...(I admit, some days I am), but I wanted to thank you very much. I have had friends tell me they are sharing it with friends or family members, with mothers to be, new mom's, their parents, many love it and I love to hear that. Sure I exaggerate a tad - but not much, I mean, when I talk about Code Brown - it's a little Code Green, but that just makes Greta seem like a monster, so I fib and say Code Brown...but it's just a little of what we have been experiencing. And I want to thank those individuals that I don't know who have actually contacted me to say you enjoyed something I wrote about, asked questions and most recently who so kindly wrote about my health situation with advice and guidance as their family member had experienced the same illness. I had written in my blog that I didn't know anyone with Autoimmune hepatitis and I woke to a lovely message the next morning with encouraging words and a sounding board that I could talk to and ask questions. So, to each and everyone of you who are following on my journey, a genuine thank you, I'm glad you are on the journey with me, it makes it a tad less lonely, a tad less confusing and if others survived - SO CAN I. If anyone would like to do a guest blog or send in a story, please do...I would love to hear it.

So, here is a little update and why I'm so exhausted.

Greta slept fairly well Thursday night in to the wee hours of Friday morning, rising about 6:15, all cute and full of smiles, she finishes her bottle with ease, I know you are not SUPPOSE to prop the bottles up when feeding them, but at 6:15am, I can check my email, see what is on TV (usually the Boston news) and Greta somewhat feeds herself with the careful placement of a receiving blanket under the bottle - multi-tasking at it's best. I waited for her to get sleepy so I could maybe catch another hour sleep - I waited all damn day! The child did not sleep, 2 fifteen minute power naps, 14 hours in total - UP!!! It has made for an extremely long day. It was almost like she thought she would miss something if she shut her eyes. Or maybe if you read my previous blog she didn't trust me enough to go to sleep, as if I fell asleep I may not hear her. UMMM, Maybe, just maybe, Baby Einstein is making her in to a genius and she had the sense to realize that she could scream and I wouldn't wake up - Okay, I'm talking myself in to the fact she may have been a smart little cookie!

Darren was suppose to be in a ball tourney, but due to the rain, tonights game was cancelled, so two nights in a row, I have walked out the door, and had a little de-stress - YES, that means I went shopping. I have no where else to go, can't go for a drink (the liver won't allow it), don't have many here in town to visit and I really just enjoy shopping on my own. Well, tonight however wasn't quite shopping, no, it was survival challenge, obstacle course, lets guess how many things are advertised and not in the store night at WALMART. Okay, I wasn't going to go, but all the Mommy's out there in Facebook land were talking about the amazing deal on Diapers, sure enough, they were on pretty cheap, so at 7:00 I decide to go find some toxic waste holders. I arrive and the store is a mad house, it's Anniversary Week and they have limits on what you can buy. There are pallets everywhere, you can barely get the carts down the aisle. I arrive in the baby section first to over hear a woman asking a sales clerk if the Pampers are in a different area, I hear the clerk say, no, they are all gone, were gone by 9am...(so you are shocked - 1st -yes there was a sales lady in the baby section...and 2nd - that within an hour, all these mothers were able to get to the store to buy their limit of 4 boxes of diapers). Folks, I didn't get out of my pjs until noon today, the thought of getting up, showered, teeth brushed, dressed, puked on, dressed again, Greta ready all by 8am to get in line for 4 boxes of diapers would require time to stand still, my magic genie in the bottle and another person, as you cannot fit a baby seat and 4 boxes of diapers in one cart at that store. Now, I'm not denying they had some good deals, but you have to really think what your patience and time is worth. I did manage to get 2 boxes...of Huggies. For the new followers with new babies - Huggies won a lot of bonus points today...the Little Snugglers claim they hold in runny mess...and they did...I thought Greta was going to rocket out of the bouncy seat this morning, I carefully lifted her up and turned her around in the air to see if I was going to have to sacrifice the cute pjs she had one...but was all contained. I'm sure I'll switch again but she'll have 2 packs of Snugglers to get through first. The other items I had on my Walmart list however were gone. Got excited that I may be able to pick up a few more Xmas gifts, but no luck, sold out.

