Someday my prince will come, but Daddy will always be King!

Someday my prince will come, but Daddy will always be King!
Daddy's Girl


Welcome to my Blog.

Life greatly changed as Darren and I welcomed Greta Claire to the family. I started this blog 5 weeks pre-parenthood; I thought I would learn to Blog as a hobby and to occupy my time when I was awaiting baby and tried my best to continue through her first year of life to document some of the ups and downs, funny moments, scary moments, etc. While I greatly enjoy sharing our adventures, it has been hard to stay committed to regular posts, but I certainly will do my best as our little girl is now 6 years old and full of comic relief, bright ideas and the most amazing quotes! So, enjoy the adventures of Gail and Greta, I somehow seem to find the most interesting things each day, so this is the truth blog, how things really are, what I'm really thinking and could be interesting!

Friday, October 29, 2010

A Whole lot of Sh*t (And I'm not talking about Greta's)

Howdy my fellow readers....Hope this note finds you doing well. 12:13 in the Edgett-Gallant Household, the Gallant part of the house is sleeping, the Edgett-Gallant part is sleeping and low and behold, that leave the Edgett gal on FB, Email and now my blog. Tired, actually quite exhausted, but I can't seem to sleep and thought I better get a note out in case I don't have a chance on the weekend.

So, lets see what has happened since I last posted...Oh yes, I had my first ride in an ambulance! Fun times. After writing my blog Tuesday night, I had actually commented how I was going to bed early, little did I know it would be a long night. I had chills / then my lovely hot flashes / then chills again - I had fleece pjs on, a down comforter, fleece sheets and a hot magic bag, 5 minutes later I'd be the opposite (well, still kept clothes on, can't get crazy you know!) That went on for a few hours, as I tried to get sleep and continuously woke up, the dizzy spells I had experienced earlier in the week seemed to intensify, finally I hit the point that my vision was affected and I couldn't stand, was blacking out. I called down to Darren who was having a comfy rest in the man cave, that I needed to go to the hospital - but what do I do first...Have a bath!!! Ha, if I'm going to the hospital, I thought it would be good to at least shave my legs! Well, I then have a freak attack as I'm feeling quite bad, and said maybe we needed to call 911...Darren dialed away and explained what was happening and we were really asking for advice but they said they were sending someone to assess me...They arrived - which I must admit felt like a long time to get here, but the attendants were wonderful. I'm feeling part embarrassed, somewhat relieved, as I knew how I was feeling was not normal. I was well enough however to gather all of my drugs in to a ziploc, my allergy bracelet, my medic alert, my hospital card, and the instructions for each of my drugs - how organized of me don't you think!!! I even wrote notes for the attendants and Dr's just in case I passed out, just so they knew all my medical condition, how many pills I had taken, who my Dr's were...I think I was a pretty impressive patient. As I sat at our counter stools and they started to hook machines up to me, I started to realize I may not be imagining feeling heart rate was bad, my blood pressure in the normal range (which is bad for me, as it's usually low), and blood sugars were, they announce they are getting the stretcher and taking me in. Poor Scarlet looked more scared than anyone, Darren was holding her and she looked so sad, kind of "where are you taking my mommy look"...I assured her I would be back and off I went. Have you ever been taken down front steps in to the night air on a stretcher...I am sure they knew what they were doing and I know I'm a bit heavier with this water weight, but I thought they were going to drop me. My head was pounding and the little bump at the end of the stairs almost had me jumping to the sky. I get in the ambulance and it wasn't what I expected...tons of lights, which were really bothering my eyes, they hooked me to a heart monitor and call the ER and about 5 times explain that I'm 36 year old female with elevated heart rhythm...UMMM, I didn't call them about my heart, but it seemed to be what they were focusing on...They put an IV in (ouch, right in my damn hand, the worse spot but they couldn't get a vein in my arm) and then off we go. It was a long ride, we only leave 3 minutes from the hospital, it felt more like 20 and I have realized, I'm a pathetic back seat driver, I need to know where I'm going, so to be backwards in the ambulance, and lying on my back, just sucked...didn't like it at all. I arrive and guess what - the cute Dr's were not on..SIGH. Just make my life worse! Oh, it was the ER Doc that can't speak English and was rude. Oh well. The nurses were excellent and again, in with the heart monitors, blood tests, booked for Xrays. I'm quickly realizing, if you are sick, just call an ambulance. I received excellent care and I'm sure it's not just because I looked like death and my heart was funky for some strange reason. But are you ready for the verdict...keep in mind, I'm assuming I'm going to hear news that it was my medications that were messing with me, well, it kind of was, it stripped my immune system and despite living in a bubble and to my knowledge, not being exposed to anyone with an infection, I have a sinus and inner ear infection, which was taking me off balance and making me have the black out episodes..SIGH, I took an ambulance, called 911 and I have a damn infection! WTF. Anyway, it was a fun experience, and yeah, something to blog about...See, there is a silver lining!

Of course, what does spending the night in the ER mean, well, other than I'm exhausted because you don't sleep while there, it means I was told to "stay off work"... humm, guess the Dr doesn't know about maternity leave as he was told a few times I had a 4 month old. But seems I wasn't allowed to move my head in any quick motion, lift, pretty much just needed to poor Darren had to stay home and do Daddy Duty and Babysitter to me for the full day. For his co-workers reading this - I really am this sick, no one can make up this crap! HA. I think spouses of sick people should get another week off in their leave, call is "holy shit she is sick again and I have to stay home leave". Believe me, it's no vacation, I can be quite demanding!!!

I spent the day doing very little, but rebounded a bit today, I feel a bit better and no dizzy spells (should back up, have 2 more prescriptions to add to my pill box) and desperately needed my hair done, so thankfully managed to get an appt. I had to take Greta - now, she was an angel, otherwise this blog would have been called My Nightmare at the Hair Shop - but she really was perfect, for 2 full hours, she entertained the gals at the shop, had a little snooze, starred like crazy at people and didn't say boo. What a relief! I then had to rush home, give her some food, and rush back out as it was needle day. Poor little thing. Second time we saw real tears flow from her eyes, the first was at her first set of needles. Three needles in the legs, I would have cried if it was me too, she screamed and the little tears filled in her eyes, quite sad, but she rebounded quick and within a few minutes was all better. She has been sleeping since 7:30pm tonight (which is her normal bedtime), so here is hoping she does okay and there are no major issues that will follow her tragic little experience. Knock on wood, so far so good! And since she didn't receive a live virus in the vaccine, I can be around her...Good thing, as Darren may have been ticked!

