Someday my prince will come, but Daddy will always be King!

Someday my prince will come, but Daddy will always be King!
Daddy's Girl


Welcome to my Blog.

Life greatly changed as Darren and I welcomed Greta Claire to the family. I started this blog 5 weeks pre-parenthood; I thought I would learn to Blog as a hobby and to occupy my time when I was awaiting baby and tried my best to continue through her first year of life to document some of the ups and downs, funny moments, scary moments, etc. While I greatly enjoy sharing our adventures, it has been hard to stay committed to regular posts, but I certainly will do my best as our little girl is now 6 years old and full of comic relief, bright ideas and the most amazing quotes! So, enjoy the adventures of Gail and Greta, I somehow seem to find the most interesting things each day, so this is the truth blog, how things really are, what I'm really thinking and could be interesting!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Laughter is the best medicine

Greta and I have been on the move, not quite sure how I am moving as my back feels like it has been rolled over by a truck, I am soon going to need a walker to get around and a man servant to lift everything for me, but alas, we have been busy. Yesterday we struck out for a quick drive downtown to pick up her pictures from our Fall Photo Shoot with Rachel Peters. We ended up having a lovely visit at Rachel's new office and Greta looked so cute in her little owl hat, an impromptu photo shoot started happening! Always nice to have a photographer friend with an eye for cuteness! Now, I think everyone needs to have professional friends, Carpenter, Painter, Electrician, and Mechanic. Sadly, I don't so I have come to the conclusion, I need to expand my friend base!! Anyway, Greta and I ended up visiting and no doubt keeping Rachel from her work, on the way out, low and behold I pass by a window and two old co-workers - who now work together again are in the same another visit! It was wonderful to see everyone and catch up. Since I'm down town and Greta is pretty wiped from all her visiting, I decide to head in the Confederation Court Mall...well, this bad back issue was not helped along by carrying a 14 pounder in a car seat on my hip, ouch! I did manage to find a few Xmas presents so it was worth the pain, but we quickly returned to the car and I was wishing my Deep Rub (smelly nursing home type liniment was with me!). And what do you know, we have been on the go for almost 3 hours, at this point, I'm getting close to starving the poor child, but she is still in a good agreeable mood so we are passing by Darren's office so we make a quick visit. Sorry to his co-workers who missed should all stay at work until 4pm..ha! We tried! It was then off to home and we had a hungry little gal.
Our new favorite item these days is her new Jumperoo, this contraption was recommended by quite a few friends as the must have item, so of course, I assume I must have it and had bought it on sale before she was born and it has been just sitting and waiting for her to grow in to it. For those out of the baby lingo, it's the fancy version of a jolly jumper but instead of dangling from the door frame, it's a stand alone jumping seat that she sits in to and as she bounces she is rewarded with lights and music (the music is getting old, thankfully - as all toys that come in to the house, it was confirmed there is an on / off switch). Of course, Greta seems to be on the shorter side, well proportioned, but short at the moment, so her legs don't hit the ground so we have a quilt under her to give her some bouncing leverage. It's quite comical to watch and she is greatly improving from a few bobs up and down to this morning where I thought she was going to bounce out of the seat, she hasn't caught on to the fact that there is a bar she can hold on to, instead she seems to fly up and out of the seat if she gets a good knee bend. But as you can see from the video I have attached, last night had an added event...she laughed for the first time. She had giggled a few weeks ago, but it was a quiet little chuckle and she hasn't done it again, well, she went full force last night, laughing for 10 minutes over Scarlet running in the house after her toys. Nothing like a baby crying to make you laugh yourself, I was taping the video and was laughing so hard the camera was all over the place, so I hope you do enjoy watching and get a good laugh from it yourself.
After this happened, I was in rush mode. I had supper plans. I felt bad for Darren, we had originally planned to take Greta with us, as my oldest and dear friend Chris was in town and the 4 of us were going to strike out...but I'm not a huge fan of kids in nice restaurants (okay, it's my pet peeve, and without a guarantee of Greta's evening behavior, we chose not to risk it), so Darren yet again agreed to stay home with Greta when I got out for a lovely dinner. Probably one of the best dinners I have had in some time, so kudo's to the Merchantman Pub, you may have won be back, as I wasn't overly pleased with a few meals. Chris and I had a great time as we always do, laughing about life, people, events and now, we can add kiddies to the mix. Overall a great night and thanks to a great Daddy who wanted to stay home with Greta and relax I had a fun night out...almost forgot about the pain in my back, but it's still there and I'm paying now for all the running around I did yesterday. Oh, and good news, Darren's window that was accidentally smashed by a rock during my care can be fixed cheaply and put though insurance with no financial increase to his I may be off the hook! MAYBE!
Not sure what the weekend plans will include, we have tickets to the Stratford Choirs Christmas Concert on Sunday, a gift for participating in the home tour last weekend, and hoping to take Greta to see Santa, but everything may be a wait and see based on my mobility, Dr on Tuesday to see about my back - has anyone caught on that I'm falling apart. I feel more like an 80 year old, take no doubt more pills than most of them and I am starting to realize I don't have many body parts still fully operational. Crohns, liver disease, lumps, skin, scars, toes, sinuses, back, knees, ankles, ummm, I think my elbows may be okay and I still have my tonsils and appendix, everything else, yikes! I'm starting to think Darren married me for my life insurance policies, he may be in luck, although jokes on him, I'll leave him with enough debt to just have enough to pay off my bills, better hit up Ebay and check out the sales flyers, I have an inheritance to spend (HIS). No worries, Greta gets another policy, she'll be fine!
19 days to Christmas, get shopping!

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