I did take advantage of my freedom and went to a few more stores. I was so tired, my body aches, my back feels like it's broken and my liver is throbbing with the inflammation, but I didn't want to come home (not because of Greta and Darren), I just wanted to be out, see people, see what they were wearing, what they were talking about, what they were buying - I wanted to be nosey and view something other than my TV. It's now 10:44pm, and I'm actually going to go close my eyes, Darren has four games of ball tomorrow, I'm going to get a few ZZZZZ's before a repeat day like today, I figure if I can in to a really deep sleep, I won't hear Greta and Darren will be on Daddy Duty for the night. He'll rebound, tons of fresh air coming his way tomorrow!

Sleep is definitely what I need, my stomach is ballooning, I'm mortified, tried to get back to my Dr today, but see above, would need that magic genie and the medical angels to shine on me. One week of meds is now in me for my liver and I feel all puffy, Darren claims it's in my head, but I can tell... And by head, he means I'm imagining it, he didn't tell me my head was puffy - although I want him to tell me the truth, I'd be pretty ticked for him to tell me I have a fat puffy head, it's a no win for him.

And few little tidbits from today:

Sweet 1st Halloween Card for Greta from Christine and Emily arrived in the mail - thank you, very thoughtful, as was the card in regards to Paris!

Favorite Quote of the Day (Thanks J.S. for posting it) - Never explain yourself to any one. Because the person who likes you doesn’t need it, and the person who dislikes you won’t believe it.

Called the G.Gables in New Hampshire to confirm room reservations for our fall trip and a quick chat with my friend Jan (the owner)...can't wait to return to my home away from home. Eat at Friendly's and Delaney's, visit the Christmas Tree Shop and all the outlets - I wish I was leaving tomorrow!

Happy Birthday to my Father in NB from all of us!

Good luck to all those raising money for the Run for the Cure and all the other charities!!! Go Donate everyone!

Scarlet had a cute day, Casanova is missing Paris and I think we are all looking for Paris around the house, or at least expecting to hear him cry with a toy or sadly throw up his food. The house really doesn't seem the same.

I think that is the excitement around here - I know, you are all jealous of the full life I am leading. I'm hoping the little miss has a good day tomorrow and we'll get out of the house and head out to the country for a little visit with friends.

Toodles for now.


My name is Gail, it has been 3 hours and 16 minutes since my last purchase and Ebay is currently open on the computer...I am a shopping addict.