That is the day thus far. Made it to the big shop of Walmart tonight as well, needed more Halloween treats and had to buy a few little things for our extra special trick or treaters who make a special trip to the house each year, can't just give them regular old candy, I save that for the strangers. Of course, me going to a store - on pay day to boot - means my candy order somehow became $85 worth of items. One more Xmas gift for Greta - NOW I'm really DONE!!! This time I mean it, I'm running out of room and I'm going against everything I believe in toys (in that I don't want my house to look like a day care - so that really is it, but she needed a stroller for her dolls and it's a walker)... Good news is, I'm being quite specific on the items I've bought...and we have my old office as her toy room. Where we can shut the door. Thus far, I have to admit, I'm quite pleased that the house still resembles my house, have to love having an office off our main room that I spend most of my time, one push of the baby stuff in to the side room and a closing of the door and presto - Adult house again! I ended the night making a batch of cookies for a friend and to share with company this weekend, the house smells lovely, who needs air fresheners when I bake cookies every few nights - I am vowing not to eat any, well, maybe one or two just to ensure they are edible, but I'm packing these ones up and sending them out of the house. I had hoped to take my little Halloween Kitty Kat around to a few places tomorrow, but we'll see what the day brings, if not, and for those reading who are not here on the Island or I won't have a chance to see, I added a pic of her first Halloween Costume and a few pics of her best buddy Erik at the pumpkin patch last weekend. I hope she will learn to love Halloween Season as much I do. Kind of sad that I don't do my halloween party like I did years ago, but times change I guess, now I will just have a little one to live vicariously through!

So, another October has come and almost gone. As I was looking at my emails tonight and seeing my year in review and the emails automatically deleting I realized this exact day last year, I was in the hospital (what a shocker)...some may remember, others are new to my life via the blog, but I was one of the few early sufferers of H1N1 last year, I spent a week in and out of the ER, and last year on this exact same day I was there...and I was there on the 29th and the 30th. On the 30th, the Doctors informed me that I was pregnant. I will refrain from all the choice words I said on the 30th of October, 2009, but it had a few things to do with you incompetent idiot Doctors on PEI know NOTHING, do the test again! Well, I guess they were right...although that first day they said I was having twins...Anyway, that day was Darren's birthday...and rest assured, there is no hope I will be in the hospital on his 37th birthday finding out there is a baby on the way - I won't rule out I won't be in the hospital fingers crossed we can have a regular birthday celebration, Dr and shocking news free! All for now, have a great and Spooktacular Halloween! Thanks for the continuous support and comments about the blog, I have a lot of fun writing it and it's fun to see how many are reading it and enjoying it, I get a few notes every day, some from people I've never met, others who I know through friends of friends (and sometimes of friends of their friends). Never take anything personal from my comments, just my view on a few things and the daily happenings in my mind and life, with a few exaggerated comments here and there - well, just a tad exaggerated! I have never claimed to know squat about parenting, but Greta is doing very well, so our wing it attitude and go with the flow has worked. Or for once in my life, a little luck has decided to shine on me. We have a baby who is growing, all be it slow but soon she'll be 13lbs I'm sure, she is pretty darn cute, is always well dressed, has a sweet personality and thankfully is a great sleeper, so we must be doing something right...oh, and she loves the hair dresser and shopping! But again, this blog is about us, we are just sharing our thoughts and our days with you and if you like it great, if not...why keep reading!!! HA! Better go test those cookies! Signing off, 1:09am!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Football - The Real Story

Football - yes, I said the "F" word. Darren is having a tough week, seems his Quarterback got hurt, had an affair or is being accused of something inappropriate - whatever the case, Darren has been complaining. Now, I don't despise football, I leave that term for baseball. I grew up in a football family, my father coached football, played when he was younger and the games were always on and lord do I say it, I was a cheerleader and spent many a cool evening cheering on our team on the football field, so I actually do know the game. I still however am not interested in putting on a jersey or paying much attention. So I thought it was time I looked in to the football terminology and help others out there who may not be football savy but who every Sunday become a Basement widow. Greta has actually taken to the game and seems to follow the players on the TV (yes, I know we are letting her watch TV) but if I didn't, I would be with her morning and night and Darren would not see her on Sundays. There are a lot of great Mom Bloggers out there and "Because I said so" posted the best football lessons so I took it upon myself to pick out a few favorites, expand on some and do my duty to all the Sunday basement widows to help out understand the game a little bit more, hope you enjoy!


Automatic first down - when the referee drops his yellow hanky on the field and the boys run over it and fall down on it, the ref gets mad because his hanky gets muddy and that's gross. Then he moves the football away from the players as punishment and says, "automatic first down".

Blocking - This is when a couple guys smash into each other. Sometimes it looks like they're dancing with each other, but don't say that aloud because shirtless, beer-swilling guys with their stomachs painted blue (purple and yellow if you are a fan of Darren's team) would be offended if you implied the players were anything less than manly.

Carry - From Sex in the City - but she spells her name Carrie and is married to Mr. Big - although I would have left him after he didn't show up for the wedding!!!

Dead ball - if the players step on the ball with their pointy-bottomed shoes and it deflates, it's dead.

Down - Comfy comforter, goose or duck!

Eligible receiver - this is the term for the single, available men who catch the ball. This term could also be used for single women who line up to catch the bouquet at a wedding.

End zone - the place where the players hope to get a few times during a painful 4 hour game, followed by a spike of the ball and a ridiculous dance for the TV viewing audience.

Field goal - The goal of the field is to...hmmm, I'm not sure what it is. I think it has something to do with kicking the ball.

Formation - See all the players in a bunch on the field? It's not totally random. I know! I was surprised too! It's actually a specific formation.

Fumble - Depending on the team - this is when Darren's language becomes very inappropriate for Greta's innocent ears and causes major booing from the crowd.

Gridiron - It's another name for a George Foreman grill. I'm not sure why it's in my glossary of football terms other than because George Foreman is a famous football player - or was he??? He was some sports person!

Halfback - Who is Quasimodo, Alex?

Interception - When the fans start groaning and the other side jumps up and down and screams in excitement and you try to figure out why everyone's moving in the opposite direction suddenly. See reverse.

Kickoff - When a player kicks the ball and his shoe flies off.

Offensive - This is referring to the smell that comes from the players after a game.

