Someday my prince will come, but Daddy will always be King!

Someday my prince will come, but Daddy will always be King!
Daddy's Girl


Welcome to my Blog.

Life greatly changed as Darren and I welcomed Greta Claire to the family. I started this blog 5 weeks pre-parenthood; I thought I would learn to Blog as a hobby and to occupy my time when I was awaiting baby and tried my best to continue through her first year of life to document some of the ups and downs, funny moments, scary moments, etc. While I greatly enjoy sharing our adventures, it has been hard to stay committed to regular posts, but I certainly will do my best as our little girl is now 6 years old and full of comic relief, bright ideas and the most amazing quotes! So, enjoy the adventures of Gail and Greta, I somehow seem to find the most interesting things each day, so this is the truth blog, how things really are, what I'm really thinking and could be interesting!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Babies and Tiara's (not quite)

Winning Photo
So, you know when everyone thinks they have the cutest baby, well, hate to burst the bubbles, but there are a lot of babies that start off a little rough around the cute edges. I was actually looking back at a few of Greta's pics, and I do think she was a fairly cute little newborn, but wow, do I ever think her looks have improved with age. She did have a pretty well shaped head, and her eyes were sweet from the beginning, but there are a few pics that I have to say - why did I share those. And I was looking at the Facebook Comments - she is beautiful, cute, OMG Adorable - and then I realized, people have "standard lines" as over the past 9 months a lot of babies have been born and the same people who commented on Greta's pics, also know these new babies and guess what, they are making the SAME comments...the standard lines. I try to refrain from saying, look at all that hair - only because people know it's my hidden meaning comment of yikes, your child is ape like, but I have actually seen a few babies recently that look mighty cute with lots of hair, but I'm almost afraid to write that in case the hormonal mama will have a break down because they know what lots of hair usually means to be - I'm calling their baby an ape, sometimes I have gone as far as writing, "Really, I'm serious, I really, really mean that the baby is cute!" Anyway, I now can say - I do have the cutest baby! Well, at least the cutest baby of submitted photos during the months of December to March on Canadian Mothers Resource, but that is just a few details, really, I have the cutest baby! Miss Greta Claire just won her "first" photo contest, and with this win comes a generous gift certificate for Toys R Us. Looks like the little miss is holding her own for income and off to buy herself a new car seat and maybe a few new toys. We'll be the practical parents and make her buy something she'll need (car seat) and what is left over well, we'll let her pick out what she wants (because 9 months old surely can point and say, that is what I want). Darren thought she would like an XBox, but she voted against that - with my help. It was a lovely surprise, as I must admit, I totally forgot about submitting the photo. I submitted the picture because so many were saying, you really should submit a photo to a contest - so thanks to all who persuaded me to do so. The gentleman who called to tell me the news of the win was so kind, and it was almost funny to hear him say how cute she was, and how the picture was adorable. I could see the girls saying it, but to hear him say it just struck me funny. Anyway, I think we were both pretty proud. Now, this DOES NOT mean I'm off to the pageant world and we'll be recreating a Toddlers and Tiara's scenario, I just got a lucky shot of a cute little grin and a wide eyed tilted head little Greta, the truth of the matter is, I probably took 50 pics to capture that one perfect shot - a professional photographer I will not be. I hand it to those who can do children's photography, it wouldn't be for me. On to other news - well, I don't have much news, it was a lovely weekend, a tad chilly and it has come and gone too quickly. The big accomplishment of the weekend - I have Greta's 1st Birthday all set. Yes, it is 3 months away, but I was online shopping ( I know, shocking ) and found the perfect birthday dress, NWT (new with tags for you non Ebay users) it has a sweet band on the dress that says Birthday Princess, so I had to get it, the big dilemma, the size, I bought 12 months, it was the smallest I could buy, so she has a lot of growing to do, or her birthday pics will be taken at Xmas instead of June. She is currently wearing 6 months, I bought her 9 month summer outfits, but I feel optimistic she'll look cute in the dress even if it is sweeping on the floor. And on to my other favorite online shopping experience, Etsy. For those that don't know much about Etsy, it is the homemade goods version of Ebay. All items are hand made, so I order clips, bows, hats, you name it. I found a sweet ad and inquired about birthday items and have just placed an order for homemade invitations and a homemade birthday banner (in pink and brown of course). Can't wait to see them, the buying experience has been wonderful. I can just sit on my butt and hit a few buttons and presto, everything is taken care of. I'm starting to realize I would make a good hermit. So, that ends another weekend, and almost the end of another month. Where does the time go! In two months, I'll be preparing for my first day back to work, I'll enjoy the next month or so lounging in my pjs until noon, what a challenge it will be to wear real clothes other than pjs and yoga outfits, I'm afraid I won't remember how to zip up dress pants! And I better practice wearing my high heels, slippers just won't cut it as office attire. I'm on a roll for posts, but just in case I don't make it back this week, have a great and enjoyable week. For my friends returning to work after their year maternity leave - good luck and enjoy the adult conversations, for one special person who is going to kick cancer in the ass, good luck with your radiation treatments I will be thinking of you and to those coming for a visit, I thank you in advance and am looking forward to seeing you!!! Toodles!

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