Okay, you are not shocked, but the first step in the program is to admit my problem. Well, it's not really my problem, it gives me great pleasure, and I have known for a long time that when I die, I can't take money with me (or debt), so I'll leave instructions that in lieu of donations you can leave a payment in my memory to Mastercard (not that I'm planning on dying - go back one blog, I'm going to be a good patient and take my meds and make sure my liver doesn't fail). But I greatly enjoy shopping - I buy for me, buy for others, buy for Christmas and Halloween and Birthdays. And I like a Bargain...oh dear, the jingle for the Christmas Tree Shops just popped in my head, lets all sing "Don't you just love a bargain!" I have mastered the ability to spend in a limited amount of time too, it's almost a challenge, tonight on my way to meet some friends, I had 30 minutes, I managed to get to the grocery store and a going out of business baby store, walked out with two full bags of goodies, made it to supper...and what do you know, I have 36 minutes before the mall closes after dinner...Do I drive by the mall..of course not. I walk in to the mall with 16 minutes to spare before closing time, which essentially means I have about 1 minute before they start announcing they want you out of the store, 6 minutes before the sales staff start herding you towards the cash and finally they'll kick you out. Well, I managed to find a new pair of pjs, a new sweater and sigh - two new outfits for Greta...Pretty impressive considering I needed nothing. Well, maybe Greta needed something. It was pointed out today that Greta appeared in a picture wearing the same outfit as an earlier photo...not from the same embarrassing...ha! How embarrassing is right, the child does have a lovely wardrobe, but believe it or not, I don't have something new for every day I have my favorites, but people think she has 365 outfits to cover the year. She has tons of fall clothes, which are required considering the cooler temperatures now, but I bought them in bigger sizes mostly before she was born, I am still having to purchase smaller that is the reasoning behind a few more outfits. I mean, I can't have her wearing little dresses and freezing, she needs warmer things in the small size until she grows in to the fall line up. And we have sibling rivalry at this house, Scarlet seems to be doing quite well with Greta's requirement for items, as she seems to win out and get a toy each time I'm out. I feel guilty! Have you seen this dogs eyes, you would feel guilty too. I can imagine her saying, great, she use to buy me presents, now that kid gets everything. Almost breaks my heart when I take Greta out to the truck and Scarlet watches from the window wanting so desperately to come with us. Thankfully, Scarlet is always so appreciative of presents, it's adorable actually. She'll sit in the kitchen until I give her the new item and she will proudly walk around with it and guard it for days, it becomes the "new" favorite!

So, we won't solve this addiction over night, but first step was writing down that I do recognize the shopping is an issue. I have decided this year to cut back on Xmas - I say this every year - and have succeeded to some extent, no one needs anything and in many cases, I buy for the sake of buying. So, I have decided to pay it forward and buy things for people who will really appreciate it / who deserve it / who need a break and it would make a difference, and I may just start early. I'm actually in the Christmas mood - have to get my favorite Halloween holiday over with first, but I'm already envisioning my house ready for Christmas.

Well, this blog is about a whole lot of nothing, like a Seinfeld Episode. I'll summarize a few little things about the last 24 hours:
  • Greta only caused us to be 40 minutes late for a Big Brother Finale Party with my co-workers last evening (Thanks S&J for the hospitality). And she slept the entire time. I fully admitted she was a little crank prior to our departure, she really can scream - I am not one of those who will say, I don't understand, she never is like this - we admit, she has her moments. Thankfully they really are few and far between, she is extremely mellow and relaxed, and doesn't cry much, but when she feels like crying, she really, really cries!

  • Greta had a pretty good sleep Wed. night, remained in bed for an extra hour in the AM because of the trusty old soother - granted it did mean I was out of bed 3 times to put it back in her mouth, but 3 minutes to do that, compared to 57 extra minutes of sleep - I'll take it. I got her up (she is always very happy in the morning, lots of smiles, she seemed quite hungry), started to feed her and after just a few ounces of milk, back in her milk coma...I tried everything to keep her up, but no, she wanted to grow her little brain some more and sleep. So, I put her in the swing at the end of the couch, I grabbed my pillow and we both drifted off for a nap.

  • And NAP I did. I was awakened by Darren (who was under the weather today and home for the day) around 9:30. Darren had been sleeping in the basement, I was in the back part of our house - I only say this to give you a visual that Greta and I were not directly above Darren...Well, I guess Greta had been screaming, screeching, going insane. Poor little thing filled her diaper - obviously woke up, and I DIDN'T HEAR HER! My head was three couch cushions from her and I didn't hear a thing. Darren, without having a monitor, heard her a floor away, came up, rescued her, changed her, and was bringing her back out to where I was. I woke up finally, and asked if she was just getting up, he explains what I had missed and questioned why he didn't wake me - he said he thought I was dead. Now, I did laugh at this comment...But all day now, I keep thinking, why didn't he check my breathing earlier, I realize Greta needed her diaper changed, but a little shake could have ensured I was not dead, just in an exhaustive coma...he could have given me CPR or something...will have to discuss this a bit more. As for my hearing, all I can say is, I was sleeping on my good ear, just goes to prove my bad ear is still bad (for those that don't know me well - about 8 years ago I blew my ear drum on a flight coming home from the Dominican, lost about 50% hearing in it, it's so far down on the medical chart, I usually forget about it, or just don't hear the Dr's asking about it..ha) This also shows how wiped out I am. My new meds keep me up all day long, it's currently 12:52 and here I find myself on the computer, just getting tired.