Pass - When a player hits on a girl and gets charged with being inappropriate (see above comment about Darren's quarterback)

Quarterback - the guy who throws the ball and gets paid the most

Referee - the guy on the field in the zebra costume who always makes bad calls against your team and fails to see all the fouls the other team makes.

Right Guard - men's deodorant

Scrimmage - I don't know what it means, but it's fun to say. Repeat after me, scrimmage, scrimmage, scrimmage...

Sidelines - Where the coaches stand to block your view of the field

Snap - The fastening device that holds up the players' pants

Tackle - A box of fishing lures and such

Touchdown - This is what the players spend two+ hours trying to do

Hope this little dictionary helps a few of you out there, it's quite the game. Since Darren's birthday is this weekend, I'll give him his day of football watching, without commenting on what a waste of a day it is - really, Sports Desk shows all the highlights at least 10 times a day, a lot of hours spent watching a game when you could just catch the main highlights over and over and over again. Oh wait, we have a $300 cable bill that pays for all the football channels - I guess he better watch them!

Besides that lesson - since my last post - I'm still puffy! I took it upon myself to reduce my meds a bit early, bad decision on my behalf as I took a little weak spell and tumble yesterday, thankfully I managed to get Greta in to her crib and didn't drop her and I made it to the phone to call for some assistance, but lesson learned - lack of food and playing with dosage is not a brilliant choice. I have spent a fortune on Ebay and online shops - I'm bored and it makes me happy, so what can you do!!! I'm going to bed early, well, early for me, don't feel caught up on sleep, but maybe it will pay off eventually. Thankfully Greta has been sleeping great, and she has a good Daddy if she does wake up during the night. She has been going to bed by 8pm, ideally it would be great for her to get up by midnight for a bottle, but she will either make it through to early morning, or look for some food around 2 or 3am, but then sleeps until 8:30 or so...So, sleeping through the night for the most part - we'll take it! And my favorite holiday is upon us - Halloween. The house has been decorated for awhile now and we'll have to get our big display up for the kids on Halloween night, we'll be having a fairly low key day and giving out candy, and Nov 1st, Xmas will take over...I have been collecting Xmas decorations for Greta's Bedroom Xmas tree, it will be the first one I do this year for sure, too many cute things for it sitting in bags in the spare room.

Well, quite the hodge podge - Football to Xmas talk...Enjoy the week everyone. Hopefully by the time I get to blog again, I will be able to report the puffy face is coming down - granted, if we don't get a lot of kids for Halloween, the extra Halloween treats could cause a puffy face too...will have to give out handfuls to those who show up at the door!

PS. Still looking for recipes for my Xmas Recipe Book - I haven't received many, so please share a recipe, it would be greatly appreciated. You can send it to,


Friday, October 22, 2010

Shopping cures everything...

 to check out Rachel's work....

I came home this evening to find lovely photos in my Email Inbox from Greta's personal photographer (okay, she does take other people's pictures), but since Greta pretty much sees me behind the camera an hour each day, nice to have someone who really knows what they are doing snapping photos / and better yet, editing them...So thank you to Rachel Peters yet again for the lovely visit and photo shoot with our little diva (and diva she was - smiling was not on the agenda, but when you are so cute, you don't have to show a gummy grin!). So a few of my favorite shots for my "followers" are above...but let's put aside the fact that Greta is pretty cute - she has also been fairly annoying. Now, for those grasping their hearts and thinking, how can I say a baby be annoying...well, they can, and I don't mind admitting it. I have been annoyed, I have raised my voice this week in frustration, I have opened a bottle of vodka (okay, that is not true, but if I didn't have liver disease I would have - and I mean, I really, really wanted to!) Greta has been fussy, and I know babies are fussy at times, but Greta really hasn't been, but off and on now since mid September she has had these periods where she will scream, cry, fuss, whimper and we can't figure it out. I started to think she may be bored, under stimulated / over stimulated at times, we can figure out the hunger and the diaper requirements, but when all seems okay - what do I do - Go to the Internet - FUSSY BABY in Google will lead someone like me to sites that say Diabetes, serious abdominal infections, name it, I can find the worse pages out there on the Internet and convince myself there is something really wrong. So much so this week we headed to the clinic. Now, I have been to the clinic many times, the last two times they almost killed me with drugs that caused an allergic reaction so it took a lot out of me to go in this direction, but this unusual behaviour was worrying me too much and our family Dr was away. Well, we arrive and I go to register her name and didn't want to bring her in with me - there are sick people in there, I can't be around sick people, and I don't want Greta in there either, so I kindly ask the receptionist at the clinic if she thought it would be a half an hour as I would just stay in the truck for a bit - she laughed, the kind of laugh that was saying - who do you think you are and not a hope lady - she then said, it's more likely 2 hours...TWO hours, to sit with a baby who I think is sick, but don't want her exposed to really sick people. So what do we do, take the baby to the grocery store! She likes it there, I have quickly realized the inevitable has happened - she is calmed by shopping. I think she likes the lights, the colors, the people in the aisle's who look at her but can't tough her because I always have a net over the car seat and I know she likes the sound of my card going ching ching / whoosh through the machines. I actually had her to the grocery store a few times this week and most times, she falls asleep or just looks around. It's when we stop rolling in the cart and buying (when we are in line to pay) that she may make a few sounds. By the time we finished at the store, we head back to the clinic, this is an hour later - and they still have a long way to go, she was #35 on the list, they were at 17...we didn't stay.
Thankfully I did manage to get her in to our Dr today, really lucked out, and guess what, she doesn't have any major diseases like the Internet said, she is just a normal baby who cries - not an exceptional baby who just never makes a sound (although that is a nice thing too!) All it took was a little drive up the street and a little shopping, and presto - instant cure. It always makes me feel better too. The Dr was kind enough to still treat me with respect and not laugh and say, you silly first time mother, she really listened and did say it does sometimes show a warning sign for a baby to all of a sudden become fussy - but in this case, nothing to worry about. We did get her 4 month assessment out of the way, yes 4 months old already! She is now weighing in at 12lbs 2oz, finally weighing what Scarlet does, and she is growing in length, 23.5 inches. She is still on the low end of the charts, but that is okay becausecshe is still able to wear all her little clothes, so a nice bonus. So many said not to buy little clothes as she will grow out of it so quick - well, 4 months of wearing 0-3 months - I'm pretty pleased! I did get a bit of a lecture - I was going to try Greta on cereal, I mean my baby book indicates I had cereal at 3 weeks, and I know the new "rules" say 5 or 6 months, but really...this changes yearly. But the Dr did say hold off until she was 5 months....and then I was asked - does she following things well, and focus well - and what do I admit - YES, she loves TV. Not the thing to say to a Dr I guess...She said books and music would be better. OF course they would, I know that too, but in 4 months, I have not once had to sacrifice having a shower, getting my make up on and having my hair done (fine the hair is in a ponytail, but still, it's done for me)...and WHY can I accomplish all of this - because of Baby Einstein DVDs and Little Bear on the cartoon station! I totally agree, kids watch way too much TV, and nothing drives me more insane then a young kid playing on a video game non stop or sitting in front of a TV all day long instead of playing outside....but I want a shower and the TV is my assistant for an hour a day...and Greta focuses so well....
This post was going to take another direction, but I must admit, I can barely see the screen, it's now 2:45am, I have been suffering with insomnia (some due to my medication) but it's caught up with me and I can barely move my fingers and I can't write I'll just have to leave you with our Dr visit story for tonight and the lovely photos from Rachel. I really do think shopping cures everything, may not cure debt, but I have felt pretty good this week, got a lot of shopping done via the Internet, have I said lately how much I love Ebay! I am pretty sure the Fed Ex truck should be arriving every few days for the next month after the work out I did via Ebay and Paypal. And if Greta can feel better and be calmed by a little outing to the store - I guess who am I to go against it.
Enjoy your Friday everyone, so hard to believe another week has come to an end, wishing you all a great weekend and I promise to post again soon..

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Puff goes the Dragon....

My morning pills - bet you are jealous!!! I was filling up my old lady pill case and thought I'd snap a pic....take 3 others besides these...Gummy grin.

Daddy got my exercauser together with limited curse words and mild frustration! But I love it.

Smiling gal.

Mommy and Greta.
Greetings from the looney ward...well, I'm not really in there, thought about it, really..really..really thought about it, but I don't like hospital food, so I figure I'll stick it out at home. It has been a tiring week to say the least, one of puffiness, grumpiness, sickness, hospital and Dr visits and a lot of Sh*t ( of the real and figuratively speaking variety). Greta stinks lately...I almost lost my cookies this morning (really, I had a cookie for breakfast and I almost gagged it out).

Greta has been smiling tons lately (maybe because she is pooping so much), but the last few days she has been a real charmer, she has a funny looking grin, all gums of course, but she seems to tilt her head and wrinkle her nose a bit when she smiles. She looks so big in the pictures, she is definitely getting bigger, but if she isn't sitting beside something or someone in pictures she looks bigger than what she is. SIGH (that is me really sighing as I type I'm starting to hear her through the monitor, it's 10:21pm, she should be sleeping for the night, WHY is she stirring!!!) Off to check, this may take awhile to write tonight's blog!!!

Wow, 10:23pm and I'm back already - have I blogged before about how much I love Sleep Machines and soothers!! Well I do. Her sleep sheep went off, it's set for 45 minutes, started the ocean again and gave her the soother and she spit it right back out and off to sleep...well, maybe!

Back to the week though! Oh yes, Greta smiling...I'll add some pics to show the latest grin, she did quite gummy grins today. Nana has been on the Island teaching all week so she had nightly visits with Greta and nice for an extra set of hands to hold Greta and feed her as she is enjoying being entertained more and more. I tried to entertain her by letting her watch me do my Turbo Jam video - I was kind of wishing she knew how to do CPR, about 8 minutes in I thought I was going to die - lets just say I'm out of shape and haven't done the video in 14 months...I had to take a break (had a cookie and a glass of water) but kept on going and finished...should do it again, but my damn legs have been killing me - I mean, my calves were that sore I could barely walk to check on the baby that night. So, that may have been entertaining, but she seems to get "bored" easy. Hard to believe a 3.5 month old can be bored, but believe me, she lets us know, the attention span is about 15 minutes, so we have brought out a few new books, new Baby Einstein videos and her Time for Tea Exercauser. Now she is a tad small for the exercauser, but I stuff a pillow in the front of the seat and presto, she can dangle, soon she'll be able to reach more of the items but for now, she seems to enjoy being upright and looking at the items, it's quite the toy, Daddy thought the same thing when he saw the 100 parts and attempted to put it together - he claims the instructions were poorly written, if he looked at the picture like most men, it would have been a simpler job to understand, but I'll give him a break on this one, it's together and she didn't fall out (and I have a lot more things for Xmas to put together so better not tick him off). I tried to refrain from shopping, and I did pretty good - I seem to grocery shop a lot, and I mean a lot...we have enough food in this house to survive months, maybe a year, so I do think I should try to bake what is in the cupboards and make dinners with what is here...that will be my goal for next week. I did do my weekly visit to the Children's Exchange today, for those on the Island with kids - go check it out. I stop in once a week, it's a new and gently used clothing store for kids, with Greta still wearing little sizes, I find the items in excellent condition and better yet sometimes the tags are still on, I find the best brand name items. Today's finds, 2 pairs of Gap Pants, a Laura Ashley Sweater, 2 Carters items, a beautiful Janie and Jack knit cardigan and matching pants, a Ralph Lauren dress (that was marked down to a $1) and I think a few other tops. All for $21...And NO she didn't need any of it...but, it was all cute and she'll wear it, I bought a variety of sizes. And brand new GAP pants for $'s like I'm shopping in the USA. I glanced at the little boy stuff too, adorable items and tons of Carters and Old Navy and Gap items. That was my big outing today, and I had Greta with me so we didn't get to many other spots.