  • Made an appearance at the office for a little going away party, Greta was a great gal, slept the entire time while being passed around.

  • Made an appearance to visit friends at Service Canada - started to stir, escaped before she let the entire floor know we were there.

  • Got out for an adult dinner, to hear all the happenings in every one's life - gosh, we all have a lot of stuff going on.

  • And of course, a little shopping. Thanks to Darren for all the help, despite being under the weather.

Toodles for now, sorry the blog was all over the place, I actually do feel tired all of a sudden, I'll blame it on that.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I have nothing...

Well, I feel I need to blog as people are waiting...but I have nothing left in me to talk about, my adventures with Greta have been fairly quiet since I last wrote. I have been informed today I am disrespectful to my daughter and motherhood, callous, defensive and aggressive, a bad human being to others and that was all before noon. So, please, if others feel the same way, please walk away, don't read my blog, take me off Facebook, all that jazzy stuff. It has been an interesting day to say the least and here I am, feeling actually quite good and happy, do I dare say kind of healthy and I'm in blog mode and thinking about something fun to chat about.

Well, I will start with something sad, thank you to all of you who wrote about Paris passing away, I am sorry to those who told me they shed a tear at work, sobbed uncontrollably to the point the significant others were concerned, and to those whose make up was ruined after reading my blog tribute to my beautiful boy. I have to admit, I can't read it again, I cry each time, and it took two hours and about 30 Kleenex to write it. I thank you for sharing in my sadness, it was easy to tell who the animal lovers are out there by all the comments (which by the way out numbered our congrats about eloping and Greta's Birth). Just goes to show how important these furry creatures are in our lives. I miss Paris, but he is still with me...I see fur balls in every room, they just appear out of no where, and he was one well photographed kitty, his pictures are certainly present in our home.

Thank you also to those who sent well wishes about my health. I can give you the quick update! My CT Scan results and liver biopsy results were explained to me this past Friday. I received some good news in that my surrounding organs and lymph nodes were free from any disease, however my liver has taken a hit. I have been diagnosed with a chronic and progressive liver disease called Autoimmune Hepatitis. It is nothing that I contracted, my own body (immune system) turned on my liver and is essentially attacking it as if it was a foreign object. There wasn't visible scarring, so that was good, from what I have read from the Liver Foundation (thanks to the friend who suggested I seek their assistance) that it occurs in 1-2 people out of 100, just a hunch, I won't have a facebook buddy out there to chat about it with. It can't be cured, but it can go in to remission, my specialist made it seem I could get there within 2 years. I have started a high dose treatment, 10 pills a day, with a few additional to help with my bones. And sigh, I'll have to repeat a liver biopsy down the road...Did I ever comment that I hate taking pills almost as much as I hated that biopsy. I do, it makes me gag like I gag changing full stinky diapers, but if it will help, I'll be taking them. I even have my little old lady pill case, all the pills separated in to the days of the week so I don't offence to the young people who also have pill cases, I just remember my grandmother having one and thought, wow, that is what it's like to be I'm in that OLD Pill Case category! I am 18 pills in to the treatment and do you know what, I am not in that much pain. I return in 3 weeks for a recheck, and if I am responding to the meds, they may be able to reduce them, I hope of the side effects is getting puffy...I was just puffy for 9 months - I don't want to be puffy and look sick. Puffy is for tutu's, not faces. The only side effect thus far is that I have no appetite, I just am not hungry at all. That was a potential, or the other side effect was that I would have an increased appetite.... you can imagine my delight that I didn't get the increased appetite, as the Dr warned me some people start eating for 2 or 3 because of pills, stuffing my face and looking puffy would just not be good for my sense of humour. So, I'm not contagious, will hopefully have this controlled and will pray over the years that if and when I do require a liver transplant my friends will not have pickled their livers so much that they can't give me a little slice. So maybe, order a single shot instead of a double please!