Friday was a good day / bad day...Good for me / Bad for Darren!!! I had called my liver / crohns specialist on Wed to tell him I was puffing up like a balloon and was going crazy with the medications, it resulted in a bit of worry for him when I said my face and legs were quite bad, so I got in for a Friday appt. My liver blood work showed significant improvement, so one month of the poison they call medicine really did work, I hated the side effects and the water it has put on my face and body, but my latest numbers (which at one time were almost 700) went from 479 to 176...that is really good, I still need to get to 5-20, but at least it's going in the right direction. The best news from the appt, they are going to start weaning me off the high dose of steroids, so currently I'm taking 6 of one pill a day, for a full week starting Friday I reduce that to 5, then next Friday to 4, then I have another visit and more blood work to see where I am. Over time, they will get me on the lowest dose possible to stabilize the liver damage and ensure the numbers are not going up...not sure if that makes sense, but essentially, they may be able to get me down to 2 steroids and have it stabilize. I didn't come out totally free, I may have lost one pill - but I gained 2 more, it will be the replacement. But are you ready for the side effects and precautions. Well, first, it can cause cancer (but not to sound cynical, everything you read about causes cancer), and considering I have my blood done every 3 weeks, I think they will watch pretty close...but my favorite instructions - I HAVE TO AVOID SICK PEOPLE. Ironically, I am sick with a cold and sore throat...but I can't get "sick", or get infections, nor can I be around people who just had the flu shot or vaccines (now, Greta goes in 2 weeks for her 4 month needles, I'll have to see what this is all about) but I think it's more because the flu shots contain the live virus or because people can get symptoms within 48 hours. Needless to say, I'm not allowed to get the shot! So, I'll be living in a bubble, people who wish to visit will have to get the medical okay by moi to colds, sniffles, no sick kids, no sore throat, cough, infection, if you pass that, I will lysol you at the door, give you alcohol hand sanitizer and you can come visit - sounds like fun don't you think...ha! No, I won't be that severe, but will take it seriously at the same time...I just can't afford to have any set backs and since they are suppressing my immune system I just won't be able to fight it off and I REALLY, REALLY WANT TO FEEL HEALTHY for once! If you see me with a mask, don't be offended!! I'm still going out in public, to restaurants, I'll just be extremely careful. And don't let this be an excuse not to visit, we still haven't seen a lot of friends, so if you are REALLY sick, definitely wait til your better, but just let me know, would still love to see people, can't shut myself off from the world.

Now, I did say I wouldn't blog about Darren's issues (to him) .... as much as I want to (boy oh boy do I want to only because I think it would be a great laugh for people and I laugh about it thinking about what to write)...but lets just say even though it was a given already, Greta will 100% be an only child and Darren has been thankful for Frozen peas....and I was such a nice wife, I even bought the frozen peas and carrots! (Okay, not really nice, they were cheaper than the bag of peas, I was thinking of saving 40 cents...ha). I think he is milking the pain card a little bit...he can suck it up...9 months of being prego, c-section, 2 biopsies, crohns and liver disease...he doesn't know what pain is...if all I had to do was sit on a bag of frozen peas and pop a tylenol, I'd be in heaven! If things couldn't get worse for him, he goes to lie down in the basement this morning at 6am and comes upstairs furious - the furnace that we had a plumber in for 3 hours last Saturday to fix was leaking and flooded the basement including 5 feet or so of the finished room...seems the plumber FORGOT to shut off a lever, so it's been slowly leaking in to a bucket we had in the room, but it overflowed finally and kept on flowing...Plumber was back to clean the mess up, we are just hoping there is not tons of damage and we have to rip up the floor...time will tell...It never fails!

Now another day to enjoy before the work week starts, I think I'll check out the Dunes sale and buy myself a new piece of pottery, bake some cookies for the week, and start making my Xmas list for USA shopping - fun times I tell you...Mom is back for another full week of teaching on the Island, so it will be a busy week.

Stay healthy everyone - would be nice to have visitors sometime during flu and cold season!!!


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A Shoppers Guide

So the time has come to give my 2010 Shopping Mecca Guide to my fellow USA shoppers...This has been a special request by a North Conway novice, so let me put on my professional shopping hat (who am I kidding, it's always on) and give you a few pointers!!!

I must start by saying, cross border shopping is the way to go, I certainly do my share for the PEI and NB Economy, so I don't feel overly guilty, but there is something about the deals in the USA, the different shops, outlets, restaurants that just make me smile a bit bigger.

So, off we go to Maine and New Hampshire.

For my NB / PEI and NS friends, you are most likely crossing at the NB / Calais Border, there is now a new border crossing, but I do prefer to cross at the old one and the reason being, one store called Marden's. Now, believe me, Marden's looks like a whole in the wall, it's not overly attractive, but if you look (and I admit it's hit and miss) you have potential to find some gems. I have found shoes, books, decorations, but it's the seasonal stuff I aim to find, last year I bought Xmas bags and wrap so cheap, it was about 80% cheaper than what I would have paid at home. I remember being told to stop in and walked in the door and thought, okay, the person knows nothing about me and my shopping habits, it looked like a dive, but wow, did I find some deals, so now it's a must for me. From there, we do our usual stop for cheap USA gas at the Irving, and then on to Subway for is that for creatures of habit. Now, here is the deal on meals - don't waste your time on food - you are there to shop!! Oh yes, go the bathroom now, the airline route has very few spots for Bathroom Breaks!

I must pause here, I'm starting this blog over, I hit publish, I had so much written out and lost it and it didn't believe me, what you will find below is not as detailed as what my original post was...for now, I'm going to send along some links and give you a few of my favorite spots.

We usually stop in Bangor, tons of great stores, Kohls, Target, Burlington Coat Factory, the Bangor Mall, even the super Walmart is a must stop ( you name it, they sell it)... Bangor is really easy to get around, the stores are quite central and convenient and I know you will enjoy your stop! But food is what is on my mind when I think of Bangor...let me suggest Bugaboo Creek - and definitely get the blooming onion - I've been craving the 5000 calories for months...can't wait! It will make you sleep well after a long day of shopping! One thing I love about the USA - Lemonade...all the restaurants have it, low calorie or regular, some have various pop intake is lowered drastically as I get lemonade everywhere.. They even have a gluten free menu. Now, don't be shocked, I don't eat meat, but this is a steak house, there is something for everyone.

Augusta Maine is right off the highway and worth a stop in, a huge Kohls store that I always find good deals at, a sports store, Bath and Body Works, a few outlets, and lots of restaurants...and a nice break or central location to stay. But for us, off to North Conway we go.

I love everything about New Hampshire, I feel more at home there than most places, maybe because I seem to recognize the staff at the various stores (are you ready for this, there is a retired gentleman originally from Fredericton) who works at Banana Republic, I took him down some poppies last year and pins...after going so often, you really do remember people, I know they don't remember me...but that is okay, they are still friendly and like to take my money. Settlers Green is outlet heaven, you park the car and everything in there in a compound....check out the stores. For kids, Carters and the Childrens Place have insane deals and great discount can't not stop, even if you don't have kids, if you have kids to buy for, get your butt in the stores. I always find good deals at the Gap and Banana have to know your prices for most stores, but believe me, you will be paying less at both of these stores. If you are looking for hair products, the hair shop has amazing discounts on items, Nike has great deals and well...just shop! It's like money is no object when you are down there.

But don't just stop at the outlets, the Christmas Tree Shop is right across the street - Don't you just love a bargain...gosh I love that jingle! And TJ Maxx right beside it. For the pet lover, head up the main street and there is a great pet store, with the owners pets guarding and greeting the shop...downtown, there are wonderful jems to discover. Zeb's General Store is a must stop, even if you are just going to look around, it's such a neat store and great photo opportunity with the bear sitting outside on the porch. You will find some wonderful local establishments, primitive decor, leather shops, 10 cent store (although nothing of course is 10 cents), but it's just a nice walk. Check out the old Conway Train Station too...

Eating is not an issue in North Conway, tons of of my fav's. Are you ready...Friendly's! I just like it! But check out a few of the local establishments. Darren swears Delaneys has the best pulled pork sandwiches ever. In the summer there can be an hour wait to get in, no doubt with the busy November shopping weekend you will see a wait, but it should be worth it.

And if you are looking for a more formal dining experience, about 15 minutes outside of North Conway, in Albany, NH is where Darren and I got married, at the Darby Field Inn, with the night sky going dark so early, you may not be able to enjoy the mountain views unless you go for a delicious breakfast, but the fine dining will not disappoint...

So, these are a few suggestions, anyone travelling in the coming weeks will definitely understand my love for USA shopping...and stop at the border and pay your duty. It's worth it, Islanders pay 5%...make sure they mark your purchases as clothing, you are allowed $400 each for under a week but over 48 hours...not nearly enough, but when you are just paying 5%, believe me, better to be fairly honest and let them know what you spent instead of them searching the car. Oh, and stop for liquor on the way's just too cheap!

Enjoy your travels, and be safe! Oh yes, since this is Greta's blog - I must give her one little sentence - she won't be coming with us...she will be enjoying a weekend in NB with her cousin Haley, Aunt Sharon and Nana and Grampie...there is a sign at the NH border - it says, no kidlets allowed if you want to enjoy your shopping experience!!! HA!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Smile baby Smile

Whatcha talking about Mommy!!! Smile - not a chance!!! This pic just cracks me up!!!

First Sears pics from two weeks ago, 3 month old Greta had a smirk for the camera.

Looking like a little smile....

And the do's and don'ts... I'll remember this for next time.
How hard can it be to get a 3.5 month old to smile???

Well, Miss Greta smiles all the time, until the camera comes out lately. She pouts, drools, sometimes smirks, but she saves the big smiles and grins for the moment the camera is out of sight. Our friend Rachel kindly came by on Thanksgiving weekend to take some family shots, and Greta, although I'm sure gave Rachel a few cute poses, didn't give the laughs like we had hoped. But how silly of us to have such expectations. I mean, we were doing our best, waving, toys shaking, funny faces, funny noises, and guess what...we looked like fools and the smart 3.5 month old no doubt was thinking, you tall people look like idiots and are really annoying me. Now, my idea of family photos was decided upon because my liver treatments are changing my appearance on a daily basis and I thought maybe it would be nice to have some pics taken before I blew up anymore. My esthetician Andrea kindly did my make up as a Welcome Greta present, she contoured my cheeks, did some fancy work, but within a few hours, the meds took over and my face became rounder and rounder. After some research on predisone I have learned this side effect it called Moon Face. Believe me, it's no damn half moon, we are talking FULL MOON...round, round, round full moon. It's beyond depressing (also a side effect), and although it comes and goes, the water retention in my face actually causes pain as the skin seems to be stretching to the max. I signed up for an online forum of auto immune disease patients and it was sad to read all the stories but at the same time comforting to know there are others dealing with the same issues and trying to deal with treatments. I learned moon face is temporary and I should return to normal when the drugs are reduced, I have a long way to go unfortunately, it has to be a gradual decline of the meds, but hopefully it will be reduced soon. I find out Thursday how my blood levels are and fingers crossed Thursday will be the day I start a drug reduction. Anyway, that was the reasoning behind family photos, the most photogenic of the day...Scarlet. We went outside for pics and who climbs on Darren's lap - the dog... She was smiling!!!

So, round two of photos was today at Sears. I took Greta to have some pics done in her Halloween costume...this time, two trainees, the photo manager and myself, waving, toys squeaking and shaking and not a smile. Actually, it wasn't a good session at all, it had such potential though. She had a great 11 hour sleep (I know, all rejoice with me - praise the sleep angels, the child has been sleeping fairly consistently through the night), she drank her bottle in super good timing, just sat around while I got ready for the day, burped...all the things on the "don't leave home without Greta doing these things list" was accomplished, but we got there and she just didn't seem happy to dress up as a Kity Kat. We were even on time, a few minutes early...well, as I was waiting for them to set things up, she burped... then a few upset moments during the photo session had me lifting her up and down and as I made the decision that today just wasn't her day...she settles - by spitting up on me. Now, we have had some power pukes, but this is the first time since she arrived that spit up (I mean gross curdled milk) landed on my pants...gross me out. Well, only good thing, only cost me $29 today...I didn't order many pics, the one in her costume actually is more a head shot with her fist in her mouth. Got one in her jean dress too, again, no smiles...But let me tell you, the second I got her in the car seat, giggly and smiles all the way.

Not much excitement to report, we had a lovely long weekend, two Thanksgiving Dinners, one at Darren's Aunt Rose's with cousins and I hosted one for us and Mom and my old neighbour, Janet yesterday. Darren is so sick of chicken and turkey that he BBQ'd burgers tonight for supper. I however could eat chicken sandwiches most days..

I'm off to dream land, praying Darren hears the monitor as I do hear a few chirps and I don't think I will hear her once I'm asleep. Just took me more than an hour to put these few words down and I'm too tired to go back and spell check, so excuse the errors. All for now..and smile for the camera!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Mommy Outing - Not for Me!

Erik and Greta had a movie date today - well, Amber and I went with them. Once a month Empire Theatre's opens the doors for Reel Babies, a chance for Mom's to get out to see a movie and you can take the babies. The volume is turned down low, soft lights are on...there was suppose to be changing tables and toys, etc according to the website but that part wasn't there, instead, there were about 40 mothers with 40 babies, newborn to a few years old out to see You Again. And AGAIN we shall not do!!! Not that it's shocking to me, but I'm really not the play date / Mommy get together type! I would much prefer to hire a sitter and go to the movies - that would be a fun play date!