As for Greta, well, she is wearing a lot of her bigger outfits, she has moved in to 0-3 drawer in her dresser, and even some 3 month outfits are fitting, they are a tad big, but that just means she'll get to wear them longer. She had a lovely 9 hour sleep the other night, it has not happened since, but I know she can do it...I just know it..I think I know it...okay, I know nothing, Darren is now starting to think neither of us heard her crying and WE slept through the 9 hours!! But she still does her 5-6 hour stretches, so we'll give her a few bonus points. Baby Oxy Clean was used twice in one day yesterday...along with rubber gloves! Only because they were very cute outfits were they saved. Can I say how much I admire the generations before me who had to scrub out diapers and didn't have the luxury of a washing machine. And no doubt had a minimum of 6 kids all close in age. Sadly this has resulted in nothing explosive today, so she has had a tough night getting settled - guess who is back googling about Baby Poop...ahhhh.

We had lovely visitors today, little friends Chloe and Isaak, along with Mommy, Krista, a coffee with Newf and our favorite - Baby Einstein on the TV set. It gets me in my regular clothes, showered, teeth brushed and make up on...we love BABY E. So, that is the excitement around here, I have great plans this week to visit a new little boy-friend for Greta (don't worry Erik - Greta is still your gal), get by work to visit, make a batch of bits and bites to share, attend a Big Brother Finale Get together, and I forget what else, but I have something else in my agenda...good thing I wrote that down. Hope I wasn't suppose to do that something today!

Hump Day tomorrow already, hope it's a good one. Toodles for now!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Rainbow Bridge just gained the best...

Today has marked a day I never dreamt was possible, I thought my pets would live forever, but today my beloved 16 year old beautiful boy Paris passed away. It was the most difficult decision I have made, I waivered for weeks, but felt I could not bear to see him suffer and get any smaller and more uncomfortable. I know many couldn't handle being in the room when he passed on, I am still shocked I could, but after all Paris has done for me, I felt I owed it to him to be with him in his final moments and show him how much he meant to me and how much he added to my life. It was a heart wrenching experience, but it was the least I could do for my companion of so many years.
Paris was always a "big boned" kitty and to see him in recent months become a skeleton was painful to say the least. Paris has been with me for so long, I essentially spent my adulthood thus far with him by my side. I thought for sure I would always be known as that crazy cat lady, you know the lady who loves her cat more than humans, who used the cat as a psychiatrist, confidant, best friend, pillow, foot warmer, boyfriend approval expert, you name it, Paris was it. Paris did have a run for affection when Scarlet joined my world, I went from crazy cat lady to crazy dog lady, but Paris was my first "born". I always had pets growing up, but Paris was the first cat that I purchased and who was all mine (which meant the Vet Bills were all mine). She "illegally" lived in the UPEI dorms for a bit, moved to Belvedere Avenue with me, and finally to our current home. She has seen me through 4 relationships, too many roommates to count, 15 Christmas Seasons where her ornament proudly hung on the tree and has been the focus of I'm sure a million pictures. So, it certainly was not an easy day, her fur has collected many a tear, and today was no different. It was so difficult to watch him die, and the guilt is overwhelming.
I am happy he survived long enough to be a pet to Greta, even if it was for a short time. Kids loved Paris, and the feeling was mutual on his behalf. I only wish I had more friends like him. He provided friendship, loyalty, companionship, undivided love and affection and unconditional acceptance every day. People should take lessons from animals, the world would be a better place for sure. I hope I was a good enough Mommy to Paris, you always want to be the person your pet thinks you are! I don't believe in heaven, but I certainly know there is a special place where animals go, and it's exactly where I hope to see him again, I have a funny feeling I will win my spot in the animal heaven. May you enjoy Rainbow Bridge my dear friend, I am sorry and saddened but thank you for being my beloved furry kid!
Rainbow Bridge....
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here,
that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends
so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine,
and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor;
those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again,
just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing;
they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers.
Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass,
his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet,
you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again.
The happy kisses rain upon your face;
your hands again caress the beloved head,
and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet,
so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Rising Sun