Now, Amber and I did not hold out much hope that the two of us thought this would be a spectacular afternoon (oh yes, this was the first issue to start the day). I thought the movie was in the afternoon, at 1pm, however Amber called around 9ish to say, guess what, the movie is at 11am, talk about some quick moving and shaking...Greta was just getting up, I was actually just getting out of the shower, needed to pack up a bag, feed Greta, get dressed, make up on, all within a fairly short period of time...but I managed and got out the door on time and to the theatre in loads of time to get a good seat. It looked like it may be a tad promising.

We walk in and we hear what the movie experience would be like within seconds: WAHHHH, Sneeze, Cough, HACK, WHOOP. WHOOP (that is my translation for the kid who was damn well barking behind us with some kind of strange hacking cough that should have notified his mother not to take him out around other babies - but to each their own - I just covered Greta up with her mesh to try to keep a few germs out). So, we take our seats and Erik and Greta are golden...Greta is asleep, Erik is looking around the room and having a bottle. It seems loud, but we are confident when the movie starts all the kids in the room will hush and it will be a relaxing 2 hours just like real life at the movies. NOPE, not the case. The movie starts and so do the kids, it was as if they actually knew the movie was about to start, I'm not saying all babies were crying, just half, some were giggling, some were screaming with delight, others were howling, regardless of good or bad noise, you could not really hear the movie. Then I realized all these other good mommy's were talking to their kids, playing with toys, reading to them...hell, I went to watch a movie, I wasn't taking stuff to play with, I thought this was adult time that you just happened to take kids to. Within 2 minutes, Amber and I looked at each other and started to laugh, an uncomfy laugh that meant, we are not quite like the other Mommy's around us. We didn't look like we were enjoying the experience of being at the movies with babies. As other mothers were whispering sweet nothings in their little ones ears, I am now giving Greta the Riot Act on how she must behave and not embarrass me (oh yes, as the movie started, her little eyes opened). I am then thinking - why are the mothers not taking the screaming babies out of the room...but then I quickly realize...everyone is a mother in the room they are "suppose" to not mind the noise...I am in hell...okay, that is a tad of an exaggeration, hell would have been if Greta was screaming, pooping, barfing along with all the other babies. Our kids were pretty good, but it was not my cup of tea. I struggled to hear the movie, I seemed to watch other mothers, well, more like stare thinking if I stared long enough they would take the screaming child out of the theatre to settle them down, and I was looking at the attire of course of the other babies, some were dressed cute, but Erik and Greta were very well dressed for their outing! All in all, it was my first and last experience to Reel Babies. The funny thing is, I have no doubt, most of the mothers in the room are or will be monthly regulars who thought today was wonderful, a fun morning! I did try, I went thinking it sounded like it could work, but I figure if they really wanted to make it a special experience, let the mothers go to the movies and supply babysitters...that is my idea of a play know, Mommy's play, Babies are watched by someone else!

I have decided since we have a lovely home theatre, that comfortably sits 5 all in lazy boy recliners, I'll host the next Movie Date, we'll order up a movie on the Movie Network, I'll cook the food and munchies, and the kids - well, we'll have stuff for them to do in the corner! I think it will be a much more enjoyable afternoon for the non-play date loving/ mommy outing person like me. Oh yes, should add, I did take Greta out of the theatre she was getting a bit fussy / hungry and I heard some "noise", including a smell, my nightmare...ahhh shit! Well, off I go to find the changing tables they said were there - but none to be found, it was my first time in 3.5 months I needed to change Greta in a public place and there was no changing table, so she was changed between two sinks in the girls bathroom (remember that next time you put your popcorn down in the bathroom ladies!!!)...I did clean up, but others may not have! Thankfully, it was a false alarm, no messes to clean up, PHEW!

Besides this experience today, life seems to be flying by. Greta is 3.5 months today. We took a drive to NB to surprise Haley for her 11th birthday on Monday and ended up spending the night and I shopped, shopped and shopped.

I have had a request to do a NH shopping entry - it's coming...I'll get my thoughts together and can't wait to share my favorite things about New Hampshire - stay will be a non baby entry - as everyone knows, Baby's and NH are just not a fun mix!

Erik and Greta
October 6, 2010

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Random Things

Hello my's a hopping Saturday night in the Edgett-Gallant Household. 9:25pm and I'm in my pj's (black and white, old lady like pj's at that), Greta is resting on her knit blanket on the couch beside me, it has become a nightly ritual (it works and will continue), Darren is playing with his iPhone, and we are waiting for the ball game to finish so we can watch COPS. Okay, beat that for a happening Saturday night. Sadly, pre-Greta, it probably would have been the same!

Overall, the week was fairly good, EXCEPT Friday...Holy I experienced a whole new level of CRANKY. Greta was off, and by off, I mean she was quite the little bear. It was the first day since she arrived that I can honestly say she seemed distressed, upset and loud during the day. She has experienced a few evening fussy periods, but I had a friend stop over to visit (thank you Heidi) and Greta just seemed to whimper throughout the visit, then cried, and then...well, she screamed as the afternoon progressed. I called Darren at 3:30 and said, get to the pharmacy, get me the Ovol Drops, and don't stop anywhere on your way home....I actually ended up taking Greta for a drive which did work, so I'm thinking a bit of exhaustion, sore belly and a little tooth bud all lead to a tough day..on both of us. Of course, it's me guessing...what do I know! No fear though, I did go shopping and all was good with the world again, and she actually accompanied to the grocery store (ha, lord, TV night tonight and Grocery store on a Friday night - now that says it all). For the record - we did give her a drop of the Ovol Drops tonight and she is sleeping well and no sore belly, so gassy babies - check it out. She according to the instructions should be 4 months, but I just gave her a 1/4 of what was allowed, it was worth it to not have her in pain.

So, here I am thinking of what to write for my blog and I remembered almost 2 years ago the 25 Random Things note was spreading through Facebook...essentially, you had to give 25 Random Facts about yourself that others may not necessarily know, or to give an idea of who you were...Well, I re-read mine tonight and although many things are true, WOW, have things changed. My Random Things was written when I was still a hold out on getting married, was thrilled how acceptable it was for 30 somethings to not want children, how I loved my pets, etc...Well, I think it's time to update that list of Random thoughts and facts, so here it goes!!!