Gail reporting from the Great room, 6:52am on a Wednesday Morning, I have just watched the sky go from pitch black, to a lovely pink, to a golden amber....sounds majestic doesn't it...well, I'd rather be sleeping! I can see pictures of the sky, I want to have my eyes closed, cozy in my bed and Greta sleeping, but SIGH...not meant to happen today. Lord, I'm being blinded by the sun now!

The little miss, all 10lbs 1oz of her as determined at her latest Dr's appt, was cold and woke up crying around 4am..I wrapped her up, feeling dreadfully bad that her hands were not warm during the night and she heats up as I enjoy a hot chocolate (did I ever want to spruce it up with some Baileys! - for the record, I refrained). I knew she wasn't hungry (bonus point for the Rookie Mom - I can at least figure out the hunger issue), so I thought I would just hold her for a bit, then head back to bed. Well, that lasted for an hour, of course, as I went to put her back down to sleep, she thought she would need food...I have now been up for 3 hours, very much self inflicted and she is now cozy, fed, and zonked out...which means she will most likely now sleep until noon, the responsible person would say, screw a nap, I'm going to get ready for the day, clean up the house, should make some formula, etc...but I think I will just return to bed.

The past week has been one of recovery, sickness and dare I say it, a few accomplishments. Biopsy is now a week behind me, and I feel normal (well, my kind of normal, not a normal persons kind of normal), results will be in on Friday, so we'll see how normal or abnormal I am! If for some reason it appears that down the road I'll need a new liver, I'll be sending out a request for donors, it's just a slice I'll need, and think of it as a weight loss offer...surely the liver weighs something, so instant drop in pounds, not to mention time off work, being waited on by nurses, fed 3 meals a day, and since there is not a hope in hell I would have such a surgery on PEI. well, we could make it a Toronto vacation! Think about it and consider no more liquor for a bit, I want a good piece of liver, not a pickled one.

Sickness - the animals, and not just one pet, all three, because that is the way they roll. And my animals NEVER get sick on a work day, during regular Vet Hours, animals think it's amusing for me to spend extra money on them during weekends, evening appts and my favorite, holidays! Casanova had an emergency visit on Labour Day - ching, ching for the Vet. He is now on the mend after some fluids and antibiotics. Scarlet is being watched for bladder stones yet again - not impressed as they were given a urine sample to test, they did, but forgot to call me, and like a typical Dr, they say if nothing is wrong, well, they just won't I have gone a few weeks assuming all was great...WRONG. As I'm getting the update about Casanova, Scarlet's name comes up - they forgot to call me and her test showed some signs of potential stones...I will not be a happy camper. So, on this sunny morning, I'm out walking in the dew, following Scarlet around with a dish trying to collect pee...not my most glamorous morning (for the record, I give the Vet the dish, we don't ask for it back). And finally the last pet in my furry kid circle is Paris, my 15 year old baby. Paris sadly won't be with me much longer and I know the right thing to do is to humanely let Paris go, but it's very tough, not just an easy call to make, although Darren has been anxiously awaiting this day I think for 8 years now. Isn't it funny how men pretend to like cats at the beginning - but the true colors always shine through...FRAUDS, that is what you men are, FRAUDS! Also tough when I am about to make the call and Paris jumps up alongside me and starts to purr...I think for a moment, he is really not as sick as he looks and the call doesn't get made. We'll see!

And accomplishments, lets see what the Rookie Mom can report...

1) Greta finally passed the 10lb mark, 10lbs 1oz and 22 inches long at the Dr on Sept 7th - passing grade on feeding her enough!

2) We successfully ate at a grown up restaurant with my friend Jenn. And no, it wasn't Maid Marians, we had a lovely lunch at the Maple Grille while Greta quietly slept in her seat the entire time, phew - no embarrassing moments, check mark for Greta!

3) No major diaper blow outs, now the shit still stinks, lord, is it ever gross, but I have not had to consult Google on Baby Poop for an entire week, or throw any outfits in the diaper genie!

4) I only check her temperature 3 times a day, not the 10+ times that I have been use to - less psycho check!

5) I have finally moved Greta to her big crib - she still does not like it, but Darren does! No, he is not sleeping in it, he likes that she is in her room! It has only taken 2 months (2 months I must add that I had absolutely no desire for her to be in a bassinet in our room, it was the thing I was most opposed to prior to her arrival, but I also had no idea how difficult my recovery would be and how crappy my health would be...our bed is 4 feet high, getting in and out was not easy, so to walk to the other end of the house was too painful, not to mention it allowed me to check her breathing 50 times a night (holy frig, I'm glad that has subsided some), what is the real accomplishment-I just have 2 monitors in the room. I have the Angel Monitor set up, you know the one that beeps if she stops moving / breathing (can I tell you how opposed to this I was too, I'm a freak), and a regular monitor is also in the room, you would think I was an operator, listening to all these monitors, but you know, just in case one fails, the other will still what if they cost $250...SIGH. So what if I watch the ticking pendulum symbol on the angel monitor that indicates it can detect movement in lieu of watching her breath, so what if I have all this technology and still can sleep through the sounds...

6) I haven't told anyone off all week, thought about it, but didn't.

7) I have not bought tons of stuff for Greta this past week, I'd be lying if I said I bought nothing, I mean, there was a sale on Robeez shoes and a girl can't have too many shoes you know. However I have a job ahead of me, I need a baby shoe rack, well, I need a huge shoe rack for her 20 pairs of shoes she has accumulated thus far, but the big shoe racks are a tad too wide, why don't they make shoe racks for kids!!!

8) The toenail is making an appearance - remember a month ago, when I tripped up the stairs on my way to the Dr's appt and in classy fashion, ripped off my toenail...well, my nail is growing back. It's not pedicure worthy, but soon, I don't care if it will be snowing out, I'm going for a pedicure as soon as I have 10 toenails to paint! On a side note to my tripping incident, a friend posted this week that she tripped going up the stairs to the Dr's appt...I know it's tragic, but it was the best laugh I had all week....I declare it's the stairs, not clumsy people...really, the stairs are not positioned right, they are too high or something...I may start a petition to get them replaced, it will save a few other mothers an embarrassing fall and arriving in the OBs office to get a band aid.

And talking about inventions, I will end with what I think is missing in the world -

Ride on Vacuum Cleaners - Why hasn't this been invented???

Sleep Time Spray - I mean, a little squirt on the kid and presto, baby will fall asleep

Make Up Cloth - I'm not talking to take the make up away, wouldn't it be nice to have press on make up, just press the sheet up against your face, and presto - you are made up for the day. Granted my luck, I'd have it upside down, so my lips would be on the forehead and the eye liner would look like I have chin hair or a moustache.

Well, this blog post is now finished, at 7:58...Greta is up, the zonked out look was a can this child not want to sleep...I mean she has been up for hours. I may just put her on the floor with Scarlet and let Scarlet play with her for a bit...isn't that what puppy siblings are for!!! Better run, my water is boiling for the 2nd hot chocolate of the morning - this one will have a splash of happy juice in it...