1. If I had to get married all over again - I would do it exactly the same way - ELOPING was the best decision, and despite lots of disapproval and hurt feelings, I would recommend it to others and I don't feel one bit guilty for getting married how we wanted to. Helped that I married my best friend.

2. I was born in Ontario in 1974, moved to NS in 1980, moved to NB in 1987, moved to PEI in is on the Island I have remained and have made my home, but given the chance or opportunity, I would move again.

3. My pets have been my most loyal friends and companions, nothing can compare to the love and affection of an animal. They don't judge, don't complain, they respect you and need you and want to please you...people could learn a lot from them! I love Scarlet more than most people love humans, Casanova has become more and more lovable and affectionate over the years and it broke my heart to lose my beloved Paris this September after 16 loyal years.

4. I love to shop (I know, you can't believe it)...I love buying for others, I love giving the perfect gifts (well, perfect to me), I like planning on what to buy, writing lists of what to buy, online shopping, USA shopping and just browsing and finding that great deal. It just makes me happy and shouldn't we all do what makes us happy...oh yes, and I'm broke because of it, but you can't take the money with you at the end of the day, so I'm going to leave behind a great legacy - a VISA, MC and AMEX balance!!!

5. I am not the healthiest chickadee on the block. I have been poked and prodded and zapped and cut for years and years, many ask how I do it, but I honestly don't know how life would be without it. That isn't necessarily a good thing, but it's my reality so I have to go with the flow. After years of various Dr's and Specialists, I have crohns, liver disease, anemia, vitamin deficiency and I somehow get up every day and put my make up on, cover up the dark black circles that have cursed me my entire life and I live with the pain and annoyance of being "sick"... but it could be worse...and for that, I guess I'm pretty lucky.

6. The liver disease is the worse diagnosis....only because it's the worse treatment. After gaining just 18lbs while pregnant and thankfully losing it (for the most part), being insane about my body image my entire life, I am forced to take treatment that is puffing me up like a damn blow fish...I am neither impressed, nor okay with the treatment, but I also want to, puffy vs. complete liver failure - you will be seeing me with a chubby face! SIGH !

7. I love primitive decor.

8. I love New Hampshire, it's my happy place - no doubt because it's my shopping haven, but I love everything about it, the smell, the mountains, the restaurants, the hotel, the locals, just everything.

9. I really love our home, it has always felt like home, right from the moment we saw it, and I think it was the perfect place for us.

10. I love Halloween.

11. I can't wait to start decorating for Xmas, which I will as soon as I return from New Hampshire in November. I have 4 big trees to put up, 6 little trees, and 9 rooms to decorate - so I'm justified in starting early. You would think it was my favorite holiday, but I actually just like the pre-Xmas stuff - come Xmas Day I enjoy time to myself and could stay in bed all day.

12. Okay, you are all waiting for my Greta comments...Well, on June 24th a Mommy and Daddy were born. And never in a million years would I have thought that would be a title I would have. I know how lucky we are to have had a healthy, beautiful baby girl, who has thankfully moulded in to our lives like she was always part of the grand plan. In 3 months, our lives have changed so drastically and we can't imagine life without her.

13. I actually think Greta is one of the cuter babies out there...and it's not the "all mothers think their kids are the cutest type of feeling", I actually look at pictures and think - UMMM, you are pretty darn cute!

14. For those who have wondered where Greta Claire's name came from, well, here it goes: I was looking for a Scandinavian Name that started with a G (that cuts down on the choices), and I needed something to match with Scarlet O'Hara, so Greta Garbo was the natural choice (okay and the extra detail, I liked the combo of Scarlet and Greta - for puppy's...)but in my defence, Scarlet is like a real human to me, so it's not like I just gave the future puppy name to my was more like I was giving human names to my pets because I loved the names. Clair was my grandfathers name, although he went by Eldon, so Claire was always going to be the middle name we just added the E to make it more feminine! Greta has both of our last names - because ... well, just because! And I love her name, I know many didn't, but she makes a cute Greta!

15. Having a baby has made me realize who our friends are and who they are not. We were warned it would happen, and I was in denial, but to those who told us the real friends will surface and the others would disappear, my goodness you were friggin right! And the interesting thing, I'm perfectly fine with it, understand it, and don't really let is consume any time or energy.

16. My niece Haley is still one of my favorite kids around, she turns 11 on Monday, I just can't believe it, but so proud of what a great girl she has become and how great her self image and attitude is.

17. I'm still not a kid person - just because I now have a Mommy title, didn't change my views on all kids...I am still not the baby lover who will rush in the crowd and say, stand back, give me that baby to cuddle...nah...I tolerate Greta's puke and crappy diapers - I don't want to smell others...ha!

18. I think Greta is one very lucky little girl to have such a wonderful Daddy. Darren has done nothing short of EVERYTHING, and then some. He has put up with me being sick and in and out of the hospital, learned very quickly how to diaper, feed, comfort, bath and love a little one, not to mention continues to change the cat litter...he deserves a medal!

19. Everything I am or hope to be, I owe to my mother. I hope Greta can some day say the same.

20. I'm terrified that I won't be around to watch Greta grow up, I know my reality will some day mean I will need a new liver, and will be much sicker than I am right we'll make the best of the years we have and hope it is for a very, very long time. And...pump your charity money in to Liver Research - I may be needed a slice of yours!

21. I feel like shopping on Ebay, so I have to come up with 4 quick things...

22. I'm not really missing work like I was at the beginning of Maternity Leave. I feel a year is too long to be off, only because I found it hard to return after a week holiday, so a full year off - YIKES... but I've found myself a little bit more of a routine and socialize through email and Facebook, so I don't feel quite as lonely as I did when I first left work. I do miss my work friends though, and happy I'm still in the loop!

23. I hold grudges...bad trait for sure, but can't help is too short to be bothered with people who disrespect you or hurt you...

24. I am happy this list is almost over, as I can't think of anything except the fact that Greta hasn't crapped in her diaper all day and how messy it will be when she does...

25. I hope Darren is on diaper duty when #24 happens...

That is it, the newly updated 25 Random Things - October 2, 2010. Amazing how 18 months can change your life! All for now, TOODLES...And for the record, it's now 10:48, Greta is whimpering a tad, and pouting in her sleep, America's Most Wanted is on and I missed it all, and Darren has slid away to the basement, no doubt to sleep. Happening Saturday night continues!